(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

I hv not start Chen Chen on solid yet but I myself prefer steaming. Nutrient won't loss so much

Aloy looks v boi in his new hair style

I read dat start bb wif fruits n veg 1st. Fish n meat later
Sarah so clever can hold her poo n wee wee. Ghee, she is ready 4 toilet train
I sing 2 Chen Chen "hand hand hand wash your handsome hand, leg leg leg wash your handsome leg....after cleaning say "ok kick kick kick.... sometimes he still wiggle a lot while cleaning him, I will hold his legs n kick like swimming frog style, he will let me ctrl his legs

Aiyo, wat u said worried me. I already pump lesser n lesser in office now. Haven't hv period yet, if period come

I checked my hotmail a/c, oh no I deleted the email fm the advertising firm after sending Chen Chen's photos.
Not luck lar, Vane is a cute bb

generally the staining gets better as the child grows older
just continue helping him to clean and bring him for regular check-ups

oh dear, his eye really quite swollen, hope he's better now
hi berry,
my boy oso suffered fr. heat rashes at his neck & folds of his arms 2wks ago.I applied Drapolene & powder but no improvement.I was tempted to buy Cetaphil & Desitin...Luckily,I didn't buy bcoz he slowly recovered when we tried to bath him with less shower foam...

i used Kodomo baby shower foam(purple one).I feel it is milder than J&J.I think it is impt to rinse him with more water after the shower.Now,his rashes totally gone...I oso apply this cream when he has "break out",small little pimples on his face.can't remember the name but the manufacturer is :Ego.It is a Australia brand.U can find it from Guardian or NTUC pharmacy.

hope this helps.

hi Shook,
I oso hvn't started my boy on solid yet.My mum keeps on asking me to start coz my boy gets hungry very often. My hubby & me will consult the PD 1st coz my boy has reflux prob. Till now,we're still feeding him milk powder mix with porridge water,if not, he gets chokes very often..

Nat will organise the next gathering??

Hi Pringles,
Alicia very cuteee in her flowery swimsuit...
pringles (pringles)

thanks for advise, by the way, how come the doctor never give mi any nasal drop?
can buy outside?

recently dono y my baby kept on falling sick...
few weeks ago, was having loose stool, then keep on crying...till now, having cough, flu..
kept on crying non stop till don have any voice

so sad~
shook, yah, will be starting Sarah on rice cereal first, then introducing some fruits and veges gradually. But because she'll be 6 months already, I was told that actually, she should be able to take most types of soft food that infants take. And also that they progress very fast through the food introduction stage, so very soon, she should be able to eat mushy rice porridge with a little ikan bilis 'powder' sprinkled on top. Don't know if that was accurate info or not :p. So now I'm just going to experiment with making it, see how long it takes to dry fry the stuff, and whether my food processor can crush the ikan bilis finely enough or not etc etc. Not feeding it to her yet lah. It should be nice to eat as a snack for ourselves too

She doesn't hold in her pee lah, only her poo. I'm still waiting for her to start saying "ngh-ngh" when she wants to go, then I may switch her to cloth diapers.
jaz n giggler,
heng heng.. no hole on the swimsuit, only the thread drop off, my mum sew it back nicely.

aloy looks diff, more boi boi look w his new hairdo.

those pic so nice. alicia looks like potential swimmer (last pic)

he enjoys himself in bathtub so much n alwy like wan to 'swim' in bathtub n in his cot (tummy down) so tot brg him go swimming. any reason why cant go if below 6mth.
he v buay si tiam when bathing n i told him, 1 day mummy sure accidentally drop u into water cos my hands really bo lak liao w his wt n he struggles a lot.

if the rashes come n go off quickly esp gone in cool environment, likely it's heat rash.

my boy has v sensitive skin too. prone to heat rash oso. he has slight fungal infection which paed gave 'zaricot'. for his ezcema, 'desowen' works well. i only apply wen v necessary.
for his dry skin, i use cetaphil n apply moisturiser af bath.

hubby v sai yang him but alwy said 'i beat him when he's older if he's naughty'. u tink he will?? keke.. ya lor, busy w ashrel, no tx post n havnt upload pic.

brought ashrel for 2nd jab today. he ah..is 7.7kg at 4mth.
Aelwen is taking the "commercial" type of brown rice. She's taking the Brown Rice with Si Sheng at my MIL's place i.e. weekdays. Then I gave her variety on weekends. At home, I have the Nestle Brown rice and Heiz rice cereal. I very lazy one...just add water. But MIL actually boil it for a while over the stove. I also just bought the Geber cereals that has veggie and another type have fish & meat. Will let her try these when she's 6mth plus. On sale at NTUC so buy first

MIL is going to give her porridge with veggie when she's 6mth in Dec. She's planning to add veggie and fish. She also mentioned to put meat for better taste. Wow...she's very excited.

