(2011/01) Jan 2011


my friend's gynea told her that the baby no heart beat and have to go for abortion immediately. But she went to see another gynae in next day and the found that the baby is developing, got heart beat. i think you should ask your friend to look for 2nd advise.



Miako replied earlier that baby already gone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

that closes the topic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am fortunate to not have stretch marks for 1st baby and at 25 weeks, so far no marks. Hope it stays that way too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Daphne: The one I ate and the one my other fren ordered is lunch.

Miaiko: sorry to hear abt ur fren's loss. when u hear stories like this, besides feeling sad abt their loss, makes u treasure what u have.

wah, 2 times more girls than boys!...

I compare my age with other mummies the same age, and the baby's genders are different. Seems like those chinese calendar that uses the age to predict the baby gender may not be accurate coz the conceive month for us Jan babies should be the same.

Speaking of diet control, that really depresses me these days. Ever since the beginning of pregnancy I've been eating like nobody's business and put on quite a bit of weight as a result until my gynae said I should "put on at a slower pace".

So now no choice but to control and not take supper, take super small meals and eat healthy (=not so nice) food. Considering I feel hungry so often, I feel extra deprived! But also scared that I put on weight too fast and have higher chances of developing stretch marks (although I already had some on my thighs n hips pre-pregnancy). Some people say stretch marks are genetic, some say it's overly fast weight gain...

oh yah plus excessive weight gain could lead to gestational diabetes, and/or have a super large baby and need to have caesarean. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Can help me update the table?

Im conceiving a boY! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies, anyone has similar experience? I have quite bad backache today, stomach feels so stretched that I can't stand very straight. I am leaving office now to go back n lie down.


I often feel same as you, but i think since the pain will goes off after i rest, i just guess it should be normal.


I also have very bad backache, at the lower part, should be the tail bone.. very pain.. so now, I try to sit very upright.

I just place an order for the ginger cream from the BP... heard feedback that it can help in the relieving the back pain, and is suitable for pregnancy... going to try that once I've received the cream...

U may want to go and try too..

Yeah, I think the back aches will get worse as our tummies get bigger and heavy...

My tummy feels so tight at times, I avoid moving around too much. My belly button is now a slit cause it is being stretched.

*I hate stretched marks!!* Feel so unattractive with the jibra preens....

Long time never hear this term jibra preens. Haha.

I am v scared of looking like a jibra too. Apply clarins oil day n night. Heard it's genetic. Can't help much one.

My backache not tailbone. It's lower back n on my left side. Kidney there har?

Stomach really stretch till I think gg to burst. Inside outside stretch. Can't stand v stretch. Bend a bit when walking.

me too got back aches. lower back there. Tummy also getting tighter. Juz day, my belly was very itchy then i realise got very tiny n new stretch marks! eeks!!!!! mus quickly apply pdts.

Hi mummies,

Pls do not fret over the discomfort or ugly appearance that pregnancy brings you because it's a blessing to have them and a healthy baby growing inside you! I'm envious of many of you and I dont think I will mind with all this physical discomfort so long as I can have a healthy baby. Unfortunately, I'm not the lucky one.

On Tuesday, our baby Kayla is confirmed to be diagnosed with hydrocephalus. The situation is pretty bad as her brain has been squeezed to the side and majority of the brain cavity is filled with fluid. My gynae has sent me for a 2nd opinion by his partner practising in the same clinic and both experienced doctors have confirmed the diagnosis. Gynae told us that in some cases, a shunt can be inserted into the brain of a newborn to drain out the brain fluid but this only manages the problem, not curing it. There will be other complications associated with the shunt procedure. What's more, my baby is only 21 weeks now, making it impossible to deliver her and do the shunt now. To make things worse, it's not just the brain fluid we are facing, her upper face from nosebridge is not fully developed, this will pose another set of issues in future if we decide to keep her. If we persist to hold things till she is able to deliver, she might not be able to survive long after birth, or might be born a vegetable. In short, the doctors are not optimistic and chances of good, normal survival of my baby is almost equal to zero. By Singapore law, the legal timeframe to have an abortion is by week 24, afterwhich the baby needs to be carried to full term. This left us with not much time to decide.

