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  1. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    JJ ... we didnt choose any DR yet..since our IVF.. The DR who is doing my wife ER and ET is DR Kelly Loi.. if i m not wrong she will be leaving KKH in few months time to go pte. thanks for advice... agreed that the waiting time is quite bad at KKH clinic D...just like last time...
  2. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks 12Bmami... thanks for your info. Just feel not right...maybe its only me.. well still have to depend on next blood test on next week. hopefully my wife HCG level start to multiply...
  3. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Dear all sistas, this morning wife just got the blood test result after 2WW from KKH IVF. Nurse say she is pregnant but still ask us to come back for another blood test next tuesday as the HCG level is at 166. Nurse say that they are expecting > 200 at end of 2ww . and we are told to book...
  4. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks all sistas for comforting words.. Just called up KKIVf..nurse told us to just continue the HCG jab and come for the pregnancy blood test on 6 Aug... then i asked about the progesterone level, she told that the level is at about 300+ and says it is normal... is 300+ a good level ...
  5. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Mel ocean, Thanks for your positive words..sorry to kpo..ur previous pregnancy is natural or ivf ? I had told my wife thatalso as i read from you sistas that some successful cases got no symptoms as well... but it just doesn't helps.. Baby chloe, thankyou for encouraging words.. BTw...
  6. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi all sistas, wife currently 8 days after ET, yesterday went for blood test progesterone level, nurse just took blood samples n ask us to wait? If no call from them means continue the HCG jab n come back on 1 week later to do the preg. test. Wife complain no symptom at all, n she say her...
  7. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Tokkie, Thanks for your kind words.. My wife not Internet savvy, so have problem to come over here for chat.. but no problem as i will always be by her side, making sure she dun dwell on the bad side of thinking. So sis Tokkie with kkivf as well?
  8. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi sis iloveshoes, thanks for ur kind advice. Actually ,after the ET, Dr didnt gave much advice. She just say must have a gd rest. Didnt say take more protein, just continue the anti biotic n folic acid tablets.. Just wondering, u gals still go back to work for the 2Ww?
  9. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi all sistas, my wife n me currently with kkh ivf/icsi. We are now in into 5 days after Embryo transfer on 22/7, it was D2 embryo transfer... Now wife telling she feel difficult to pass motion, like constipation...n right side stomach bloated n weird feeling. Not sure is this some kind...
  10. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Faith, Its our 1st cycle IVF/ICSI. We didnt have any SOIUI before, we were just advised by a doctor which is not our ivf gynae after the 2nd scan that we have to abandon this IVF cycle due to only 1 ripe egg. She's ok now and under my TLC ...
  11. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ineedmiracle, is it ? we were refer by polyclinic to KKH ,not walk in patient...those tests we did are under subsidize.
  12. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Gloria, thanks, guess we will have to make a call to KKH on coming monday and ask for their advise if we can should go ove r to do a BT.. Subsidize rate for BT at KKH...:P
  13. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Gloria, Thanks for your advice, do u know the BT results are instant or have to wait next day?
  14. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Ineedmiracle, gynae said that its probably due to my wife's poor response to those medication yes , after we went thru those lucrin and puregon jabs. during 1st basline scan, only 3 got follicles/eggs , then Gynae advises puregon dosage increase and we did a scan after 2 days. And gynae...
  15. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Gloria, thanks for your information and well wishes. regarding the blood test for HCG level ,should we just wait for our next appoint at KKH , 10days later? or just go to any clinic for test?
  16. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi all, need some advise from sis here... my wife and me are undergoing IVF/ICSI at KKH... we were informed by doctor on 12june that this cycle wasnt successful as my wife was scanned with only 3 eggs..only 1 is ripe and the rest 2 were abit smaller... too little eggs. no retrieve of eggs...
  17. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks Gan, i m feel awkward for intruding a "motherhood" forum, i have no choice as my wife not internet savvy. Will give her my TLC:D thanks again
  18. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Gan, thanks. Pretty nervous as it is our 1st cycle.. Forgotten to ask the nurse during her explanation. My wife 1st scan was next week. Sorry to see her undergoing those jab and i did nothing. : (
  19. R

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi all, my wife n me are with kkh for ivf icsi treatment. Currently she is on lucrin jab n after abt 1 week, her menses came today, is she going to continue the jab everyday till her 1st scan?