Also need your adv. Does jerald becomes very cranky at night and always wakes up while he was teething? Did his appetite decrease?

Any adv on what veg is good for bb? Me at a lost.
ashrel will signal to me if he wan to poo too. will stare at me then make 'funny' face. if i miss it or dun quickie 'nggg' him, he will cry. he hates to poo in his diaper.
yes start w rice cereal then vege or fruits. these food are least to cause allergy.
i will start ashrel on semi-solids wen he is 6mths as he has ezcema n paed ask me dun start now.
Hi lyn, no lah my girl not pretty lah. Just that, she wore a very cute and colour hat that day so she looked more outstanding compared to others.
Vane is having Dumex and Heinz rice cereals. I may intro brown rice to her. You prepared your brown rice or use commercial one?

Hi shook, it's ok. Just thought that I wanted to make full use of the pix since I paid so much for it.

Hi Pvl, I'm still looking for slow cooker and food blender to prepare Vane's food.

Hi sanrio, Ashrel's weight similar to Vane leh. She weighed abt 7.6kg at 4mths. But I think she slims down abit recently. Think my milk not as 'quality' as last time liao.

Hi mon, can give carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach to Aelwen? Me planning to give Vane veggies first then fruits.
For our bbs at so young tender age, better to use slow cooker to cook the porridge.

Come to think of it, I have never blended or have done any puree for my boy!!! I just cook until v soft n use grater (wrong spelling?)for the veg. I fed banana, apple.......just scraped it off n feed! Is it really necessary to puree? I never freeze any stock or keep leftover.

I was pretty conservative with his diet till after 1yr or 18mths..........No salt, no soya sauce b4 18mth.

VEg....carrot, spinach, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, potatoe, pumpkin. I fed kor fish n used meat (muscle meat or lean liu rou) to cook for sweet taste. Sometime i add wolfberries n wai san too.....My boy 1st food was Nestle Brown rice....

For Bbs contest, high chance is that big n chubby bbs will be in the top 3, not necessary the cutest n most beautiful or handsome. My friends n I share the same observation.
can i ask, wat is the main diff btw Desowen n Zaricot. I got a bit confused. Paed said desowen used for ashrel's ezcema (those spots tat din heal n became red n scaly) n zaricot for fungal infection esp on his neck area. can either cream serve the diff purpose/rash?

got this brochure fr kkh bb/child clinic:
Food which are least likely to cause allergic reaction
(can b introduced fr 6th mth)
- rice
- carrot
- pear, apple, prune
Food which are mostly likely to cause allergic recation
(to be introduced af 9th mth)
- egg yolk
- strawberries/rasberries
- legumes (soyabeans, beans)
- fish
food which are highly allergenic:
(best to b introduced fr 12th mth)
- seafood
- peanuts
- egg white

ya lor. but vane looks more chubby hoh
mayb ashrel heavy bones n he is quite tall.
I support u.....send Vane's foto....they r lovely shot!

Me is just a anyhow take foto mum
. The gd colour contrast could be due to the good camera? Canon EOS is a good camera...plus those dun know wat lens my hb once used.

Still cant find the summary folder huh....u try at home lah. If not, come my hse I show u! Hahahahah...............

Whenever u drop by here, I think of Sarah lively, interactive eyes! She is a gd n smart girl....know how to co-operate with u liao!

Aloy looks so different now.........more ah boi look liao!

Tks PVL n Jaz,
My boy shd be ok by now.........fetching him back now......
Y not.....win or not is beside the issue...it is really gd exposure!

slow cooker...2~3hrs..........I dun like to cook over stove, must watch fire, then add water if drying up, then stir as n when which all these is no good for the porridge.....
Hi sahm, not true leh. Vane is the chubbiest bb during the contest but she only got 3rd. And the 1st winner is not chubby bb but she looks very sweet leh. But I don't know where to send her photos to leh.

