(2011/01) Jan 2011

Hi akaysha, try not to think so much. Stay positive for the sake of yr baby.

Ting, I just ordered from them for the upcoming of my boy's 1st bday party next mth. But mine is a high-tea buffet. This is the 1st time I'm trying them so not sure about the standard. But I've been to their restaurant to eat before and the food is quite good. Will let u know how's the food after the party.


wow hearing all your stories, I am so glad my office, boss and colleagues are all so understanding.

Mummies who use Avent bottles. Can someone tell me whats the difference between Avent BPA free bottles and Avent BPA free airflex bottles?? Thanks.

akaysha, your case is slightly difference because you are still under probation. I have check with my HR friend. This is what she said

If you have work more than 3 months in a company, whether you are still under probation or already a confirmed staff, you are eligible to the maternity benefit. if your employer fire you, you can log a complain to MOM and company will need to compensate you. BUT

If less than 3 months, your employer do not want to confirm you and if they fire you, they just need to pay you 1 month salary. (Refer to the contract that you sign, if your contract status 1 month notice or 1 month salary, then either party who terminate will need to compensate)

Hope the info helps.

God bless, stay happy...It's not end of the world..*hugz*

for addition: my POV, our baby will arrive in the next 3-4 months. Dear akaysha, ur company may not know about the rules (hopefully), if you can see it more like a *laugh it off* and stay happy till baby arrive, have the mindset of I DUN CARE, KILL ME IF YOU DARE. I would suggest you to stay and take the 4 months maternity then look out for other job.

Seriously, it's all about how deep we see a *thing*. take it easy, will be more relax and happy.. but if really really super duper unhappy, baby is more important. You have to make your own decision.

BIG BEAR HUGZ to all the mommies here...JIA YOU!!!

well said kimmy:

have the mindset of I DUN CARE, KILL ME IF YOU DARE"

hehhee......really it is not end of the world or career [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]baby is most precious if u r pregnant since there are already so many complications with pregnancies these days so we just pray our baby and pregnancy should be healthy one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I love that term "kill me if u dare"

To all affected mommies, stay positive. Life may get a little harder if u really lose the job at the end but it's not end of world. Our pregnancies now is the most blessed thing to happen on us. So let's treasure n enjoy the blessing.

Babykoh, the movie "Babies" is screening at the theatres.

Sherill, the braxton kicks feels like a pull? i still dun get it but i do get a bit uncomfortable sometimes when i m standing up like something is stretching which i just tot is the uterus wall stretching?

Hi ladies, thank you for all your inputs and insights. Really appreciate that. I have written to MOM and received a call from them this afternoon. They advised me that in my situation, regardless our position, all female employees who are lawfully married, child born to be Singapore citizen and has worked in a company for more than 90 days are eligible for the maternity benefits. If I happen to be terminated 6 months before my delivery, the company is liable to pay me for my maternity, which is 4 months.

Now its a wait and see kind of situation. I won't do anything to provoke her but I also pray the same for me. I cannot do much, its a family run business, and HR is not really willing to be a mediator in this case... Sigh... Bless me. And I will have that Kill Me if You Dare attitude!

akaysha.. jiayou! not easy to be in this situation when preggie..

just went for checkup yest at 24wks.. did urine test and suspected gestational diabetes.. sigh.. now gotta cut down my sugar intake though i cannot cut down my carbo intake as i'll get very hungry.. going back to gynae for blood test during next checkup to confirm if it's really gestational diabetes or just a one-off high level of glucose in my urine.. prays..

Is the urine dip stick effective in detecting gestation diabetes?

i'm very worried about this as i've a sweet tooth and takes in high carb everyday. May want to request to do OGTT if the dip stick is not effective in detection. Also, my tummy is big/baby is big also.. can't help but to worry.

Don't worry so much abt gestational diabetes. I had it for my no.1. And had it under control through diet and careful eating. So long as we avoid all the sweet drinks, less carbos, then should be ok. Take frequent small meals, and if need to eat bread, take those multigrain bread which release sugar slower... and if need, then add Equal to your drinks, etc.

I think the dip stick test different things. Tot it's testing for protein, but I'm not sure.

OGTT test should be done in ard week 28... that's the time when sugar is difficult to break down during pregnancy if you have GD.

daphne, Thanks Thanks. Shall wait for your feedback [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added new items. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge.

items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs, items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls PM or SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do not leave postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them.

calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!

