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  1. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi everyone, Same here as magmag2804, it has been a while slightly more than a year that I last posted here. I lost my gal last year at abt 38-39weeks also due to lost of heartbeat. No reason given to me.. I felt like the world collapsed on me. The pain was excruciating. Though I broke down...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi ladies, I'm not sure if it's after 20th or 28th then considered.. Mine had a notification of SB, not death cert cos there is not birth cert. My mum also want to ask like the medium but my hubby dun want. He's afraid that We'll be upset n affected if we know the truth..
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Btw hui, u are back office so soon? Have u done yr confinement? Because stillbirth is entitled to maternity leave under employment act.. It's better in a way at least we have time to recover..
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hui, there was no reason given to me.. Not cord, not placenta, nothing....I also check for my blood thou it was a little late three mths after my bb was born but my blood is fine.. Just unfortunate.. Me n my hubby comfort ourselves that maybe there are some detects that could not be detected or...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi hui, sorry to hear that u experience the same like one of us.. My bb was formed perfectly normal and everything well well until before we planned to induce her.. My gynae then was going away and all I thought was for him to deliver my bb before he goes on holiday and not another unfamiliar...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi java, am sad to hear u lost two.. But happy to hear the successful story of urs after yr losses. Actually i suspected mine was due to blood clotting as well and my new gynae did check for me, No clotting issue found. but does'nt mean it wasn't not an issue before. So i'll prob have to do more...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Princessangel, yes i heard fr many pple that body tends to be very fertile after mc or childbirth. How true is it im not sure. Haiz..guess its really common for us to 'blame' ourselves thinking if its due to our diet or anythg that caused this to happen initially especially with no reason...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi dawn, It was indeed very traumatizing for me.. I felt like the world came crushing down on me and i just couldn't accept it.. I dun wish to face the reality then and i constantly hoped that i will wake up from that nasty nightmare but i didn't.. I lived on day by day thinking of my...
  9. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi Ranice, congratulations to u! Its always encouraging to hear someone successfully pregnant and to give birth to healthy babies after MC or stillbirth. I have friends who came up to me giving me encouragements sharing abt their similar journey after knowing my loss which normally pple do not...
  10. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Aiyo, yr colleague is a little insensitive.. Yours is considered MC or stillbirth? If MC i think u can try earlier.. One of my colleague's wife tried immediately after MC in her first trimester.. N caught pregant straight after. Gg to deliver soon alr.. I'll let my body recover abt six mths...
  11. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    You are right Horsie, dun give up and be positive. A positive mindset helps to keep us sane and and healthy for our next pregnancy. Princessangel, i understand what u mean. For me, almost all of my colleagues knew what happen. Most are very encouraging but some are afraid to talk to me. My...
  12. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi Princessangel, Sorry to hear that.. U r not alone.. I lost by bb gal at 37+ weeks to no reason several mths back.. I had been a silent reader for this thread n most of the threads ard. It's been a very tough period for me n my hubby but we hold on together to overcome any painful moments...
  13. D

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Ya, so glad tt I finally registered for it. It's actually a bit far for me but I din check ard other temples n my mum suggested cos i've been there when I was small so decided go there. But I think at lot other temples offer this service. I was told gd to join the chanting and say kind of like...
  14. D

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Tks jhw. yes the registration for chao du is still open. At 30 dollars. It's like a mass one. They said it's better if can join the chanting personally.. I've been so stressed up by all these..
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi ladies, Anyone know if the registration to 'chao du' bb at SBL still open? Piky, i was told of the one you mentioned charging 1588... I felt kind of mislead by the article they post in the papers.. Register to 'chao du' at like 38 but actually its just 'providing a meal for bb for the...
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    Feeling left out with all my "Dragon mummies-to-be" "friends" <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherho

    Dear TTC, i know you may feel uncomfortable when your 'dragon mummies-to-be' friends shared about their happiness with you since you are trying. However in reality, this year happens to be the Legendary Auspicious Dragon Year in the Chinese context and naturally people around, our social...
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    39 years old pregnant or older....pls share your experience

    Hi florence, I read a thread earlier on mummies with poor oscar results. Some said the blood test for mummies with twins are not accurate and majority gave birth to healthy babies. U can read for the thread below...
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    hi all mummies! haven been here for a while.. been away for a few days now and having some spotting for the last few so panicked and worse forgot to bring my Duphaston given by my gynae.. end up searching for that in jakarta.. popping two pills everyday now..hoping that the spotting...
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    sadsad>> i din have any MS at this moment.. most friends said MS may kick in anytime from the 6th week onwards.. as for the folic acid from guardian, i have verified with the guardian staffs, it's the house brand 'guardian' folic acid in container that they have recalled.. not the strip ones...
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    (2012/05) May 2012

    Baby moo &amp; Babykk >> sorry to hear that.. do take care, have plenty of rest and Jia you!! piggywiggy >> i dun have any MS yet.. just that i realised i tend to wake up in the middle of night to pee and early dawn.. sadsad>> glad to know we share the same LMP. some of my friends have...
