(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Hi Mummies,

I am glad to have this forum to complain and discuss on the problems we faced.

I really cant imagine them taking PSLE.

Cookiepie: I oso feel like letting my son handle this CA on his own but I am worried. Super contradicting rite?

Linette: My son will finish his school homework but not the ones I gave. Maybe I have been working late thus he is trying his luck. His dad has been complaining to me

For the 1st time in the last 6 yrs, I have caned him to act as a reminder that I am super angry with him for taking his own sweet time to do the work.

Hi JustJazz (jazzelle),
My son is from Holy Innocents' Primary school.

After reading the threads posted by all the mummies here, I feel a kind of comfort. At least it shows that my son is not the only one or at least I am not the only one to suffer.

With the heavy workload, I cannot keep track of what my son is doing when I am not at home.
I even ask him to revise his work at least 1 to 2 hours per day, but it doesn't work.

At least, he admitted that he is lagging behing as compared to P1 and P2. But no action taken.

Now, I even have to use the "force" method on him before he finally settles down to do his work.
Most of the time, he will be playing DS, watching TV and playing computer games.

I think must come out with another way to make him to do his work willingly.
Creative writing

I have decided to enrol my son for the Chinese Creative Writing enrichment course recommended by the school. The course focus mainly on compo writing, is taught by Chinese native teachers from Language Express Services. Wonder any mum's kid also attending this course?
mk: My daughter's school also organises a Chinese Creative Writing enrichment course in school, and also by an outside vendor (but I can't remember who!), so I am putting her there, but they are stopping only after 3 months, sigh.

I think perhaps we are all very anxious about the CA this year because it is counted into the final term assessment. Hopefully, after the CA, we all know how our kids stand and could be comforted. During the P3 parents' briefing in school in January, the first slide by the HOD in charge specifically highlighted in BOLD "P3 work is very much more challenging compared to P2. BE PREPARED TO SEE A DROP IN GRADES."

Haha, so the school did prepare us in advance but I guess us parents got even more kancheong as a result!
ya, Linette, i believe this is typical local parents' syndrome.. hahaha... maybe we should use this online discussion forum to soothe everybody, and calm down.
my boy's tests next week is not counted in report book. nonetheless, i am a bit concern because according to the PTM last year, this year has tutorial after school. i do think that the school may take these tests as a gauge to determine whether who needs to attend the tutorial; there is a lot of uncertainty this year (with the added subject also) as they had banded classes based on last year results and i thought i heard someone here mentioning that their child (or classmate) need to attend tutorial for scoring less than 90marks (hope i read wrongly!). however, my boy said everyone must attend (according to his teacher); if so, it defeats the purpose of 'tutorial' and seem to me like a way for teachers to catch up on lessons.

I screamed at my dd on Sunday. Super fed up with her dilly dally. She has a great talent in wasting time. Can do absolutely nothing the entire afternoon, even though she sat at her desk. She's either day dreaming, playing with pencils & eraser, or secretly reading a storybook. I can't be breathing down her neck every second. And I do not want to either. Her attitude irritates me senseless & cause me to blow my top. I would expect her to be more sensible by now but she just squander her time away, worst than before


Can you believe I've been on edufarm wait list like forever? I've left my number with them for numerous classes. They never start any of the classes. They abit bo chap leh, always say they will call me when enough student, never hear from them. I'm always the one calling and after 4 years, they didn't start a single class I wait list for

I don't think I can ever expect my dd to own her study process.

For Maths, I tried to let her own her study process since last year. However, she demonstrated to me how she manage - she simply go into tests and exams without any preparation! But bo bian lah, I'm not an octopus, cannot manage so many subjects, can only trust that worksheets done in school & enrichment class are sufficient practice

For language subjects, I cannot trust her to own the process. She shown me her definition of ownership is no need to prepare! She has a natural flaire for Maths but can't say the same for languages. Gosh, it will be catastrophic!
Mummies who have shared abt "nagging",

Honestly i'm not as 潇洒 as you think. The burden in my heart gets heavier each day as ca1 draws nearer and yet dd1 is still "fooling" around. With 阿Q精神, i console myself that ca1 is only 10%. 95 and 50 marks now will only contribute 9.5 and 5 marks (difference of 4.5) towards final score. I will not let go if this is SA2 which contributes 60%.

