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  1. K

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    glass jars can be used in the microwave. Just don't submerge hot jars in cold water. The sudden change in temp can crack them. There's no science to suggest that microwave is harmful to babies (or even adults). All the microwaves do is to excite water molecules and in return, this friction...
  2. K

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    Reheating frozen food cubes: Just pop it into the microwave to save time. Put on low to medium setting if you don't want to nuke it. There's no need to 'thaw' separately. Mix up well so that there are no hot spots. As for storing & freezing baby food, baby food jars are great. They're...
  3. K

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    Kiki, it's advisable to hold off citrus fruits until after a year old. It's also ok to freeze bananas. Alternatively, u can put them into the fridge when they reached the right level of ripeness for up to 6 daays. Their peels will turn black but their flesh is still ok. unpeeled bananas in an...
  4. K

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    Jul, I recommend using either a handheld blender or the 'magic bullet' blender that u see on tv. Someone was commenting on freezing avocado... it's perfectly fine to freeze avocado. It just doesn't look pretty after thawing as it turns brown (think it's the iron?). But apart from looks, it's...
  5. K

    Any mothers using slow cooker to cook baby's porridge?

    hi, toddlers can be picky about texture..guess u just have to find what works with your boy. how big are the pieces of meat when u finally try to feed your son? my 22 month old has molars but he still doesn't like to chew pieces of steak that I cut up into tiny pieces for him. What may not be...
  6. K

    Any mothers using slow cooker to cook baby's porridge?

    Judging from his gag reflex, obviously he hasn't learnt how to gum/chew his food...but that's not to say u shouldn't introduce semi-solids. U didn't mention how old he is. I relied a lot on Ruth Yaron's book Super Baby Food Can't remember what age she recommends...
  7. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    myboyjovan, my son is 13mths old and we have a routine for him. Kids need a predictable routine & I believe sleep/nap times are very important for growth so we always put him to bed at about 8:30pm everyday. But the range is from 8 to 9pm...depending on whether we were out & what time...
  8. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Phew, good to hear that Ally can be discharged! It must be such a relief to get the all clear and go home nothing beats home, man.... <font color="ff0000">Jillian</font>, do have a good rest. U must be exhausted physically &amp; emotionally. I know how u feel because our bb was warded...
  9. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Lilac,...sigh, thought I could meet u.. do u know how I can get in touch with the Singaporeans here? Any (informal) group at all? Thinking of going to the embassy for a look-see, but going out with DS is a challenge given his nap &amp; meal times How long have u been in Qinghai? Jillian...
  10. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Jillian, take care of yourself!! will pray for a smooth op &amp; that everything goes well God bless!
  11. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Oh yah, Bcube &amp; Amber, u can save on the yoghurt starter packs if u just use 2 tbsp of the previous batch of yoghurt u made for every quart of milk (Super Baby Food). That will be your starter.. The starter yoghurt however has to be fresh for the bacteria culture to be alive.
  12. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    <font color="aa00aa">Lilac</font>, I'm in Chengdu, SW of China. Pls tell me u're in Chengdu as well? Haven't met any Singaporeans here so far... <font color="ff0000">cheok</font>, backache is no joke hubby also has occasional backpains and it's really crippling ( pls take care...
  13. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    hi gals, MIA for more than a week but I guess it's like an eternity on this thread! We just moved to China on 1.3 and we'd been just trying to *survive*. Most of the barang are not here yet so we'd just been getting the bare essentials -toilet paper(yes, that bad), drinking water, 2 bowls...
  14. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Amber, I'll be praying for your bb tonite ...of course, it could be nothing but I know how worried u must be...
  15. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Heheh, Susu, I like your term "out-law" :D I can also relate to your frustration regarding the solids feeding. Unlike your case however, I felt the pressure from my midwife! (similar to the PDs here as I was living overseas) Over there, babies generally get started on solids at 4mths but I...
  16. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Yolk, sometimes when my baby goes to sleep early and I know he hasn't drank enough for the day, I'd actually prepare a bottle and feed him before I go to bed. He normally doesn't wake up fully and even if he does, he goes back to bed promptly after the feed ...otherwise, he'll wake up at...
  17. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    hi gals! I'm bone tired but couldn't go to sleep!!! it's probably a combination of the chinese tea I drank &amp; my galfriends who popped by whom I haven't seen for 8mths... irene, thanks for the shopping tips! I'm actually planning to stock up on HT from their online site. if it's $6.90...
  18. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Hi! Gugi: mine too. no way he could drink 80-240ml for 4-5times/day and on top of that, solids. Mine's on average 650ml as well... I think those first figures are provided by milk cos I tell myself as long as baby is thriving, then there's no need to be too concerned by the...
  19. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Jillian &amp; Yolk: so funny!! feeding the biscuits to the dog hahahah....I don't have a dog hmmm, so he may just feed it to his rocking chair (I still put him in the rocking chair to feed), carpet, floor, hair....
  20. K

    (2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

    Hi everyone, Yolk: Thanks for the tip on Bellamys. Yep, I noticed that HT teething biscuits are sweetened with Molasses as Jillian pointed out. With the exception of Bellamys, I believe that every brand of teething biscuit in the market is sweetened! How? I was even thinking of baking the...
