Search results

  1. J

    Amazon Spree 1.28 rate (Aynix: Orchard, Woodlands, Queenstown)

    Hi I would like to order Color: Messy Stripe Spectra Yellow/Deep Water What is...
  2. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    carter's bathing robe jellypurin: 2 (1 pink 1 white) lilbluey: 1 (Blue) phtanus: 1 (blue) jolly: 1 (white) ypg: 1 (pink) tweety: 1 (blue) Jessbrian: 2 (1 blue 1 white) chrislin : 1 (blue) JJmom : 1 (white) Joyful: 1 (white)
  3. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Hi morning mummies, Just a little encouragement for all mummies who persist to brestfeed til today.. An article in the news today shows bf benefits both mummies and babies esp when they bf for at least a year So dont give up and Jia you all mummies...
  4. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    EI I second the opionion of no walker too... Babies on walkers tend to tip toe to walk...
  5. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Halo mummies, this thread is really moving TOO fast.... Nowadays I am so busy at work, has to finish fast to go home on time, plus squeeze time for pumping and catching up all the postings... Solid: So many of you have already started!! I shall try out this weekend.. gonna go isetan and...
  6. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    dimpletot, I want one box to try first, isit reusable??, I think Penny also interested in yr milk bag.. PM u already
  7. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Hi mummies, So busy today.. come here to eat snake abit and detress... Tweety i think its 20% normal and plus 10% if member, but only yesterday leh... I also bought the stacker after checking the price for you hahahha.. Hey mummies, anyone already started baby on solid?? I plan to intro him...
  8. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Penny, Eyes closing....shall dreamfeed my boy then off to lala land :D
  9. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Penny, Any good deal there?? Not sure I want to go there as I spent 100+ on baby stuffs at istetan sales today also..
  10. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Penny, heheee yalor... no more space... that time i bought the baby cubes from liblurry, do u think can use those to store bm as well??? getting v desperate keke
  11. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Mummies, Just doing a little survey. Anyone has started weaning your little ones to solid already??? I plan to start in 2 weeks time when my baby reach 5.5m
  12. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Hi dimpletot, Im interested, i used up all my 42 glass bottles and 10 avent VIA cups liao...
  13. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    hi nicky, i just went isetan to chk again, the stacker is selling for 19.9 less 30% and ringstaker is 14.9 30%
  14. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Mummies back from taka fair, Did you see FP rainforest jumperoo on sale there?? Plan to get one if got good offer...
  15. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    nicky, the 10% is only for today. its $69.9 now 10%off then 3% off so $61. after today only have the 3% off for members
  16. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Hey mummies, After reading all your posts I just realised I need to change my bottle teats!!!!! I never change my bottle teats since Ryan birth my god!!! Just wan to ask, what will happen if teats are used for too long??? Im feeling so scared now dunno what harm i have done to him..
  17. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    nicky, i just bot mine and paid $61 for the Ulike blender... woohooo very happy.. shopping is my reason to drag myself to work everyday....
  18. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Tweety, Didnt see that 2 leh, let me check for u later and tell u tomorrow
  19. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    HI, I just come back from isetan private sales, Fisher price toys sales, some are at 50%, and ulike blender to grind ikan bilis and brown rice into powder at 10%..
  20. J

    (2008/10) Oct 2008

    Hi Ruffles, Good idea... I shall adopt your method to contribute in the forum more instead of just silent reading all the time, and keep looking ard whether my boss is passing by..
