(2003) Calling all 2003 babies

Hi Moshi,

Haha.. glad you rem me!!
Me like a "ghost" here cos this thread moves so fast, cant catchup!!

I heard music will make the child better in Math. Not sure how true. Josh is attending Junior Music course in Yamaha now. Not too bad. Can recognise the musical notes by hearing and also learning to play the keyboard too. You keen to let Mel learn piano?

Hey Everyone ! I am back from BKK. Very very super hot weather there and I am so happy am back home. Shop shop alot and spend all money there. Very contented to see my "loots". But one the most unpleasant thing is my HP was pickpocketed. Am nursing my miss of my HP and it's too difficult to believe and accept 遺失的美好。。。
Hi Minnie!

I don't mean to shoot you down and I do believe music inspires the soul. But I also know many Math people who don't know a single key at all, e.g. my dh. He claims that Scrabble inspires him to do Maths! Now I don't know what's true, frankly.

Hi moshi!
You're the real speed monster... 180km/h is only because of no speed limit stretch here and when the road is straight for me.
But now I don't yell at my dh to slow down so much since I hit 140km/h most of the time. But how can you drive 140 in Sg?

Hi Serena!
I personally like "Heroes" and "Brothers and Sisters". Get them, get them!
Hi minnie
piano, i probably will when she's more ready, i think her fingers are not powerful enough to pound on the real thing yet. perhaps it's also a case of mommy not ready to send her to class (read: laziness and procrastination) also, i dont want her to learn something just bcos everyone else is.

hi k's mom
140 on msia's NS highway.heehee

hi apricot
come up, fill me in. where are the must-shop places? what's in your loot? is MBK as good as before? where did u get the massage? did aston go w u?
how did ur hp get picked? was ur bag zipped?
Moshi,hm...I'm no music maestro but there was so much hype about how classical music increase spatial reasoning in kids and before we know it they could be learning algebra in their sleep. Personally I don't see any difference in children who play the piano and one who don't. I believe music can however boost memory and attention. It is also another way to lower your stress level by playing on your favourite instrument. If you look further there are also other ways to attain that. There are also people who says exercise is good because it increase blood flow and thereby building new brain cells. Then there are also people who says giving the right food is important if you want to raise a smart child. Who we believe and what do we believe?

I think music should be taken up as something for pleasure and not as tool to build intelligence. If your child gravitates toward music, by all means send her for classes. To finish grade 8 in music is to be able to play more complex music. Some use it to teach of course. So it really depends on how you view it.

Okay now digress, eh what is the title of the J shows that you're looking for? Nice?

K mom, is the actress in Ally Mcbeal also in Brothers and Sisters?
K's mom ... I'm into Heroes too ... but it's getting confusing, like Lost. Think shows like Desperate Housewives and Sex in the City are easier for simple folk like moi.

I agree with Serena ... I've always wanted to learn music but never have the chance too, so now am providing my kid with that opportunity as long as he's keen and it's expensive to support, I'll support :>

Hi mommies,

sorry mia for a while. Been very tired so hardly comes in.

So lunch gathering at the Disney Naturally? Can the below be confirmed?

Date : May 17th
Venue : As mention above
Attendees :
1) Sherlyn with kids
2) Worry mum with Ben
3) Pris with Kai ?
4) Moo ?
5) Apricot ?
Date: Thursday, May 1
Time: 9am
Venue: picnic @ botanic gardens

1) sarah
2) chloe
3) serena & bel
4) moshi reporting!
5) serenade
6) sherlyn and kids (tentatively)
Erm .. bowling with kids .. i m interested leh .. besides yishun, where is the other one ah ? I am interested to go leh.
Hi Sarah,

Yup, Josh is attending classes at Yamaha Tampines.
Will let you know abt May 1. Need to find transport down if I do go!! Haha..

Hi Apricot,

I heard BKK is expensive now. Issit true? But glad you had a gd time shopping.
Oh dear.. The worst thing abt losing Hp... all contacts gone!! Did you keep a backup?

Hi K's mom,

Haha.. I also have no inclination if music does help. But since my boy requested to learn, I just let him try it out. So far, he is enjoying his lesson so we'll see how it goes.

