(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Hi Noe,
How old are your children? Which sch is your son gg?

Yeah, it's really a tough decision to quit or change to a job that you can spend more time with your kids. And I'm v sure it is v rewarding cos I see a lot of good from my sons since I quit my 10+ yrs of job last yr & change to a more flexi job that i can spend more time with my kids. Well, must sacrifice the $$ part tho...

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Likewise, not my cup of tea.
Life is more than that.
Come, let's go drink kopi and have some mummy chill out time instead. Heh.

Hi Wan Wan,
I believe there will always be politics (a matter of how strong and weak) in any organisations lah.
Relationships are completed mah.
Even managing the ones effectively at home front is a challenge already. Ha ha ...

This is the feedback given from my girlfriend whose son is now in ACS P3.
I have met one last Friday when I was there for the P1 orientation.
Though well-groomed &amp; accented, I despise her talk-down attitude which was totally uncalled for.
That's another story by itself.

As long as one's commitment is minimum and posed no threat to the them, relationship should be pretty amicable I would say (or rather hope)..
I am sure there are great parents in PSG too.
After all, almost all in PSG make that commitment to join the team for the welfare of their children in one way or another.
<font face="Tahoma"><font size="-2"><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Hi Noe,
How old are your children? Which sch is your son gg?

Yeah, it's really a tough decision to quit or change to a job that you can spend more time with your kids. And I'm v sure it is v rewarding cos I see a lot of good from my sons since I quit my 10+ yrs of job last yr &amp; change to a more flexi job that i can spend more time with my kids. Well, must sacrifice the $$ part tho...<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote></font>

Hi Wan Wan,
My boys are 2, 4 and 6 years of age.
My eldest is entering ACS (Primary) next year.

The above feedback is made based on ACS (Primary) PSG.
I do not know how's like with other schools.
Probably it depends on if they are run by teachers or parents themselves.
As far as I know, the PSG in ACS is a strong organisation.

That's great, isn't it.
Enjoying the intangibles of being there for our boys.
Of course, there are drive-me-up-the-wall moments.

Have you read Dr James Dobson's Bringing Up Boys?
It's a great book.
hi wan wan,

thks for the tip. will check if i'm near og. that's cheaper than bata actually.


it nv cross my mind that acs psg may be political. but now that you mentioned, i think it might well be true.

i've an old neighbour who's giving tuition to a lot of acs boys n she said they're very naughty n difficult to control. also heard from my friend who's a teacher from another school that the boys will bully the chinese teachers n feel proud when they fail chinese. *sigh* headache. hope it's just hearsay as my mum has a friend who attends the affiliated church n she said it's a great school - very close knitted. i think as parents, we are responsible for how they behave in school as well and we'll hv to be a good role model.

think what the principle said was so true. the boys are better behaved when there're girls around. too bad, this is a boy school.
Hi Noe,
Wow! You have 3 boys! I've 2 boys (age 5 &amp; 6) and I'm already finding it so challenging in bringing them up. So did you coach them since young?

Yes, I've read this book by Dr James Dobson some yrs back recommended by a friend who also has 2 boys like me &amp; I have gained some insights from it. Care to share your insights on bringing up boys?

BTW, how do you add the animation? I'm not so gd at such thing...
Hi Noe,
How are you? Ur eldest will be going to P1 next year too?? mine oso. Wow ACS good school lei..

How is ur youngest? Mine drive me upon the wall....
Hi yellow, i'm a mummy in Sembawang. i find let your kid continue if he likes the class. For P1 they won't be much of chinese characters at the moment but they will be teaching hanyu pinyin. Hence I suggest you prepare your son's exposure to hanyu pinyin first.
Hi Yellowcutebb,
I've a fren who stayed in states for 6 yrs &amp; later found that her 2 children can't speak mandarin at all. But her elder daughter who is in P1 this year has scored >90 marks in her tests &amp; exams. She told me her gal has attended chinese classes in Han Lang centre since Dec 07 &amp; its 10 days preparatory class for P1 which has shown great improvement in her gal. My SIL said her children have also benefit from the class. I'm also intending to enrol my son in the class next yr. They have a br at woodlands, you may want to check it out. Good to first find out the methods they are using and whether they are suitable for your son.
Hi yellow, not really lah.. getting him prepared is better than he don't know and feel left out in the class... my son also going through preparation for eng/maths/chinese.. my worries for him is more onto english for we are mandarin speaking family. My son also gg P1 next yr
Hi Mummies,
If your child has been taught well in K2 either in CC or PCF, I think he/she should be ready for P1. The preparatory classes are more to summarise all that have been taught &amp; focus on the key areas. If you go thru the assessment bks found in popular bkstore, they are in a form of preparatory practice but as parents it will benefit your child a lot if you can go thru with them daily.