Hi sanrio, maybe Ashrel got heavy bones, that's why.
I use Dakacort for my girl's hopeless rash ard her neck.....it works after 2 application.

Her rash is due to milk spilling down her throat n neck during wkdays. Wkends when she is home, her skin is fine n flawless.
Hey, Vane is stil top 3
!!! Wat abt those motherhood mag? Got those $100 voucher or hampers of bb products....not bad u know.....GO FOR IT!!!!

Congrats. Vane is so cute.............

ya, I agree with Sahm, try the magazines...... GO FOR IT!!!!!

Hope to C U gals soon.

Take care

Wow....Aloysius looks completely different with the haircut...kinda miss his long hair, do u? But i guess this is easier to manage.

Sanrio and Giggler

Wow,your bbs are really gaining well....gd weight...giggler....ya, i'm quite enthusiasted abt introducing solids to Alicia since she always try to grab our food and look at us when we eat....plus salivate too!!! And she eats faster than she drinks milk...so since its 1 wk more to 6 mths, i decided just let her try....anyway, the pear she just takes abit.....not too crazy about it...


I agree with Sanrio and SAHM.....carrots and spinach tend to be bb favourite for starters


You are so petite yourself, nothing left to loose already..


I also tell Alicia...."this is the way we scrub your feet, scrub your thighs,wash your hands.....early in the morning" when i bathe her....
...wat to do...so many fatty folds inbetween them....


When can we start the sweet potato for bb?


Congrats....Sarah is so obedient and cooperative....i think i'll only toilet train Alicia later,perhaps whn she starts walking and verbalising.....its alot of work to start now....
Chen Chen will b 6 mth next Mon, still hv reflux problem
I will introduce solid to him next Mon
Nat posted b4 dat she will host a gathering in Dec. Din hear fm her. Think she quite busy as her PT help went back to China

BBcentre said if bb allergy, dun give rice. Gotta monitor
I love to eat ikan bilis, esp the fried ones. NTUC carries ikan bilis fm Thailad spicy or garlic spicy flavor yummy... I eat a lot
Chen Chen can't wear cloth diaper, too small for him.
My SIL said soak ikan bilis in water to remove the salt then bake in oven till cripsy then grind it

Can give bb carrot (not too much otherwise skin yellow), potato, sweet potato/brocoli (not too much produce wind), peas, butternut, cauliflower, spinach, pumpkin

Ash so clever can signal to u when he 1 poo poo
Ash doesn't look like he is 7+kg

If I receive email fm advertising co or reply fm dat advertising co I inform u
Vane drinks lesser, nothing to do wif your milk quality lah

Big n chubby bb more likely to win in bb contest. Then Chen Chen sure lose out. He is in 25 percentile
Someone else feeds Elyse during wkdays?
giggler, shook, sanrio, sahm & pringles
ya, i agree wif all of u tat aloysius now hv boy boy look & he looks totally different now.

i really really miss his hair alot. really bu she de to shave him.
tat time my mum told me over the phone tat she has oredi shave him botak liao, i nearly cried out...now juz hv to patiently wait for his hair to grow back liao...

gd to hear tat ur boy's eye is ok liao.

how old is ur boy now?
my boy oso has reflux problem but now his condition improve liao, but he seldom gets hungry leh.
can let me noe when can introduce solids to ur boy once u've ask ur pd?

sanrio & giggler
wah, ashrel & vane are growing well.

shook & pringles
oh, u sing to chen chen & alicia while bathing them, tat's a gd idea. think i will do tat to aloysius next time, tks...
i oso eager to introduce solids to aloysius leh...
he will oso look at us or the food tat we eat and tries to grab them too...sometimes he will even swallow his saliva...
I like Aloy with hair better but he resembles u now with the botak look. How do u always seem to be able to capture Aloy charming smile n ever ready for the camera? Hair will grow...u can try to put 'turban' for him....v cute n nice!

My boy ever joined 1 bb contest by CC. They have a pasar malam there as well. Many pple remarked my ah boy was cute n v lovely then but he was not even in for any consolation prize....hahahah....at the end of the competition, those stallholder came n asked if he won n said 'Y didnt win....so gd looking n cute? blah blah blah'.....then got2 bear my FIL's complaint n lament that following few days on Y the grandson lose out! Hahhahahah........need not too mention, that is 1 n only time we participated, later his teeth all become stained that we auto surrender liao

Wkdays, my gal is look after by MIL.