Hi Moshi,

They currently play with the fingers "flying up" but they can play some tunes now independently. But you need daily practice or she wont be able to catchup. For Josh class, the gals can play really well!! But I agree that if Mel shows an interest, then you can perhaps work on that.
Hi Mommies, wow!
I think all your children must be really sophisticated in taste, just like the parents, perhaps? My children don't really seek out classical pieces especially nor request for formal music lesson - is it possible that we don't have the option here? My children find it funny to sing along with One Republic's Apologise and the new MacBook song, I'm a new soul. I blame it on the standard repertoire on my favourite radio channel. But we did go to an opera for young children last week, Mozart's Cosi Fan Tutte. It was pretty fun, though I think I enjoyed it more than the kids did. I think the music held enough of their attention to sit through the whole performance (amazing, i found, even for K coz she can't even sit through her favourite Elmo VCD). Hmmm, maybe it's like what Serena pointed out, classical pieces help one to focus.

Btw, I was just curious... it seems to me that mommies who had formal music lessons then, e.g. Serena and Huili, aren't really in a hurry to start formal music lesson with their kids as yet... Guess you ladies really wanna take it slow, right? I guess it's the same with me not wanting to start out with my kids on German immediately. Coz I think i'd be heartbroken if i found out they hate the language that both my dh and I speak.

Yeah... I was one of those kids who really wanted to learn a keyboard but my parents couldn't afford to buy me one then. So like Minnie, I guess I would oblige my kids' request if they ever wanted to learn a musical instrument.

Hi Serenade!
How's it coming along with B's violin lesson?
I was at the underground station yesterday and heard this guy playing - best ever! He hit all the notes right. I had never heard violin so good, so live and without any accompanying instrument, unless of course it's recording on a CD. I thought of B immediately and how he might have been mesmerised by the guy.
You know, the weather is getting a little warmer and street artists of all kinds are out performing again... This week spring temp is climbing high, though we had had near zero degrees after the last time we had 20 deg C! But nothing to be envious about. Temp is so unpredictable that kids get sick often... I think the all year boring temp in Sg is so much more reliable and better for outdoor activities. At least I won't have to bother if the kids would be too warm or cold at night. You know what? I brought out my fan two nights ago. Room temp is 20 deg c now and K breaks out in sweats by 3 am at night and won't go back to sleep until the fan cools her off. I wonder how they're gonna survive the tropical heat when they head back home! Well, summer will tell...
hi sher
great to have u for the picnic, high time to catch up!

hi minnie
as of now, her interest fluctuates like USD haha

seriously gals, how do u decide what classes to pay for? we can;t possibly let the kid try everything. even if finances permit, time doesn't.
do u believe in finishing what one started? eg. piano learning, say the kid is in grade 3 and u aim for him to reach grade 8, but along the way, interest wanes, learning gets too theoretical, sch work fights for limited time, what do u do?
stop the child to focus on sch work, or encourage him to persevere?
Hi ky!

Lost has lost me since I watched the first episode. Actually, I was too busy with motherhood first time round that I gave up all my shows all at once... you see, now it's payback time with all the streaming online!!!

WIth Heroes... I think a little reading up would be so fun... But I guess i have the luxury of watching many episodes in one shot. Really less confusing that way than to watch only one episode every week.

Hi Serena!
Yep, Calista Flockhart is in B&S! So is Rob Lowe from the West Wing.
On what to pay for... for now... am thinking of piano (as said, will teach on my own, for leisure only) and swimming (life skill) as basics.

Personally I prefer physical activity -- appreciate this now that I'm an old stiffie who is desperately tryin to unslouch her shoulders and bend her vertebra at yoga classes... good health is paramount.

Plotting to put son through some form of martial arts and daughter, ballet (though tad worried dat dis may lead her to be insecure abt her body, coz her physique is not the ballerina type. She has a swimmer's build, like her daddy).

Suspect too much emphasis on formal learning too early may jus backfire to create a burdened and rather uninspired child. So will try to avoid activities like abacus etc. ... at least till kids older
On second thots, maybe some kids will benefit from abacus, French etc at early age. All kids wired differently i guess.

