IVF/ICSI Support Group


you are so cute! :D
You are feeling happy and this is very good and healthy for your embryos to grow well inside!

Have a good rest and sweet dreams, cutie.

Hi Bliss,
yup yup. Must not stress, must remember the babies also affected. Hahaha :D
Trying to be happy and not stress. Hahahaha :D Must keep smile... :D
My beta test will be next week on 23 Sep 08.
Hope I can hear 2 heartbeat. Hehehehe ^_^

Hi Kalki,
Thanks for your image. So devilish and adorable. Hahahahaha :D

Thanks for your encouragement. ^_^
Good darling Patricia,
Have to be like this. Come on you can make it....
(though i feel sorry, but happy to see you fight) Come on..just do it..(sorry just happy to see a person back positive. I love people who are strong)
just want to wish you all the very best for your next round. I understand your disappointment and sadness. We were cycle buddies. I was really very upset for you yesterday.
Will pray hard for you. You are very positive! Jia You!
Hi Patricia,
Hugs....Stay positive.

Hi Mala,
Sometimes it hurts to see people around us crying for our failure. Would combination of FET and fresh cycle be allowed? I always thought that it is 2 different treatment.
hi ladies,
I will be away from this forum to heal my wound. I will come back when I am ready for the FET.
Thanks for the support.
Hello all, can i officially join this thread? Can call me 0908.

I am ivf-ing with Dr Loh at KKIVF. Anyone cycling with me too?

Started my lucrin jabs on 3 Sep so today just went for baseline scan and blood test. Can i ask if you ladies know ... this baseline scan at this stage, are we supposed to have any small follicles in our ovaries? I heard the nurse mention i have 4 at right and 5 at left, seems like i have some small follicles even before i start puregon and today is only day 4 of my cycle, is this normal??

Anyone also has small follicles during your baseline scan?
0908, welcome
No, there should not be any follicles yet. The follicles will only start to grow when you start the puregon. What the nurse mention is the lining thickness.
Hi Mala,
*hugz and kisses* to you....i'm so sorry to hear that. I oso think it is a good idea to do a frozen FET, cos since you have 4, why not..... Can i just ask, I think that 4 frozen embies is not little, so why need to combine with fresh cycle?

Hi Patricia,
You are very strong, its good to be positive. Wish you all the best for ur FET process. Jia you!

Hi Dimple,
see ya in ivf-mtb forum soon.
Hi Maykel

Thanks for the comfort. I did an FET cycle last year and out of 8 embryos, only 3 survived the thawing.

Now that I have only 4, there is the danger that all may not survive or I may be left with only 1 or 2. I have to speak to the doctor about this should I decide to continue at all

Anyway, you take care and thanks once again
Hi 0908,
I am not sure about the growth of follicles during lucrin injections. But lucrin injections is supposed to suppress your natural hormonal system and so prevent your body to ovulate at the timing controlled by your natural body system. Thus, like what Ping said, you shouldnt be told to have follicles growing already. My experience was also that, I was only told about my uterus lining and E2 level during the day 5 scan.
Hi 0908,
I am having the same experience like you. During my baseline ultrasound scan, i heard they mentioned 4 and 5 follicles on different side too. Later i asked the nurse if it's norm to still have the follicles at this stage. She told me it's normal. We would still have the follicles even with the suppression injection, just that the follicles should be very small.
Hi Josephine,
Please dun stress urself with work hor, aiyo....me had learn to let go, but the only way i can do so is by taking HL and staying away from work.
Me oso bad nausea and got reduced appetite, but get hungry easily at the same time. If your nausea that bad, can tell dr loh. Cos he gave me vit B6, says it helps for nausea for some pple only.
haha...initially i wanted twins oso, but now have liao, i oso worry. Cos worry got 1 smaller than the other, then worry abt higher risks etc. But then again, its all God's will...
when is your 1st dating scan? Not sure if you read, when we go 1st scan at wk 6, must register as new case for obstetric, cos newly preg. So 1st consult must pay as new rate.

