(2012/05) May 2012

Hi beebeemer, yes, I heard that pantyliners might
lead to uti but I'm so used to pantyliners Liao.anyway, I kena once and after that, I would drink cranberry Juice to prevent it. U tried cranberry alr? I would drink at times only. But I think it works n drink plenty of water and of cos, don't hold
Im starting to feel better now. Hope it's alright.

laska, lor mee, hae mee, hokkien mee, bak chor mee... take ur pick.. Beebeemer, sorry to tempt u so bad..

Chloie, ur SILs are nuts!! they dun have kids themselves meh? so when ur no. 1 confirm a gal, they boycott u? sometimes i really think women too free got nothing to do hence think of these extra stuff to make life complicated. My SIL wants a boy and told me that even before i married in. plus my MIL rejected taking care of her 2nd gal but took care of my son so it made her think that my MIL prefers boys (which is true).

Beebeemer, some ppl just like to compare lah.. for me i just want to deliver this kiddo safely.. having so much pains now.
Gender: For mi this is my first preggy hence boy or ger also ok...But my mil is keep telling mi yesterday when i was there for dinner that it's good to be a boy lor...

When we first got married mil keep telling mi to have bb and must try till got boy... after 3 year she tell mi if have bb good enough liao.... Now got bb liao, her pattern start again... so funny lor...

To mi n HB ... as long as bb healthy i m very happy liao..
i also start to love all the mee [even ang mo mee: pasta] during my last preg.

piggywiggy> One sil has 2 boys & 2 girls, another one no kids. the one who talk too much is the one w/o kids de. my girl not ard liao. terminated my preg during week 32 cos she has trisomy 18. [it's ok. dun need to feel sorry. we have moved on.] I think they are yearning for a boy they think it's a must to have a boy. Maybe also want to prove to my another sil [hb's bro china wife] that my hb & i can have son too cos she very proud lah, think only she can have son.
But to me & hb, as long bb is healthy, gender is not an issue.
agree some ppl damm bo liao like to compare.... haiz.. but that's life.. of coz it's best to have 1 girl 1 boy.. but end of day.. safety and healthy is the most impt thing....to both mother and child (at least that's how i feel)

My sil very supportive.. in fact she got married much longer and had been trying for years and no luck... so when my #1 arrive.. she & her hb love my girl so much... almost treating like their own.. so I'm very blessed... now i'm expecting #2, yet to break the news to her but i'm sure she will still be happy for me.. just as i would be very happy for her if she manage to conceive soon.
In fact, my ils side very cute, they are 'grateful' to me for willing and bearing a child for them; regardless of the gender... but its my own family side.. who's particular about the gender.. haha
tons of weird people in the world. my soon to be in laws very excited very nice, always stock up fridge with milk and fruits, i feel so bad cos like i havent even get into the middle of the whole pregnancy. sometimes i wish my house can faster be ready then i move in there :p

i am craving laksa, the hum! the sauce....omg. hahaha only 3:20 now. dinner is like 7 or 8 pm.
yeah i'm so bloated everyday oso
keep burping n farting..oops

re sex:as long as healthy, 10 fingers, 10 toes, eyes to see, ears to hear,organs all working, is all we moomies ask for...seriously, this sex thing sometimes way overboard leh
very bz at work jus skim through thread to post.

esther, beebeemer, me had half a bowl of laksa with husb in the morn at mt A. super nice lor, no hum though cos i don eat hum hahahah
we also shared a chicken sandwich.

newbie2012: R U ON FB? me wanna know u lei, same gynae, also same area we r at
PM me or sumthing

