0-3 mths pregnant

hi ladies,

are all of u drinking milk? i'm not a big fan of milk and it quite turn me off... is it ok if i don't take milk?

i understand that towards the later stage need to take fish oil, multi vits, calcium, iron etc which are super big pills! anyone have problem swallowing pill? seriously can we don't eat these...

hi Chnlye,

u r fm 2009 Oct thread? if so,me too..my edd is 28 oct..k only see e sharing info as no time to serve web during working hours :p
hi Kyxy,

i tried e Dumex samples. it's Vanilla flavour that aint interest me but will keep it as an option :p

i intend to try Anmum. a coll of mine found other brands either fishy scent or too sweet. e only brand that she could accept was Anmum.

reading fm e book, Calcium is impt in 2nd Tri as e bb's devt needs lotsa it. if bb does not get enough, bb will draw fm your bone. so there's a need for replenishment.

hence, ensure that u cater enough of calcium intake - fm food source if u really can't accept e expectant milk powder..however, i do encourage u to still take in milk powder!

imagine if drawing fm u is also insufficient, then how will e bb's devt be? why not u consider 1 small cup per day (if 2 normal cups for you each day is too much)?

jia you...

haha..indeed big..i guess Folic is ok for u, isn't it? u shld b taking a pill (5mg) each day now..gg into 2nd Tri, gynae will inform u to take Multi-Vit & Fish Oil. Gynae said that if yr diet is really well-balance (for eg., at least 3 servings of fish / week) then fish oil is an optional choice for you.

norm most of us will still take as nowadays we can't guarantee a gd well-balance diet..oh ya, a book fm e NLB said that Folic Pill is surprisingly n naturally well-absorbed by e body than fm food (no strong finding on e particular reason).

as for rest of e supplements, i guess as u proceed to 5th mth onwards n if e reports find that u r short of Iron or Calcium, then e gynae will prescribe them.

check this out w yr gynae again

take care n not to over-worry yrself..
BB> thanks for the info. btw, where do u all usually get the samples milk powder from?
ya Folic pill is ok for me, can swallow.
I hate milk too...but yesterday hubby keep telling me its impt not just for bb but for me too cos later bb take all the calcium we will become empty shell with brittle bones and will become weak etc etc.....In the end insisted I try the Enfa Mama milk vanilla flavour ....I managed to finish one cup but really still don't like it lor. Thinking of trying their choc flavour one.

I have dumex sample from their website too, but its also vanilla flavour one. And then TMC give a big tin of Similac milk powder for pregnant ladies when sign up FBI.

After dat cup of milk, I start to find Vanilla Icecream a turn off too!! Hubby bot Ben & Jerry's Vanilla Ice-cream but it just remind me of the milk I took! Yikes!
Hi all, just tested positive yest... spent e whole day reading forum... :p... I v scared not enough nutrients n esp calcium for baby coz i'm underwt and dun like to drink milk. read somewhere tt mummy's bmi shd b 20 but i only 17... i have some multi-vit at home. can i still continue taking before visiting the gynae?
I think better dun take multi vit now till u see ur gynae. But you should take folic acid if you have yet to start. Can buy from any pharmacy. Supposed to take 3 mths before pregnancy and continue till end of 1st trimester. Usually from 2nd trimester gynae will start prescribing supplements like iron, calcium.
ok. thanks. e multi-vit contains folic acid too. so thought can just take it... must hunt for a gynae now...
BB> ya i m from the Oct 2009 thread. My edd is 15 Oct 09. Have you done your DS? I doing my tomorrow...

Kyxy> i don't like pregnancy milk too thats why never had the courage to buy Enfamama chocolate milk although i tried and feel that it taste not bad. I taking Calcium pill now, so hopefully is sufficient.

Xin> what i heard from my gynae is you need not supplements for 1st 3 months. Just folic acid will do.
Hi everyone

I just confirmed preg at a GP, at a lost what shall do next. Looking for a good gynea doc for delivery and reasonable price.

For the past few days i have been having vomitting feelings whenever i see food. Anyone advice what to do?

