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  1. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Pauline, if that term has more than 2 days of public holidays then they will give replacement class. So minimum still have 10 lessons [IMG=] Xin, in sydney v will b staying at service apartment. Only Perth then will stay with in...
  2. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Happysport, yes am sahm now. That y have time to do home practise with him. Oh I stay just right at the tp central. Where ur mil stay? To be honest, Shichida method really need to b hardworking to do home practise. Just based on the class I don't think it will b effective. Pauline, 12...
  3. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Mine is weekday. $780 per term for weekend n weekday is $40 cheaper [IMG=] I go to the toa payoh Sch, just 5 mins from my house. Yeh u can put her in the high chair. Once she understand or get used to it, she will sit still. 1st...
  4. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Happysport, 1st few months I let him sit on his rocker (which can b a chair) n buckle him up. After 1 term, he seem to understand that he need to sit still for flash card. Now I put him on sofa, he sit although his head will turn when I stop. Once I start flashing he will look at the cards...
  5. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    I brought my boy to Shichida school since he was 8 mths old. Now he can concentrate better in class and even home practise he could sit still till I finished the stack of flash card. I think they just need to practise n do it everyday. Once they get used to it, will just sit n listen. Of cos not...
  6. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Yuki, when they r older do v still need to cook porridge for them? I really lost what to feed him when he turns 1.
  7. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Xin, when u going to Sydney? Let me know the weather going on the 16 Feb. Afraid too warm. Mummies that going oversea, what did you feed toddler for solid? By Feb, my little one will be 13 mths old, not sure he can eat outside food with us or not.
  8. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Xin, I SMS u already [IMG=] think I forgot to press call...Yeh let him rest more at home. Can see him another week. Take care..
  9. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Xin, is mattias feeling better today?
  10. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    There is free shuttle bus from Toa Payoh bus station to turf city in case any mummies want to go to fidgets. [IMG=]
  11. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Xin / andie, what time & where u gals meeting next Tuesday? If u gals don mind, I'll like to join the fun. [IMG=]
  12. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Xin, are you going to peekaboo nx Tuesday? I will like to bring Keagan there. Never been there before so thought join you for the first time.
  13. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    U just steam it or cook together with porridge?
  14. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    ET, What type of tofu you get? Yesterday I wanted to buy but not sure which type to get. And how you cook the tofu?
  15. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Xin, Mattias also likes to crawl to the ddor? Sometime I find it funny as he will bang the door to wake me up but when I super tire and just fall asleep, feel so angry with him!! Yes carry and pat is really strain my back. Sometime I need to pat him for 15 mins and sleep like less than...
  16. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Little lamb, Thanks for sharing. My boy used to sleep in playpen. When he learnt to flip he didn't want to be in it anymore. Now he is sleeping on the mattress and I find it safer to put him on the floor instead. He flip alot during his sleep. Yeh I tried your method before but he keep...
  17. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Little lamb, Nat sleep from 7pm and what will she wake up? My boy is sleeping from 730pm but he wake up at 630am. I find it too early for me but he can't stay awake after 730pm. I try to put him sleep later and he very cranky. Sigh.. These few weeks he wake up in mid of nite and crawl around the...
  18. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Jessie, trusted u with the money!! Sure u will put in a good use.  thanks giving us a chance to help the babies.
  19. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Jessie, Arwen is so her eyes. She is like your barbie doll to play with. [IMG=]
  20. M

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    ET, my boy had his pneumococal last sat but he was fine from the jab (touch wood)..he he.. Pd also said sure will have fever but he just abit lethargic. He needs to have 3 jabs in total since he has it at 7 mths. Am going to bring him to class so is safer to have it now. Byrest, hope Estovan...
