(2002) Any 2002 babies?

hi mummies,

hv a question abt cost for after school care. may i know what is the cost range? ds is currently attending k2 cherie hearts but realise that the director there is charging us their tariff rate. i had to pay $700 after the $150 subsidy. after a couple of mths, i found out from the principle that they actually hv corporate rates (it's in an office building) n i got 20% off after i got my co to write in.

now the director is quoting $560 for after school care. even with the 20% off, it's still $448. is this a reasonable price as i've checked for one at an hdb estate and it is ard $200 plus?

noe, i'm also not sure if there will be growth spurt, worry that if i get a size bigger will be too big for him but fitted ones scared wear less than a year only then can't fit.... headache, but i remember during my time, my mum always buy maybe 2 size bigger??

Wan wan,
Glad you also find the bag good. i also find the popkids bag too squarish although its very light compare to those SPI bags.

Nat, if you are comfortable with the kungfu panda then ok, no need to waste money. Also saw review from other website that reebok ones can last. But i intend to let him try those cheap cheap ones first then decide later if need to change. Do you know if it comes in black??
Hi jan, yah the popkids bags at Popular retailing at 69.90 but very boxy and too big for my small-framed girl.

Went Bata yesterday to get shoes for my girl. Went to 2 branches and no stock for her size (13)! Luckily managed to reserve one pair near my place. Then have to buy the display pair for the 2nd pair as that's the last pair they have! So mummies pls go and get the shoes early. My sil advised to get 2 pairs in case of rain etc.
felixcat, i have check out 2 student care, they are charging around $200+ include coaching them for homework and tuition, i know know how good is the tuition, but i find it quite worth if you want to compare to putting him in the childcare. Let me share the reason with you... firstly, childcare ones normally charge higher. Then they don't have a proper teacher to coach your kid, i have seen one school boy in my son CC, he just loiter around in the CC, no one really take care of him, though sometimes i see him inside the office, but i don't see him reading or doing homework, just chit chat with the supervisor....I find tnat a proper student care is better, at least cheaper and also he can have someone around his age to talk to whether on study or personal.
Hi milo,
ya will use the bag and see how it goes. But the bag like a bit big leh... quite 'tall' for the books, think can put in the A4 size files also...

As for the shoes, ya will try out the cheap one and see how it last. If no good then will consider the Reebok one, but not sure if the promotion will be over. Nowadays black school shoes quite common in shops. Had noticed Sportlink and Royal Sports House selling black track shoes, eg Nike, KAPPA and having promotion. If you are spending $20over for a normal school shoes, personally i find getting these track shoes @ abt $32-$39 more worth it.
thks milo,

i read in one of the threads recommending one but they don't hv any branch in the city. do you hv any recommendation - ard tiong bahru area?
Hi Noe,
So you have gotten your son the NIVPAK too.

Hi Jan,
The one you saw at popular is $29.90 & they have another difft design costs $69.90. Yes, the one selling at popular is light but you will find that the NIVPAk bag is also as light. I like NIVPAK as it is not boxy and what makes the different is actually the back part of the bag. They claimed NIVPAK supports the spine of the child.

Yeah, my son chose the design & he likes it too. Even my younger one wanted to get 1 but I just got 1 for my elder one.

Thks for the recommendation. I think it's worth the $$.
hi wanwan,
today never see her on msn yet, my gals still hv not receive the book list, so cant tell u when we can meet up. i think by today or tomorrow they should be getting it, i'll let u know as soon as i got it.ok
hi wanwan,
thanks, will check out Han Lang Centre.

as for my gal, will need to give her more encouragement to boost her confidence level.

now, every sat, she will attend english and chinese enrichment classes. i try not to put pressure on her but still cant be too easy on her.
Ok no problem.

You may want to read to her daily. Reading helps my boys to pick up new knowledge, new words and makes learning more enjoyable for them.
<font face="Tahoma">Ha ha Milo,
You have good memory.
I can't remember how's mine like when I was in P1.