I was given a referral letter but the earliest appt is 15 jun, hmmm which i thought a bit far cos i do not know how many weeks i am into it.
Hi everyone,

I tested positive just last wk and I went to a GP who confirmed the pregnancy. Went to see a gynae yesterday but to my horror, he said cannot c anything except for a 5.5cm cyst in my womb. He is thinking ectopic pregnancy or unhealthy pregnancy and I did a blood test on the spot. I told him about this constant cramp I was experiencing, sort of like a pulling at the pelvic area and he said that's probably caused by the cyst.

The gynae called me a while ago and said that the HCG results was 758, where the ideal should be about 1000. He said still got hope but I am really really depressed now... Have to go for another blood test again tom. Really keeping my fingers crossed.
oooo jan lim

Let's keep our finger crossed for you . . . hope all goes well for you.

I went to gynea last week like wat chnyle seah advice, at 6th weeks i was able to hear the bb hear beat
so miracle, i wasn't so call happy cos i felt very bad mood swing..haiz...i just hope it went thru quick . . .
Jan lim, don think so much since thats really nothing you can do but wait for result. Be positive. i have the same experience. When i first know that i am preg at 4th week, i immediately see my gynae, to my horror he say he can't see anything n warn that it may be etopic pregnancy. I was damn!! worried till i cant sleep in the night. I did a blood test it was over a 1000 and he confirmed that i am pregnant however if still no sac can be seen after 1 week then he would conclude that is etopic pregnancy. I can tell you that was my worst 1 week in my whole life... worst then waiting for exam result...hahahaha...

Anyway, god bless us... a healthy sac can be seen after my next visit... n baby is still well now...

God will bless you.... good luck...

Dolphin, great to hear that... rest more and hopefully your 1st trimester will end soon....Btw, have you experience any morning sickness?
HI Chnyle

th was e worse 2 weeks th i ever had..not only MS, thruout the day i can have th vomitting feelings..when i am hungry i see food i wan vomit, don;t eat again hungry,eat i wan vomit..wat e ???? everyday i have this feelings..is so damn lousy feelings..drink water oso want vomit, eat apples oso wan vomit..haiz
hi Kyxy,

u k go to dumex.com.sg webpage to sign up as free member n will rec'v a pack with free milk samples + a dolphin soft toy for yr bb

ask fm yr gynae too..i got anmum (vanilla & choco) samples when i signed up as firt born incentive member ..
hi Chnyle,

i only went for oscar n e results were v low in risk. gynae said not a need to go for further test.

so yr edd is 15 Oct ah..mine is 28 Oct

din manage to find a CL altho got some contacts of all m'sians..now oso no referral of nanny at amk ave 10 area..n gotta plan for IFC..so sianz of all these sourcing :p
Hi Dolphin

Is like that.... welcome to MS.... some people say if you experience MS means your pregnancy is stable... when you reach your 2nd trimester everything should be better... endure!!

bb, i am not getting CL nor putting my baby in IFC but leaving it with maid!! haiz super worry but what to do... don't result to maid like me if you have alternative..
Hi Mummies!

Wondering if anyone could help me? Ive tested positive for 2 P/K that ive used but am still clueless on how is it going to be. I have my own gynae but the prob is that right now, as seen above, u, mothers explained that if the pregnancy is only 4/5 weeks, noth could be detected except for sacs.

My question is..
1. How to caluclate how many weeks preggie i'm and it is normal is i dun get to see "sacs"?
2. What should i do if possible to avoid unstable pregnancy. What not to eat, etc?

Thanks for ur help!!!
hi gals, I'm a first time mummy too.. quite clueless abt everything. MS or whole-day MS is making me ultra miserable now, how to curb it? I dun really like those sour stuff....

EDD in early feb. how to be excited and happy when feeling miserable cos of MS everyday?
hi raine, did you try some sweet stuff? i had a crave for sweet stuff (esp orange juice) during my early stage of pregnany and it worked for me.

don't feel miserable, being pregnant shd be a happy thingy, just endure it thru, when u reach 2nd tri, you will feel great overall. and pple often said, mummy must be happy and cheerful thru'out pregnancy then you will hv a happy baby.

so remember try to be happy and smile. the worst will be over before you know it. take care!
hi jesline,

