(2002) Any 2002 babies?

I juz ask my gal if fruit still on the tree n growing it is living things but when it is plucked or dropped , it is not a living thing

My boy said that fruit is a non-living just like the leave that has dropped off from the tree.
But if it is on the tree, it is a living thing as it does grows.
Wow, seems a "simple" question but actually not. My dd said dried leave is not a living thing so fruit should be the same but the fruit tree is. So JustJazz, MaisyDaisy & bebe75 are correct. Felt like my dd was teaching me while she was doing the explanation..hee..hee. Well its a good thing, i guess.
hi, is good that we mummies keep learning too. My ds also said the same your children. Looks like the kiddos are teaching the mummies.
My dd's school has a parent conference soon. There will be a topic on how to teach Science. Will attend and see what the teacher say.

How are you spending your March school hols? My dd has no CA so she's been idling a lot. Think must beef her up during the hols.
My dd's CAs results are back - true enough, there is a dip in P3 results. I try not to be alarmed when I heard the results (especially for Science!) but at least, I know where to help her. I think P3 compre for both English and Chinese would be challenging, so we really need them to practise critical thinking - dunno how to teach that! Thankfully her Math and Chinese are still ok at 49/50 and 43.5/45, else more headaches! So, looks like I need to focus on English and Science for this SA1.

Mummies: My dd's school will not be including Science marks into their P4 streaming (thankfully). Will your schools practise the same too? Like most mummies here, I find it is a steep learning curve as parents for Science! Hee...
Wah..Linette congrats ur DD on doing well for Math and CHinese... really impressive result.
Now I am keeping my finger cross for my son hope he does not make careless mistakes for today math paper.
Linette - yr gal did very well. My gal does not have CA..only SA. I dun even know if I have time to give her CA. She is so occupied daily with homework, tuition works and other stuff.
Congrats on the good results!
My boy got back his EL result yesterday; there is a dip in result as compared to last year, but after analysing his mistakes, there is actually only 1 question that he did not know how to do (vocab); his other mistakes are attributed to careless, tricky compre question and his teacher did not award any marks for a compre question that required him to state a phrase which he stated a sentence instead. I am charging him a dollar for every mark lost due to careless mistake, so he owed me $1 as of now. :p
Highest in class for EL is 97.
Today should be able to get back math paper. Heard that highest in class is 98.
JustJazz: His CA finished on 25 Feb.

Linette: Ur gal did well.

My son's results oso dipped. His Chinese has dropped to Band 2 while the rest remains at Band 1.I cant imagine if they test him on Chinese composition.

Maisy Daisy: My son has to attend 3 full day IT class during this March holidays. Thus I cant enrol him for any holiday workshops.
My son has all the papers back, except for science.

natellehcim (natellehcim)
Will scan the papers to you once I have the science paper. Just to confirm that only Mathematics and science paper or all the papers?

I also ask my son if a fruit is considered living thing and his reply is no as it will not grow once it is pluck from the tree.
no CA for my dd

I attended the parents' talk on science recently. Actually quite depressing after the talk. Revealed school's inefficiency in teaching Science.
Aiya, like that better don't hold the talk leh, make me sweat. But who knows hor, maybe their 'real' intent is to scare parents into hiring tutors. In that case they are indeed successful because I'm now seriously considering Science enrichment for my dd !
Hi Yen Ling, i'm not sure what the mummies want. Initially they were mentioning abt Science papers. If mummies are keen for other subjects too we can share too.

For living thing, my ds juz told me his teacher told him in order to be labelled as living things, they need to meet to 6 charateristics.
My boy also getting his science papers back next week.
I am keen in only Science only (so paisay to get Ling to scan because my desktop is still down) as section B of science is the only part that is tricky; for math there is only 1 answer but for science, the student can get marked wrong for missing keywords although he/she understand the question.
I think don't have to blanco the answers because can serve as revision.
Hi natellehcim (natellehcim),
I will scan and send the science paper to you once I received it.

Thank you for your help.
Took back science papers. On comparison of this tests' results (my boy's school call them 'running revisions'; not CAs because not counted in report book), my boy's strongest to weakest subjects are Math-->Science-->CL-->EL; surprisingly he done better for his CL than EL, probably cos there is no Paper 1 and Oral and also because we spend most time on Science revision, followed by CL, then Math and lastly EL.
Time to take a short break before the next mad rush!
Yawn yawn,
What kind of inefficiencies? I find science difficult to teach. When I go thru w my dd, I've to check the answers at the back. She told me, how can I expect her to know if I myself do not know the answer. I'm losing my own creditability also.
I'm keen to exchange sci papers too but i'll only get it after dd returns to school either this wk or after school holiday. Hope this is ok.

Maisy daisy,
My dd said the same thing when she saw me referring to answer key while coaching her chinese compre. So now i scan thru the answers beforehand & make sure she doesn't see me doing so!
maisy daisy,
I mark my boy's work using answer sheet too. we discuss over the answers provided in the answer sheet for science assessment because I don't think i know how to answer correctly too. My boy is now ok with me looking at the answers because I told him that I had already gone through PSLE myself and I am not obliged to go through it again and I am only helping him in his studies and not actually studying with him, so i can look at answers and he cannot. :p
Maisy daisy - I also looked at the answers sheet. I explained to my girl that the way to get full marks in Science lies in how she phrases her answer. I admitted to her that I am not good in Science and what I learnt in school during my time is different from hers. Hence, I look at the answer and learn together with her.
Nonetheless, I insisted that she tries working out on her own before she can refer to the answers. I give her the liberty to mark her own answers so that she can see the difference between her answers and the "expected" answers.

Even for Maths..I told her by all mean u can look at the answer sheet(not for MCQ)..but I need to see her workings. Without working, I will mark wrong.

