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  1. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Dear Serene, have sent u a PM to join the FB group!
  2. P

    Hyperemesis sufferers

    My gynae only gives me metachropramide. She says that she only prescribes this. But it never worked for me. When I was on drip in TMC, I think I was on maxalon. I dunno how to seek treatment anymore, v v v suffering and cannot operate a normal life at all.
  3. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Still puking alot for me, just decided that since hydration more impt than food, I will focus my strength keep liquid in, try all kind of liquids that my body can absorb, hopefully after 1st trim can catch up on the lost nutrients now...
  4. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Ya yen, eat too fast will be uncomfortable ;(
  5. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Morn mummies! I woke up craving for longan drink, those canned type, made hubby prep 1 cold cold cup for me and it tastes like heaven! But now whole body feeling cold...
  6. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Thks may..hope I can have energy to put him on my lap...he run realli like to be cuddled nowadays I dunno y... Mei ziang, TMC was a natural choice although my gynae cld deliver in mt a also, cos she told me its easier for her get access to me in TMC. I dun really like to stay in hospital per...
  7. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Mei ziang, I took it and puked all did taste nice nonetheless..think it's ok for us take if u can stomach it..especially when it's piping hot and u drink from the teaspoon...
  8. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Sidetrack, when I stayed in TMC, they had e best soup was e only thing I looked forward to..really soothe e MS and taste so food now is plain bread with h2o (the carbonated drink)
  9. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    My 17mth baby boy is always wanting me carry but I simply hv no strength, feel v sad tt he might b deprived of motherly touch, try to make it up to him by hugging him more..sometimes I have a realli silly thought, if I show too much outwardly love to no.1, could it be that. No.2 knows and is...
  10. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Thanks ladies for yr support and care...I suffered v v badly in my first pregnancy, so much so I even had phobia of delivery, I opted for csect, and somemore GA. Thought 2nd pregnancy will be beta but sadly, it remains..I dun even Wana rem was it more or less serious..2yrs have passed but still...
  11. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    I will not be doing Oscar etc tests, did not do for no.1 also..just find it v painful if have to make hard decisions..just leave it to fate..
  12. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Hi mummies..I survived yesterday..v emo n cried so much, a gal fren visited me and felt beta someone is around listen and care..slept from 6pm till 8am this morn!!!! Feeling so hungry in the wee hours but just force myself sleep so will not feel nausea and is another day of...
  13. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Hi may, I'm staying home, totally not able work at all, just trying to cope with the vomiting and nausea. Life is totally changed, it's so hard to get others understand that pregnancy for some is indeed so much more challenging. Time passes so slowly. Can only wait for 1st trimester pass to hope...
  14. P

    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    Hi ladies first time posting here..realli suffering..I'm into my 8wk of pregnancy now. Warded in TMC over e weekend due to hyperemesis. Feeling realli down wif such a situation. This is my second pregnancy. Had the same situation for my first child
  15. P

    Hyperemesis sufferers

    Hi anyone suffering from excessive vomiting and nausea and diagnosed with pregnancy hyperemesis gravidarum? Thinking of setting up a support thread for fellow mummies who could be suffering silently on this condition.
  16. P

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    dear bam, can you kindly update my details on the table also? [IMG=] hospital:TMC gynae: dr geraldine tan gender of bb: boy EDD 7 Nov 2010 1 upcoming thank you so much!!!
  17. P

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    Hi mummies! have you been to the robinsons expo sale? i bought quite abit of stuff there: 1) mattress cover for bb play pen (shears) 2) nail clipper set for bb @ $5 3) comb set for bb @ $4 4) bb pyjamas (so cute) @ $10.90 5) front button pyjamas for bb delivery stay at TMC fr...
  18. P

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    also,wana check wif mummies here,have any bought baby cots already?where can we get the best deal? (free bedding sets,musical mobiles etc)?thk u in advance for any feedback n tips!have no idea where hubby and i can get the best deal :p
  19. P

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    hi mummies! Long time never log in,so much happening! Been realli busy wif work.. Jus 2 share,im an insurance manager wif Prudential! Prudential jus recently launched a plan specially for unborn babies and pregnant mummies like us,u can always PM me if u wish find out more info,hope can...
  20. P

    (2010/11) November 2010 MTB

    dear lucky, yeah!doctor must have a reason for suggesting the remedies, so the situation will definitely get beta ok! i also read that placenta will move up as the pregnancy progresses, so now u muz b good and rest and rest and rest ok! ask hubby change the bedsheets weekly for comfy rest!u...
