(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Starts with just 1 meal of solid per day....2 to 3 spoonfuls will do.

Introduce 1 type of food at a time n monitor for allergy.

More to go....bbs's patterns/habits changes v fast. They become more active, curious, mischevious, cheeky, lively, more naughty n have to exercise discipline. But they will be more n MORE fun!!! My boy last time blur blur let us laugh at him, then he laugh ALONG with us n now laugh AT us!!!

hi Sanrio,
Ashrel very cute leh!!! He muz b a cheerful baby!
My boy oso smiles a lot...he is friendly to even strangers..

Ya,I've been busy looking for jobs & taking care of my boy.Hv not found a job yet...I attended abt 12 interviews & applied for almost 100 jobs.Quite disappointed & demoralize..Nowadays,those employers quite rude leh,they never inform me if i am not selected. Some of those interviews that I attended 3months ago, no news at all...I presume it all gone..but at least they shld inform via mail or email.

Ya lor,don't know why my boy oso dislikes to lie down & prefers to sit & play his toys..My mum said beta don't let him sit too much coz his spine still not well developed yet...

My boy name is Lionel...i don't hv a scanner leh..lots of my frds oso ask for my boy foto..

Hi Pringles,
I've been using Pigeon cream for my boy for 2wks plus.I think it is pretty good coz his skin is now clear from heat rashes.The Pigeon cream is available at Taka,Isetan,OG..

hi Jaz,
thks for the website
I'm bringing my boy to see PD to followup for his reflux pro & vaccination this fri.

Did ur PD prescribe any medicine for ur boy vomitting??? My mum said it is quite normal for baby to throw out milk. But what worry me is the colour of his puke.

Hi Nat,
my mum said teething stool is more watery,something like mud.I think mayb Matt's gum very itcy,there's a cream (can't remember the name)whereby u can apply on his gum to soothe the itchness...

your kids' photos are so fabulous....look really a professional's job leh! I'm just going to Tanglin mall walk ard with frens be it snow or no snow....hehee...i like it there coz its quiet..and there are many kids' shops there....think they have a nursing rm too?


18 December sounds good..will confirm again...


i think its not that u are afraid bb photo gets rejected ..if they win, its a bonus.... but its more of the thot that as long as bb is the cutest in mummy and daddy's eyes....that's wat matters most...who cares wat the judges think!! Rite?
Chen Chen poo last Wed no poo until today. My mum called me in the office to inform me the gd news

Wat wz the interval u changed NTUC diaper?

Jul, Avocado
My mum told me NTUC gd very absorbent.
I bot Fitti very thin urine leaks. Once we were in restaurant, Chen Chen pooed n it leaked all over him. We din bring extra clothing wrapped him wif 2 covers. So worried he will catch cold. He wz v v happy when we removed his romper

Ya I read fm bbcentre, it says rice can cause allergy. So better start wif veg n fruits when 1st introduce solid
Your boi vomitted all milk he drank, dat bad. When bb hv blocked nose, hold him up while feeding. Did u consult PD for your boi's vomitting problem?

Jaz, Giggler
I forgot to keep Chen Chen's hair (bit bit only) when my mum cut on his full mth
Dun thank me 1st, I dunno whether the advertising firm will still contact me or not. Hopefully will then our bb can go for audition tog

Your mil went masia wif u in the car not by air?
Har, our MIL the same. Everytime Chen Chen fuss @ her hse, she feeds him water
Lyn's Jerald teething liao
Aiyo, Matt drools dat bad. Chen Chen drools a lot but not to the extent of changing 2-3 times a day or ??

Your boi v v cute!! Your toilet looks v cosy like hotel style
thx for the tips on introduction of solids. i intend to start wif fruits or veg not cereal
Hi jaz,
Thks for sharing the website on reflux. Now i have a better understanding of this.

Sahm n Sanrio,
I love ur boi. So cute

can tell Ashrel LOVES his Bumbo....u hv not wasted ur money on it! He's so happy


Alicia has also been drooling like crazy since 3 mths till now....at one time she was also very cranky and we are thinking the teeth is gonna come soon.....very itchy gums....my frens told me no point buying the teething gel....doesn't really help at all....just let them bite but not on anything hard...despite all the teething rings, i think my finger is Alicia's favourite biting toy...
....diarrhoea/fever plus minus....may not necessarily be linked to teething....the tooth can pop up without these effects....ask Lyn, she shld know better.
Hi sanrio, so the money was well-spent on the bumbo seat hor?

