(2002) Any 2002 babies?

from the outlook, it looks like the popkids one, maybe you can check out the popkids one first? Just see only so that you can do comparision.

Wan wan,
I must agree with you that its cheaper but don't forgat that the promo price include delivery.

Hi Noe, I was given the booklist, but did not include any exercise books or other stationery. Funny is that the booklist only has all the necessary textbooks and workbooks but did not have any music or art & craft textbooks, makes me wonder whether they are attending such in school.
The letter had list out the programme for the day, including briefting and introduction, Giro/Edusave forms completion, books/uniform sale. Most importantly indicated that it is compulsory for the child to attend.

wow, your uniform seems quite ex, for my son's there is a price list for the uniform of various sizes, each costing abt $7-$8.50 per piece.
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Hi Milo,
Noted with thanks.

Hi Natelleh,
Would it be the remaining exercise books could be purchased from the school only?
Is Pacific providing home delivery or you would need to buy from the school bookshop?

Yeah, the programme sounds that what we went through too.
My boy told me that they were colouring on an activity sheet while waiting for all the children in their group to arrive, brought around the school and watched a Chinese animated video while waiting for the parents to pick them up.
The P said that the first 3 weeks of school will be orientation period for them packed with activities. We will see ...

Yeah, it seems so indeed. It's between $10.70 and $11.80 depending on the sizes.
We were given only the shorts for now and the material is pretty good. My dh vouched for the quality since he was the one wearing them throughout the years.

That said, it can be quite a hefty sum after all they do outgrow their clothes once or twice throughout the 6 years there.

My SIL whose dd is in P1 this year commented that it's not necessary to get an ergonomic school bag as it's heavier.
Plus the books and the likes, it would weigh even more.
She bought a well-padded (similar to Deuter) Disney Princess that weigh lesser than the ergonomic types for about $80+.
What's your take on this?
Hi Noe, probably we will be given another list for exercise books again ba. My friend's son in another school was given only the exercise booklist but not the textbook list. Guess each school practice differently. You can choose either self collection in school (the books will be pre-packed) or get them to deliver to home @ S$7.80. I have some textbooks passed down by my niece, hence will probably get the rest of books on orientation day if there no big crowd. Otherwise will get from Popular bookstore nearby house then.

I was told by the school that there will be a small and simple 'test' to gauge if the kids require extra help in their english/maths. The teacher told me that if the kid had gone through the standared kindergarten programme, it should not be any problem then.

i believe the kids will outgrown the clothes in very fast pace, hence I will probably not buy too many, we need to iron on the kid's name onto these uniform and the form indicated different colours for different level (not sure if iron on liao next time can take out not). Anyway the shop that sells the uniform is very near my place (in Yishun), probably will drop by again if I need more.

Frankly I find a well-padded bag is good enough, not necessary to be ergo or expensive. I'm sure in no time, the kid will want to change bags or go with trend as they grow older. I've seen nieces and nephew by P3 or P4, already using trendy slingbag, no longer haversack liao.
<font face="Tahoma">Hi Natelleh,
Lovely. Great to be living near the the amenities.
Nay, once iron-on, it can't be re-used but I have seen some peeling off the uniform with wear-and-tear.

Ooh. A test huh?
My boy's an year end child and he's a tad slower compared with his peers. I am trying not to be caught in the rat race of pressing him beyond his ability.

Yeah, somewhat like designer bags huh?
My, they grow up so fast.
Bought a pink SPI bag at $116 for my gal yesterday. It's a new model and lighter than the older ones. Not so sure whether it is really useful but I dont want to be the guilty party in future if my gal gets spinal problem (which is more common in girls than boys) since my husband wanted it. Made my girl promise to carry it from P1 to P6 haha but I be more than happy if can last till P3.
I have 3 younger sisters so far nothing wrong with their spine, except me. We had used the very normal school bags like bodypac, etc, where got ergo bags during that time. Actually my spine problem (not straight) is not caused by school bags but started from bad sitting posture during my secondary school days. I was always leaning against the wall on my side for my table it placed against the wall.

