1 year birthday Celebration

Hi mummies, my daughter is going 1 year next month October 07. Cracking my head to buy dress for her anyone can help me or give me ideas where to find beautiful dresses for girls........... urgent. And also where to find party packs for children....... any idea

Hi Susie, u can try kiddy palace to find those dresses, I find some of them quite nice otherwise can try mothercare, recently my friend bought my gal a 3-pc dress very nice...

party packs: u can try concourse, they have those ready packed bags so save ur trouble for preparing and each is reasonably priced...
To share my gal's celebration today



morning mummies...

i need help... anyone got recommendation for a "professional" photographer that doesn't charges the sky to take photos at my son's birthday party??? (just about 2-3hours) i juz realised nobody in e family is good at taking photos.. and all we hv are lots of "idiot proof" digicams.....

thanks alot for any recommendations!!
Hi Jaline

The cake is 3.6 kg and is a really good buy at $56

Dimension i din measure but it looks big

Bought from coffee bean tog with cupcakes
hi starz, jenny, esther, ethel, delphine,
wow so many familiar nicks here. just stumble across this thread.

celebrated my son's birthday on sat. theme is Pirates. here's some pictures to share.

the cake

really love the cake. the feedback from guests were fantastic. the taste was good too.

the decor

actually nothing much on the decor. just had soem balloons, pirate themed streamers and the custom made banner.
Both babypink (March 2008 MTB) and jo-shjo79 (September 2006 MTB) are the same person, wonder .....? bad reputation.
Halo Selina,
The cake really nice!!! If you din say is cake, I guess no one will guess it haha... Looks too good to be cut. Can give me the contact?

how you know? hmm... dun see why need to have 2 nicks...
<font color="0000ff">clooj

quite interesting that u specially create a new nick specially for this</font>

it would be better to get ur facts right by reading thru the archives carefully to decide who is wrong and who is right

anyway, to answer ur qn, simply becos my 1st trimester was not over yet when i joined the MTB thread
Thanks. See when I have the chance to try Vivian's cake

Why get so work up? Yr posting to clooj wasn't polite.
What's over is over, if you dun learn to let go, the knot is forever in your heart. Don't tell ppl to read the archives when you have already edited your post. It is not fair to others.
If you are saying clooj is interesting cos he/she just created this new nick just to expose you, then how abt you? You are also using 2 nicks and ended confusing yourself, hence expose your identity. Since you are using this Jo acct for the earlier MTB thread, dun see why there's a need for you to hide. You are just scare of ppl knowing who you are cos you offended too many mummies here?? I think your new nick does confuse some mummies cos there's another 2 mummies using this sunnysun accts. Not picking anyone here, let's continue to share and keep the thread clean.
Anyway congrats for your #2 and Happy Belated Birthday to Kelicia.
I think you don't need the party dress for Kelicia since her party over?? Cos I just saw some nice party dress, not overdo, can wear for normal occasion also, at a booth selling at Raffles City. Din check out the price though.
Goodness me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think what is over is over, why bring up old accounts here leh

No hard feeling ya, i do agree with Jenny lor actually no offend lah you can still use your own nick to post in your new thread de..why change another nick? I didn't realise until someone posted here to question your identity..infact the nick you are using belongs to another mummy lor...Well having said that past is past liao lets look forward to more good new things ahead...BTW CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW PREGNANCY!! I pray for you smooth delivery and most importantly it will be a boy ya
stay happy and positive!

This is a birthday thread come on mummies let us bygone the unhappiness and post all our 1 year party party here

Your cake ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and was so delicious yummy yummy

Think vivian cannot take in orders from now till 14oct liao..cos she is fully booked!!!
Why not try Party City? Raffles City outlet, it is bigger and definate more choices than the outlet at Holland V.
What type of candles are you looking for?

Yep... am looking for a cake for Nov. But then hor, I see the price and cake size from Vivian hor, I wanna faint liao. Some more she dun do delivery leh, self collection at Tanjong Rhu wor. I'm looking at another "bakery" which I have yet to check price.
what type of candles you looking for? I hor supper bo liao and kiasu, i got HAPPY BIRTHDAY candles, 1st candle, combination of star and 1 candle and pooh bear and friends candle...still have not decided which to use kekeke..

Ya vivian cake need to self collect but her cakes hor really full of creation and its always berry impressive de!
Hi esther/ jenny/ selina/ freshposion77

Nice seeing u ladies here! just popped by to see birthday cakes and see so many familiar nicks

Your cake really really very nice! worth the $$$ man! I am also engagin her service. She is really patient with my last min changes. Think i must have given her a lot of headache. haha hope my cake turn out to be great too!