I went thru some P1 eng, maths &amp; chinese textbk and assessment bks and get my son to read them before sleep. Not kiasu or want him to score in P1 but to let him get used to the textbks, questions etc that he will subsequently be taught in sch.

I think mummies need not worry too much as I am sure schs will teach your child the nec skills under MOE curriculum. But I must say that there is a need to start getting your child to read widely, train your child to think &amp; let him solve some tricky questions.

Good to set up a timetable to have some routine of doing homework to build a strong foundation. But beware of starting your child with too challenging qns as it may lead to in adverse results. And minimise TV watching &amp; video gaming...
Hi Nothing2do,
I'm not sure which is better. I think it's good to do a comparison. I choose Han lang centre cos there is one near my house and I just want the course to help brush up my son's chinese lang which I regret I did not start to coach him earlier. Since my younger son is attending PCF which i'm still not sure if it's adequate, I'll see how it goes &amp; decide next yr when he is in K2.

My elder son who is gg P1 next yr also did not attend preparatory classes. If you have time, it will be good to just go thru with him what he has learnt so far in K2. Shd be good enough...don't stress your kid &amp; yourself...
hi wanwan
both r near to me. but i dont hv friends in hua cheng. just hv friends in han. say quite good. now i also dont know how, bec i also found a tuition which i need to go to her place in AMK area. she do group or 1 to 1 also hv. and she was a teacher fr NY and ST nic.
what would be the adverse results in attempting more challenging questions? confidence issue?
I do give my boy a mix of both standard and non-standard questions just to stretch his thinking a bit.

i m new here too, would appreciate all mummies advice

my girl is from pcf and gg to p1 next years but she is a slow learner, cant read and write well too.

her k2 teacher has actually suggest that we retain her for another year.

may i have some opinions, i just dont know whether to detain or move her to p1

she is actually attending enrichment class from krtc and chinese k2 from xueni's chinese centre.
retaining your girl for another year may have impact on her self confidence in the long run. imagine....when she goes to P1, she'll be 1 year older than her friends in class, and we all know how kids can be tactless in their remarks.
personally, how do you feel about her progress? should you be changing her enrichment centres if you feel that they are not upto mark? have you done any reinforcing with her at home?
that is exactly my concern, she is already so sensitive, timid and she's also lacking of confidence. every things she does, she will be asking for confirmation and she's so scared to be wrong.

yes, we have been practising her reading, writing in school.

thot of chaning her to berries as for english enrichment, any recommendation ?
Preciousmummy, my girl is attending 'I Can Read' and i find it quite good as she went in from not knowing even reading the word 'the' to reading whole stories to herself now (in less than a year). But prices are a bit exp though.

And yes I also think it may not be so good for her self-esteem if you retain her. Probably u can talk to her pri1 school teacher next year to pay more attention to her.
Hi preciousmummy, maybe you girl need to get a while for warmup. She might be different liao when she go P1 and mix with pool of students. Maybe can try to source for 'crashed course' lessons (will need some mummies to recommend) to get her ready for P1. I'm sure she will be fine. My girl was like your girl also, she's in K1 this year, but takes 2-3yrs for her to warm up in her pre-school. Now she's getting better abit, even attending any enrichment classes, she will definitely want her brother along, otherwise she refuses to go, even to the playground or jus provision shop downstairs with us. But at home is a whole different person.
Hi precious, i agree with fz &amp; luanee. IMO to detain your daughter in k2 next year is a bad idea as nowadays, primary school will try to push all their student to the next level instead of detaining them. All you need to do is give her alot of assurance and let her take it slow. Find an enrichment centre where she enjoys going to as they tend to pay more attention when they enjoy the lesson. Btw, have you enrol her in any primary school?