So sometimes I find the inventions of such ergo bags or tables are there to scare we mummies
Hi Milo,
I've emailed the sales person &amp; there is a school road near my place this sat. I'll check other brands first before sat &amp; then decide if I want to get nivpak. Thanks for your info.
Hi Mummies,
Could anyone share if any of you children has gone or is attending PCF? How do you find the PCF as compared to the curriculum at CCs? I've registered my younger son at PCF for yr 2009. Altho all my nieces and nephews have gone PCFs for their K1 &amp; K2 and some are doing well in their studies, I have received concerns from some mummy friends which made me uncomfortable. Your comments please.

wan wan, both my kids are in PCF. that depends on what you are looking at. Many still send their kids to enrichment irregardless of attending which kindergarten. You also have to find out from the PCF about what they teach, because diff PCFs handles differently because they are of different management. For eg, my kids, their PCF have phonics programmes with reader books, but never have chinese spelling for K2. Some PCF have both english and chinese spellings.
Hi Natelle,
I just realised from 1 of the thread that you have sent your kids to chong pang PCF. You stay in sembawang? Yeah, my son now is in CC but think the teaching std has kind of not met my expectation so thinking that my son can still attend PCF lessons and enrichment classes if the PCF lessons are not sufficient. I hope the curriculum and quality of the lessons are at least on an ave scale. Oh dear, I have registered my son at the PCF without even checking the focus of the curriculum...think it's too late now. I always think that most kindergarten at PCF std shd not differ very much since they are under MOE syllabus but just worry that the teaching focus &amp; method may be lacking behind the CC. I hope I am wrong.
Luckily I have kept all the worksheets, spelling lists for chn &amp; eng that my k1 son has done in the CC so that I can coach my k2 son personally next yr using those things that my k2 son has learnt in CC to supplement any gaps of learning for my k1 son from the PCF. Because of my k2 son, I'm also thinking of starting a study plan to ensure my k2 can 'catch up' with p1 std in yr 2010...so many things to do! altho I like to balance learning with play, I'm the kan cheong type who like to think ahead &amp; plan early for them...
hi mummies,

i've been a silent reader and hv picked up some good tips from your postings.

hi noe,

my son's also going to acs baker next yr. ds didn't say anything abt going round the school and watching any tv. just say that they did some colouring. *sigh*. will be difficult to get info out of him next time.

are you going to join the parent support group? i thot of joining but as i'm working full time, not sure what i can do... hmmm.
wan wan,
my elder boy is now attending a regular pcf.
it surely is not enough. i have signed him up for phonics enrichment (which doesn't help much, but i'm glad that he managed to pick up blending pretty fast and can read most word through recognition and trial error in blending. it helps that we speak english at home) and chinese enrichment (which is really a good decision). his pcf focus mainly general knowledge stuff and interaction with peers. no spelling or tingxie. i can say that he is prepared to go P1 due mostly to home reinforcment through enrichment materials and assessment books. his pcf helped in the EQ part.

for my younger boy, we will be enrolling him in a church kindergarten for a change.

even when i asked my boy on what he did in school, his replies are the standard 'as usual' :p
hi fz,

i guess boys are like that, even though ds is quite talkative. we'll just hv to accept that they won't be sharing like the girls.

what is pcf? ds is going for phonics and hanyu pinyin classes n can see that he's able to read better. or at least tries to make some sounds if he doesn't know the word. =)
Hi Wan wan, yes i stay in Sembawang. Kids attending blk 317 PCF. beside that I still send them for enrichment programmes, for I do not know what the school had taught. Only end of each term then i get to see their worksheets, and was surprised at times to see something out of expectation in their worksheets, eg science topics like light travels in straight line,etc. But for sure, had helped much on their EQ. Recently the K2 kids had a mini foodfair, teaching them how to make the food and sell them. The kids there really enjoy alot.

ya nowadays parents send their kids to enrichment classes, irregardless of which kindergarten or cc they attend. But there are some cc or kindergarten that really teach more, including grammar and vocab. Had a frenz who send his son there (can't recall the name) and she has no worries for his P1 next year.
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Hi Luanee,
I read the brochure that the SPI bag weighs about <1.2kg by itself already?
Does it really weigh that heavy?

Yeah Natelleh,
It is definitely a huge growing market especially with parents being more educated and wanting the better/best for our children.
Hopefully we are not caught up with the tangible benefits and forget the intangibles.
I am guilty of that sometimes.

Hi Wan Wan,
May I know which school will they be having their road show this Saturday?
Unfortunately I am unlikely to be able to make it to the one near my area next Saturday.

Hi Felixcat,
Cool stuff. Which group was your son in last Friday?
Nay, my eldest is quite a detailed person with good memory by nature and we talked a lot.
Thus he's able to provide me with the nitty-gritty.
The other way works true, when he whines or complains of his brothers, it can be really annoying and get on our nerves.