Dd1 is not self-motivated to study because she thinks she's studying for mummy. If she does well, she has no 成就感 because mummy tells her what to study, she's merely executing mummy's instruction. if she does badly, she has no 挫折 感. With this mentality she will never put in her best effort in whatever tasks she does, she will always be 心不甘,情不愿!Having said so much, looking on the bright side, all kids are different. Some kids just need a little nudge every now and then from parents and they will be motivated. So let's face ca1 in stride and hope for the best!
Yawn yawn,
I've this premonition that my dd will go to the tests unprepared. She may be able to bluff her way thru' english but for other subjects, hehehe.... (evil grin fm mummy). I beta be prepared to go "drink kopi" with her teachers.....
Hi juz got to see my ds finish homework. After so long then get to see more homework today
maybe due to CA coming more revision papers fm teacher bah. DS juz brought back mock test papers with many marks given away for 'units' in section B for maths. Good for him to know now that these are important bec he is too used for not putting any units and still get them correct for p1 n 2. So mummies, do remind your kids abt this and not to give away marks juz like that.
I was ironing clothes just now & the following 2 scenarios keep playing in my mind. Must have watched too many drama serials!

Imagine it is yr2018 & o levels is round the corner.

Scenario 1:
It is close to midnite. Kid is still seated at the desk studying. Mother walks in and says "孩子,夜深了,快去睡吧!明天再继续。Kid replies "妈, 你先睡。我再读多一会儿。"

Scenario 2:
Again it is close to midnite. Kid still playing computer games. Mother asks "孩子, 下星期就会考了,你都准备好了?"Kid walks out of room, shouted "你真烦!" & bangs the door.

Rather melodramatic but I hope to be the mother in scenario 1. Less tiring .... First time posting 3 times on the same nite, time to rest, nite nite everyone......

don't have to wait till 2018... scenario 2 already happening to me now!

after I yak about 3 sentences to my dd why she chose to idle her time away, she started crying, yelled 'stop scolding me!' and promptly slam her bedroom door on me

Luckily her 翅膀还没长硬 so she would apologise to me for her rudeness after she calms down. I dare not imagine what will happen to me in her teenage years?!!
Yawn Yawn: My son is like your gal. He can just sit at the table and waste his time playing with eraser, humming a song, etc. He will just dilly dally when it comes to doing my homework.

Cookiepie: My son loves me to study with him cos to him, studying w mummy = good results *faint* Thus I am wondering when he can learn to be more independant.

If your scenario 1 ever realize, I might freak out. Wondering what lead to the change. Haha...
yawn yawn: my dd has exactly the same problem as yours! will sit and dilly-dallies at the desk, then doodles, then daydreams, then talks on phone...by the time work is done, it is time for bed liow. Last night, I closed her bedroom door and told her to complete one mock CA test in the stipulated time. I went in to check on her and she was doodling a lot of nice cartoons all over one blank page on the mock test! *faint* thankfully, she could complete the test in time though.

natellehcim: My dd also had quite a few marks deducted for her lack of units in Math sums! Yeah, agree that they sometimes learn in tough ways.

cookiepie: haha, ur 2 scenarios are hilarious. I think in my time, it had always been scenario 2! And so, for my kids, I think it would be scenario 2 as well! Haha!
Apparently, quite a no. of schools engaged them. My child starting his lesson in Mar, after CA1.
Btw, he is with RVPS. Any kids here in the same school?
Now he is complaining that I make him stay back in school for 4 days!