Hi jul, we only give her rice cereals so far. My dad kept pressing me to give fruits like papaya to ease her constipation. But I scared that Vane won't like veggies next time after she tasted sweet fruits.

Hi sahm, I agree that u get to see bb's devt during the session. I saw that Vane was very determined to get what she wanted last Sat when one of the judges played with her. My col told me to take pix of Vane every week too. True lor more to go. Now she knows how to demand for things liao.

Hi shook, I dont like Fitti too. Leaked twice on me liao. It's the hairdresser who asked if we wanted to keep Vane's hair on her full month. We were so mad that she shaved Vane's hair to remember to keep it liao.
Can I jus share something on the job searching part, though this is a bb forum.....

If certain job seems so alright for u, y dun u follow up with an email to the HR, ask abt the status now? I did this n when I got the job, I realised frm some staff in that co was that the HR v laid back type....sleepy head type...hahahahaha..........got 80 over applicant for the job that I was applying...so she just takes her own sweet time to go thru. My email n attached resume at the 2nd time just jumped the q n I got the job.

If U have gd experience/attitude to contribute to the co, then a follow up email is just an extra chance u give to urself. It may turn up u helping the HR to speed up their shortlisting process.

Always mistaken u with soyabean. Think ur r a new mama....bb just born rite? How's motherhood?

My flat is a resale flat n I didnt invest any vanity top for my washrm at all. Just v basic essential....u can see roman mop, detergents, small rag placed in the toilet....hahahahaha....no class at all. Me a practical person lah. Got kids ah, hse becomes cluttered with their toys, bicycle, stoller n high chair......haiz.......

Tanglin mall, dun know leh...hardly go there...out of the way. Only popped by 1 year ago after my checkup at Tanglin shopping centre. Let me know hor.........

Listening to Chris Issak's x'mas songs now...so nice. I LUV christmas! Sanrio, ur bd coming soon.....nat..u gonna be the cheerful host soon. Ur hse looks so bright n sunny. Handsome sam seng Matt gonna be the little host
Just finished reading ur trip/MIL story.....

Ayoh.....MIL's ego sure bruised badly! All those aunties also 'declared' she cant handle Matttas well as u parents?!!! She surely feel hurt n let down. But at least those aunties kind of told her off on behalf of u guys liao.

Is MAtt her 1st grandson? So possessive....

Wow...those mosquito sure was a pest hor.....u saw my boy's swollen eye? Wonder singpaore or malaysia's mosquitoes more 'du'?

When ur helper coming back? Miss her help anot?
Y u mistake me for soyabean? Yeah, I'm a new mum. BB now 2 mth plus
Getting used to being a mother. Enjoying myself seeing my bb grow everyday. That time still so scare to take care of bb so came in here to seek advice. Have been following this thread, hoping to learn from all u experienced mums liao cos my bb will be going thru this stage ina few mths time too
Reading abt all ur bbies developmt makes me look 4ward to my son's growth.
All ur bbies r so cute.
Take heart.....bbs r wonderful creation, so do urs. Boy or girl? U r working mum?

Do pop by n share ur experiences too........

Skyblue, soyabean....both starts with S mah...both of u also come n go, not here v often
. But now I register Edi's look liao...he the darling of soyabean. Heheheheh....bb more powerful than mum's posting!
I agree totally. Bbies r wonderful creations n they're indeed a miracle.
Yep, I'm a working mum but I'm on leave still.
hi Shook,
So far,there isn't any leaking yet..but we've to change the diapers very often coz Fitti is very thin...

hi sahm,
u mean u sent ur resume again after the interview?? if i email & ask them if I am selected,sound like i am desperate for job & I afraid they might taking advantage by offering me lower salary...

hi Pringles & Nat,
my boy started to drool & enjoy lick,suck his thumb,pillow(whatever things which close to his mouth)since he was 3month(now he is 4month & 1wk)..He oso likes to play with his tougue..

Aiyo,we used up lots of tissues to wipe his saliva..I even found it embarass to let other ppl carry him coz he'll "wet" the person clothes or shoulder with his saliva
Hi Guys,

Just got to know this website. My baby girl is 5 mth born on 24 June. Find your discussion very informative & useful as my girl is around the same mth as everyone..

