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  1. A

    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi whisp, Your nipples must be sore after baby latching on for so long. Did you try to swaddle her when she's sleeping so that she will feel more secure? Or you can try using a soother as a last resort. I did, and she slept like an angel. Hope this help.
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi ladies, Regarding red dates tea, is there a difference to use the normal lighter coloured longan or should we use the darker kind?
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi mummies, Have not visited this for a while and am so excited to see our Jan mummies popping. I am hoping for an early delivery as i'm feeling like Barney, big and heavy. Congrats to the new mummies, rest well and eat well :P
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi mummies, I am attending pre-natal yoga classes and my instructor gave us some tips. 1. To prevent water retention and variscose veins for legs, lie on your side, raise one leg up and do ankle rotation. But must support your leg when doing this as we are not as flexible now. And of...
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    sherill, I understand your anxiety. Sometimes i will get worried when i don't feel baby moving for a few hrs. Perhaps you can try and do some stretching to get your girl to adjust her position. I know my girl will kick when i lie down on my back, maybe she can stretch her legs this way ;p...
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    evlin, i will try your recipe too. i am having very bad backache too, esp when i am getting out from lying position. i had this too when i was pregnant with #2 and the backache was gone after delivery.
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi Sherill, Pls include me in the list of Jan mummies. Age: 32 EDD: 25 Jan Gynae: Dr Eunice Chua Hospital: TMC Child #: 3 Gender: Girl Area: Thomson Thanks [IMG=]
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    For me, I started using nappies but gave up after a while. Indeed, nappies and bumwear-type nappies keep babies' bottoms cooler, but it's too much work as you have to wash them separately from normal laundry. I use disposable diapers for my boys day and night.
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Furlin, so sorry to hear about this piece of sad news. Do take care.
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Asking hubby to get bird's nest to nourish baby but also for my own skin haha. Yah, i know, but after the skin problem comes hair loss. i lost a lot of hair during baby's 3rd, 4th month. But well, just bear with it and it worked out fine later on.
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    BTW, any mummies tried catered confinement food before? And recommendations?
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi mummies, My skin situation is also the same as Daphne. When i had my 1st 2 boys, my skin looked good. Now having a girl, i get more pimples. My girl better be good to me next time hehe.