Did u RIGHT click on the mouse, curser 1stly placed on the foto?

Agree that the nasal drop is handy n gd. Sweet potatoe steam till soft n add milk in for the moist texture. Small portion will do.

For my ah boy, I fed him 1 meal on brown rice cereal n just 1 porridge meal per day till 9th mth. Come to think of it, I rather kia si n not adventurous. But I blur blur gave him gor fish rite frm 6th mth liao...though many ang mo websites say fish could cause allergy.

Frm 9mth onwards, then I started giving more varities.........

My hb n ah boy played so shiok just now....laughed n laughed till 1 of them bleed. Guess who? DADDY! Lip kena lang ga n bleed! Told u liao....boy n daddy play until buay aga aga 1!
....Despite that, they just simply had great time!

Ashrel does not appear fat to me at all. Vane n Randell is more round n chubby! Perhaps he is tall like daddy n bone is heavy?
Time passes rocket fast. Remember last week was talking 2u herre n then the America Next Model starts.....now Monday again..........soon Vane 'chu jia' liao.................hahahahah

tks for getting back.......ya, still diligently cleaning his teeth. Also praying hard his next set of teeth is white n healthy!

Tanglin Mall....I am popping by for the christmas snow.....will shop there too! My girl smiles so satisfactorily when we put on the dress on her! V cute! now so vain liao! Nvr fail to smile whenever we stand in front of the mirror!
Do u keep some of Aloy's hair as memory?
Wat a waste dat I deleted the email fm the advertising firm. ok inform u n Giggler shld I hear fm the advertising firm.

I c. Thot u look after Elyse n your boi boi everyday.
Can't agree more wif those folks. Your boi boi is so handsome n cute. Both your kids hv bushy n nice hair
Yap yap I cursor on the photo n right click then click on properties still boh summary
I v lor sor hor. So persistent, keep pestering u on tis
Check wif u, on the 1st day to introduce solid to bb, feed how many meal of solid?
Wow your boi n you hubby play till bleed so rough. Guys r guys

Cold Storage having sales on their house brand diaper. Origianl px $20 + selling @ $9.95. Anyone tried? Is it gd?
giggler, u so brave... i have no guts to send baby photos for competition... get rejected very disappointing. My friend's daughter was in Young Parents mag last month leh!

ian finally poo-ed on Day 5 yesterday... yippee!
ian also 25th centile for his age... 50th centile if corrected for prematurity... not to worry abt chen chen... our boys are lean and mean! Hehehe...

Think the Cold Storage diaper might be similar to the NTUC one? The NtUC one we tried was given free in the baby pack... leaks urine... argh... 3x liao!
For desowen, PD prescribe to Randall when he having those pimples like thingy on his face. And Zaricot for fugus infection when he got it on his neck and those skin fold area.
hi sanrio,
I used 'zaricot' for fungal infection for my feet b4...can it be used for baby? isn't it too strong??

i'm now using Pigeon cream to apply on my boy's neck to prevent heat rashes.U can try too...how does fungal infection looks like??

my boy oso dislikes to poo on his diaper.Ashrel very kuai,he signals u when he poo.If my boy wanna poo,can notice his eyes turn red & make very loud poo sound..hee..

hi Shook,
I dare not try other brand of diapers..I am tempted to try NTUC but my hubby insists we shld let him use the more established brands,which r fitti & pampers. But recently,i found a bit of redness on his hips, i think fitti material is rougher than pampers. So we wear him pampers even on daytime...

rice can cause allergic???

hi Jaz,
my boy reflux pro is considered serious.He can't even drink water.He gets choke everytime he drinks water.So we've to feed him with spoon.
hi mummies,
last nite,my boy vomitted out all his milk.My hubby & me found some mixture of brown thick saliva fr. his puke. His puke looks like strawberry milk shake.I wonder could it be blood..quite worry.My mum said it could be leftover stuff that he vomit out so don't need to worry...Hv anyone experienced this b4??

