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  1. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    PrincessAngel, I intend to change gynae too. I think it's just too painful lying on the same bed, sitting on the same sofa etc. Memories of the day of the fateful ultrasound scan when I saw my beloved daughter motionless in my womb would just come flooding back...
  2. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Dreamer, Like you, we couldn't bear to let our daughter go through the autopsy, even if it may mean we don't know why it happened. PrincessAngel, All my blood tests were clear and I was on aspirin anyway. The gynae whom I went to for a second opinion, after looking at her 16 weeks scan...
  3. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Dreamer, I'm so so sorry for your loss. It was so traumatizing for me at 19 weeks, I can only imagine how much worse it was for you. Did you allow an autopsy on your child? Just typing the word "autopsy" makes me feel sick to the stomach. How can this word ever be used in the same sentence...
  4. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    PrincessAngel, The gynae who delivered my baby said I could try after 1 cycle. The gynae I saw for a second opinion said to try after 3 months.
  5. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Dear PrincessAngel, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. The circumstances of our losses are very similar. I also lost my first child, a girl. It was also an uneventful pregnancy till one day, I just didn't feel her move and went to see my gynae, only to discover that her heartbeat had stopped...
  6. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi Ling, Thanks for your post. It's reassuring to read of other mothers with unexplained losses who went on to have healthy babies. Congrats on baby Jocelyn!
  7. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Ranice, Although hubby and I were already prepared to find no cause from the various medical tests, it's still hard not to know why. Are you seeing the same obstetrician who took care of you and Donte for this current pregnancy?
  8. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Castiel's Mummy, Dawn was our firstborn. Ranice, Did you ever find out what caused your baby's heart to stop?
  9. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Dear Horsie, Castiel's Mummy and Ranice, Thanks for sharing. Yes, I will give myself time and space to grieve. I know that it is part of what I have to go through to heal. But it hurts. My heart is mangled beyond recognition. The Saturday before I admitted myself to hospital to be...
  10. D

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Dear all, I have been a silent reader of this forum but it's Mother's Day and my hubby is away on his first business trip since we lost our baby girl last month. So the tears have been flowing and I hoped to feel better after pouring out. My hubby and I had been trying to conceive for 4...
  11. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Sunstillshines! I am preparing to start my 2nd fresh cycle in late October. Quite apprehensive and am more concerned now with mental preparation for the cycle ahead.
  12. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Sunstillshines! Haven't come into the forum for some time. All the best for your 2ww!
  13. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    I see my name mentioned! Hi Ron and BNB, I'm fine. Not embarked on another cycle yet. Still deciding. I switched to a different TCM (used to see Dr Xia Rong at EYS Paragon) but my hormones are still not balanced. High FSH, low LH. Sigh... Not been here much cause no activity on my end...
  14. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Stickybfp, Some sisters have cramps and still bfp. Don't give up hope. Piggy, You just did your FET last week - think the signs won't start so soon? Jiayou both!
  15. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Bingo, I think the sisters here start drinking it even before their IVF cycle. They just increase the intake when they start the stimulation phase cause Immunocal is protein that can help improve egg quality.
  16. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Peko, Take care. If the pain is unbearable, just take painkillers, ok? My TCM physician also advised not to "ren" if it's painful cause the whole body tenses up.
  17. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Flowers, Yup. My MIL lives 2 bus stops away. But she is staying with my SIL now, which is 5 minutes drive away.
  18. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Flowers, Yeah, I'm very blessed. We bought a flat just 1 block behind my mom's so she took care of all my meals during my 2ww. My MIL is very busy taking care of my SIL's children so she only brews stuff for us sometimes.
  19. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    I am so full now. Had dinner at my mom's place where she had soup. Then my MIL prepared soup for us too. I had 3 bowls of soup! And I still have bird's nest from my MIL still to eat. Think I don't have to worry about losing weight from my stomach flu anymore.
  20. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Miracle, Shoes, Are you planning to arrange to go to CARE around the same time tomorrow? I have a full afternoon meeting tomorrow so guess I'll have to wait till after it's over to check the forum on your bfp news. It'll be an exciting day on the forum tomorrow!
