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  1. E

    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    Hou Ning is pretty good. I stock up also for my son - 15 months old now who had 3 case of bronc. 1 tube a day, used for 3 days then i stopped, coz health has improved. When i hear or see sniffles, fed again. Do het from Eu Yan San only...last time i went to a TCM prov store with doc in Serangoon...
  2. E

    Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club am also a Punggol mummy of a 15 mth old boy...FTWM though...great to know all of you...
  3. E

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    I heard that children should not be weaned off milk completely. They should at least have 2 serve of calcium (milk, cheese etc) a day. Goat's milk fine? Isomil smell and taste yucks...I couldn't tol the taste and smell, my son hated it too, but no choice when he has diarrhoea. Gacc: What do...
  4. E

    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    it was early morning at 7 am when that happened...mummy still zzz to change his diaper. Was wondering why quiet in the morning and saw him playing in his cot...that's when i saw his dropped out poop...a small his mouth stinky...drank so much water liao...looks like...
  5. E

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    hee hee...ok thanks Agent D. You are the newest but pretty active, unlike me. Will pop in whenever free. Use ronsen oil (use for lighter - i use that during school time) is the answer to your post. But lock and lock label can come off in hot water after being soaked in hot water. Mine did...
  6. E

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    I'm a FTWM and stay NE (punggol), in the age group you son a May 7 2007 babe. I pressed previous wanting to read the history...i came here and saw on hair rebonding and Fil's son having baluku, was on leave thus at home...seldom on forum coz no time at all...great to know...
  7. E

    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    oh...vicks on his soles...i forgot to mention.
  8. E

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    Hi sandwich...sorry...i just conveniently came into this thread w/o intro. don't normally go into forums as time never permits till am resting now at home. Was looking for some answers, thus came into the forum. Never realised i could fine comfort and answers here till today. I am just so...
  9. E

    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    My son was on Neubuliser 3 times since he was born. Springdance i can understand how u feel. Xavier is now 15 mths...i placed him in infant care...he caught on virus...after not getting well many times, we brought him to Gleneagles...they had a clinic in AMK as well. He got bronchitis...very...
  10. E

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    btw, how's the baluku today? My hubb's cousin's son had a much bigger baluku than fil's (size of whole uncraked egg). Doc examined...xray etc done, no took weeks to go down...use zambak??? heard balukus go down very fast with that...
  11. E

    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    when should we toilet train kids? Earlier my friend told ne 2.5 yrs late? Xavier is 15 mths old...but he can tell his nainai he poo poo...when he was left with my mil's house last sat. this morning his poop was like cocopops...maybe that's why he ate it...i still can't believe his...
  12. E

    (2007/04) April 2007 MTB

    i had my hair rebonded at Jean Yip 3 mths after son was born b4 go back to work. That's Aug last yr...had my straight hair not chopped till now...cost me $300+ for shoulder length hair...dunno if $ worth it coz did not know that hair will drop alot after delivery. After dropped so...
  13. E

    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    i am worried whole morning looking into internet for some solutions...bringing to see doc when no symptoms is silly...hubb was aksing me this morning " how come never take pic?" I'm like DUH!!!! My hubb crazy...i know animals eat their own poop...but not humans? My hubb fed son the...
  14. E

    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    Hello am also a 2007 May mummy of a I faced a situation, and am on leave thus decided to post and find solutions. What do you do when your child ate own poop? I found my son in his cot today with heavy diaper and a poop that has dropped out...then realized his mouth was...