I like salty and sweet stuff.. only sometimes it will help, most of the time i just feel miserable.. my tastebuds feel like they're dying already..
how to endure.. sobz.. I do want to be happy.. but everyday is almost like going through a nightmare.. can't wait for the next 4 weeks to be over..
Hi all MTBs,

May i know how long later after u all misses your mens then u all took the test? My last mens was on 15th May till now. Shd i test now?
Hi, Swee

You can test it now with clearblue pregnancy kit which is very accurate. I managed to test positive in week 4 plus. My LMP is on 24 May.
Congrats to all MTBs!

hi raine - try to engage in some activities (eg. shopping, light exercise) to distract yrself from the bad MS and hopefully tat will make you feel better. jia you!

wow getting more and more new mummies here, perhaps to gain some experience from those over 1st trimester, alot of my colleagues don't experience MS..so i felt like i am the odd one out..hmmmm
Hi....I just taken a HCG test yesterday and it was positive.
Although I haven't seen a doctor yet. I feel pregnant about 1 to 2 weeks ago...though I was not sure... just a feeling. I missed my menses for about a week before I decided to take the DIY test. Did a calculation...I think I am 4 weeks pregnant. My first

I also dun drink milk at all. I can still endure yogurt. Could that be a subsitute to milk? I read your posts about dumex powder. However, I am currently staying in China (not first tier city), I do not have many selection of brands also. Mostly local brands. Today I found a japanese brand milk that is "pure milk", is that considered paturised? I read some where about only to drink paturised (wrong spelling) milk.

And when do you think I should visit a doctor? The medical facilities here are not really there yet, if you know what I mean. I am thinking of staying here till maybe 2 months before due date and then travel back to SG for delivery.
Hi All,

I went for my scanning and confirm my pregnancy! I manage to my "sac" though it's only a few weeks. EDD is slated to be 25th Feb which is 11 days after CNY. Hahahahahaha!

Right now, i do encounter MS now and then. What i do is to curb it by eating Fisherman's fren. Try not to have late night supper and drink more water! I know how bad it is to have MS and all noble mothers to be, u'll have to bear with it and try making urself as comfortable as u can! Besides MS, does anyone feels that sth is pulling inside ur womb? And the "button" on ur stomach, does anyone experience sth pulling it now and then? Hope to share some thoughts here!

Raine - U might have the same EDD as me! :eek:)
hi, i'm new to this forum as i've just tested positive for the first time this afternoon. if my calculations are right, i am about 2 weeks preggy. my mood now is very excited yet lost, because hubby and i didn't plan for this pregnancy as we just got ROMed early this yr and our wedding dinner is at yr-end. i want to keep it, but hubby doesn't. not that he doesn't love kids, just that he feels it's not the "right time" as we just moved into our flat and all the new financial responsibilities are just coming in. he is also worried what his relatives will say abt not going through customary and already have a "bun in the oven". sigh...

i really wonder what i should do. to see gynae and keep it or go to the doc and ask for it to be removed and try again when the "right time" comes along. any mummy-to-be also caught in such a dilemma?
hi flower freesia, think twice about your pregnancy. Yes, you all may feel that it is not the best time, as in financial & mental preparation. But looking at is a life and is your precious. For some, it is so hard to conceive and you all should considered seriously to keep the baby.
I agreed with chnyle. Do consider carefully. It is also very important to discuss this with your hubby and reach a consensus. As for the wedding, if you have not sent out any invitation yet, can you re-arrange with the hotel to see if there is any chance that you can put the date forward? It is not easy to have the "right time" for all things. And is there any absolute "right time" after all...perhaps only at hindsight.
What is "sac" and how do you detect that? As I mentioned before, i am currently not living in SG, I am trying not to be anxious about doing check up to confirm my pregnancy. I did HCG tests (made in China) 3 times (over 2 days) and got positive for all. A bit kiasu hoh? ;p

When do you think I should do a check up? 5 or 6 weeks pregnant? Over here, I believe, doctors will only do ultra-sound to check.

And also, is yogurt good enough to substitute milk for calcium?