She told me this week her teacher is giving her surprise tests..I asks her when and she said, "Surprise test mah..how would I know when?" @#$@#% I hope she gets to receive her results before the school term ends..so that I can use the holiday to do revision with her.
I went for the school parent conference. The hod said they will set 'relatively easy' science test so that most kids will do well and 'their interest will not be killed'. My dd said her science test is easy. I'm waiting to see what sort of result she gets.
MAisy Daisy - My gal's sch Science worksheet seems to be quite straight forward, unlike those in the assessment..but I prefer those in the assessments, it requires more thinking skills..

One problem with my gal in doing her science..she does not know how to answer in context or apply concepts accordingly/appropriately, esp when question was pointing specifically to some experiments and want her to draw conclusion.
hi cookiepie,
think should be ok for the mummies bah. My ds just completed the Science papers yesterday so i think he will only be taking back end this week. For maths he is so super careless that he can carry down the wrong figure as in the problem sum, 668 he started with 688. ended up whole sum wrong. I really don't know how to instill his carefulness into his work.
Hi nat, mine made the same careless mistake too, sometime when do the subtraction sum can change to addition and if she did not write the working neatly, she may add or minus the wrong row too. Sigh...

My dd told me that she get 32/50 for Chinese, my dd used to be in Band 1 for CL and now Band 3.. she complaint that alot of "sheng zi" she do not know.
my ds nego with teacher say thought working 1mark, answer 1mark, there are 4 parts so at least he should get 1 or 2 marks for his working. But I told him, from the very start you already transfer the wrong no down eventually wrong all the way, how to give you marks.

For Chinese, he complained that he has difficulty in the comprehension and sentence structure.

Oh ya, I notice his maths test, the kids started to use the 'shading' sheet for their MCQ, that we used for our PSLE / O level liao.
To use shading sheet at such young age when they are still making careless mistake and do not like checking their work is not advisable leh... Personally, i find checking the shading sheet is very tedious.
my boy has the 'transfer error' for his school assignment and home revision too. i told him for tests like these, i am fineing him $1 for each mark lost due to such carelessness. i told him that i will not deduct from his allowance, i want him to perform the act of taking the money out from his piggy bank and give it to me. seem to work for my money face boy. :D

RE 'shading sheet'.
my boy calls it 'optical answer sheet'. they are using this for EL, Math and Sc paper. told my boy to use a ruler to ensure that he shades correctly.
hi fz, i didn't use fine for such because he don't feel the pinch. I use the other approach by making himself feel sad and wasted for such silly mistake. Tell him to blame himself.... hope he can get the message. ya...heard ds call it OAS or something. I saw the shading but no red markings on them, maybe is computer marked liao...
Hi Mummies,
Last night go through science with my son for his science test today. Then 1st sentence I am stucked.

Living things have 6 different characteristic?
Coz' I only found 5 from his textbook:
- grow
- die
- repoduce
- repond to environment
- needs food, air and water to stay alive.

What's the 6th one?
Actually I also do not know what's the 6th Chacteristic. I google on web so many variation of answers: from multiplying of cells to adapt to the environment. Hence I told my son, if test write "Adapt to environment"

"Move by itself"? Plants does not move lor. It grows only right? Hence confused.
you will notice a very common qn being asked, whereby a plant is placed in a sealed box, and another plant in another box w a small opening... the sealed box one will wither while the other plant will move towards the opening... showing that plant does move towards areas that can get sunlight. I read somewhere this is how plant moves, unlike animals they will move around freely. this is one of the characteristics of living thing.
Yeah, in the textbook, I think the 6th characteristic is that living things can move by themselves...Science is very confusing huh...
Ok.. thanks mummies.
Now I got it liao. I always thought the plants grow towards the direction of sunlight.
hi mummies,
Checked w my ds, think he brought back his Science today. I will try to scan it tonight. so far I have 2 school's including mine. Anymore coming in?
natellehcim, you want to wait for mine's ds one? He just took his paper this morning. Not sure when he would receive it back also.

HOD told parents some of the P6 classes, whole class failed Science!
School doesn't compile keywords, no notes given. How to give the answers they're expecting in exam? Simply waiting to fail if rely solely on school to teach
yawn yawn - whole class failed that means something is wrong with their system..either the papers are too difficult or the kids do not understand..they shd do something abt it..
Re the optical answer sheet, my daughter said that one of her classmates scored only 10/100 for English due to very light shading on the answer sheet! It was a very painful experience for the poor girl!!

We need to ensure that our kids bring 2B pencil besides asking them to be very careful in shading the answers.
my K1 came home with a referral letter to the Eye clinic! now i am desperate. Does Brands vitamin for eyes works? is it necessary to go to the eye clinic for my k1? should i just ignore the notice? i think he is too young to wear specs....
ya better go. Mine started from Jan this year also K1 this year.

Specialist says their brain still developing better wear to send signal to brain to try to correct then leave it alone as it will only go up ?

But my case is astig lah

Sigh my girl did not finish her last 2 problem sum or in fact not attempted at all for the maths test. Ha ha I dunno to be happy or unhappy with her 43/50 result.

Well I dun have science paper to share but anyone keen on her Maths Paper. I have not seen her english paper yet.
yawn yawn,
Wah.. the HOD still got the face to say that to the parents? How come no parents asked the HOD what's the reason behind it? Shouldn't the HOD gives an explaination? Think the P6 PSLE parents got rights to demand lor and review their education style.

Nat. Thanks.

Fz, for u comfort.. my DS wears glasses since he was age 3, but long sighted...800+ degrees.

FZ - can totally understand how you feel..I was in denial state for almost 3 days..but now I have sorta gotten use to the ideas of my kids wearing specs. Sometimes when I see them not wearing, I ask them why they never put on..
