(2002) Any 2002 babies?

My ds is P3. I can’t wait for school because don’t know when they are coming to checked. Normally is end of year then checked. So I brought him to the optician last night, bec next week he is having his CA liao. To my surprise he indeed has myopia in 1 eye, 175. the other eye is zero. So ended up I make 1 specs for him to 应急first. I would still prefer checks in KK / NEC.

My 5 year old son had a check at the NEC at age 3 years old leh. But I did not get any referral letter to go, just went directly.

late last year, he keep blinking his eyes and I brought him to optician and they tested 200 astig each eye. So just nice next day my fil going for cataract after surgery review, we brought him to private specialist for a check. From there he was given a prescription for glasses. For young kids, they will recommend eye specialist because need to dilate the eyes to check right ?
Always thinking that my ds' eyesight is good, but lately he keeps rolling his eyes, i find it a nuisance and keep nagging him to stop the bad habit. Then recently I realise myself also like that, and is because my eyes get dry and somehow like tired and can't see properly... this is because i still have some degree residue after my lasik... Eventually I convince myself that his eyesight got problem. Lucky found out early that he is lazy eye... if gets higher it's going to be worse. At the moment I will use the optic shop's prescription, but i will still prefer the specialist's one. Will definitley got for 1 soon.

KKH won't check. Our P3 are too 'old' for KKH. I called to enquire before.

KKH advised me to go NEC. The cheapest route is to get a referral letter from polyclinic to go NEC. It's not a very long wait. I think we were given an apppointment 1 week later.

I forgot how much I paid for 1st appointment. They put eye drops for her during that 1st appointment.
I paid $50 after subsidy for 2nd appointment - just eye check, no eye drops
oh last mth my 2nd went KK they have such checks leh... that time she was complaining of blur, and almost fell down the stairs while coming down. So we gotten the referral from her neurologist in KK to check, there they did the dilation thing too. But notice mostly the kids were young ones. Maybe I will find out from Polyclinic or house nearby eye clinic then.

KKH have the equipments. What I meant is our kids are too 'old' for KKH, they only accept younger ones.

How old is your number 2?
hee..hee... understand
my dd is Pri 2.
hi mummies,
share with you something funny.
sometimes when i thought that my boy has gotten the science concept, he 'surprise' me with his silly and ridiculous answers whenever he mixed up the facts....
he asked me..."how can 'all mammals give milk to its young' be true when a playtapus is a mammal that lay eggs? playtapus cannot give milk to its eggs right?" -__-"

also...."then how can guppies give milk to its young?" -__-" i have to remind him that guppies are special FISHES!!! then his eyes light up and go 'ya hor'. -__-"
my boy just took back his class revision papers and for EL, he has several careless mistakes! wanna vomit blood. he could have gotten all his compre answers correct if not for all those spelling errors, tenses errors!
i am so fedup that i told him that i'm going to fine him $1 for every careless mistake made for next week's tests. told him that instead of shouting at him, i need that $ as compensation to go buy myself a good meal if he really did lose so many marks due to carelessness.
Jus scolded my P3 gal an hour ago...she could not finish her tuition worksheet. I really dunno how to teach her to manage her time..why does she has to do last min;s work. I have been nagging her to complete her tasks once she has completed her sch homework. She has one whole week to do her tuition worksheets..why procrastinate till 11th hour?? I sent her off to bed and told her to face the music tomorrow. She owed an explanation to her teacher why she did not complete them. How do you teach kids to take their own responsibilities??

Extra tooth
hubby just spotted that my gal has an extra tooth sprouting from behind her upper front tooth. We suspected that it might be a supernumerary tooth. We were surprised that the school dentist did not pick this up as the tooth seems mature and well developed. We did not want to alarm my gal so we just told her that we will send her to our own dentist to take a look. I read up that in some cases, surgical extraction will be needed to remove the extra tooth..hopefully we need not hv to go thru any surgical procedures
Seems to be the trait of most kids. I'm quite resigned to it. The only thing I can do is to try to revise more often with her so that marks lost due to silly mistakes can be reduced to the lowest.

Growing plants
Can I ask which plants are easy to grow at home? My gal is pestering me to grow something. I thought of onion but not sure how to do it. And she mentioned her friends grow plants with water babies. What are those and where can I get it? Thanks in advance for all your advice.
Hi Mummies

Any of you send your child to MindStretcher?
I'm thinking of sending my boy to their branch in Woodlands for English and Science.
Is Mindstretcher good?
maisy Daisy
The water babies are not plant leh..it is some kinda silicon/jelly that will expand in water. My gals brought some home the other time..seems like this toy is a rave in school.

