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  1. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    candy, thanx for being so understanding ...
  2. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    oh no!!!! candy, i'm so so so so utterly sorry...think i'm too sick until lose my brain liao... 12th Dec is my edler sister's WEDDING DINNER!! oh my, wat was i thinking??? sigh, i was really very enthusiastic to wanna bring my gal to joinin, but i totally din click on he date until i...
  3. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    hey mummies, i can do balloon sculpture, but only simple things like a dog, a swan, a mouse, flower, giraffe etc...those that i make for my students all the tme...dunno whether can entertain the children a little anot...maybe a few mummies can do it together...can scream our heads off as he...
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    Lovely JW Mommies

    hi there...hey, i'm also interested to bring my gal for the foam party @ IMM.... Candy, i've read ur we can accompany our children in the kidz amaze right?? sure, count me and my gal in...cant confirm my hubby yet...and btw, i had a very lovable student named Troy back in 2003...oh...
  5. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    kekeke, sorry to disappoint u dear soft...i'm not from boon lay sec...actually, i'm from River Valley...any mummies around from River Valley ( RVHS ) too??? ("_")
  6. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    thanx thanx...will take care and try to rest lots...but the antibiotics ar really keep my eyes wide awake leh....sigh...its sickening , the feeling dat my eyes r sooo tird but i juz cant fall asleep...haizzz...
  7. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    thanx serene...i will drink lots of water...
  8. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    excuse me for a while, go pour porridge out for my gal...
  9. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    klite, im down with tonsillitis...and still got a bad throat...and worse thing is my body reacts terribly to western medicine, especially the antibiotic, feel nausea, gastric, and cant sleep...and feel wobbly leh...
  10. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    hey, i have 2 GV movie ticket stubs, dated yesterday...doesnt matter wat show ticket rite?? any1 still need it?? sad dat i cant join u all in the hello kitty lab cos its a weekday and i got no more leave...tis week aready take doctor's advice to rest the whole week...
  11. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    good afternoon every1!!!
  12. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    bye mummies, going for a revitalizing swim liao... have a nice day...
  13. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    snowy, i only feel good in the carefree hope i feel better with a swim...and nope, i wun be dropping in at LSH, anyway, i go swimming there everyweek mah...i miss the children there thou, but not all the people
  14. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    im on MC down with tonsilitis...hey, eventually where did u get ue jamu masseur from??
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    Lovely JW Mommies

    hmm....taiwan seems a nice place to visit but then always have news of ntural disasters too
  16. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    snowy, wenever i'm down at hm, she'll get to enjoy stayin with mummy...dats her bonus time and we both enjoy our accompaniment taking her to safra for a swim later
  17. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    oh, dat sounds bad...tink mine is still not too bad, mayb i went to the doc in time b4 the widespread, so still can control wif antibiotics..but all the med is making me feel weird and sick...kinda gastric n nausea leh...
  18. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    thanx baby!!! oh yeah, i read the past posting from yez and u were asking me abt the nursery program of MFS rite?? im not too sure either, but tink i'm gonna check it out too...
  19. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    hi snowy... im on MC...and my gal taking her nap, so im free to post...
  20. S

    Lovely JW Mommies

    hi baby, nice meeting u i only recogniz u, poshies and wendy...very confused about the rest..cos too many children and pretty mummies around im on MC cos tonsilitis so came up wif high fever yesterday...2day no fever, but very bad throat...