Ya the price and size really cause me heart attack but I really love her design so book her since June. I tot to give it a try but think subsequent year cant spend so much on the cake liao. really heart pain man! Which is the other bakery u eyeing? share share. haha planning for my #2 one month cake package liao. me super KS hor!

WHERE HAVE U BEEN??? Didnt see ur posting at our thread, end up seeing u here! haha remember to collect jovan's stuff leh!

what kind of candle are u looking at? abt to suggest the party city as well, like what jenny suggested. when is ur party? if end oct still able to make it for the spree.
Jenny & Esther,
both of u change thread liao huh?
chat at oct thread lal.

buy so much candles arr?
can buy over frm u or not? kekeke....
kpo for Selina aka Caleb's mum. Her boy cake cost $270 wor and is 8kg wor.

Hihi, haha so "qiao" to meet her kekeke...
Hmm ok lah, spend a bit "more" for 1st birthday is ok lah. Share share your pic too hor. Not KS lah, in fact I planned the full mth shower stuff when I knew I was preggie with Jaslyn haha, me more KS!!

Oei, you here also? Nah, I was browsing ard mah since Oct so quiet today. Fly flies over also can hear wor.

If you are not fussy with the candle "1", most bakeries do sell. But they dun display out, you need to ask. Party City that "1" candle quite big leh, abt 10cm. E-Creative at Sun Plaza also got sell, theirs cheap cheap only $2.90.
*waves* to shirley and jasmine

Ya must collect liao cos need the items to finalise my party theme cos think i ordered too many items liao cos hor NSRCC is actually not that BIG!!! ya lately busy with my new maid cos the "old maid" has been sent back to agency liao, on top got quite a no of party here and there..but i hor i am always within reach @ my blog ma

haha not selling candles leh but hor was too excited every candle seem so nice and i just buy and buy without realising!! I will have to finalise the cake before i decide which are the candles i don't want! So you are looking for the No 1 candle nia ah? If that is the case hor, i am going to United Sq to buy some stuff, u want me to go recki and buy for you?

the pooh candle i bought at concourse remember? the star and 1 u help me to buy remember? the individual wordings 'happy birthday' i bought at Chatuchuk market last mth cos was so cheap convert back to SGP only S$1.50nia......
I know lah! You hold so many candles for wat lah? Might as well sell one to freshpoison! You think your Jovan has how many "1st Birthday" huh???
Whahahahaha well said but i only got candle with the NO 1 with the star combination..the 1 is small tho <font color="0000ff">freshpoison</font> you want?
ops I tot you said you got "1" candle and the "stars + 1" I bought for you haha...

Just realised I missed out your qns on the other bakery. Not sure if is the one you used for your I's full mth one leh... can't remember the name now cos contact in my office pc. Need to check tomorrow. Roughly remember collection at West Coast leh.
ops I tot you said you got "1" candle and the "stars + 1" I bought for you haha...

Just realised I missed out your qns on the other bakery. Not sure if is the one you used for your I's full mth one leh... can't remember the name now cos contact in my office pc. Need to check tomorrow. Roughly remember collection at West Coast leh.

NSRCC nt big? oh dear! i tot very big leh bought 2 helium tank and 200 balloons to decorate. die lah my hubby sure laugh at me. till nw still dont know how NSRCC looks like. guess i will get a surprise this friday when i check in.

Wah west coast very far leh. dont think its the same, I's first month i used sweetest moment. they deliver to my house. but if the cake is good i dont mind. Saw The Patissier one. Looks nt bad too. u know any comment or tasted their cake before?
you 200 balloons??? Sorry ah... I already laughing like mad when Esther told me she wants 100 balloon
It is not that BIG.

Hmm not you ah... then dunno who liao, remember she posted and said the full mth cake was homemade something like tat, and collection at West Coast... I tot I remember is you haha...
The Patissier cake I haven't try before leh. But heard very good reviews on it. And ex lor. Oh this bakery I was saying, she does delivery if time permits. I'm going to check price with her when I'm free... cos pickup location q convenient to me haha... but I'm clueless with design this round.
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font>

yupz, i was previously not pantang until my cousininlaw lost her bb at 8 week after annoucing openly

anyway, thanks for ur well wishes

<font color="0000ff">esther</font>

i received an email from you some months ago and i have reverted to you that bygones are bygones too

thanks for ur well wishes ..
just feel disgusted that clooj created a new nick specially to make such comments in this thread , y hide behind a new nick to make personal attacks
Ya NSRCC not big hor.......this Jenny was laffing @ me over the phone when i told her i needed 100 balloons however after attending Caleb's party i am berry wrong! But i remember the other time i attended the place was really big! 100balloons was just nice!