Hahaha, my boy can shake hand with your son, especially the part on wasting time playing with the eraser!
Worst still, he also plays with other stationery like mechanical pencil, blanco... can vomit blood ah...
hi Linette, he lost half marks in every qn that requires units. he came back still argue with me that recent class tests and worksheets he never put, also got correct why this time all kana deducted. So i told him take it as a reminder that units are important. (I had told him abt units importance long time ago but he simply ignore).

Beginning of the year, his 1st class test, regarding qn on write numbers into words, he did not start with capital for the 1st word, also kana penalised. So from then he take special note of that.

Maybe the teacher is slowly training them to take special notice on those important things in their maths, eventually the kids will be trained well enough how to answer smartly in years to come... no longer having honeymoon days like lower pri sch days liao.
cookie pie
Your 2 scenario cracked me up...haha

Day dreaming
My P3 gal is also the same...can sit on the bed..doodle this and that..or just lie down and hug her soft toys and stare blankly at the ceiling. I asked her what she is doing..she said tired..wanna rest. I replied..okay, then take a short nap..15min later..still not sleeping. I said if you are not sleepy, then complete yr assessments. 15 min later, see her walk here and there..pack this and that..lie on sofa, lie on the carpet..take out the assessment, draw cartoons. That took almost an hour..then when I was abt to scream..she slept liao. Waste of time!!!

Last night was the last straw...she learnt her spelling at the very last min. 30 min before bedtime..I was so fed up that I refused to test her..in the end, she asked her younger sis to test her. The whole bloody afternoon..dilly here and there..then last min learn spelling. I told their daddy that now his gal like to day dreaming..he said day dreaming is good..cos it makes one feel good and it allow creative mind exploration.,,even quote this article http://www.qualityhealth.com/mental-health-articles/why-daydreaming-healthy I really hv nothing to say!!
Yawn Yawn - same here. I dun rely on edufarm liao. Initially I was tempted by the low fees and also near my place..but they told me they need min students to open up a class..that was in P1..I never heard from them..anyway, it also depends on the teachers' schedules. Unless there is an existing class, otherwise, it is better to look for alternatives.

I read abt its rave in the other forum..was tempted to send my gals there..but distance was an issue. Now I see that she is adapting okay at Mindstretcher..I think I will stay put. Now I am thinking if I shd send my P2 gal to mindstretcher. But knowing her pattern I know she will object to it..cos she think her maths and English are okay..no need extra help. But I find that the existing sch worksheets are too simple for her..and she dislikes to do assessments.

Very hard to coach them now as #3 is a very handful...by the time I managed to settle him, I hv to cook. I told hubby this year..if their results dipped...that is partly cos I cannot manage their schoolwork. I am trying hard to make the older kids independent. On certain days, #2 has to stay back in school and #1 doest not need to. I am tempted to ask #1 to stay back and study in her own..so that I can go and fetch them both at the same time. They can eat their lunch in school...then I do not hv to prepare extra meals. If possible, when #3 reaches 18mth, I can send him to playgroup and ask PIL to take care of him half a day..while I work Part time until 3-4pm..pick them up from school...coach them work. Dinner leave it to tingkat or ask PIL to cook extra dishes for us. Then I will bring #3 back in the evening. That will be most ideal..dunno when i can realise it.

My #2 also watches TV from the side...I noted that last decemeber. I asked her why..whether is it cos she cannot see..she said she can..I wanna send her to optician..she refused. And now her degree shot up from 75 to 250+

Now she put on her specs when watching tV..she said now she can see the subtitles more clearly..she did not realise it is NOT OKAY not able to see the subtitles..*piak*

I think u better send yr gal to eye check up if the school has not done anything. Just popped in any of the optical shop..they will use those eye machines to check before they asked you to see the optician. And try a few optical shops..cos I went to 2 optical shops..and the reading was different for different machines. One is 300+..the other is 200+.
Oh no my daughter has all of the above.

yday she came back tell me her second test not so good. ask her why, she says she is not so cooperative when I do revision with her.