There is no difference between a terrible and horrible decision, both are just heartwrenching. Apparently, we see no other options but to let her go. We understood the facts and data before us, things are pretty obvious and we know exactly what we need to do. What's very painful is to say, we will let her go. I had 2 failed pregnancies last year, resulting in miscarriages in the 1st trimester. We were very hopeful for a healthy baby finally this round after passing the 1st trimester but just when we thought things are looking good up till week20, the brain scan during the detailed scan has to show something drastic. Beside having to cope with letting her go, I have to face the fear and pain of delivering her. I dont know what to expect in a natural delivery - the pain, the hrs of labour, the pushing and breathing etc. I am all not prepared for a natural delivery at this time.

I feel that when things never go easy for me & hubby. When bad things happen to us, it will always be the worst and extreme of all, worst of the worst. While some medical problems can be worked out by taking medicine or having a workaround, it has never been any leeway for us, not at least in these 3 failed pregnancies.

My hubby has been yearning for a baby, esp a girl eversince we got married 7 yrs ago. I feel very sorry and sad that he got disappointed again and again. I wish there is someting I can do to comfort him. Although he is not showing his grief, I know he is also bleeding inside.

Unless a miracle happens, baby Kayla will be let go next Monday. May she go to heaven and meet many nice friends to play with. We will miss her and her kicks always....

Furlin : My heart goes to you and I can feel your pain. I really dunno what to say... but do take care and be strong.


This Spree is extended to Tuesday 21Sep. Mummies who wants to join the spree, Hurry put down your orders.

Mummies who have already placed orders, please make Payment to POSB Savings 109-69332-4, with your nickname.

Email [email protected] with your payment details and delivery address.

Postpartum Tummy Wrap

With Pouch : $129 per wrap + free postage.

Pouchless: $119 per wrap + free postage

Wrap with Pouch + Cold/Warm Pack: $145 + free postage

1) Miaiko - PAID

2) esthert - PAID

3) luckymummy11 - PAID

4) cookiefleur - PAID

5) chercat - PAID

6) hoshi - PAID

7) kikapo - PAID

8) Jass1408 -PAID

9) Daphne - PAID

10) Darienna - PAID

11) Ting - PAID

12) Misty - PAID

13) Trevitrevi - PAID

14 Pinky_J - PAID

15) Nimkulut - PAID

16) Valerie142 - PAID

17) Jovial - PAID

18) Lily_H - PAID

19) Little Oxygen - PAID

20) Sofia - PAID

21) Komathi - awaits bank to transfer

22) gingersnap82 - PAID

23) nikki1975 - PAID

24) Chelleybaby - PAID

25) pinkimum - PAID

26) Kelly - PAID

27) chubbybabe ( pouchless size XS-M)

28) kimmyksc - PAID

29) CL(watertap) - (pouchless size XS-M)

Hi Furlin, I can really feel yr pain also. Take care and have a good rest after this. Try again later. I'm sure you & yr hubby will hv a healthy baby in the future. You will succeed if you dun give up.


Be brave and take care, letting her go is better than more emotional , physical stress knowing things are not going to be normal. She will come back to you in another healthy body soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I lost one in March at 8 weeks and the nurse told me to ask baby to come back to me soon and I got BFP next month again, now 25 weeks. So have faith and tell her to come back to mama soon.

Lots and lots of baby dust to you!

Hi Furlin,

I have 2 MC before this and I feel your pain. Understand nothing can console you now. But believe me time will heal our wounds.

Take good care of your hubby and yourself. Your love ones need you. Cry your heart out if you need. It hurt us and we need to cry. But do wipe your tears and moved on after each session and get ready to embrace good things that will come our way.