But wat i'm thinking is that these days, you need to have good communications skills and be creative.Not enof to jus b book-smart. So for me, more keen on phy activities and actually also, Speech & Drama to develop confidence. Also want them to enjoy their childhood and not be studying all the time, like some poor kids I have tutored (who i suspect became dull coz they did nothing interesting but work on grey/white assessment books all day).
Hi Sherlyn,
Sorry that I cannot make it on May17. A has makeup lesson for phonics class on that day.

Hi Moshi,
Total 9 persons went for this BKK shopping spree.
A and Hubby went with me.
Personally, I did not shop much in MBK cos that's the time I realise I lost my HP. Whole shopping mood was lost. Only rem we had lunch there and buy local titbits from 4th floor. BIL bot a Lowe Alpine Haversack at SG24. Bot some skin cream and face cream from Boots Pharmacy.
I will email you the must shop places.

Hi Serena,
I do not know abt the latest Korea titles. I only watch those Koreans I like or I know so the shows may be quite old in the market. From I what I checked with colleages, she told me the latest Korean shows can be checked on www.chxxb.com
Sori, this is coming out in dribs and drabs... ;P

Anyone also considered tapping on community clubs for kids' classes? Think there are some good teachers there and hey, it's lots cheaper!
Hi Apricot, thanks!! The info is really useful!! You went Chatucha? A allows you to shop in peace?? I think MBK getting expensive. Bet the spa and massage was good.
huili, CCs? of course! love them for their prices. top on my list now, just waiting for the right timing n dates. great place to test interest isn;t it?
know of any good teachers there?
Hi Moshi,
Well, BKK is not really for kids. We girls shop shop and what can the kids do. We are smart enough to bring a stroller and he sits there most of time and daddy stroll him for 4 days there. Yes, he fuss alot and keep stopping me to shop. His complains are reasonable as he says mummy why you keep shopping and can you dun buy already. I find so amusing and so helpless when he told me these. We compensated him by going to Dreamland (a local outdoor theme park) and it's scotching hot and we nearly melted there. He enjoys the rides there so we are happy for him.
Hi Hui Li

I do use my CC quite a bit ... my son's attending 3 diff types of classes there, and hm, like the various enrichment schools, there are good teachers, and not so good teachers. we've just stopped 1 coz I feel nothing much to the course, and possibly stopping another one.

Hi Moshi ... hm, how to decide. there are a few that I would personally want to encourage my kids to pursue - 1 is music and 1 is a sport. And so far, B's doing that - keyboard and gym. For the rest, it all depends on the schedule, distance, budget. And for the kid, it depends on his interest. If you ask my son, he'll say everything also want ... yes, even the lousy teacher, he'll say yes. So, what we do is go for trial, at least for ME to get a feel of the potential and interest. btw, I explore quite a bit and go for trial quite a bit, perhaps it's like how I like to explore new opportunities myself ... I don't believe in pushing anyone to do anything against his wish, so no, eventually if his interest changes, I'll respect his wishes.

Hi Minnie,
Yes I heard from friends who visit BKK more often and they says the prices for bras are more expensive..eg from $16 to $18 and now $20. For me, the last time I went was 5yrs ago and this time I go, I feel everything is cheap to me when I converted back to Sin dollars. My sisters bot this wacoal bra, the latest design one with shiny studs imprinted, at around SG31 when it's selling here for around SG70. Still, there are great savings. I bot BSC bras and it's abt 30% discount from Spore prices. The best buys are from Pratunam..jus imagine I bot 4 tops and 3 dresses at 960baht..about SG6 per pc..I shld say I dare to wear them to office cos the material is quite similiar to BYSI or SENSE.
Hi Ladies

Being very busy lately, trying to help my church brainstorm about the database and also trying to workout a flowchart for a committee there.

Probably might not have much time for many gathering if we are going away(waiting for the official letter).

Here's a website that Kai and myself like the videos : http://www.sqooltools.com/edvideos/index.html

For TVB (HK series), here's a list to look at

2008 Drama List

So far, I have watch The Seventh Day, pretty good.