Can I join u guys??
Hi skyblue, have u been taking pix of your bb? Think it's good to be hardworking and take bb's pic at least once a week. They really change as time goes leh.

Hi avocado, sounds like your boi really drool alot leh. Guess that's what bb usu do hor? Put everything inside their mouths.
Hi Giggler,

Ya. Me still busy at work... sigh but can log into internet sometime liao....


feels relieved after hearing that ur boi is better. the swollen eyes were scary........


Chen Chen is so cute......... time really flies, urs can stand up oredi..... dunno when;s my gal's turn.


sad to hear ur trip spoilt by MIL. well, I think all MIL are the same, just ignore them.


hope to see u soon.

to all other mummies I miss out,

it is real fun to see our little ones grow up day by day. and I really hope to see u all soon in the next gathering.

This time, I make sure I have a chance to really talk to u all.

C u ya
Giggler,can we use a photo with bb wearing hat for making passport?

Sanrio, does Ashrel sit upright in the bumbo everytime you put him in there? My bb Dana kept bending her back when she is in bumbo dunno why or is it bec she want to touch her feet.

Ladies, is it necessary to get a steamer to steam bb's food? Any recommendations?
Hi EOng, welcome. I believe more is gd..
goes to show we are growing as individuals and as a group.

Hi Nat, welcome back...
Can't wait to see all u momies again in the next gathering. Count me in!

sahm, your boi looks so gd... the shots are very gd. Did u share receipe on steaming porridge?? I also want to learn lah...

Giggler, congrats to Van...
proud of her!!! hurray!!

Sanrio, ashrel is growing... so big already... hehee... bak bak soooo cute!!!
Ethan growing too... hope to see u at next gathering.
looks like ashrel loves his bumbo.. at least not a waste of money.

Holiday season... I am so happy!! ;p

Jul, enjoy your trip... will u be back in time for gathering? btw, gd that u managed to get refund... regarding the breast-feeding clothes.

PV, hi hi... nice to see u and your little family at Punggol Plaza the other day... ehhehee... now I know how ur hb looks...
too bad, didn't get to see Sarah... but from pics of last gathering she still looks so pretty..
Hi mummies.. i need advice on how to start giving solids to my boy. He is 4mths now, and i plan to start next mth. Heard we should start with rice cereals. Is rice cereals for him to learn to swallow, then we can start with porridge and slowly add fish, vegetable n meat??? If start with rice cereals, any brand to recommend?

And I heard of si shen but not sure what is that. Is it good for babies? Can babies take ginseng? My MIL gave yang sheng to my boy b4 he goes for jab but he still gets fever. Was wondering is he too young to take it, n is it ok to take especially when he has to take the fever medicine after the jab?
hi mummies
wah ... din login for a few days and already sooo may postings ...

hi Jaz
Aiyoh, aloysius's hair all gone ! but nevermind lah, will grow back soon. My girl's hair v uneven also, but i just refuse to cut it
heard from my friends (or is it this thread ? confused liao) that apply BM on bb head can help to grow more hair

hi b2b3m4
Do u celebrate bb's birthday every month as well? I get a cake for my girl every mth. She is 5 mth old today, still cant decide wat cake to buy for today ...

hi pv
I'm also gonna start my girl on solids soon, got quite a few samples from my friend. She mentioned that frisocreme is nice and fragrant.

hi lyn
i'll b trying the brown rice cereal from yu ren sheng, got some sample from my friend. yes can add milk but must cook the brown rice cereal first. I can pm u the recipe.

hi pringles
yah the decor at Tanglin mall is nice, thinking of bringing my girl down to look at all the lightings. Getting my husband to exchange the caltex pts for tickets for the hippo ride so that we can take a look at the whole stretch of lightings
Hi EOng, of course, you're welcome to join us lah.

Hi mummies, found some useful links on intro solids to bb and recipes.

Nutrition for Children

Healthy Recipes
baby food recipes
I change the cheap diapers at least 3 hourly. The NTUC diapers leaked even before 1 hour!! It was just one pee and dunno whether Ian aimed too high or what... but always leaks at the left side of the waist. Lousy lousy... even worse than Fitti Premium, I feel. Actually, I find Huggies Dry Comfort very similar to Fitti PRemium. Baby poo is a big thing... I can understand why your mum got so excited... hehehe.. dun tell me you're not the least bit worried?