Re: Gender: I fully agree healthy is most impt. Pple always get complacent. Mus always remember kids are blessings alot of pple want also dont have so DONT BE CHOOSY! nowadays, i see pple haf dotter better than haf son cos gals tend to stick more to their own family "dragging" the husbands back hahahah, gals more "tie xin" mah doesnt mean have daughter is "no good". as long as healthy and fillal doesnt matter what gender lor!
MM6J>wa!!!shiok ah your brekkie.that time my #1 i also had laksa downstairs cos i ordered wrong food in the ward. ordered some vegetarian food and it was horrid.
why u all talking about laksa again! ahha i buay tahan went down to get some beef goulash to drink. :p taste the beef wanna puke, but i loved beef last time, like supeer super love.
add me on fb too! wanan get to know u girls.
[email protected]
Hey u all! Today thread very active! I went for my second gynae visit this morning! Fetus grew to 0.97 cm and HB 129bpm. Today 7 weeks 4 days. Gynae say all ok! So happy? Hubs was with me and saw the heartbeat for first time, since he couldn't make it for first scan last week. He let out an audible laugh, so cute.

Anyway I asked the gynae about my restless leg syndrome. Although she didnt seem too concerned but she say sometimes maybe due to neurons and say can go see neurologist to check. Think I will monitor first.

I'm still on duphaston though and my bloat and constipation prob worse because of it. But doc say take another 2 weeks then see how. Also booked appt for Oscar test on week 11.

Then supposed to go back to work but suddenly so so tired. In the end take urgent leave go home and sleep till now. Feel bait guilty! Although no urgent matters at work...
olivia congrats! so cute can measure to the exact mm somemore. my scan is next Monday also start of 7 weeks. hope can see lil' hb! think guys are very amused cos never see before? wonder how mine wil react.
my co. isnt very pro on urgent leave. i am afraid next time i need to take then they not very friendly towards me. Sigh.

lyn: why cannot eat? EAT LA! ahha i encourage all who have laksa craving to makan it then u feel alot happier. sorry esther, u just take all my L words to be XXXXX okie :D what makes u crave?
re laksa: i heard can eat leh, just that the gravy has a lot of the hum essence , so moderation and find reliable laksa stall ,
aiya, stomach twisting again,
beebeemer>dunnno leh, i used to love laksa nd spicy stuff but no the talk n smell of those heavy food makes my digestives twist
Hi ladies,

Olivia > its so sweet that your dh let out an audible laugh when he saw the hb for the 1st time. I can imagine the excitement. Haha! Mine always says that he is collecting neoprints. -_-ll Wahaha!

Wow, the thread is indeed rather active today. I also crave for certain food. One day craving for cold toufu, the next day craving for lor mee and laksa. Now craving for steamboat and crabs. Yummy!
babyfran, for me, when preg #1, not much MS and nothing special. No one notice it during the first 3 month
esther: its the hormones! like me i love veef esp the bloody ones. now the sight of it turns me off wanna puke. but i continue to wanna have salty spicy stuff hehe. last night i crave for geylang beef horfun, no choice htb have to drive there to buy back whahah!
I also got craving for chilli crabs! But some people say cannot eat?! why huh? I really want to eat!!!! Urchin sushi also!!! Argghhh!!!
Thanks all... Really we can eat laksa... i m going to eat that tonitez!!! I dun like hum so i usually eat from the stall that sell laksa fishball.. haha yayay mi also craving for the weirdest things lor... But alot ppl tell mi early cannot eat alot of stuff so i scared lor...

Raine: i also craving for crab... i 1 2 eat crab yummy... cos i haven't see my gynea yet so everything to me now seems so illusion lor...

esther, lol, vege food?

Olivia: very fast!
i totally know about the neoprints. my favourite was the 4d scan and video i still haf of my #1

beebeemer, lol, save ur cravings till 9 days later wahahah

Olivia, say eat already next time come out itchy hand and leg like crab like that lor hahahahah
My 7th week starts today, also hope like u ladies. Can c my
baby and the hb.