2007 Drama List

Personally, watched the following:
1)The Brink of Laws (Quite good)
2) Life Art (Pretty good too)
3) Heart of Greed (Very good, beginning abit slow)
4) The Drive of Life (Not bad, Kai watched it as it featured part of Vancouver.)
5) Fathers and Sons
6) Steps (Very good, I like Bernice in here)
7) The Ultimate Crime Fighter (Very good)

There is also some very good series in the 2006 listing and 2007 listing. Dh and I only watched Modern Drama.

Korean Drama, depending on what you are looking for,

1)Full house
2) My name is Kim Sam Soon
3) Time of the Dog and Wolf (Nice series)
4) Snow Queen
5) Air City (Personally like this series for all the thrills)
6) Coffee Prince's First Shop
7) New Heart
8) Finding love
9) Fly High (Cast not impressive but good storyline)
10) Golden Bride (Abit slow moving)
11) The Devil (Every episode was exciting but the ending was very disappointing)
12) Thank You
13) Hello! Miss (Okay series, not much storyline)
14) Crazy for You (Quite a nice series)
15) Surgeon Bong Dal Hee (One of my personal favourites)
16) White Tower (Another of my favourites)

I have also watched a couple of costume dramas which a couple are pretty good.

I also want to go BKK, hope we do have the time to go before relocating (if it comes through). For the time being, dh is thinking of bringing my fil for cruise since mil went to M'sia without my fil who has recovered from two episodes of strokes but slow in movement. Think dh is the most filial one among his three sons.
Hui Li, look for Priscilla Ng on Facebook for me. I will not be able to add anyone on skype yet till my brother complete integrating his desktop.
Hi Apricot,

Handphone loss could be a blessing in disguise! Mother's Day is around the corner and who knows, you might get lucky

Hi Sherlyn,

Weekends in May are almost fully booked. You can't imagine the number of birthday celebrations I have this month! So, I'll have to give the lunch a miss. Sorry about that.

Hi K's mom,

B's starting violin in May. It really caught me off guard when he insisted on violin instead of piano lessons. Anyway, I have registered him under a strict violin teacher. Hopefully he will make a hardworking "disciple" :p

Hey, radiator is non-existent in Sg but air-conditioner is soooo common
And if it's not enough, there's still the fan. Believe it or not, we sleep with both working quietly every night! It feels so cosy to snuggle ourselves under the comforters. Envious of the temperature? Nah not that. But yes, the trips that you are making! I'm turning into a green-eyed monster, hehe...

Enjoy the peace you have now. Once you are back, you will be busy with ferrying the kids for enrichment classes!
Hi Pris, great that you can join. Worry mum, I guess that would be a better reason for you to find time from your off. Sorry I planned it on your off day.

Hi Serenade, wow so many parties .. bet the kids will hv a lot of fun. We can always catch up during the May 1st picnic (thanks sarah for organising) and May 26th Musuem visit.

Hi Apricot, no problem. We'll catch up when we meet for other gatherings in the pipeline.
Hi moshi, ya hope to catch up on may 1st .. and not forgetting the musuem visit you suggested (thanks so much for the info).

as for enrichment .. like you say, even if finances ok, time also not ok. I suggested to my kids gym and music, so far they like both of them (my girl not in music thou) so would let them continue till they want out. I will encourage them to perserve if the studies are not drastically affected.

I would like them to do arts as well but i really dun want to tax them (my boy doesnt want art class anyway). I am now thinking of starting my boy on swimming. I see it as an important skill.
Serenade, wow B starting on Violin already. Kai was just asking me about violin and piano classes. I cannot sign him up for any classes yet unless we know that we are not leaving.

Sher, go by the interest of the child.
Hi Hui Li aand Ky,

I've sent PMs to you guys regarding my blog. Not sure if you've received? Can you send me yours? tks!

Hi All,
Sorry can't join 1 May. Would love to meet up as I'm new to the forum as well, but we're taking a short holiday finally,

17 May lunch- sounds good. We'll have to rush off by 2 though.

Sorry I have little to add by way of classes since my son isn't taking many. He does Chinese, aikido, and now swimming (hopefully he's spurred on by his friends who are into swimming). For my son, I think everything starts out with a giant NO and continues that way - he's a good fighter, that one!
Hi Alcovet,
Yes, I've received access to your blog, thanks!!. Been suddenly flooded with homework to read a number of new blogs, which I have yet to get down to, hee hee.