Yeah Wan Wan,
Bought the NIVPAK for my son too.
Thanks to Milo's recommendation.
It's more colourful and interesting compared with its likes.</font>
Hi luanee, preciousmummy, my boy was not with me but I thought the bag is too big for P1.

Hi wanwan, yea! Nivpak replied my query that it's one of their partner schoos and they will be at the orientation. One item settled..!
Hi Nat &amp; Noe,
Where do u get your kid's uniform? So we need not get it fr the sch. I read somewhere that we can buy the uniform at one if the shops at yishun? Do you have the address I think I will go and take a look too. maybe I shd also buy the uniforms early for my son.
Hi felixcat, my ds is going Proteach which charges $310. The studentcare within the school has lower fee, less than $300. Why isn't there subsidy, like for childcare hor..
Hi Jan,
Good for U! Have u gotten shoes for your boy? That day when I went to the sch that sold the nivpak bag I saw white shoes being sold. it was quite heavy not sure if I shd get that or the one at OG where I bought 1 for my younger son.
<font color="ff0000">felixcat, I'm sorry i don't have any recommendation for student care around your area.</font>

<font color="119911">Luanee, I already have one black shoe from bata, was thinking of getting one more, may go down and take a look soon so that still can get the size i want.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Nat, do you know when is the promo ending for the shoes? In case if i can't get the bata ones, i will still have alternative...

<font color="aa00aa">Noe, you really can't recall anything about your childhood? I can still remember some only lah... </font>
Hi wanwan, haven't bought the shoes. Just looked around bcoz thought it's too early and wanted to buy in Dec to get a better fit.
anyone bought or saw de popular school socks (3 pairs/pack @ $3.50/pack)? r they better than de bata ones? or have anyone bought other brands? or fm de sch?

we need 2 buy 5 pairs rite? kiasu a bit hehehe
thks jan,

i've seen some good comments abt proteach but too bad the branches are quite out of the way for me. i'll try to check with some schools.

yeah, i also wonder abt the subsidy. it's not like the children can be left alone at home once they go pri 1 rite? or they expect the mums to quit n stay at home once their children go to school??
Hi wan wan, which school uniform are you looking at? The shop i went to is in Yishun, near the coming new hospital. It sells some other schools as well, including some eastern side schools. I went to buy because I don't like queuing during the orientation and I can't make it for the other days for their sale in school.

Hi milo, you mean the reebok or Nike track shoes right? Not sure when the promo ends, but seems now is the promotion period for school items bah... anyway 5 &amp; 6 Dec, there is a sale going on at 3 NTUCs. There will be books, Nivpak bags and shoes going on if I'm not wrong. Had talked to the Nivpak sales lady, a nice lady. The bag selling at the NTUC fair will still be more ex then the roadshows in schools. She was telling me some schools welcome invited outsiders to go and purchase during the roadshows, while some schools only have 'close-door' roadshows solely for their students and parents only. there is one going on this coming weekend in a school in AMK area.
Hi everyone....
Confirming with u, the nivpak bag is buying through the schoolroad show is cost us $39.90 rite? Am just sending an queries on there is their participating school, hopefully Rivervale Pri School is one of them if nt have to wait till the NTUC sale on 6 &amp; 7 dec.

Yah my gal oso developing faster compare to the gor gor. Am nw still scraching my head and searching on the suitable method to teach her cos my method that work on DS cant use on her.

Dear mummies,
I stumble to this article and thought to share it with everyone.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Help! My Kid Makes Careless Mistakes!.mht (21.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>
This is the article that i intend to share with everyone.

Help! My Kid Makes Careless Mistakes!

Sounds familiar? That's because at some point during our children's journey through school, we parents will experience the frustration of how our children have thrown away what appears to be easy-to-earn marks during their tests.