Hugz, Jovial


Please take good care of yourself. Feel so much pain for you... try not to think so much, and do build up your health again so that you can try again...! God bless you!

*sending loads of love, hugz and kisses to all the ladies in this forum*

I think women are really amazing, the kind of mental strength to go through the tremendous stress that different situations put us through. I think we all should give ourselves a big pat on the back or better still, treat ourselves to something nice this weekend!

Furlin - I will be praying for you that your darling will come back to you soon. Do take care and remember that your family and friends care very much for you. So be strong yah!

Hi Furlin,

I am from Feb'11 mtb.

Really feel pain for you but be strong, your baby will come back to you.

Do a mini confinement if necessary and take good care of your health. Your baby will return to you in your next pregnancy.

Jia you and God bless

Furlin so sorry to hear such a sad news. My heart does goes out for u and ur family. I too lost my boy at 19 weeks due to no heart beat this march, and I concieved again in May, now I am 22weeks.

Dun give up and stay strong, will be praying for u and your family.

Dear Furlin

Tears just welled up in my eyes when I read your story. Its never easy for you and your hubby and I can just imagine the heartaches both of you are going through. Please be strong during this difficult period and may God bless you with a healthy bundle of joy soon.

Hi ivftwins,

ok noted. will update list tonight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Sherill, can you add me to the list. My details are as follows:

Age: 30

EDD: 21st Jan 2011

Gynae: Dr Loke Kah Leong

Hospital: Parkway East

Child #: 1

Gender: Boy

Area: Tampines

Hi ladies, nice to be able to login again when I have time to rest and be away from the wreteched place.

Hi Furlin, I feel for you. Do take care of yourself and I'm sure you will be able to recover soon and try for another.

Hi mommies. Sorry to interrupt. I have 3 bottles of neurogain pb for sale at $30 each. Collection at upper thomson road. Pls pm me for quick sale. Thanks

Dear Furlin

I feel so sad. Although, I do not know and understand the pain that you are going thru. But hope you will keep strong and don't give up.



This Spree is extended to Tuesday 21Sep. Mummies who wants to join the spree, Hurry put down your orders.

Mummies who have already placed orders, please make Payment to POSB Savings 109-69332-4, with your nickname.

Email [email protected] with your payment details and delivery address.

Postpartum Tummy Wrap

With Pouch : $129 per wrap + free postage.

Pouchless: $119 per wrap + free postage

Wrap with Pouch + Cold/Warm Pack: $145 + free postage

1) Miaiko - PAID

2) esthert - PAID

3) luckymummy11 - PAID

4) cookiefleur - PAID

5) chercat - PAID

6) hoshi - PAID

7) kikapo - PAID

8) Jass1408 -PAID

9) Daphne - PAID

10) Darienna - PAID

11) Ting - PAID

12) Misty - PAID

13) Trevitrevi - PAID

14 Pinky_J - PAID

15) Nimkulut - PAID

16) Valerie142 - PAID

17) Jovial - PAID

18) Lily_H - PAID

19) Little Oxygen - PAID

20) Sofia - PAID

21) Komathi - awaits bank to transfer

22) gingersnap82 - PAID

23) nikki1975 - PAID

24) Chelleybaby - PAID

25) pinkimum - PAID

26) Kelly - PAID

27) chubbybabe PAID

28) kimmyksc - PAID

29) CL(watertap) - PAID

30) ivftwins- (w pouch size XS-M)


I confirm using disposable diapers - either nepia or pampers premium...

Cloth diapers and those bum wear are too much work... need to keep changing, and washing and washing...


I juz did my detailed scan. Bb is all well and I am having a gal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can someone update for me into the list.



I would like to order the Postpartum Tummy Wrap (Pouchless Size: XS-M).

I will transfer the payment to bebelounge later.



I have transferred payment to bebelounge and sent her an email with the bank transfer details and delivery address.


Hi! Sherill,

I am in my 24 weeks now and did my detailed scan in week 20. Baby is all well and I am having a boy. Can you please update for me into the list.