Hi Mala,
As long as you have 4, there is hope. Please dun give up yet.
Hi Maykel,

yea yea.. must not stress myself...
Sometime I am thinking to quit leh.. but it is almost year end.. (*waiting for AWS) Hahahaha :D Greedy ohh.....

Waksss???? 1st dating scan must pay as new rate?
how is the queue time? is time still the same? (i mean very very long time)

What is the risk if 1 smaller than the other? I only can imagine the bigger one should the big sister/brother and the smaller one should be younger sister/brother :D

Hi Cale,
Your 1st dating is it still with Dr SF Loh?
Hi Josephine,
Yes, i am still with doctor Loh. Your first scanning is next week right? Good luck to you! Hope you can see the sac and heartbeat by then
Hi Cale,
Yup, hopefully i can see 2 heartbeat. hehehehe :D
Anxious.. hehehe

Sigh.. still got 2 hours before go back...

I am going to start my stage 2 on this 19 Sept and had just went for my baseline scan & blood test today. For OHSS will will start having during puregon jab or after ET? As i am a PCOS sufferer, heard that chances of getting are high. Any ways to start preventing? Can i take high protein or acupuncture? Thanks
Welcome 0908 and comfort!

Dear Mrs Toh,
I agree with you. Take a break and not think too much abt it. Let time work on you ok? *hugzz*

Dear pooh2,
Thanks for your well-wishes. A little excited yet a little worried about things. Hmm... Guess I just have to stay positive and read and read and read the threads here! U take good care of your health too yah? *wink*

CONGRATULATIONS Dimple! All that 'stress' was worth it! Well, hopefully I can join you next mth!

Hi babylou,
How's things?

Doing my ER tmr. Feeling a little tight for time coz I have not packed the hse, cut my nails, buy new dress for a wedding on the day I do my BT.. Looks like the night's really important... Will catch up with you ladies again!
Thanks ladies for the warm welcome and sharing.

I just called clinic and was told my lining, bloodtest all ok. Also asked about the 4 and 5 i heard whether are they follicles, nurse say small ones are ok. Phew!

I am told to start Puregon this Sat. Wow, one step closer, now i am getting nervous.

Comfort, are you with KKIVF? Maybe we have seen each other.
Dear ladies,
Need your expertise... I was told by nurse that I'll need 14 days + 14 days of injection. The first 14days is to clear away the body hormones. May I know if AF comes, does it mean we proceed to the next round of injections? Or is it strictly full 28 days injections? I need to know cos I'll have to handover my work if I take MC from ER till BT.
Hi sue,
Yes, the doctor will start acupunture along with the jabs. For me, she has asked me to come for 8 sessions. I find it very good. She'll schedule your visits according to your condition.
there is actually package which costs nearly $400 for 5 sessions + consultation. For extra sessions, it is $85 per session. Alos, before starting each session she'll talk to you for 5 mins , that time you can tell her, any pain or discomfort to her, so that she'll help to reduce that too . Hope this helps.

Hi Dimple. congrats dear , added to our strength ++++
Hi Grace,
I only know that after 14 Lucrin injection, AF will come and you still need to continue the lucrin till the puregon start and finish.

May I know what injection that you get?
Are you just starting the cycle?
hi ladies, today's scan put my dr in a dilemma.
my E2 level is quite high yet my follicles have not reached their ideal size for HCG trigger. Dr was in dilemma becoz if i have another dose of puregon tonight then i may go into hyperstimulation and not be able to do ET until 2 months later.
However after much discussion, we decided to take a risk and inject one more dose of puregon so that at least my eggs are mature enough for retrieval on Fri. So its confirmed my ER is this fri. Whether to do ET next week or not will very much depend on tmrw's blood test.
Debz, good luck for ER tomorrow! Hope you get lots of good embies
Thanks babylou!