So far,we've experienced he vomitted all the milk that he drank 3xtimes...My mum said he drinks too fast...Another reason could b due to his blocked nose..I'm not sure if it is blocked nose,once a while,esp. at nite or early morning,we can hear heavy breathing sound.We put saline drops to clear his muncus...Does he has allergic or blocked nose??any way to differentiate??
ya hor, gd idea.....think i will put turban on him next time....tks...
as for the capturing of aloysius smile, me juz plain 'heng' only lah....
ya har, y ur boy din win in the contest, he's so handsome & lovely.....

no leh, my mum brot him to shave, she din ask the person to give her some of aloysius hair...wat a waste hor....
tks in advance in regards to the advertising firm...
my boy throw out his milk alot of times too....tat time we were oso very worried...brot him to c pd & even chinese sinseh, now he's better liao....i'm not sure wat could hv made him better but if u really worry, better bring him to c pd to get assurance.

as for the heavy breathing sound, my boy oso has tat....not sure if it's blocked nose, but think infants with reflux will hv this symtoms.... here's a link in regards to the information on reflux, hope this helps.....

Hi ALL!!!

Sorry I dissappeared for a while..my Pt heleprs have all gone back to China. So I'm really on my own..needed a week from our Penang trip to adjust.

Oh about the trip...it was a nightmare..not so much Matthew but my Mil.

On the trip up, we stopped very frequently..almost every 2 hours. Matt could sleep eat and play in the car seat. My mil kept insisting to carry him once he woke up. Luckily for us Matt put on his best behaviour so he waited til car stopped at rest point. He even "pang sai" at the right times..eg approaching rest stop..

On arrival, we stayed at KK's auntie's place. Since rainy season, the house was plauged with mosquitoes. I couldn't zz from the itching and Matt had bites all over. The mosquito coil or anti-mos spary didn't work. Not even the anti-mos patch could keep these "commando-trained" mozzies.The sickening thing was that the coil made everything smell like after a BBQ.

We contemplated to stay in a hotel..but Matt was enjoying himself from all the attention of relatives dropping by to see him. Sadly, when we went out visiting he turned slightly cranky..squirming from lack of sleep due to his social activities. On one hand he wanted to zz but yet he wanted to socialise and smile at everyone. We were out night and day. My Mil only wanted to carry him when there were people about.. or at dinner. He was already difficult to handle at the end of each day..but I handed him to her anyway cos she exclaimed loudly already to ask me to pass Matt over. Matt of course would then start to cry and reach his hands for me. When I carry him again his screaming stops.

Tongues started to waggle and most aunts said my MIL can't take care of babies..so it's good I know how to look after myself. In fact the aunt we put up with told Mil that since she don't know to look after baby better let us look after. Orur methods better and we are educated.
Mil took offence and sulk the rest of the week. She started to nag and pick on FIL's packing etc etc. She nagged at me as well when she insist to feed Matt water each time he had his screaming and squirming fits. I was so frustrated at her for asking to carry him at these times and feed him water when so many times it does not work. In the end it was my hubby who yelled at her to let me handle.

Funny thing is that when my hubby carries she don't insist to carry. When I carry she insist to carry...I'm still puzzled.

Well Fil fell fainty and ill finally so my Mil backed off on her nagging.

Sadly on the trip back Mil fell ill. Coughing badly and yet insist to carry Matt. Luckily Matt didn't catch flu from her.

Oh on the trip back..Matt was an angel till we reached Causeway 2nd link. Jammed for 2 hrs to clear Singapore customs.

I really suggest that must take last rest stop b4 the Malaysian customs. we missed out on that.

oh and there are NO pampers premium in Malaysia. they have drypers, mamy poko, pampers baby dry and another called pampers comfort..similar in quality to the baby dry only the waist band is plastic...I'll show you all a sample when we gather. i managed to buy pampers premium at rm$65. for 64pcs in kl. the quality n folding is different. Will show you that too.

oops Matt is awake..Later!!!

what is the content in the Desowan cream? Any steroid? Is it very effective?


How do u find the pigeon cream? Gd?


When does the christmas snow at Tanglin mall start? I'm bringing Alicia there this week just to look around.

you are finally back!! Gd to hear frm u but sorry to know that the trip was spoilt by some people...

We are all looking forward to gather at your place this christmas....let us know when.....take ur time to settle down with Matt first...think u guys must be real tired after the trip
Hi sahm, ya hor? Can send her pix to Motherhood mag. Ok, I'll do it asap. Thanks for your suggestion. Ya lor, Vane turning 6mths this Sun. I kind of missing her newborn period leh. That time, she so guai. Only cries when want milk.

Hi pok, thanks. You still busy with your work?