I did submit my particulars but still seriously considering if I should and prioritise my commitments.
As Danny, the chairman of PSG puts it, he's volunteering full time and working part time. Ha ha ...
I applied for class outing though.
That way, it's pretty ad hoc. You can apply for leave on those days when they are on outdoor activities?

Ooh. So glad that you have responded.
Urm, what's up with 15 Nov besides the school bus administration/negotiation with drivers huh?
Were we suppose to do something as well?
Purchase of books is on our own, school uniform to be collected at Bibi &amp; Baba.
What else did I miss?
hi noe,

it's good that yr ds shares alot with you. my ds is quite talkative but he'll only tell you things which he wants to tell you. he's showing characteristics of a grown up man. hahah. he was in group 1, what abt yrs?

maybe i'll just drop the psg an email and see how they can 'use' me.
are you working?

did you buy any books on the orientation day? the queue wasn't so bad. we got ours within 15 mins. but there are some items which are not available so we've to get those on the 15th. there's a section on the book list which includes pastels n colour pencils. you may not need to get those if you've already got them. we didn't read thru so just got the whole set.

actually do you know what shoes to get? i heard some schools wear black but suppose acs is wearing white?

glad to find a mummy who's ds is going to the same sch. we can share our experiences/worries then!

oic. think diff pcf is diff. the one my neice goes to hv spelling tests but they try to play it down by saying that they are not tests, just words that they want them to learn.
Hi Noe, I didnt go weigh the bag but it doesnt feel that heavy, esp as I chose the newer model which is lighter. And I picked a small sized one as my girl is small framed, that would force her not to bring too much rubbish to school.

Saw another 'ergo' bag at Popular yesterday selling at $69.90, brand is Popkids. This one feels very light but it is very big and squarish. So the kids may be tempted to bring a lot of stuff to school as so much space in the bag!
<font face="Tahoma">Hi Luanee,
Thanks for the feedback.
Yeah, that's a point to be noted.
More space, more unnecessary storage sometimes.
Anybody has any idea how many sets of uniforms we need to get? I was thinking of 3 sets but what about PE attire? How many days of PE lessons a week P1 kids have? Can they wear the PE attire for whole day during those days or need to bring to school and change?

they r allow to wear PE attire the whole day for those PE day. i think u need at least 2 set for the start. some might hv 3 day of PE. unless u wash clothes everyday. and also incase of rainning day clothes not dry.

as for uniform at least 3 sets.
Hi nothing2do, so it means I have to get 3 sets of uniforms + 2 sets of PE attire? Wow like a lot leh.... And mine is pinafore type, they have culottes to wear underneath. Can't they just wear the PE shorts underneath?? And yah I intend to wash everyday...
ok if u r washing it everyday u can try to hv 2 sets each. yes u r allow to wear the t-shirt with the pinafore. u must see whether ur gal is those carefull type, so the pinafore dont get dirty everyday. u cant be buy just 1 set for each. is too risky.hahaha
Yah 1 set maybe risky eh? In case suddenly they need to have extra PE lesson the next day? Maybe I shall get 2 normal shirts + 2 PE shirts + 3 pinafores. Sounds good? Mmmm.....
RGPS... was fighting with my husband yest on how many sets of uniform to buy. He wanted 3 uniforms + 2 PEs which I think is too much. Now I can tell him forum ppl agree with my choice hee...
hi luanee,
haha. dont fight bec of this lah.hahaha. maybe he does wan unnecessary trouble. if not enough then he got to go back to sch and get it few mths. bec at this time ur gal still cant get it by herself.
Aiyah he is the type which everything also he wants! I need to control him else no $$ liao... Times are bad man...
Hi Natelle,
Tks for your views. Sigh! Now I kind of regret changing him from the CC but my HB said his nieces &amp; nephew graduated from PFC and also doing well academically. But the teachers in the current CC he is are not up to my expectation...but I dun think I need to put my younger son in CC anymore since I am at home most of the time &amp; thot i can coach him but teaching your own kid is a really challenging job...
Hi Noe,
You can email them on the location near your house. They are having a road show at North view pri sch at yishun this sat.
Hi Wan Wan, since you are at home most of the time, I'm sure you can still coach him along. Parent's participation is definitely good for the kids to excel, even you had sent them to any enrichment course. Sad to say that I did not succeed in such participation. Trying hard to make it happen
Why don't you get the pinafores from me since it is worn outside? It is cheaper than getting new ones.