Can advise? thanks!!
chnyle and JSbaby, i really want to keep it. but hubby is very concerned abt our finances if we decide to proceed with the pregnancy. and he promised that we will try for one next year-end and if really pregnant again, he will be happy and excited abt it. so we saw a gynae last night and did the ultrasound scan. it showed a tiny sac, the size of it shows that i am actually 3-4 weeks pregnant. the gynae said if we decide to terminate it we would need to come back to him in a week's time.

i have decided not to drag beyond this Saturday morning to come to a decision. on one hand, i really want it... i know how some couples try for years to conceive and still can't. and there are so many married/unmarried young couples who "one shot one kill" every time and don't wish to keep the baby. just hope that i can talk hubby around as the thought of aborting it breaks my heart.

by the way, can anyone advise if it is healthy if i do not experience any MS at all? my appetite is good, i sleep well and don't get turned-off by any food. heard that MS is caused by hormones and is actually the sign that baby is healthy. can advise?
hi flower freesia, hope you can manage to talk round yr hubby, its both yr flesh & blood. moreover, abortion has got side effects too, such as you might not be able to conceive so easily next time when u r ready for it.

my young cousin was pregnant unexpectedly before her customary, but went ahead to keep the baby, w/o own house and restricted finances too. but now, she's very happy and even wanted a 2nd bb. so you see, a bb can really bring alot of joy to a family.

and ignore what the relatives might gossip abt. we are in modern era now, it's nothing ashamed to hv a bb before customary, or even ROM.

hope to hear good news from u
MS varies with everyone i think. some pple dun experience it until they enter 2nd month or so, some get mild MS while others can hv MS sickness thru'out whole pregnancy. not true abt MS = healthy bb, just a myth i think.
thanks Jes for the encouragement and clarifying my query on MS.

does anyone know how much it costs every month to care for an infant? i want to have as much information as possible to talk round hubby and show him that it may not be that financially challenging after all...
you are welcome, flower freesia. i hope my words can inspire you abit about talking to your HB in keeping the little one.

re: $$ for infant care. if you are talking abt putting bb in infant care, think it costs more than $1k every mth. but best if u hv yr mum or mil to take care of bb, then of cos won't cost so much since they r the bb's grandmas...

its true that costs of bb nowadays can be quite high, but i always believe if both parties are working it shdn't be a big prob. just be bit more thrifty lor, shop lesser, eat simplier, get bb's pass down clothings etc... sure you will be fine.
Flower Freesia....Whatever the decision is, remember that both of you have to agree as you will need each other's support. However, I think that it is God's blessing to have a baby. Nothing is impossible...you just have to work out the sums and stick to them vigilantly.

To the rest of the mummies....
Can help to answer my questions in my previous postings? Thanks.
JSbaby, if u hv not visited a doc, think for a start, u can go to a GP to confirm yr pregnancy by doing a urine test, this shd be 100% accurate.

some pple said if u dun feel typically unwell, its ok not to visit a gynae until when u r abt close to 3mths pregnant or so. but usually most MTBs will be too excited and anxious so most will want to see a gynae upon tested positive, so it's up to you.

dun think yoghurt is good enough to replace milk. if you can, try to drink full cream milk is the best i was told, else HL milk can do, or you can also drink those milk catered for pregnant women like enfamama, annum. not sure you can get these in china?

anyway, you will also be given calcium tablets by yr 2nd trimester.
Thanks Jes for your info

I did a urine test using HCG test which I have been told by the pharmancy that is the same test conducted at hospitals in China to confirm pregnancy.

The part of china which I live in doesn't have HL milk. I am not confident in the milk made in China...though I am taking the yoghurt made in china ...how ironic...haha. Anyway I am not sure if I know how to drink milk...gosh...never drink milk at all besides when i am a baby. When I think of white milk, I feel like vomitting..will chocolate milk do?

Currently I am taking half dosage calcium tablets from GNC...dun think will last.

Headache man...how I wish I am back in Singapore.

I think I will probably go to the hospital end of next week or the week after next. Currently I am 5 weeks pregnant.(Entered the wrong date previously) Next week will be 6 weeks.