Ya i got the No1 that u bought lor..i need to go and get the big No1 thats y i asking if freshpoison wants i can help her to get it too since i getting it.....
So how? still proceeding with 100 balloons wahahahaha...

BTW to share, I went Party City and checked that they do delivery and yes, they rent helium gas too. Not sure how much for rental but delivery is between $20 to $25. If you ask them to pump and you provide the latex balloon, it is $1 each.

sometimes we can't control such things. Pantang aside, sometimes I feel is if we have fate with the bb. It's yours, is yours.
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font>

have you found jaslyn's party frock , i was searching high and low at all the shopping malls

and my mum found it at CK, for less than 20 bucks

see if u like it, she said CK at Chinatown has



Alamak! I was talking to esther the last time and she was telling me that the place may be quite big so i tot buy 200 balloons! haha not only you, think my hubby, BIL and SIL will laugh their heads off! never mind, just blow up and give to the kids lor. if nt dun blow up keep for next birthday! haha i also laffing at myself.
The pasttier, i saw on the webby for full month cake around 11-15. quite cute leh but no ang ku kueh, nt sure my ah mah will mind or nt. but design really nt bad can consider if taste is nt bad too. U know i quite like the baker that babygrace recommended. Think she can organise cupcake party for little girls. u may want to consider when ur girls are older. So much fun! If only i have girls.... cant be orgainising for Zac right? a bit funny right? haha


huh u mean the bungalow got different sizes meh? hope yours and mine are bigger to fill up our balloons! haha! somemore i still have a couple of mylar balloons! but i love balloons so cant resist buying, ended up buying a number. heeehee


Congrats on your No.2! My no.2 etd is early Apr. but i have no time to join the march/ apr mtb thread. hardly post in oct thread liao. u take care ya! happy belated to kelicia!
ya lor...i always come in to read all the party preparation. remember...u did post this link in our thread b4 when we talking abt b'day party preparation lel.

hmm..i went to bengawan solo & prima deli, they only hav 'HAPPY BORTHDAY' candle, dun hav No.1 candle lel.
Yes the other time we went was bigger my friend pump 100balloons to decorate! It was just nice, hubby was telling me could be the layout cos some units angle is diff hence area might be bigger...anyway was real disappointed lor, think will pump 50-80 nia, Oh tml night will you be in? Cos i wanna see my loots and collect my green labels

Think i mention before there are just 1kind of rice grains but it develop million kind of diff character...its humane! Just ignore and life will be better w/o interfering
Hi esther,

PLSSSSS... Can buy for me. Budget dun exceed $10. I wan only Number 1. Got design can but the Number muz b the main thing. I PM you my number. Easier to communicate...*muack muack*
Wah Lao,
Balloons I only ordered 40. 200? 100? can tie my boy to it and I think he will probably float up....haha If I order so many, my hubby sure scream.

Just want to share with you my bad experience with pine garden. Initially we intend to order just a 1 kg round cake for my son's 1st birthday but later we change our mind and informed them by email that we want a 2 kg 2 tier cake instead. We also email the pic of the cake design to them, informing them that we want an identical design except to change the colour of the ribbon (on the cake) and the name of my son (icing alphabets) to blue colour. We told them that we will collect the cake at 10am as we need to reach the restuarant by 11.30am. The day before the actual day, Yun even called me to confirm that we order a 2 kg 2 tier cake and also informed me that the chef had already baked and decor the cake. On the actual day, we reached pine garden at 10.15am and guess what? My son's birthday turn out to be a 2 kg ONE tier round cake WITHOUT my son's name on it!!!! We were so angry! Emailed a pic of a simple 2 tier cake to them and asked them to follow exactly, just to change the colour of the ribbon and the wordings and it can turn out to be a 2 kg 1 tier cake without my son's name. In the end a lady (not the chef nor Yun) came and speak to us. She was holding my invoice, my email and the pic of the cake and apologised to us. Telling us that they will re-do the cake and asked us to go back to their shop again at 11am to collect it but have to call them before we go, in case the cake is not ready. We got to went back home and went to their shop again at abt 11.05am and finally my son's cake is ready. However, by the time we reached the restaurant, some of our guest are already there, its so embrassing that we got to make our guests wait for us. To us, if the bakery can't even follow such simple instructions, no matter how nice is the cake, it will be our 1st and last time to order from them!

Hi Sillycow,

Very sorry to hear that.

I ordered 2 cakes (1 2kg 2-tiers & 1 kg) from Pine Garden for my little girl's 1st BD & all the guests simply loved them. We have some leftover in fridge & the cakes still taste good after 1 week.