Give your daughter and yourself a chance.
Hi Nothing2do,
Need to weigh the pros &amp; cons &amp; see if your gal learns better in a 1-1 environment or in groups. It will be a gd idea if you can drop by the centres &amp; talk to the teachers on the programs provided, then you decide what is more suitable for your gal. Sometimes it's trial &amp; error you wouldn't know until your child is in the class &amp; feedback. Of course parents recommendation &amp; feedback are useful for ref.
hi all mummies,

thank you for your all feedbacks, much appreciated. i have already enrol her in p1, its just that when her k2 teacher told us to detain her for another year. i m hesitating whether i should do it or not, will it be too stressful for her or not since she is not up to it?

She is already looking forward gg to p1 next year, any mummies know of any good english and chines enrichment in east (tampines or pasir ris)
Yes, it is always gd to start your child from the level that he/she is at. Try some of the assessment bks to have a good gauge. If your child can score >90 marks, I feel he/she can proceed to try the challenging sums. Even if he/she gets it wrong, explain that they are more difficult questions to test our thinking ability. As time goes by, when the child gets more exposure to the more challenging qns, he will be able to handle them. I feel that for a child who are weak in the particular subject still need to strengthen the content and concept. master them first before proceed. It will boost their confidence. Otherwise, the child who is forced to try the challenging qns even tho he/she is weak in the subj will have low self-esteem and lacks confidence in the long term.
Hi Yellowcutebb,
I started my son a few mths ago on P1 assessment to gauge his std and I realise he is able to do most of the sum, tho not 100%. But I'm ok with that. It has been a while that he has been practising the P1 assessment so i dun intend to get him to attend tuition. I'm not one who like to send my children for tuition. If I can, i'll rather sit down with them to understand the areas &amp; reasons why they dun understand &amp; use difft methods to teach them. My 2 boys have difft learning styles so i will apply difft methods when I teach them. So far they are ok. My expectation is not that high cos they still have 6 yrs edn in pri sch, not want to stress them &amp; myself so early. hee hee.

Having said this, reading &amp; thinking skills are a must for them as these skills will bring them a long way in their learning in schs.
if you are not working or have time at home, sit down with your gal to find out more from her the weak areas that she needs to brush up. Gd to find out from her k2 teacher on her observation as why she thinks that your gal needs to attend another yr. Try to work on the areas that the teacher mention before she attends P1. To be frank, many of the K2 sch work are meant to prepare your child for P1. If you work on her weak areas now, you will see improvement in P1.

Also gd to give her encouragement when she puts in effort &amp; try her best. Dun lose heart &amp; have faith in her. And always have belief that your child can excel, you just need to work with her on those areas step by step and you will sure see results!

Jia You!
Hello yellow, yes I agree. So most of the time I end up yelling at my daughter when she does not revise or do her work as I told her. She always complain that mummy is so fierce, sigh..
Hi preciousmummy, of course do not retain another year for K2! Formal schooling starts in P1. Kindergarten is just prep school, to prepare attending school, should not place too much emphasis on academic progress. This is the first time I've heard, sorry hor..just think that it's an outrageous suggestion from K2 teacher. As it is, it's not desirable to have streaming at 8-9 yrs old which is too young to tag a child..now to even have repeat K2.
Hi nat, luanee, did you mention seeing school bags at popular? Saw this 'popkids' bag today selling at $29.90 for members. It's ergo and feels ok, though not too sure if it's too big for P1. Is that what you saw?
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Hi Felixcat,

Yeah, I agree with you. It begins with us.
Though peer pressure is very real and influential, with prayers and support, may they continue to grow into the man that they are called to be.

Hi Wan Wan,
3 is not far from 2.
Your boys must be very close to each other.
Coaching? Do you mean home schooling?
It was short stint till my second who is a high need child came along.