For plants..can green beans which is the easier. I tried ginger and onions..also quite easy..just have to make sure to keep the soil moist.

my gal is with mindstretcher Maths..not said super good but also not that bad..at least they are quite academic focus. Questions are very exam oriented. But teachers quality varies..do not expect 1 to 1 coaching. I went thru the answers with my gal again, if she is not clear. I would say the questions are not easy for my gal's standard. The other day, I was cracking my brain to explain to her the model drawing for questions like this:
I want to get some files. If I buy 7 files, I am short of $1. If I buy 6 files, I will get $2 change back. How much do money do I have at first?
Dd1 really came down with c. pox. CA1 starts today. Really 是福不是祸,是祸躲不过!she's happily watching cartoon now and this mummy is busy notifying school and reorganising my schedule.....What a way to start the rabbit yr.....
blessing is this is CA1 not SA and she will be immuned from now on.

It is Fu. Wish her a speedy recovery and blessed everyone at home
7 Files - Short of $1
6 Files - Change $2
File = $2+$1 = $3
Thus 6*$3=$18
At 1st, I have $18+$2= $20

cookpie: make sure she does not scatch them. Having it earlier is better. I had mine when I was 18.Had a hard time with it.
Mimosa: My son has Science @ Mindstretcher Bishan. So far he has enjoyed the class. He said the class helped him quite a bit for his Science CA1.

Now I am waiting for his results to see how well he did.
I'm considering whether to send him to Mindstretcher or Mind Matters.

Any of your child goes to Woodgrove Primary School?
Cookiepie - hope you and yr gal are coping well with the c pox. Try to eat/drink more cooling stuff..I agree with avrilf..having it younger has its advantages. I got it when I was 18..considered mild cases..but still lost abt 3kg, cos no appetite to eat.

Avril - yes, yr answer is right. I got it via algebra but cannot explain to my gal using algebra..must use model. I drew a model..dunno my gal understands or not..I ask her to check with her teacher and let me know how the teacher explain to the class.

I am considering Science class but I scared my gal will be overloaded. So far her class topical test, she fared okay..abt 80 marks region. I will hv to see her SA1 result and see if I shd send her for science lessons.
err ... anyone knows wat to do wif de water babies? my niece gave my gal a packet n now dat it has 'grown', dun know wat to do wif them.

my gal has common tests dis wk n next but marks not taken in. any mummies interested in exchanging Science CA1 papers after de teachers return de papers?
Hi jh, i will be keen to share too. Mine taking his test next week.

Bebe, I got the answer via trial and error thing.
Say if file cost $1, 7 files cost $7; 6 files cost $6 resulted $7-$1 = $6 while the other is $6+$2= $8 (not the same)

Say if file cost $2, 7 files cost $14; 6 files cost $12 resulted $14-$1 = $13 while the other is $12+$2= $14 (not the same)

Say if file cost $3, 7 files cost $21; 6 files cost $18 resulted $21-$1 = $20 while the other is $18+$2= $20 (SAME initial amount)

avrilf, ur method chiem to me. Why u take $1+$2?
Thank you Natellehcim
Mine is not CA but will be topical test for Englsih and Maths. Also taking this week.

Will share the revision papers too which is same format for test.
no problem. for mummies, who are keen you may email me to [email protected], and let's set the last date of submission be 20 March (end of sch hols), then i will conso and email to all who contributed. Or if you mummies wanna let your kids practice during sch hols, then we can see an earlier dateline of submission. Please advise
thanks natellehcim for complying.

i am interested in exchanging the science papers. me and Ling children are from the same school. ours are not CA too; just revision tests. i'll see if she can help me scan because my desktop crashed!

can draw model. it is much clearer.


ie 1file = $2+3 = $3
at first is "amount" ie (6x3)+2=$20
science paper
My gal is having science test this Thurs. No CA1 for her school. Hopefully the teacher will let us keep the paper for 1-2 days so that enough time to make copy and share.

Science tuition
My gal is already having once a week, science tuition with my neighbor cos really no time to teach her. Will see how she score for her coming science test. Besides my science knowledge not v good so better don't teach the wrong concept. LOL.

water babies
Where can I buy it? What can I grow with it?

For ginger and onion, do I just put them in the soil and water regularly? How long does it take to grow?