So i told her , by giving her work, I am doing extra too because I have to mark them and also go thru with her on the mistakes.

I also need to spend time with no. 2 , K1 also teacher's expectation changes. So he came back saying he is lousy because everything he dunno. So I have to do more things with him to boost up his morale and confidence level too.

Sigh wondering when I no need to hand held both kids. Plus my kids are happy to share their good result with daddy but refuse daddy's help in school work. So no help from the papa
My dd's teacher started letting those students with neat handwriting use pens since early feb. Think the rest of the students will follow suit next term.
hi cookiepie,
So it really exist, depending on their handwriting... last night I was still telling my ds that if you continue to have such an horrible handwriting, I'm sure your teacher will not grant you to write in pen. I knew he very much want to write in pen, even at home keep asking me if can use pen to learn spelling or do his assessment ...
but I really can't stand his handwriting

I let my gal uses pen for doing English assessments at home..she seems more motivated to write neatly.

Do you let yr kids use correction tape or liquid paper?
Hi hi,

Long time never log in. Had a glance thru the posting....

Re : Attitude
I also take comfort here knowing that I am not alone with my DD's tardiness, carelessness, dilly dallies, not taking ownership of own work etc.... I was madly frustrated to the extend that I took out the cane since school started! She has not been cane b4
so kinda sad that my anger causes me to lose control of my temper
Really the tiger mom being protray here...

Since I've returned to work full time, I can't hawk her anymore and I've stop threatening her liao...did not want to strain our relatiionship any further. She had 2 big burst of outbreak at PIL's place during the CNY! I took her to a quiet corner and also broke down....told her we are all upset by her nonchalent attitude towards work. As usual, PILs told us off in the way we discipline our child.

She is soooo happy now that I returned to work full time!!*faintz*

Re : Eyesight
I thought children at this age have to go to pediatric eye doctor? Brought my DD to her pediatric eye doctor again yesterday after her school's health assessment. Aiyo...degree shot up by another 100
Got to change another 2 pairs of specs for her again
1 for spare....
Mommies, another recommendation for controlling their degree from shooting up? pls share. Will not want to use atropine drops for her at this point in time. Regarding those myovision or zeiss lens, her doc says no conclusive studies nor results leh..somebody mention TCM?
OMG…. My ds just called me and told me his teacher just taught them about STRESS. His teacher told them that they should not be stressed with STUDY and STUDY only. Signs of stress could be they not able to sleep well at night, lost of appetite…. He told me “Now I know why lately I tossed around and can’t sleep at night, and don’t you find me not able to eat much during dinner??? Now then I know I am UNDER STRESS…” (I want to faint after listening to this)
he told me the teacher told them they need to learn to relax abit or de-stress. One eg could be find a friend to talk to… Now he is asking me for permission to let him stay back half an hour in school after his extra prog today because he wanted to de-stress, w his friends….

IN THE END of course I don't agree lah. Cannot let him build the habit of staying back after school.
Not sure if I've done it correctly not
Hi mummies,
Long time no post.

My gal is exactly as per described. I gave her assessments on the recent completed maths topic, Addition and subtraction. She made like 3-4 mistakes for every 10 questions. Some mistakes are just plain careless or 'bo chap'. When the question ask for place value, she writes the value and vice versa. Sigh... I told her I'm going to erased the whole section and she has to re-do till she gets it all right.

I was at home yesterday while she does her science test paper given by the tuition teacher. Almost every other question, she will come and ask me how to do. I told her I cannot go into the exam hall with her hor. Then the final straw came when she ask me what is 'bio-degradable'. I told her to take out the ipad to check the definition. She told me, no need because teacher didn't teach so no need to know. When I told her this is the wrong attitude, she tried to argue with me. I can't help but shout and scream at her like a mad woman.