Heh heh, I land myself in plenty of offsides I would say.
Probably, the one aspect I remind myself most is to speak to them in their love language as much as I can.

You find the link at the bottom of the web site too. All you need to do is to add the link indicated for the emoticon you would like to use.
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Yo Cecilia,
Long time to 'see'!

ACS does sound like a good school.
However, I am finding many different types of challenges coming along the way already.
May God grant us wisdom and patience in this new phrase of our lives.

Ha ha. Jul is a chilli padi.
He's learning from his brothers most of the time so he seems to develop faster linguistically.

It does seems like our seconds are usually quite a survival and challenge hor.</font>
Hi Noe,
Yes I have read abt love languages some yr back &amp; I think it is very useful. So you coach your 3 kids at home? Must be tough on you. Agree with mummies that teaching your own kids can be quite challenging at times...I feel for working parents who have to juggle between taking care of children, perform at work &amp; take care of family issues...Been in this situation &amp; understand fully..
Hi Yellocutebb,

Yeah, sometimes my boys' handwriting is untidy also. My elder one is with me when I type this &amp; he smiles when he read my posting. Ha Ha...
Lost track of this thread for so long.

Hey any kiddo joining NYPS like my gal ? Would like to see if in same class or not. She will be in 1L
<font face="Tahoma">Hi Wan Wan,
Nay, being a mother in itself be it at home or at work is never an easy feat.
There are different set of challenges to face.

You must be a wealth of experience.
It will be great hearing from you.
Hi jan, thanks for the updates about your recent trp
will visit the park on a monday then.

As for the bag, I've seen the popkids in Popular's magzine today stated $69.90 for members leh. Probably you can consider Nivpak, the bags look nice and reasonably priced. For those schools under Pacific bookstore, think they also sell ergo bag @ abt S$39.90.
Hi all,

I am new here. My girl is going to P1 St Nicholas' next year. Any of your girl attending St Nic? I think I am more anxious than my girl. Worried that she can't cope.
nat, you've got the bag for your child already? Which one you chose?

btw mummies, when buying uniform, do you buy fitted one or a size bigger??
Hi Noe,
I'm still learning fr the mummies here. glad that i've joined this forum.

I've checked ard &amp; i've found nivpak recom by milo one of the best sch bags. the one you saw at popular is v light like nivpak but it's like carrying a box cos of the shape. I bought one bag fr nivpak on sat. I think it's gd But mayb slightly big for small sized kiddos. it's only $39.95 if u buy it at sch road show. it's really worth considering. why not take a look at the bags first if they are having a road show at the sch near your area.
<font face="Tahoma"> Hi Milo,
Thank you for the recommendation.
We got our son the NIVPak last Saturday.
I think it's value for money.

We bought the uniforms a little looser for him, considering that he might shoot up more next year as my niece did.
Not too sure if the growth spurt is accurate for girls only.
Perhaps mummies with older children can shed some light?

Yeah Wan Wan
<font face="Tahoma"> Hi Sleepy Resolutions,
They are selling at $39.95 at school road shows.
They are having promotion online (best viewed in IE) now inclusive of delivery and if you don't mind not viewing and checking out the product first.
Hi nat, you have fun! At imm popular, saw the retail price for popkids bag is $69.90 but for members special is $39.90.

Hi wanwan, yah the pop bag is light which is what I like. Thought ergo bags are shaped like that. Had sent query to check if nivpak is having roadshow during school orientation. Hopefully, then my ds to choose design. Did your boy choose the bag?

hi milo, I did not buy any ergo bag for my son. He shall be using a kungfu panda school bag, a gift from his aunt. Guess is the similar one Popular is selling for Ben10. Personally I will like Nivpak, for its design and price. But no point buying another bag now... will use this kungfu panda first....

As for uniforms, I've went to the shop to buy, would not want to wait till the orientation and rush with the crowd. I've gotten the slightly looser set for him. Had also bought a pair white shoes for him to try out, from a nearby shop, brand name think is call Ocean something, non-canvas type, costing about $12. Not sure if this pair can last.... quite tempted to buy those Reebok or Nike white track shoes from the sports shops instead, costing only $30over nia....