Hi Ting, you intend to use them for yr baby's first mth celebration?

I'm thinking if the hi-tea buffet is good, I will also use them for my baby's first mth celebration. Hee...

@akaysha: god bless..stay relax and happy....remember - So long as you did not screw up your work, they cant fire you due to low/bad performance. Do our part as employee..jia you

@pinky: Dun worry too much, start control diet, ..we all can do it :)..jia you

haa...I started to list down the invitation name list for my baby's full month and also started to look out for goodies and foods...so kiasu hor...

Daphne, yes. me is sourcing for alternative caterer. been using Neo Garden for many occasions. even my bro also engaged their catering services for his children birthday celebration after that. their food and service is good but i eat until quite sian lor. so think of changing :p hope can hear good feedback from you next month on chilliPadi.

beside for the first month celebration, am also gathering feedback for their confinement catering. need the info just in case my CFL last minute back out lor. Their menu seem good on thir website.

Morning mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Was on leave yesterday went shopping.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

saw the stories of Akaysha, Jia you and good luck to you! I was facing the same problem as you ... I was also worried that they will ask me to go..as my role have very high turover and i was so sick during my 1st tri amd keep taking mc.

But i jus try my best and now i still hav not receive any confirmation from my company keeping my fingers cross too.

Sigh..Govt keep asking us to have more kids when we are all been penalised just cos we are preggy? not really fair rite.

Lets JiaYOU together~!! Best of luck to us!!

Good morning, Mummies...

How are you all feeling today? I am feeling somewhat depressed...the reason may seem somewhat trivial but it bothers me quite a bit....Stretch marks..

Are you guys successful in preventing it? I applied the cream religiously not just after baths but as and when I feel my tummy getting a little itchy..but the marks still appear..

I get really depressed looking at them in the mirror...overall, the pregnancy has made me really ugly...rough hair, outbreak around the nose, red nose, puffiness of the face...and now, stretch marks....feel so upset [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

kimmyksc, i don't think we are KS lei. i think better to get everything plan properly on paper first now. 3rd trimester time maybe too tired to do any planning also. during my last pregnancy, i left all the celebration plan till my confinement period. end up too many unknown and last min thing to cope.... many thing cock up. haiz


sorry that you are feeling that way, but isn't it temporary and all that matters is a healthy baby at this time. Be positive and think about holding baby in your arms in another 3 months [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby bump is the most beautiful thing on our body these days that people will see instead of our face, beauty and marks.

Just keep applying the cream or moisturizer everyday to relieve the itchiness.

@kikapo: Dun get upset about this...Many ppl say the outbreak will disappear after baby is born. It's all due to hormone changed. Later your baby also upset cos you are upset :-(

I had 1 operation on my neck area 5 yrs ago, I ask my surgeon doctor if will have scar on my neck, doctor answer: I can't do a surgery without a scar.

Think on the happy direction..another 3months plus, baby will arrive..many things will back to normal...

ppl always say: there is no ugly women in the world, but lazy women..

PS: my fren's strech mark is gone after baby born..Is just the matter of time only..stay happy

Yes cheer up kikapo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also hav stretch marks from my first pregnancy and imagine now will have more lo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but i just diligently apply the essential oil everyday just hope tat it wont get worst that all i hope for..

Just keep thinking to be happy if not baby come out face black black thou its hard in fact with our work pressure and personal pressure and all the hormones changing..

But WE MUST TELL OURSELVES STAY HAPPY!! We have our flesh and blood in us and that is a miracle and blessing!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kikapo, don't be depress. i think your skin problems will improve after you deliver your boy.

many people told me when conceiving a girl, the mtb may get prettier while conceiving a boy is opposite.

think try to distract yourself from looking into mirror for now ba. your mood will affect your pregnancy de.

Hi Ting, I think I'm opposite. I remember when I'm pregnant with my boy last year, my skin remains nice & clear. But now with my girl, I started to hv some outbreak of pimples on my face.

I also realise tat my weight did not increase as fast as last time. So, think girls are really smaller than boys.

Hi mummies,

My skin situation is also the same as Daphne. When i had my 1st 2 boys, my skin looked good. Now having a girl, i get more pimples. My girl better be good to me next time hehe.