Giggler, the photos are so small... cannot see clearly. That day we went to ICA, we were wondering how they take photos for babies who can't sit. Does the parent hold the baby or do they have a Bumbo?

Pringles, still have no guts to send photos for competition lah... hehehe...

POK, hope to meet u again too... aiyoh, my MIL thought u had a boy, big commotion when I told her I met u a dn your girl... she kept insisting till the cows came home that I saw wrongly!

Emily, haven't seen you much... I'll be going to MIM this Saturday to get my top changed for another one. Maybe get another 2 for the Perth trip.

EOng, welcome to the club!

sahm, your boy's photos are really nice! I look forward to bathing Ian like this too!
Hi QSG, we can't use photos with bb wearing hat. It's just that the lady who helped us to take pix find Vane cute with the hat so took the pix for us.

Hi Emily, thanks. Didn't expect to join any contest so quite surprised to win any prize.

Hi amie, I saw this posting that someone post before. Hope it's useful to you.

For babies 4 to 6 months:
- Introducing solids to them. Do not force them if they do not want to eat.
- Still must feed them milk.
- Give only Fruits and Vegetables.
- Start with plain rice cereal or plain porridge.
- Must be of gruel texture.
- Do not cook fruits with porridge.
- Pumpkin in rice cereal: steam a slice of the pumpkin and mash it with a fork. Then add into the cereal. If cooking with porridge, need not steam beforehand.
- Leafy vegetables. Take a few leaves, soak in hot water, then scrap through the sieve using the back of the spoon. can add into porridge or cereal.
- Mashed banana alone can be too dry. Preferably to add with rice cereal. Any type of bananas will do, as long as the baby eats it.
- To soften apple, cook it in microwave. Water should just cover apple. Cook on HIGH for 5 mins first. Not enuf, then cook a little longer. Easier to scrap out.

Babies 6 months and older:
- Can give egg yolk, but must be hard boiled. Never give half boiled egg till 1 yr old.
- For egg whites, wait until 8 mths old.
- Do not give peanuts.
- Porridge texture can be coarser.
- Can introduce fish and meat.
- Fish: any types of fish. watch out for fish bones.
- Meat: any types of meat, including beef.
- Chicken: breastmeat is better. Scrap defrost chicken meat with a fork. Then use a little water to separate them into individual pieces, before cooking. Otherwise, the meat will end up in a lump together.
- Potato: Boil/steam, peel, mash and add milk. If giving mashed potatoes, then do not give porridge. Otherwise, too filling. If adding potatoes to porridge, small piece will do.
- can try wheat cereal. Frisocrem (wheat based) smells very nice, like holicks. Very smooth texture too.

9 mths and older:
- Porridge texture should be coarser then for 6 mths to introduce babies to rice eventually.

By 1 year old, should be able to eat rice, pasta, pizza or outside food. Usually, can stop sterilising by 1 year old.

For bread, just pinch a little and feed.

Do not eat too much protein, will cause constipation

Hi Viv, you buy cake for your girl every mth? I'm just thinking if I shd do anything special for Vane on her 6th mth.
How's ur exam?

Pok Pok,
Glad that u can come in more often liao
Ethel been good?

Vane is so pretty here....I luv these 2 shot!!! SEnd send send her these 2 foto to watever mag too
...her smile is so captivating!
Jul/pok Pok,
Commotion!!! hahahahahah....Ethel ethel...Pok Pok, a boy coming along for u liao lah.....
Jul, u n ur humourous description!

No lah....wat I meant is those that u totally hear nothing, no reply. If being interviewed n no news means gone case lor. Actually, in the interview u can sense if successful anot, rite? Gd luck, dun give up!

Wat a relief! I comply or heng ah.....I almost passed it all for those recommendation. Ecept I dun feed egg white until over 1year old. Also i only gif gor fish..............Frisocrem, I find it ok but some mums frm other thread said it is too sweet? I like its v smooth texture.

Si shen is supposed to increase appetite. It comprises of 4 types of ingredients...barley, wai san n cant recall. Supposed to be gd for bbs. Ginseng NO NO....heaty leh! Yang sheng chinese medical hall pple told me ok to feed but I dun gif unnecessary. Not much harm though.

Welcome n drop by more often................

