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  1. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    dustee well at least one good thing came out of the mickey mouse craze! she's eating and drinking! if you can fit into my ergo, i will ergo you :D re farm hehe SY i also depend on the forum for updates so i also dunno who's confirmed! girls, i will sms you (bbp, dustee, holly, SY, cin...
  2. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    Do1nk Your dog has a LIFEVEST? *faint* and no you are not a control freak. You are a mother Youpi Us too. No car, no maid, going to cancel cable soon (cos where got time to watch). But still broke all the time haha. Bangkok will prob be much later in the year cos all the mums have other...
  3. P

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi i'm from july MTBs thread. i have a bottle of dry shampoo that i hardly used and i'm giving it away. it's for self collect at my place, tiong bahru. if anyone wants, please email me at [email protected]
  4. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    mummies, found this and thought it was quite interesting: babies need as much milk per day at 6 weeks as at 6 months!!! youpi not yet my friend. friday is my last day. i only come in for a few hours then can go liao
  5. P

    very little breast milk

    just happened to see this thread and want to share... i also don't have alot of supply. worse, i didn't know that supply can take a while to kick in. so in the hospital i was very gek sim, pumping air. baby didn't like to latch on until about week 3. prior to that she always got so frustrated so...
  6. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    bbp no la. friday is my last day la! can congratulate me again next monday hehe nepia: 62262650 call during office hours.
  7. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    haha bbp. he must be thinking 'oh no, mummy come again! must protect myself!!!' haha. eh leave his cradle cap alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yup tollyjoy small ones good. i think it's $3+ for 200 buds. can't remember. cleaning nose, i scared leh. i also itchy fingers mummy. cleaning ears is very...
  8. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    like labbit says, 15$ for 1 pack. but must order 4 packs then they will deliver to you
  9. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    dor dor really excited about receiving the ON stuff :D phyllis i find nepia rather absorbent. i like the wet indicators too. i think we've not had leaky accidents with nepia before. i find pampers a bit long. like the diaper cover so much of her stomach! i think goon's size fits her the...
  10. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    bbp i think i ask hubby to clean her nose tonight. i'm not very good at it hehe. and also i heart pain la. she will cry one oh i love cleaning her ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i use the tollyjoy small cotton buds. very shiok. i like to do it when i'm BFing her hehe. and clean in between her...
  11. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    hey mummies do your babies have phlegm? cos i clean poppy's nose once every few days and there's not much, sometimes nothing, but i can hear it. but it doesn't seem to be causing her any discomfort. how ah? maybe when go PD the next time then we ask la. i also use nepia! but S like getting...
  12. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    qing ya! i have alot at home but forgot to bring to work to replenish! you say la, kua kua kua or not hehe. eh how come you use so many packs! 6-9? you don't latch rachel on at all? ya lor the leg area is loose but the stomach there like so tight!
  13. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    oh for wrist pain, gynae actually told me can take painkillers. but use sparingly lor re turning baby to be on tummy: do1nk, i hold her neck and back with right arm then transfer over to left arm and then on bed. must be swift so that she won't think like it's a new thing. do like it's a...
  14. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    bbp dunno leh, no news from mods. i keep writing leh.
  15. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    stockings/leggings i saw at OG chinatown yesterday. $4.95 only! i bought the same one at taka for $6! but very hard to find smaller sizes. the 0-9 months one seem to be tight for poppy around the stomach area. i feel quite sad seeing it. like a bit uncomfortable for her. any mummies with...
  16. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    CS oh my gosh, yes it's considered one shot! wah, hungry baby dani!!! re painful wrists: mine got more and more painful and then suddenly just started going away by itself. i had it from pregnancy time. summert maybe you can try puttnig something on his chest when he sleeps (like...
  17. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    CS oh my gosh i also thought dani drank 270 at one shot!!! cellow i didn't go to sinseh. my pain just went away gradually. some people say wrist guards help. not for me though so if you want, i can look for mine and pass to you?
  18. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    haha the sunnies belong to sophie bunny! we went to visit the bunnies last week then tried on the props hehe. cin bunny so funny, some more say 'put on her head!' so i did: hehe poor thing la this baby, always kena do such silly things for mummy's entertainment peppermint ya poppy also...
  19. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    my little hollywood star
  20. P

    (2008/07) July 2008

    U-LIKE! i like u-like! i bought when i was preggie cos the lady said 'ah you see, this one can grind ikan bilis for baby porridge'. i was hooked. so auntie. :| today i was just telling my hubby that poppy doesn't tell me anymore, when she wets her nappy. then just now during her nap she...