Must take care of your health ok? At least hyperstimulation can be controlled. I'm sure it is more important to have wonderful eggs! All the ladies here have come very far!
Wonderful results for tmr's blood test yah? *wink*
Dear Josephine,
Thanks for replying. I'll be starting this sat on my D21. NUH. I think its Suprefact. I know KKH uses a different drug. After that, instead of Puregon, NUH uses Gonal F. I thought since my AF will come at around D29, I will have AF before the 14 days are up. So, am I right to say that the no. of injections is strictly 28 days?
Grace the number of days is not fixed, it mainly depends on the growth of the egg. On the fifth day of Gonal F you will go for a scan and from there things differ.
Hi Grace,
I only know the procedure at KKIVF. At KK, we use lucrin and puregon.

Lucrin is to supress your hormon.
Puregon is to make your egg ovulate.
So, after your jab lucrin normally at KK will U/S scan see whether your follicles suppressing or not.
If supressing then you can continue to jab puregon & lucrin till your follicles size is enough to do ER.

I do not know whether is 28 days because different person got different effectiveness.
If the hormon not suppress then you will need to jab lucrin before can start puregon, because the follicles can not ovulate very fast as they need to grow it mature to able to do ICSI. (please correct me if I am wrong)

Do you have scan after you AF come?
Hi Ping,

How is your beta test?

Btw, I update your list:

stage 1
Happyever - 8 Sep

Stage 2
Mel Wong - 25 Aug
Louise - 5 Sep
Sri - 11 Sep

Stage 3 - 2WW
Ping - ET 1 Sep
Bliss - ET 5 Sep
Kalki - ET 11 Sep

Hi ladies,
I am feeling very worried and scared this morning when I took my BBT. My temperature dropped by 0.07 degree celsius. I was still hopeful yesterday even when my temperature has already dropped by 0.03 yesterday morning. Another drop this morning really made my heart shaken and frightened. It is not a good sign to me as I also got some slight cramps. It feels like something is pulling inside.
I was so frightened and called my mum to talk to her. After listening to her encouragement and comforting words, I am better now. I have to learn to accept things if it is really meant to be like this. Well, I know very well that many things just cannot be forced. I will be strong and prepared myself to be calm to face the coming result.
Well, just wanna share all these. I was really worried despite that I have been telling myself to accept whatever it will be and never give up. I guess I just have to learn to.
Hi Bliss

Drop in BBT could it mean implantation? Cos you say also got pulling feeling. Maybe implantation? Dont be scared or too anxious ya? Hang in there!

Oh i didnt know Ping doing BETA today? All the best Ping! May you have BFP!!!
Hi ivf0908,
Stage 1: Oral tablet - Lucrin Injection
Stage 2: Puregon Injection - ER
Stage 3: ET - 2WW

have you start lucrin injection?
Hi akachan,
thanks, but I doubt it means implantation. Today is already my 12dpET, I think implantation would have already taken place last week if there were to be.
Hi Bliss,

Dun think too much.
I heard the implementation will start on 1DpET - 10DpET.

Rest well, and think happily.. ^_^
stage 1
Happyever - 8 Sep
Grace BB

Stage 2
Mel Wong - 25 Aug
Louise - 5 Sep
Sri - 11 Sep

Stage 3 - 2WW
Ping - ET 1 Sep
Bliss - ET 5 Sep
Kalki - ET 11 Sep

Bebecraze08, Elle, Imel
Feibb, Maykel, Cale
Josephine, Bakaholic, Dimple
hi ladies,

I'm back, was so tired. Fighting flu the past few days. Will take sometime to read and follow up.

So sorry to hear about the news. Hug Hug. Take sometime to cry and recover. You have done your best this time, happiness comes in diff forms. I trust your joy will be brought to you very soon.
stage 1:
Happyever - 8 Sep

Stage 2:
Mel Wong - 25 Aug
Louise - 5 Sep
Sri - 11 Sep

Stage 3 - 2WW:
Ping - ET 1 Sep
Bliss - ET 5 Sep
Kalki - ET 11 Sep

Bebecraze08, Elle, Imel
Feibb, Maykel, Cale
Josephine, Bakaholic, Dimple