Depending on time table, some classes may have PE 3 times a week. Most of levels is twice a week. PE shirt can be worn not only on PE days but also on weekdays but shirt must be worn on assembly day.
Hi caroline, thanks but I need my daughter would enjoy buying new uniform hee... So can they wear PE shorts underneath the pinafore or need those 'culottes'? Or any other outside shorts will do?

I think 2 sets each should be enough if you say you will be doing washing everyday.

Wan wan,
I know most if not all the PCF don't teach han yu pin yin, cos they say MOE don't allow them to do so. Some PCF are using old teaching methods, those like what we used to attend, sit down listen type, some are more for "corners" type, they will go to a particular corner, like for science, then teach will talk to them about the corner, but my concern is that if they always go to corner, and the children standing further start to play, then will they learn anything??
<font face="Tahoma">Hi Wan Wan,
Thanks for the info.
Yes yes, I did email them earlier but I couldn't make it to the one near my place next Sat.
Nonetheless, I manage to find out more from them. They are pretty efficient in their responses.</font>
<font face="Tahoma">Hi Felixcat,
My son was in Group 3.
I'm sure your son's a fine young lad.
They sure grow up fast.
Hope to be able to see you soon.

Audrey from PSG called me just now. I won't be able to make it for the Teacher Aide Training this Friday. I am still considering if I should at all. They need aide for the first 5 weeks depending on how many days the TA can commit to. Thereafter we can adjust our commitment level.
I am a domestic engineer now.

Urgh. The booklist. We got ours yesterday.
Nay, even there was an item I indicated that we did not want, it was sold to us anyway as they had pre-packed the items.
My hubby was in a rush so he didn't look through them all.

Yeah, it will be white shoes for them. Our close friend's son is in ACS(Primary) now.
Track shoes are allowed but they must be in all white.</font>
It is not necessary to wear any shorts if you don't want on non-PE days.

But on PE days, you must wear shorts, not culottes (not sure of the spelling). Culottes are meant for Sat only, eg sports day, carnival
Erm, u mean the culottes are supposed to be teamed with the PE polo shirt and not underneath the pinafore? Sorry I havent seen the real thing yet, thot the culottes are supposed to be a 'underpants' sort of things coz my nieces in HPPS has brown underpants as part of their uniform to be worn under their skirts.
hi noe,

ic. i'm contemplating to stay home next yr but hv not decided yet. with the bad economy situation now, that may not be a wise decision ... hmm ...

i checked with another friend who said that bata has quite durable n comfy shoes so will check that out.

did you managed to get all the books? didn't know that they will sell you only the pre-packed items. maybe they are too busy? hmm ... think i better look at the outstanding items to see if there's any which i don't want.
<font face="Tahoma">Hi Felixcat,
Yeah, it ain't an easy choice indeed.
I quitted only after I had my second with my husband's blessings and support.

I am a fan of Dr James Dobson.
If possible, staying home with our boys do help them in a lot more areas than we think.
That said, not everybody has home support at hand and not every mother would prefer to stay home.
I have girlfriends who after staying home prefer to go back to the work force.

Oh yeah. We do have a pair of Bata that we bought for his school performance this year.
Let's see how long we can go in this pair. Ha ha ...

Nay, not all are intact.
They printed a slip of info sheet on the unavailable items (mainly art textbook and school files) for us so we may check again in December.

Haiz ... Not busy at all.
Only a parent and my husband were purchasing the books.
Perhaps they took for granted that the parents will get everything.

I will not be joining the PSG after all.
Found out from our friends that it's not spared from politics since the top echelon are run by tai tais.
I would want to spare myself from that and spend time with my younger ones at home instead.</font>
Hi Felixcat,
I happened to shop at OG 2 wks ago &amp; brought a pair of white shoes for my son under J.Edwards brand at $18++ after discount using OG card. It's quite comfy. U can check it out if you happen to go OG.

Hi Mummies,
Thanks for your views on PCF. I spoke to a fren today whose girl did v well in P1 &amp; P2 and he told me his girl only attended kindergarten at K2 &amp; at PCF. He said his gal picked up a lot of lifeskills at PCF. Tho I'm a little worry for my younger son, but HB said will still go ahead as plan. We will just bridge any gap of his learning thru enrichment class (esp his chinese) if there is a need. We will observe his progress &amp; like natelle said, I will coach him more at home. Mayb I worry too much yeah

Is it true on the PSG's politics? I thot of joining it next yr...

You are in the PSG, any comments on this? Shd I join?