Thanks for consolidating them for us. I will send to you when my son brings it back from school.

Recently I juz purchased Top 10 primary schools 2010 exam papers (CA1 &amp; 2, SA1 &amp; 2) for the 4 subjects for $50. Planning to ask my son to practise doing them during the school holidays.
i just bought a few CL assessment books. intend to let my boy practice during the mar holidays. initially only bought 1 topical, then last week went to buy one on vocab and one on those 4 words choose 1 word. also saw cloze passage type. then also saw a few other topical CL assessment books which i think is better than the one i bought. hahaha....why are those assessment books on the shelves seem better than those sitting at home? :p
avrilf: I bought a similar set of testpapers for $50 as well. I started letting my dd do the CA1 papers, and indeed, some of the schools are really quite difficult.

fz: Yes, I always feel the same as you, that's why I try to stop browsing around the Popular assessment book area, else always very tempted. Will it be difficult for your boy to finish all the CL assessments if there are many books? We always can't seem to finish doing these books...

Mummies: My dd's CA1 finally over on Monday. Her results for Chinese and Math came back and not bad...much better than her results from those difficult CA1 tests from top schools! Whew...
I am trying to resist buying more assessment books too. Buy easy, finish doing them is an issue. I always end up feeling stressed if my dd can't finish them. It's becoming our common personal target i.e. KPI. So sad....

I bought the top 10 pri school exam papers but haven't start to remove them from plastic bags yet, except for science. I passed the stack of science paper to the tuition teacher. Felt so relief when the stack reduced by one-quarter. haha...
hi mummies, i realised my ds science paper will only be next Mon or Tue :p so i will only be able to contribute after he brought back. By the way, if you gals also keen for other subjects, please also send me the other subjects for conso. I will email to those who contributed then. thanks.
sorry i cannot contribute for science they do not have test.

By the way, for those exam papers , which are the top 10 schools ?

Isn't it available on some website which offers free ?

I sent my gal to dentist yesterday and was told that she might need to put on braces cos her upper teeth are overcrowding. He referred me to a pte orthodontist to seek 2nd opinion. Sianz...first is the myopia..then now the teething..what is next?? Acne?? $$ really not enough..
sigh my girl also confirmed braces case. She had 2 teeth and 1 teeth extracted consecutively over 2 days.

These have to be extracted so her adult teeth can grow.

And her top new adult tooth are embedded at an angle not coming out straight

I have to start saving up for her to do braces now is estimated 4K dunno when they turn 13, how much it will be
chicken little - my gal is like yr gal..the abv adult tooth grow at an awkward place...I thought it was an extra tooth until my dentist said it is the perm tooth..but cos the baby tooth is still there and obstructing the new tooth. He did not extract the tooth for me, but refer me to the specialist.

The dentist said there are pro and con of doing braces at young age. One of the pro is that the teeth are still young, and therefore easier to "move" and shorten the period of wearing braces and may cost lesser. The con is that the the baby teeth are still there..if we do not extract them, the perm teeth may still need adjusting later stage.

Do you know if we can claim medisave or CDA for doing braces?? I think shd ask my gal to do dentistry..cos sure earn big bucks..
Hi Avrilf,
Noted with thanks. I will wait for the other mummies' papers then. My ds completed his Maths on Tue, yesterday was MT. Today shall be Paper 1 for both languages. Science shall be next Monday.
Avilf, wah..ur kid finished the CA1 already huh?
Mine only begin today with Chinese...next week is the 3 other papers.
my boy is having science today. i had informed Ling to help me scan the papers when we get back the paper.
thanks for compiling.
just found out that fruits are not considered living things! my boy got that for one of his class revision paper under MCQ and he selected pear as living things and got it wrong.
hmm... i'm surprised to hear that Fruits is not living thing too. They have seeds in them and they react to environment by rotting leh... LOL... hahaha.. maybe my own assumption. :p
Such tricky question. I asked my colleagues just now and they all thought fruit is a living thing. Now they are asking questions that even adults cannot answer.
Fz, maybe the teacher is wrong. Fruit should be considered as living thing. As what Nat said it reacts according to the environment - even after being detached from the tree/plant, there are still on-going reactions (e.g. getting riped or rotten). Why not ask your son to check with the teacher. Lose marks like that very wasted leh...

Shall ask my dd tonight.

It may not be living thing because it cannot make its own food and cannot move (towards sun). I think have to satisfy all criteria of living thing.
