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    3D Birthday Cake for Baby

    hi mummies. i'm looking for princess figurines. can anyone let me know where to purchase? thanks.
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    Anyone has a autistic child?

    Hi Ying Ying. I knew of a mom who sent her ASD child there. She told me that her child improves his social skills tremendously. Hope it helps.
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    Any advise on Pat's School house?

    Hi. Has anyone send their kid to Pat's at Mt Emily? Appreciate your feedback. Thanks.
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    Any advise on Pat's School house?

    Hi dey. I have pm you.
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    Maid for Transfer

    Hi jojos. I have pm you.
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    Support Group - Mid Term Termination Of Pregnancy

    Dear all, I would like to share this link to encourage all of you: Remember children are a blessing and a reward from Him (Psalms 127:1-5) PM me if you need a listening hear. I have...
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    Support Group - Mid Term Termination Of Pregnancy

    Hi mummies. I have my triple test done 4 years back and my baby has NTD. Before I could make the decision to terminate the pregnancy, my baby decided for herself to stop surviving. Her heartbeat stopped. Therefore I was induced. I was devastated then. Till today I still think of her. However...
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    Any advise on Pat's School house?

    Hi dailybread. I also share the same concern as you. Any mummies who send their kids to Pat's full day, pls advise us. Thank you!
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    (2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

    Hi mummies. Check with you whether your toddler's soft spot on his/ her head has closed up completely? My gal borned in Jan 05 still has a bit to go.
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    (2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

    Hi fries. May I know the name of the bakery? Thank you.
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    (2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

    Hi. I'd like to share how I get rid of the fishy smell. I steam the cod fish/ threadfin with slice ginger first. Once cooked, I mix with my porridge (veg included). It helps to lessen the fishy smell. Do give it a try.
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi lyn. Can share with me the program as well? Pls pm me. Thank you.
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    Infant Care Centres

    Hi duckweed. I'm sourcing around for a good infant care centre. Do you have other recommendation? Thanks.
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    Infant Care Centres

    hi duckweed. may i know which infant care centre do you go to?
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi bellybutton. I cried when I read your experience. I'm so sorry to hear that. I also questioned God why He took my 1st gal away. She was diagnosed with neural tube defect. Before the 4th mth triple test result was out, her hearbeat stopped. She chose to pass away. My husband & I were glad...
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi folic. Yes I'm used to frequent the support group for miscarriage till I'm pregnant again last year. Thanks! Congratulations to you too! I'm also gave birth @ Raffles Hospital but my gynae is YG Tan.
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    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi all. I cried when I read all your postings. I too have a baby. Her name is Sydney. She passed away in my womb when she's 4.5 months old in Jan 04. I feel all your pain. Even though I have a 5-month baby gal now, I still remember Sydney. How can we forget right? She will always be in my heart.
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi all. I was with Raffles Hospital before my baby died. Overall the experience was good. The d&c was smooth & 'chop-chop'. Nurses were sorry for me. The thing that I couldn't take it was when gynae broke the news to me, he was staring at the ultra scan screen!!! He said while staring...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Dear Tears, my sympathy to you. I do agreed with you that the service needs heaps of improvement. Just cry ok. It works for me. I feel much better when I cry. I still do now though it has been 3 months since my 18 weeks gal died. Dear Tiny, the counselling is to make me 'talk' instead of...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi poohy. I'm also seeing a counsellor in church. just let me know if you are interested. take care pls.