Hi pringles, Vane likes her food too. Now, she'll cry out loud after she finishes her rice cereals to ask for more.

Hi shook, thanks hor? Just let me know if u rec anything from the advertising co lah. I kept Vane's hair and thot of making it into brush for her next time.

Hi Jaz, did u take any pix of Aloy when he went for his haircut? My bro took video of Vane when we shaved her hair the other time. I always feel heartache while watching that. You can let Aloy wear bandana too, you know, like a pirate?

Hi jul, me just thot of making use of those pix tat I spent a bomb on lah. Vane didn't poo for 6 days again.

Hi avocado, did u bring your boi to see doc?

Hi Nat, what a trip leh. Luckily Matt was guai guai throughout the trip.
me headache is how to really diff all the rashes. ashrel v prone to rashes, got fungal type, heat rash, ezcema n even pimple type, oh no! oso he v sensitive skin, apply a bit of those cream then skin so dry like peeling. headache...somtx i jus leave them alone..

sahm n mummies,
here's ashrel on bumbo. quite gd as now he dislikes lying down, so if i busy, put him on bumbo n let him watch wat i m doing.
val n pringles,
i find desowen works v well for ashrel's ezcema. he has this dry scaly red patch on his face n din go off af a long tx. i apply desowen n it's gone. yes it contains steroid, paed said quite mild but apply sparingly.
hi avocado,
din c u here for quite sometx. hope to c u n bb on our dec gathering
wat's ur boy's name? can show us his foto?
Giggler, Van eating cereals liao, poo habit bound to change... it's expected. But if cannot digest properly then get constipation, maybe gotta hold your horses a bit with the solids.

Nat, great to hear from u. Can understand abt your MIL. My MIL also insists on carrying even when Ian is obviously cranky and would rather have parents carry him.She doesn't "read" his signs. Your trip sounds excxiting! Got photos to share? Hope Ian will be good on our trip.
pringles, giggler and jul

Thanks for the sympathy...photos not yet.. still got film to clear


Dec gathering @ my place...on the 18th Dec. Not sure about time...taking a poll like Shook.

Am gonna try to get xmas tree up this weekend

This years theme not so sure yet. I've done red n silver, blue and silver... maybe blue red and gold??

So jealous!! didn't go for shook's gathering!! all the mummies n babies pose pose so nice!!!!! like play group..

Btw..anyone's babies teething?? How do I know if Matt is teething?? I heard that teething stools are different?? Matt drools so much I feel like buying a sponge to collect. I've given him a chewy toy and he drools till his shirts all wet. I have to change at least 2-3 times.

4got to remind u or too late to remind u...to collect Aloy's hair n make it into a 'mao pi'!!

Aloy v cute...should forward his foto to mag too...v photogenic n nice!

Aloy should look v nice in turban, his features so nice n shape of his face/head v kena! Share the foto here hor.........

My ah boy turban look so so only, his features not outstanding n his nose so flat like mine. I like to play with his hair..........


Dun be scare of the rejection lah.......there is bound to have bbs much more handsome n beautiful than ours but the exposure of such contest is good. U get to see so many bbs n the behaviour/reaction of ah gong, ah ma, parents etc. Some parents really go all out for the contest, dolling their bbs up. U also get to see individual bbs's development in that 1 session..........

Ashrel looks so happy n he does not look big to me at all. Try to coax hb to buy for my girl but he said watever for. He said unless ah girl comes back to my care full time then buy......

4got to answer u on the drinking water part. I didnt feed my bb any water till he starts on solid food. My ah boy sweat alot n will ask for water frm me n finish the whole mucchkin bottle! I m lucky mama in this aspect as some bb/kids dun like water.

Tanglin mall......I have no idea too but will only hop by mid Dec?? u going this weekend.....so soon huh....deco shd be up but wat abt the snow??? U ask me, i ask u back...hahahhahaha..........

Bathing time......wow, sarah so active liao. My girl the most lick my hands vigourously when flipped with her back facing up. She enjoys bathing n always smiling away. Protest v hard when cleaning her face though!

My boy drinks water frm the tub!!!

No problem on pestering me. I am curious y u cant do it too.....

My girl also in the 25percentile........

TAKE LOTS OF FOTO of ur bbs now.....my ah boy at toddlerhood now....foto dun seems as nice liao....bb's fat all gone.........looking back his bbs' day foto, so cute n nice.