I heard from my neighbor that doing eye exercise will slows down myopia. As her son refuses to do eye exercise, she plays ball game esp table tennis because the eye ball will have to move in tandem with the ball. Recent eye check shows that my kids (still) have perfect eyesight. I hope they follow after my hubby who has perfect eyesight but is the worst example of good eye care. He likes to read newspaper lying down on the bed and in dim lighting. He can even tell me wearing glasses looks nicer so no need to go for lasik.
Hi natellehcim,

Your description of DS was hilarious! If they are stressful, what about we as parents? Super-stressful? Then again, having said that, I do find the kids nowadays pitiful....got so many things to learn. Seems like kena rob of their innocent childhood..My DD's childhood b4 primary school was extremely carefree...play, play & play the whole day. That's y we have problems with her lax attitude towards schoolwork now.

Hi Maisy Daisy,
Thanks for the pointer in playing table tennis. May try it with DD
Last week, my dd told me nowadays no need to get married also can have babies. I asked her why did she have this perception. She said it's perfectly ok because some people wants to have babies but not stay together or get married. Aiyo, I hope this is only a thought she has and not something she aspires to do loh. Anyway I told her it's a no-no. Must get married then can have children.
Your boy is clever leh, his teacher just told him what is stress and he knows how to apply it immediately.

Think my dd same as yours, been playing & playing b4 pri school ...so now perpetually in the playing mode. She commented that her meimei (in k1) had homework only once a week & no spelling. I told her she could not compare an apple with a orange. Asked her if she had any homework/spelling when she's in k1. After thinking for a while, she said she has no homework when she's in k1, so she still "wins" ..so kids will be kids ....

Maisy Daisy,
My dd1 also told me she's not going to have any boyfriend, not getting married, and definitely not having babies. Her point is "See mummy, you have to do housework after you get married and what if I end up with a little terror like meimei?" Her ideal life is to stay single, have a maid and lead an idle life, lol......

DD1 was struggling with her science worksheet. I casually asked her if she needed any help. I had intended to walk away if she said no, since she had to be responsible for her work. Surprisely she asked me how to tackle certain questions and showed much interest during my explanation. Lesson learnt for this mummy .... dd reacts more positively when she asks for help as compared to me hawking around her, going through her worksheet and telling her where she is incorrect.
Hi Cookiepie,

I also have another DD in K1 this year. However, as she is in CC, hence, so got more worksheet to do and taught to spell simple words like one to five in Jan and so on...So I always tell DD1 that as she attended the 3 hourly kind of church kindy, she did not have as much "work" to do as compared to her meimei.

Re : Science
I was shocked with my DD's science worksheet mark yesterday. All filled with answers that is not relevant to the questions. Hence, she failed the paper. Hubby was super furious...however, as she has to go for her piano grading exam tomorrow, both of us have to stomach our anger. Told hubby luckily its a worksheet and not SA1 then realised that she cannot answer the questions properly. We attended her school's parents workshop on how to answer science questions last week and found it really helpful. What we think is the correct answers actually is not. Differences between state and explain, observe etc. The teachers pointed out how to tackle all these questions adequately. My DD tends to be long winded and explain a whole paragraph...
natellehcim: I was laughing so hard when I read about your son! He is indeed witty and smart, can call and tell you his "symptoms" somemore, so funny!

Chicken Little: Hubby and I read about that yahoo article too, so we said we will try to be really cool and calm this week (this week is dd's CA1 week). But easier said than done!

Re Science:
I am wondering if it is wise to subscribe to magazines like National Geographic Kids to broaden their knowledge of Science? But I am worried that dd will not read if I subscribe (end up I read to improve my knowledge so I can teach her, haha)
Re: Science
I wish DD's school organises science workshop for parents too. Then at least we know how to guide the kids. E.g. DD's science worksheet showed that the no. of animals decreased after some time and asked what's the reason. She said the animals passed away. I told her candidly to put answer as the animals died. But she said this doesn't sound nice! Told her in science, we want facts & key words. Fanciful words are meant for english compo.