I don't feel unwell ley...not much symptoms...besides very occasional nauseous feeling which I don't know whether it is because of insomia or overeating. I feel very warm in the night even with aircon though.
u r welcome

i guess the other alternative you can try is to request for some sample packs from enfa or anmum and get someone in s'pore to send to you to try and if u r ok with the milk, then ask someone again to buy it off the shelf and send to you. both enfa and anmum have choco flavour. give it a try, milk at this stage is rather important to a pregnant woman and her bb.

try to get prescription of calcium tablets and other supplements from a gynae, cos the ones catered for pregnant women may defer from those you buy outside. if dun remember wrongly, at this early stage, you need folic acid. calcium, iron, omega, and multi-v to follow when u enter 2nd trimester.

ya if you can come back to s'pore during yr last trimester or so and deliver here - sure we have better facilities than china.

no worries abt not typically unwell, every individual feels differently when pregnant. and feeling warm is absolutely normal cos yr body temp raises when pregnant.
Hi JSbaby, don worry too much about milk. I currently 6 months pregnant and i hardly have milk intake, i replaced with calcium supplements. Moreover, what i heard from gynae is all supplements are not really important for first 3 months. The most important thing you should take now is folic acid. If you feel that you are more comfortable with taking supplements, you could just go ahead with whatever you are taking now. Even if it doesnt goes to the baby, it still supplement to your health.

Yogurt helps with digestion i thought...

Is normally to feel unwell during the first 3 months, it is normal for pregnant women. But if you are havin menstrual cramps like feeling you should see gynae asap.

My advice is you should see gynae soon because you must ensure that the sac is visible as every pregnancy has a chance of etopic pregnancy. If you are able to see the sac and if you abt 6 - 7 weeks you should be able to see the heartbeat. Good luck to you....

Hi Flower Freesia, will there be someone taking care of your baby? Presume there isnt, then you may require about $1k per month. This includes, nanny fee, milk powder, diapers and may be monthly premium for your baby insurance.
Jes and JSbaby, thanks for the answers. to chnyle, baby insurance didn't cross my mind!

actually last night hubby and i talked till we both cried. he is also very guilty and upset about it. and after analysing, it is indeed hard to cope if we really keep the bb as he is currently going through career switch and may not be able to give bb good life when it arrives. though it hurts, we have decided to give up this time and TTC next year. we understand that we will have to bear this guilt for the rest of our lives by making this decision. so hoping that next year can have the privilege to come to this thread again, minus the dilemma.

i feel comforted expressing my worries here as i am unable to talk about this to anyone at all except hubby. and i am so envious of you ladies who are happily expecting!
hope all of u deliver healthy beautiful bundles of joy.
Hi flower_freesia,

It's really sad to hear that you have made this decision. This morning I was just thinking about the video clip, 'the silent scream' on abortion.
Think should be quite easy to find if you just google it.
I also just got married and got pregnant during honeymoon, we dont even have our own place yet. And all our plans of travelling and studying will have to be shelved.
But when my husband and I think about all the couples that cant conceive, we know that being able to have a baby is really a blessing.
I also come across families who are really not able but have one child after another. A good life can be very subjective.
Really hope that you and your husband will re-consider the idea. Take care.
JS baby,
I was also living in 2nd tier city of china during the 2nd trimester of my pregnancy. I was in sin till 10weeks and according to gynae, only folic acid is neccessary during 1st trimester and i only start all other supplement like calcium fish oil &iron during 2nd trimester. u can check out www.cityshop.com.cn It is a shanghai expat supermarket, I think u can order imported milk from them n they deliver it to u. I think u should have Carrefour or Metro in the city u live in, they do carry imported UHT milk n Anmum. I can understand that being pregnant n living in 2nd tier china city is really not easy. try to go to an expat hospital for antenatal check up.
Dear all

Thanks for your kind replies...appreciate them.

This morning I noticed that I have light brown stain on my panties and in the afternoon I have it again. I have cramps on and off but not painful cramps. Just bloated stomach and slight cramps. I am very worried.

I have friends who started off with light brown stain and eventually become bright red and miscarriages. However, I have read in the internet that brown stain could be normal too.

Tomorrow morning I will be going to the hospital to check instead of next week. God bless me and my baby.

Do you think this is normal??

Sorry Flower Freesia... I was too engrossed with myself and missed your reply.

I seriously urge you to reconsider, you don't have to provide the baby with a good life, just make sure you have tried your best and that your baby is well fed and clothed and loved. Food and clothing have different standards....don't have to be the best.

Really....seriously reconsider.
