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  1. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Welcome Chew! I'm with Prof Ng. Did cycles of IUI but failed. Now in the midst of ICSI. Tomorrow's my ET! All the best to you! Prof Ng normally gives the report of SA right? You can bring it along to KKH this afternoon. Keep asking! Dear bliss, Don't read too much into the signs. Thinking...
  2. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hmm.. then can I not have the name in the bracket displayed? Just found out that someone I'm not too comfy with plans to go thru IVF. Do not wish to let her know I'm here!
  3. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi ladies... Dr said I've got 11 eggs retrieved yday, 7 matured eggs have been fertilised. Will see me on Sat. I opted for ICSI so I guess that's why the 7 matured eggs all got fertilised. Now, just hoping that the cells will multiply, multiply, multiply!
  4. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    I mean, the name in bracket?
  5. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Can I check, how do I change my nick?
  6. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Ooppss!!! It's crinone gel... not cronine. Quite cooling feeling since it came out from the fridge!
  7. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Pooh2, Dun stress abt your cycle! When I was taking my Gonal F, my cycle also delayed by 6 days! I went to see dr, probably relieved after what the dr told me, I had my AF the very next day! Relax... Progesterone injections.. My dr asked me to do this cronine gel insert. A bit of...
  8. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Bliss, I did my ER in Gleneagles. Think the GA was a light dosage. I woke up in an hr. Never heard nor felt anything. Well, no choice now, took the GA liao... *smile*
  9. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Pooh2... Hmm... Till now still no news abt my eggies.. Wondering if I shd call doc.. As for GA, doc did not give me option. Told me to sign form then GA. Hahahhaa.. I'd also had prefer that! Are you with O&G? (^_^) Too many of us here. More concerned abt everyone's health then the doc...
  10. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Morning Ladies! Dear pooh2, Yup, I'm with Prof Ng from O&G. ER was fine since I was on GA. Felt a bit of pressure at tummy area when I started walking after 4hrs, but overall was fine. Didn't like the feeling? Hhmmm... Think I didn't like the smell of the GA, stinks man! Hahhahaaa...
  11. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi happyever, Hmm.. I dun remember my doctor telling me anything.. My hubby called our nurse when I was conscious but nurse said will tell us tmr. Will update my dear frens here tmr! *excited*
  12. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Babylou, Good to hear that your follicles are now of ideal size.. Your effort has paid off! I'm 28. I sure hope things goes well this round. Dear ladies, Had my ER this morning, going for ET on Sat. Any recommendation on food to take these 2 days? I'm feeling ok, still a little bleeding...
  13. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Btw babylou, may I ask, how old are you?
  14. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks babylou! Must take care of your health ok? At least hyperstimulation can be controlled. I'm sure it is more important to have wonderful eggs! All the ladies here have come very far! Wonderful results for tmr's blood test yah? *wink*
  15. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Welcome 0908 and comfort! Dear Mrs Toh, I agree with you. Take a break and not think too much abt it. Let time work on you ok? *hugzz* Dear pooh2, Thanks for your well-wishes. A little excited yet a little worried about things. Hmm... Guess I just have to stay positive and read and...
  16. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Babycoming and Sue, Welcome to the family! We'll share our bonds with you! Ask and you shall be answered. Dear Mala, I guess it takes more than words to comfort you now. I agree with the rest of the ladies, take a break, take a holiday, decide later... Hi babylou, How's your scan...
  17. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi babylou, When are you going for your scan again? Hmm.. I'm excited yet worrisome.. I'll know my date tomorrow! Well, we'll just leave it in the hands of our doc I guess! I've actually make arrangements to do ICSI with my doc. Never knew the norm practise is to do half IVF and half ICSI...
  18. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi babylou, Hmm... This wk is exceptionally tired for me I feel. Asked ard earlier and bakaholic advised that it could be the medication. Bloated-ness, not too much, almost none except for burping.. Been taking Ensure (advice from the forum), guess that helps! Thank you forum! Do share your...
  19. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Babylou, Nice to have someone with me for 2ww. When are you confirming your date? I'll confirm my date on Monday. Will share with you again!
  20. D

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Dear ladies, Could I check, what's E2 lvl? My nurse called me in the evening, told me a number, 1037, told me it's gd then hung up. It was not convenient for me to ask questions there and then so.... HHEEEELLPPPPPPP!!!!