"Why so careless?!" Our children are probably numb to that phrase. Our first instinct is to pounce on the seemingly obvious problem - that the children were simply not concentrating on their work, and were distracted, day-dreaming, or simply want to rush through the work to get it done so that they can spend more time with things they like.

Indeed, the lack of motivation is a major cause of careless mistakes during normal schoolwork and homework. It is unlikely that children will do well in subjects that they dislike. However, simply lambasting children for not being serious in their schoolwork is unlikely to achieve anything permanent, other than confirming the children's suspicion that we are but "naggy and long-winded bagpipes". How we motivate our children to like a subject depends very much on the preferences of each child and how effective the educators are in generating interest. There are too many variables and it is not the focus of this article. Also, under examination conditions, lack of motivation is unlikely to be a major cause of careless mistakes.

Instead, we would like to address other factors which may contribute to careless mistakes in tests.

What are Careless Mistakes?

Before we can fix a problem, we must first understand what we are dealing with. There are actually several stages to making errors in schoolwork:

Reading errors. This implies that the child does not understand words or symbols in the question which prevented him/her from continuing the problem solving process.
To uncover these errors, we can make the child read the question out aloud and note any words that he/she is unable to pronounce.
Comprehension errors. The child may have read or understood all the words in the question, but was unable to comprehend the the overall meaning of the question.
Ask the child to say what the question is asking for in his/her own words.
Transformation errors. The child fully understands what the question is asking for, but is unable to identify the necessary sequence of operations required to solve the problem.
Ask the child which method he/she would use to solve the problem.
Process skills errors. The child is aware of what operation is required to solve the problem, but does not know the exact sequence or methods to do so.
Ask the child to go through the steps for solving the problem verbally.
Encoding errors. The child has correctly solved the problem, but did not do so in an acceptable or accurate presentation format.
Ask the child to write down the answer.
If we want to help our children, we must be able to distinguish the exact stage where the error occurred, instead of simply labelling everything as CARELESS MISTAKES. While it is true that Reading and Comprehension errors could also be due to carelessness arising from anxiety or time pressure, we must give our children the benefit of doubt that they really did not understand the words or question, and work on ways to help them improve in these areas. Generally, only encoding errors should be classified as "careless", but even that depends on whether the child has been properly instructed to present his/her answer in the acceptable manner.

All other kinds of errors show a lack of understanding of the problem-solving concept, which has nothing to do with carelessness. When that occurs, we have to do what we can to enlighten the child instead of simply dismissing it as a careless mistake, which might have the child thinking that he/she might really be "stupid" after all, leading to loss of confidence and even dislike for the subject or topic.

Who makes Careless Mistakes?

The answer is, simply, everyone. It is not just the Primary school students. We adults do it all the time, too. Interestingly, our propensity to succumb to careless errors actually increase with our level of understanding of the subject matter! The reason is due to over-confidence. Studies have proven that smarter children are more prone to careless mistakes, simply because they make computations based on approximation to what they already know. For example, for the following equation:
4 + X = 6
the common made mistake is X = 10, because our minds is trained to immediately associate the numerical operators with the operation that we need to conduct.

How to reduce Careless Mistakes?

Proofing, or the checking of completed work, is the primary technique which we try to instill in our children. The success of this techique depends on several factors:

