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  1. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi 1727, I'm taking Chinese an tai medicine currently. But I think it's better not to just take wat others take cos everybodies' body is diff. If u wan to eat Chinese an tai medicine, it's better to see a licenced Chinese doc for prescription. I did tat too...
  2. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi Cactus [IMG=] Thanks for updating the list
  3. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Ops I spell ur nickname wrong too sorry Cactus ... [IMG=]
  4. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi Catus.. Morning :D eh... Think there's a typo error in my gynae's name. It's Joycelyn Wong. Hee.. Thanks.. [IMG=]
  5. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Butterwaffles, Hi [IMG=] I stay at admiralty area (woodlands) and its terrible at the moment as they have started the painting work plus some unit upstair is how do u cope with being preg n all the paint smell?
  6. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Thanks Grace [IMG=] It happened last nite n I'm monitoring far so gd...really freak me out last nite...hee... :p
  7. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi ladies, just wondering if anybody hv discharge with streaks of blood? I just hv it n it got me worry. Dunno if it's common. [IMG=] Pls advice.
  8. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    :D I guess feeling pek chek is another one of the preggy thingy then...kekkekkek...
  9. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    TeeNoyL, mayb u shld consult ur gynae jus to b sure... [IMG=] these few days i keep feeling very pek chek [IMG=] does anybody also feels pek chek? I worry abt tis n...
  10. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    TeeNoyL I do hv diarrhea a few times initially. After a day or 2, i started felling bloated and keep burping.
  11. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    By drinking more water u fill up ur bladder n the water in bladder acts as a medium for sound wave to travel n thus giving a clearer image.
  12. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    butterwaffles, I went for 1appt yesterday @ 7wks 5 days. Dr told mr will do tummy scan 1st n if can't see then will do vaginal scan. In the end just did tummy scan cos can see bb clearly n see the heart beating too.
  13. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi ladies [IMG=] i just went for my 1st appt yesterday. The baby is tiny at just 1.5cm but I felt so emo as I've been thru lots of hurdles to come tis far :D Please include me in the list. Thanks. Nickname: Josephyn EDD: 4th...
  14. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Anybody hears anything abt TMC? Is the facilities good?
  15. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Lovinglife :D Hi. I'll be seeing my gynae coming Tuesday morning at TMC.
  16. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi Miracle, I've had 3 m/c n a major op n is now pregnant wif #1. I'm oso nervous, in fact very nervous, as I hv yet to see my gynae yet.
  17. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Lovinglife , thanks. I can' t wait to see my gynae next wk.'s going to b a long wk till then... I dun feel very secure until I my gynae tells me I'm confirm I'm I've had 3 m/c previously n a whole lot of health issue...
  18. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Thanks for the infor...shall make an appt soon [IMG=] had been feeling terrible these past weeks...hungry but can't eat much...tired during the days and can't sleepat night...but i am glad to hv these symptoms as it give me the...
  19. J

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi everybody [IMG=] I'm new to this thread...found out I am pregnant 2 wks ago...shld be in week 6 now...when shld i go see gynae?