Sori, mine is http://taipei101-huili.blogspot.com/. Everyone is welcome to browse it -- nothing scandalous there I wouldn't want the world to know
But it's not really a blog abt my children, but more on wat the family has been up to in Taipei

Hi Chloe,
Remember to PM me yours!! Thanks!
Hui Li,

I used to go to Taipei A LOT in my previous job. All I know however, is Far Eastern Hotel, Grand Hyatt, and Hsinchu. The Japanese food there is terrific, and I tend to believe the people are a tad friendlier than Singaporeans too. My friends tell me that a lot of them come from the villages, where people tend to be friendlier. 101 - Nice, but expensive!
Date: Thursday, May 1
Time: 9am
Venue: picnic @ botanic gardens

1) sarah
2) chloe
3) serena & bel
4) moshi reporting!
5) serenade
6) sherlyn and kids (tentatively)
7) jpooh
Agree on swimming too, healthy, life saving stuff.
without a pool to call our own, the motivation is almost zero. will see if she can do it with the sch.

what a pity there;s no mention of any J-drama heehee
actually i am no fan, just wana listen to some jap and see how much i can understand. usu not a lot, but if i do, i get a kick out of it haha

u kidding me, the prices at the market is unbelievable, what kind of clothes? casuals? have to haggle a lot? hub got clothes tailored? nah, mine doesnt need them, goes to work in tee n bermudas, sometimes pj too keke anyway, he;s not welcomed at my shopping spree.

did u go abt by the subway? trying to sort out which station goes where.
Date: Thursday, May 1
Time: 9am
Venue: picnic @ botanic gardens

1) sarah
2) chloe
3) serena & bel
4) moshi reporting!
5) serenade
6) sherlyn and kids (tentatively)
7) jpooh
8) apricot
moshimoshi, I do watch a bit of Jdrama but no one asked for them. Usually will talk to my friends in Japan about them through skype or email.
j-drama. well not exactly - but did you guys watch Death Note? this was when my son would sleep early once in a while last year. Really enjoyed the cynicism!
Hi moshi,
Actually I have the BKK map showing the subway or the MRT line. BIL got them from Thai Embassy last week. If you are keen, let me know and I shall pass to you on May1st
Hui Li, I am watching the Taiwanese Tourist Promotion drama for Japan and Korean, called "Wish To See You Again [这里发现爱]". They shown a couple of places of interests and one of them is Taipei 101.

Moshimoshi, here are some that I have watched,
1) One litre of tears
2) kimi to deatte kara/Since I met you
3) Kono yo no hate/End Of the world
4) Engine
5) Oishii Kankei / Delicious Relation
6) Tokyo Tower
7) Summer Snow (Think screen in Singapore before)
8) Nodame Cantabile
9) Iryu Team Medical Dragon
10)Attention Please
11)Dream Again

There are more but here are some that I can remember.
Pris, Didn't know they had anime, but the movie is very anime-like. Reminds me of Akira and Appleseed. Sorry, these aren't very drama, but very interesting. Now i'm hoping my son will knock off before 12 so i can go explore what's out there ...
Alcovelet, there is also the comedy books available. I watched the anima when we were outstationed in Japan in 2006 and also then they will screening Deathnote at the cinema.
Pris, your memory is super!! How can you manage to remember all these titles!! I can only remember that I have watched. Anyway, thanks for the list. I have copied it down and given to my hubby. Those that you mentioned your favourites, I have told him "die die must get!"

Sarah, if it's a picnic do we need to prepare food? Thinking of baking something, strawberry cake, jell-o, bee hoon, pie, quiche, sandwiches, fruits, choc cake, mud pie, brownie, cream puffs....
Hi Mommies,

Date: Thursday, May 1
Time: 9am
Venue: picnic @ botanic gardens

Please bring your own mat and food. I think its easier for all of us.

Serena, haahaa. In Vancouver, the chinese programmes are always repeating so we turn to DVDs. And dh also enjoys TVB drama so we usually remember the ones that we like.

Ladies, if we could make it, will see all of you there, but chances are very slim as I think dh has activities planned for the day.