The pride that a child takes in his/her work. "Careless" implies absence of care, or "don't care". An unmotivated child will take less pride in his/her work, and is therefore likely to make more mistakes. The key would be for parents and educators to think of ways of inspiring children to enjoy the act of producing high quality work. This would be the subject of another article.
The time that the child has remaining to complete the task of checking. This depends on the speed at which the child was able to solve all the problems in the paper. Children who are more careful will take more time to complete the paper and have less time to check - but they should have less careless mistakes to start with. Even so, it is important to train children to manage their time during examinations properly, so that sufficient time is budgetted for checking all the questions towards the end of the test.
Is it a habit? Children can indeed be trained to automatically check their work upon completion. Teachers can encourage this habit by reviewing assignments with students before collecting them for marking. This not only enhances children's proofing skills, but also help to establish proofing as an integral part of the problem-solving process.
The methods used for checking. Often, children are unaware about how to go about checking their work. Generally, they will simply go through their working for each question to verify the calculations in the same way as they originally solved the problem. This means that if their working was wrong to begin with, their subsequent checking will not uncover the mistake. A better technique would be to encourage children to work backwards from the answer they came up with, and see if they can get back to the original values. For example, if a child gets the answer X=2 for the question 4 + X = 6 by computing X=6-4, then the proper way of checking would be to verify that 4 + 2 will indeed return the value of 6. And in the case of multiple choice questions, the child should be encouraged to prove why the rest of the answers provided are not viable answers for the specific question.
To conclude, carelessness is as naturally occuring in children as in adults. As parents, we should try to understand why the mistakes were made in the first place, and take concrete steps to address them. We should also instill good habits of mind in our children, and train them to do proofing effectively for each of the different types of tests that they will be taking.
Hi Nat,
Tks. Could you remember the blk no.? You also mentioned about the reebok/nike track shoe. You mean school also allow them to wear track shoes? May I know which dept stores are having the promo?

And you are right about the tight security of some sch. A pri sch near my blk don't allow visitors to walk in just like that. In fact when I went to the pri sch to buy the NIVPAK sch bag on sat, the security did ask me for my purpose of visitng the sch as there was an orientation for P1 on that day. And i told them abt purchasing the sch bag. I suppose because the canteen was just within his sight, he allowed me to go in.
Hi Wan wan, the blk is 923 in yishun, if i remember correctly. But they don't sell all schools, only certain schools assigned to them. hence need to know which school your child is in.

As for the shoes, if u visit those sports stores, eg sportslink or royal sports, they have pure white/black track shoes that looks like school shoes. I believe these track shoes should be more comfortable. Some school do allow their student to wear such. hence better check with the school before you make any purchase.
Ariesan, the article is really good, at least we would know how to handle the kids problem.

Nat i think we met the same lady, small build and curly hair. I was told the bag would be selling $49.95 in the NTUC roadshow, thats why i bought it from school roadshow although have to travel a bit more. Its still worth it.
hi milo, i've not met her yet, chatted with her on the phone. Her name is Anna, and a very nice lady. However, me still pondering about buying this bag leh.. My ds already had a kungfu panda new bag, guess was cost >$30 also, but somehow I find it a bit big. However, should be roomy enough to put in all his files with worksheets (School want him to buy files for each subjects, differentiate by colours). And if don't use this bag, I'm afraid kungfun panda will be out-dated cartoon by then he goes P2 or P3 liao leh.
Yeah, my daughter's school said 'sneakers, track shoes and sports shoes are NOT allowed'. So I hope my Bata type is allowed.

And yeah, I forgot about the socks, LOL... 5 pairs?
jh, if you do laudry everyday the i think 3 should be enough, somemore if its first time buying the socks, i won't buy too much of the same brand becos if the brand can't last then what to do with so many sock? My advise is to try out different brand as time goes by then decide...

Nat, my son school also have to bring different colours of file, think NIVPAK can fit all in. Why not go take a look at the bag first then decide? let your son use the kungfu panda first, and if u like NIVPAK then buy and keep as standby cos they only have promo once a yr only, the lady mention if we buy not during promo, the bag actually cost $89.95. Somemore, if your son find the bag too heavy also can change....

Luanee, i do see some kids wearing sport shoe to school for PE., wonder if they allow them to wear on normal days??
<font face="Tahoma">
Hi Wan Wan,
Our school seems to have a fixed supplier, Bibi &amp; Baba.
They were there at the orientation.
Most parents placed their orders on the spot together with the name tags and others can visit the supplier's at Shaw Centre.
We have placed order for 4 sets of uniforms.