Not necessary to buy a steamer. My multi-tier steamer is white elephant

Shook mentioned abt BM for the hair growth.
Korean do add ginseng powder to the milk feed of their bbs. Claimed that it is good for eyesight n that account as to y their school kids dun wear spec! However, korea has 4 seasons but singapore is so hot n humid.....so think it is not a gd idea to feed. It really depends on individual body..........
haha... mistook skyblue for me.... u very happy-go-lucky leh... fr the way i read all ur posts...

btw, ur boi v cute... i luv the turban look.

aiyoh... tis thread reali going too fast for me to participate actively...

u hv to count me out of 18 dec outing... i got a wedding dinner dat day to attend.
soya, go to nat's place then go wedding dinner lah...

sahm, dunno how exams went... just wait and see and pray hard lor...

giggler... thanks for info on bb food stuff...
thx 4 sharing the website on reflux

yes take pic of bb every wk. My hubby does dat. U c how fast your bb progress
thx 4 sharing the info on introducing solids 2 bb.
I intend 2 apply leave on the day chen chen reach 6 mth. wanna do something special 4 him but dunno wat 2 do

I m oso a praticle person. My hse only hv necessities, no x deco

Giggler, Avocado
1st time I bot Fitti n dat is the last time as well

Welcome to tis thread

Chen Chen puts everything in his mouth, including his toes He drools a lot too v wet mouth

Chen Chen stand a short while only. My mum said better dun let Chen Chen stand coz he is not stable when sitting. Dun worry your gal will stand up eventually

Chen Chen ok wif NTUC but not Fitti. I like Huggies the one wif Aloe Verla
Ya I m worried of Chen Chen no poo poo for 2 many days but not as worried as b4 tho. Initially brot Chen Chen to PD twice 4 poo problem. now take it more easy
Your baby's first solids are actually liquids!

By about six months of age, you'll probably start noticing signs that your baby is ready to expand her diet. By now, she'll be able to hold her head up by herself, and will have lost the tongue-thrust extrusion reflex, which means she can now learn to take more than just liquid food. She'll also start showing an interest in your food, eyeing meals and possibly reaching for your plate.

Of course, this doesn't mean your baby is able to sit down with a knife and fork. A baby's first solid foods aren't solid at all; in fact, first foods should be semi-liquid, as eating is a skill your baby will learn gradually.

So what can you start with? The most often recommended first food is iron-fortified rice cereal, which is easily digested and the least likely to trigger an allergic reaction.

To start, mix a teaspoon of cereal with four to five teaspoons of breast milk, formula milk, or boiled, cooled water. You can use a baby-feeding spoon, but some experts recommend using your clean finger. Simply dip your fingertip into the cereal mixture and offer it to your baby. Don't expect her to eat very much at a time tiny tummies need tiny portions, and most of her nutrition will continue to come from breast milk or formula for months to come.

Other foods you can start at six months include fruits, such as pureed bananas, pears, and apples, and vegetables, such as carrots, squash, broccoli, parsnips and cauliflower. You might also like to try starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, yam and sweet potato. It's important you offer your baby savoury foods as well as sweet at this stage, or she may develop a sweet tooth.
Just be myself.....Happy go lucky? Think so but I can be rather paranoid n pent up at times too. Still learning to let go.....U guys here are wonderful pple ard to share n learn things!

Wedding dinner does not start so early....do pop by if u r convenient, k? C yah!

Jialark, HOW?....my boi tot all 7-11 own by his ah ma! He will dash into any 7-11, run to the gummy sweet session, flip open the cover n pop 1 gummy sweet into his mouth n run away! Cashier at counter will stare at whoever the adult that is jaga'g my boi then. Dun know whether to pick 100g of the sweet n pay or ti-gong!

All arised frm the 7-11 at my MIL's pl. MIL friend friend with the pple there, so my boi tot can self-service at all 7-11 islandwide!

Dun know 1 day my boi will be charged for theft anot.........
Thanks for all the suggestions on veggies. I'm sill very busy at work so can't really login.

Aelwen just poo tonight and it's beginning to get dryer...the whole lump stick to her butt when we remove the diaper. I'm worried it will really become constipation. *sigh* how huh? Maybe should try to give her prune juice.