Can eat laksa? Can eat crabs? Craving for salted egg yolk crabs before I found out I preggy.
hey.. i think someone mentioned here previously that there's a fb secret group or something... mayb we can all join the grp??
wahh... now suddenly topic become cravings... n CRABS! omg.. my colleague was just telling me about crabs.. n im already drooling....then sudd ask me why nowadays i so easy hungry ah... hmmmm....haha
I think everything must be taken in moderation ba. I also ate laksa for lunch on Tue. Shiok ah. I told that uncle I dun want hum so he gave me more tao pok.
Reason ppl say no crab is cos scare bb next time will itchy hand, touch here & there. But I have another friend who told me that seafood will cause bb to have sensitive skin. So who to believe?
Seems like i am not the only one craving for crabs. My mum mentioned that its not true about eating crabs, bb will itchy hand or will bite. She didn't eat when she had me, yet i practically bite everyone when i was teething. Lols! Like what Chloie said, don't know who to believe. Think the sensitive skin sounds more logical.

30012011 , i still eat whatever i want, minus the raw food like sashimi, half-cooked stuff and soft cheese... when my mum or grandma make noise, i just say gynae said its alright to take in moderation. Greedy me!
I read somewhere in the books that crabs,swordfish, sharks (ok, I don't think we eat often, haha) is not good for the baby esp during first tri. higher chance of M/C. The big fishes are because they have alot of mercury content which is not good for the baby also.
30012011, i had durians and got myself a huge ulcer. regret :p

babypom: i think they say to avoid seafood first trimester? but i think a little should be fine. dont overdose is fine.
i'm a person who prefer logicial explanation. but i also stay away from food that are "liang".
my sil told me a very ridiculous thg last week. i say i dun wan to shave my bb [if is a girl] during full month cos very ugly, maybe 4th mth then shave. she say cannot! must shave during the full month. i ask her y, tell me a good reason [cos i know they are full of all these pantang reasons]. guess what she say, cos if bb dont shave during full month, bb will become a christian when they grow up. really is.............. super no logic right!!!!!!!
oh ya, if you want to buy your own fish oil as an additional supplement, better get it checked by your gyne too. otherwise get it from your gyne also can. safer. but i decided to stay off fish oil this time round. i read before that woman who took fish oil during pregnancy are more prone to depression. it's still up to individual whether you want to take it or not. but $1 per capsule is too ex i think. i will just still to the usual multi-vitamins.
babypom: I've just added you too!

Seafood: yes, avoid those high in mercury esp during 1st tri... not gd for the little one side... better pray safe than sorry...as for crabs/prawns and all others.. its ok to have them in moderation... even for sashimi... I remb my gynae telling me..its ok to eat as long as it's prepared fresh and clean...
Oh ya, beebeemer, also durians wil cause the baby to be super big! So I guess, we shld just eat alittle n in moderation ba..

Guess my crabs can only comes in after my 3rd month.. Haiz.
Thanks for the add babypom.

Yea yea, i heard about durians making the baby super big too. Wow, then how do we know if its safe to eat those fish fingers, since some of the seafood is high in mercury.
hi all mummies!

haven been here for a while.. been away for a few days now and having some spotting for the last few days..got so panicked and worse forgot to bring my Duphaston given by my gynae.. end up searching for that in jakarta.. popping two pills everyday now..hoping that the spotting will stop soon..
too big=more pain. then maybe i lessen durian intake. but i prob will stay off it since it gave me a tremendously painful ulcer.

chloe that one really funny, dont shave become christian, then shave is what? buddhist? hindu? hahaha so weird one. i dont like it when theres alot of pantang reasons. give me a good scientifically proven one, then the oldies will start coming and u better listen to me i know better and i know more etc etc.
like my friend tells me not to move house, i cant even step into the area of my new house. like???? cannot go even at night when all rreno has ended?
my mil says that the most impt is not to shift the bed (where most babies are conceive) so as not to anger the "taishen". I also wanted to shift house, because currently staying in rental apt, now have to stay put liao.

i think going to new house is ok bah? as long as you don't change the old house/bed?? now not very sure liao...
lauren: i think my baby is conceived at my in law to be's place. that one wont shift la. the pantang logic is the knocking, hammering, drilling will cause a ***. which i think has no scientific reasons but they make me panic now if i dont listen to them next time anything go wrong they will say " i told you so" and i hate it.