Heh Milo,
I remember mostly the troubles I got into and the pinafores that seemed to get shorter every year.

Yeah Cecelia,
Very different personality indeed.
I can attest to that which spice up our lives.
Wah ha ha ...

How many of you would be getting shoe whites?
Do they still do that these days?

Hi Nat &amp; Noe,
My son is gg ats. I guess you are right I better wait for the orientation &amp; decide where to buy the uniforms.

As for the shoes, I saw sportslink &amp; bata are selling reasonably priced white shoes. Sportslink is selling abt $16.90 &amp; bata fr $17++ to $24++. My son's orientation is next sat. Again I think I better wait for the orientation to check on how strict is the sch.

Thanks gals!
i guess i have not caught the 'gancheong' bug yet.
i have yet to scout around for shoes and bags yet. :p
orientation only this Saturday. :D
Hi fz,
Which sch is your child gg? Your gal or boy? Hee hee my boy's orientation is next sat but yet I'm more 'gancheong' than you.
my boy is in neighbourhood school.
good thing is that one mummy in the 2001 thread is in the PSG of that school. her boy in P1 this year. she has been very helpful in my enquiries. :D

i'm excited, but the thought of queuing up to buy stuff, having to scout around for stuff and wrapping all the books...i'm so lazy. :p
yeah have the same feeling as u on the queuing for textbks &amp; unform. My HB may not be able to join us so have to do so much on the orientation by myself. But I'm quite on...ha ha.
I think it's quite fun to shop for school stuff leh, esp if it's the first time for Pri 1. Now looking forward to going BibiBaba this Sunday to get the uniforms! Not forgetting the orientation on Sat too... What a packed weekend!
Hi Chicken Little

My son is also in NYPS. He's in 1J. Have you ordered the books? uniform? I'm waiting to see which 'house' he'll be in before getting the uniforms &amp; sports t-shirts.

Guess we'll meet on Sat.
<font face="Tahoma">Hi FZ,
There are those some ready made book wraps for the more common measurements right?
But it might come up to a hefty sum on the whole.
Think I better start wrapping now slowly. Haiz ...

Heh heh Luanee,
I enjoy stationary shopping too leh.
Ooh. According the Bibi Baba supplier I spoke to last round, she said it is very packed at their shop over the weekends.
They may be there at your child's orientation so perhaps you might like to stand by cash at hand to buy the uniforms?
She told us that it's faster to buy them in the school during orientation than at their shop.

ya..for exercise books they have...but not sure for workbooks and textbooks they have anot. anyway, my husband likes to do such stuff as wrapping...he said its very theraputic. :p

i find shopping around for stuff troublesome cos i have a 2 yr old tagging along. my ILs had to arrange for this saturday to be free so they can babysit my younger boy. so it's kindof an 'offday' (rather morning only) for me! yippee!
Hi mummies,
I just realised that my son is having STELLA programme for his eng. Any idea how will they be tested and are they gg to learn grammar, vocab, compre, compo etc like the other children not in the STELLA programme.

Wonder if we can use passed down books on the civics &amp; moral education, health education and music textbk. If so, I will go &amp; get them from my cousins or nieces
<font face="Tathoma">Ooh FZ,
That's great isn't it.
Ah, so dh must have enjoyed wrapping gifts too.

Oh yeah, never easy shopping with a toddler at hand.
Hurray for some me-time for you.
I treasure such rare moments.
they have sizes for textbks too.

therapetic? i hate it when hair n dust gets onto de plastic while u r wrappin ... i went crazy wrappin my gal's k2 sight-readers ... or have i been wrappin them de wrong way all these yrs?

Hi wan wan, i had bought the books liao except exercise books... probably only maths, chinese, art, music and social studies textbooks can be passed down. All need to buy including the health education and Civic Moral, because the kids will need to write and paste stickers in these books.