Aiyo your boi so clever....good assumption on his part..hahaha
your boi so cute. He is too innocent to understand wat he is doing. Gotta teach him it is n offence
to do dat. Dun your MIL lecture him when he does dat?

I c, u work in n ad agency co. Jaz oso interested to hv Aloy take part in bb audition. send Aelwen 4 bb audition as well
Shook & Giggler,
I was just checking some modelling agencies websites....most of them require min. age 1yrs and above for kids models....gotta wait another 6mths
Dun they require bb model? Hehe....

so jia lat ah in the job mkt?? I still intend to resign and look for another one. Now, a bit taken back liao.

ur boy so cute!!! Haha... I think u juz hv to remind him tat it not own by u whenever u gg to pass by a 7-11.

I really deprive fm sleep!!!! Now I m jiao jiao buddy liao. Everyday sleep ard 5 hrs +. At most 6 hrs. Jia lat leh. If this go on like tat sure become lao char bor very soon.
I tried the pampers dry. Alamak, lousy is the word to be used. Randall kept shifting his backside when wearing it. Guess he not comfortable. I really sick of trying diapers. Papmpers premium really ex but its the only one tat I find it gd. Tried pet pet, dryers & huggies. Anyone using mamy pokko & fitti? Can spare one pc in the next gathering? Haha... Really waste my $$$.
My hubby kept asking to send pic of my xiao yuan yuan to motherhood magz. Haha....
*sob sob* Today I overslept. Woke up at 7am then quickly pump pump pump and rush off to work. When I say bye bye to Randall, he kept smiling and "tokking" to me. I really dun feel like coming to work. Arrghhh....
Fitti really lousy ah? Then forget it. I dunno wat brand to go for
I just bought Prokids to try... all papery and quite soft. Abt 20 cents per piece. I find it ok. But still prefer Pampers Premium, Mamy Poko and Nepia!
sure i can spare u mamy poko
once a while i let ashrel uses this (like 1 hr b4 bath but need to change diaper). but we still prefer pampers premium. if u get pampers premium fit n dry, m size fr some medicinal halls, is abt $23 for 68pcs. px v competitive compared to other brands, so we stick to this. hubby alwy said wait got rashes, c paed, more ex.
yes, heard job mkt quite bad still, so i still keep my job..

the bumbo is quite gd for ashrel but of course he wont sit v long in it. gd for sahm esp alone w bb at hm.
but my best (yet cheap) buy is carrier. somtx ashrel really cranky, no matter which way/style i cari n sai yang him, still yell. i put him in carrier, walk round the hse or go downstr for a while, he will slp. yesdy b4 bedtx, screaming non-stop, put in carrier, walk n sing, 5min zzzzzzz liao.

ur ah boi so cute
ai yo.. mus tell him slowly n repeatedly. kids v smart, learn thgs v fast. ur mil v sai yang him ah..

yes ashrel bend forward, to the left or right on bumbo. i asked many, they said it's ok. paed said bb are not expected to sit upright for long or even a while b4 they reach 6mths, their back muscles are still developing, not too strong yet.
so i let him sit for short while only. can put them on tummy to strengthen their muscles.
if u go supermkt like giant, carrefour, bigger ntuc outlets esp during wkends, quite often they give mamy poko (this brand most often) samples.
can try nepia m size. gd. but px similar to premium. but when nepia on offer (at ntuc), can buy, abt $18 then. else is $23++ i tink.
if i rank: 1) premium 2) nepia 3) mamy poko
NTUc may give samples for Nepia as it is currently on offer $15.90 per pack..have you tried EQ or Sealer? I'm been using EQ..they are quite good for day use..$10.50 per pk
$23?? Oh my god, I usually pay $29.90 and I tot it was cheapest I could get. No wonder I kept complaining its EX. But if I could get it at $23, I would hang on to premium. My mum said the pampers dry (red packing) is gd for those more skinny babies. Randall fleshy fleshy tats y it cut onto his skin.

Maybe I go and ask for the Nepia sample. Yet to try EQ but yest I went Robinson member sale and saw this man who actually bought 6 packs of EQ and told me its GOOD. But I m juz to despair to buy and try liao.

Thanks mummies for the weaning advises.. will go NTUC walk walk c what kind of rice cereals are there

Thanks for the info Sahm. wow, I didn't know si sheng is made up of so many things. I think i better don't give chinese herbs to my boy until he becomes a toddler.