Daphne, Alicia, really arr? all my colleagues are like how kikapo describe when they having boys lei. I can't compare cos i only have girl girl so far. and so far ..err...many pple commented that i actually look better during pregnancy... :$

anyway not to worry la. those skin problem will go away after you deliver your bb. while i may get back my original dull look again... *sob*

Hi Ting and Daphne: I tried chillipadi (as in I ate at fren's event before), its good! Another fren also use them and got positive feedbacks.

I just went for my detailed scan ytd. #2 is a girl! yeah! Can help me update? Thanks

Asking hubby to get bird's nest to nourish baby but also for my own skin haha.

Yah, i know, but after the skin problem comes hair loss. i lost a lot of hair during baby's 3rd, 4th month. But well, just bear with it and it worked out fine later on.

Thanks for the comforting and encouraging words...I guess I am particularly traumatised cause I have always had flawless skin before..so it is hard for me to come to terms with the blemishes. Hopefully everything will go away as you guys said. But stretch marks, I know, will probably not go away lah..can only be more diligent in applying cream to lighten its colour..

But I think I am probably a textbook example of someone who has all the pregnancy symptoms..but in moderation lah...

MS for a while in the initial months, fatigue, outbreak, unmanageable hair in the months to follow and now..the dreaded stretch marks and yes, the heart burns (the strong kind) are coming too...

I am just glad that I enjoy my work very much and it helps to take my mind away from these discomfort...and yes, I'm definitely looking forward to the little one! My next gynae visit after the detail scan is tomorrow..can't wait to see how much weight the little tiger has gained!

I think its a splendid idea to start planning for the baby shower now! I think I will do the same to avoid the rush!

My previous preggy was a boy and now a girl complexion wise no change leh ... still as radiant.... so i think tt is a myth.

Hi apple, the chillipadi buffet u ate before is lunch/dinner? For my son's bday, I ordered the hi-tea as I think their nonya kueh stuff shd be good.

me feel so sad.. cried juz now..

got news from my fren that her sis has to abort the bb. N I think the baby boy is same age as ours. The bb has heart problem. No choice.

*cry* May God bless him.

Mummies, here.. we have to take gd care of ourselves coz in turn we r taking gd care of our bbies too. We r very blessed to hv healthy bbies. Boy or girl dun matter.

Hi Miaiko, I have a fren who had the same problem. She aborted her baby after the detail scan as her baby had heart problem. The gynae told them tat even if they kept the baby, the medical process would be long term and there might not even be a cure and the baby would died eventually.

Tat's her first baby. She now has 2 kids (1 boy & 1 girl). But she refuse to tell us the gender of her aborted child. Guess it will forever remain a pain in her heart.

Tell yr fren's sis to try again. She will have a healthy baby. This one is just not meant to be hers.

Miako: did she take a second opinion? i have heard doc are always in rush for abortions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Who knows the baby have no problem at all cos it is reallly very difficult to decide from the ultrasound that there is a heat problem. I know my friend's son was diagnosed but she was so determined to give birth and the baby boy is now 4 yrs old. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just my opinion !

Good luck to them whatever they decide!

OMG! may his soul rest in peace [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lots of baby dust to her to conceieve soon with a healthy child.

I feel like crying as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh dear..poor thing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. wishing her luck that she will conceive soon..

Talking abt looking ugly, I shared abt my bad pimple breakout abt 2 mths back. At that time everyone was telling me I shud b having a boy.

Now gynae confirmed it's a girl. I'm really one of the sad few cannot enjoy beautiful skin during preg.

But I read somewhere that from the 2nd half of the preg our skin will b less oily n more dry so the pimples shud clear.

My face now still looks very bad. But I'm kinda resigned to the fact alredy.

I've been applying the clarins tonic oil every nite, up to now no stretch marks! Hope it stays this way.

opps. think i made the wrong move to share the sad news here. Make mummies here feel sad. sorry.

Cheer up Ladies! It'll do our bbies good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My no.1 is girl, i had bad breakout in 1st trimester. Now no.2 is girl, no breakout. but skin not glowing.

How to make skin glow huh?? Can anyone share?

I hv alot of stretch marks from previous pregnancy coz I din take care. I only started using anti-stretch mark cream in 3rd trimester. Too late already. now cant wear bikini anymore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yes Cheer uP! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for me when i was having my boy i hav glowing skin..as before i hav my boy my face was not tat nice..

for my current pregnancy no difference except for dryness..mayb still too early to tell? fingers crossed.