I am an advocate for Young Scientist Magazine. The facts are brought across in the comics form so kids don't find the reading dry. I enjoy reading it from cover to cover too! Not sure if National Geographic Kids adopt a similar approach.
Ya lo... Don't know want to get angry or laugh. Eventually I told him it is healthy to have some stress, then you will be able to learn to curb it along our life journey.

For Science i think Young Scientists still catches the kids via their comics way of description. National Geography, if I remember correctly, I ever come across during the boookfest, my kids were not quite attracted to it.
National Geo
My kids school encourage them to subscribe. There are a few versions apparently as my dd and ds came back with a form each. P2 and P3's Nat Geo mags have different names. Out of kiasuism, hub say just subscibed to both. My house has already allocated 1 shelf for my 2 monthly issues of young scientists. That is the only mags that my son likes to read. He did learn a lot of knowledge from the magazine and will tell me 'young scientist say sea lion like to eat sunfish'. Whereas my dd read already, one ear in one ear out. Think boys are more interested in science.
Hi hi,
My DD also subscribe to Young Scientist. However, although she has the knowledge, she doesn't know the technique on how to answer the question
Kids 7 and below have to go to HSA for their eyes check up. I asked my optician and he said that some kids cannot not express themselves clearly..or cannot recognise letters and numbers. My gal were referred to HSA when she was 6.5yrs old.

My optician also cannot guarantee that the new technology myovision will stop or reduce the short sightedness. But so far, this is the least invasive treatment in the market..the other options like hard contact lens, eye drops have proven results but then not easy to administer and manage for young active kids. I decided to let my gal try myovision..we will be back for review in 3 mths' time to see its effect.
national geographic

I receive the subscription form for the 1st time through school this year. Plan to subscribe. Apparantly this is the school edition so can only subscribe through school

I subscribed to nat geo kids since 2009. Mail to home. I think dd1 sort of outgrown it now while dd2 is captivated

Recently also subscribe adult version nat geo, yet to receive the magazines though. I borrowed a copy for dd to read 1st before subscribing

Besides nat geo, I've whole lot of other magazines at home. Some I didn't continue, lukewarm response from my dd.

Young Scientists definitely top favourite!
Horrible Science series is good too. My dd is totally engrossed.

More for general knowledge lah, don't think it get translated to marks in school
I picked up my P2 gal from sch yesterday and I asked her if she had any homework

dd : Yes, lotsa homework, I have English compo, correction, Chinese Zi bao bao, Arts and maths worksheet.

Me : Wow..so much! You have English Spelling tomorrow, better hurry up finish yr homework and revise yr spelling. Do your Arts on weekend since u only hv to hand up next week..

Dd: But mummy, we can hand in the Maths worksheet on Friday, cos B (her classmate) and I pleaded with teacher. We said we have many things to do cannot finish her work. She said try to complete and hand in tomorrow. Then we asked her if we can hand in by Friday. We promised her to do neatly. And she said ok.

Wow...now kids can negotiate with teachers when to hand in their homework???
Hi bebe75,

Thanks for pointing out HSA to me. I din know. Brought dd to Gleaneagles twice. For both times, they did eye assessement first, then put eye drops to dilate her pupils then another eye assessement b4 the doc check on her eye.... was asking doc the minimum age when kids can wear contacts too...however, only hard lenses can sort of slow down the degree progression. Think will let her wear soft lens when she's ready. More convenient for sports....

DD's having her piano grading soon...cross my fingers that she will pass!
Hi mummies, i may need some advices from you. I suspect my ds may have myopia problem, should i bring him to those typical optic shop for eye checks or should i bring him to NEC/KK for checks?

Natellehcim - how old is yr son? If 7yrs and below, you hv to go polyclinic to get referral letter to NEC/KK. Otherwise, you hv to wait for sch nurses to issue letter.
