(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Update on Matthew - No more rash on arms and legs. Rash on body 70% clear! Hooray! I think his sore throat also better now, sleeping better at night! Eating more too!

Thank you all for your concern.
Update on N
Yesterday nite there was an ad featuring bhangra songs (bollywood dance songs), N quickly stopped whatever she was doing, stared at the TV, grabbed the nearest sofa, stood up, raised her hands and started dancing to the bhangra song and she was also screaming along with the catchy tune!

Y issit at times like this i dun hv my camera!!!
Another update on N
Last Saturday, I was walking home and was carrying N in a sling and I was also drinking a packet of Marigold's apple juice. This greedy girl kept trying to get hold of my drink.
To be fair it was a HOT day and my juice must have looked tempting. Got tired of fighting her off so i gave her the packet and put the straw in her mouth. The moment she got the straw I saw her cheek popping in and out .. like as if she's drinking.. and after a while i saw some juice drippping off the side of her mouth.
My god! All this while I thot she doesn't know how to use a straw!
Hey Qdee
It's always something new everyday! Isn't it amazing just watching our babies growing up day by day? It's a surprise everyday, not knowing what's up next... Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what to expect!


Sometimes I just wish that I could give up my job and be a SAHM and watch M grow every minute!
Hi all,
WOW! So much happening!

Hi Phantom,
Enjoy urself at Aust!! Sayang C for his cut! Luckily he's safe & sound after the road trip! heheh! MUst be so much fun for him! A also lah...see me will become manja! Dun see me will be ok

Hi Qdee,
HAHAHHA! N dancing to bhangra music makes me laugh! Today A tried to clap to the beat of a song (forgot wat song)/...so cute!

Hi pax,
Glad M is better! Saw ur blog...he's so cute!
Yes..life is likea box of choccolates! 2 days ago, HB pulled out a strand of hair from A's anus after she pooed! Dunno when she ate my hair! ;p

Hi BBGrace,
Hope the tuina & ur TLC helps! A started more adventerous crawling today! *beam* It used to be just crawl a bit then sit & kaypo abt surroundings. So cute to see her crawl faster when i pretend to catch her. I almost gave up..thinking she'll skip the crawling stage cos she prefers to stand & tries to cruise a little..so glad she still crawls, cos i LOVE to see BBs crawl...so cute!
forgot to reply your question. Yup, my sis bought direct from the developer late last year. There were still a few penthouse units left.

i like how u link chocolates to A's poo! haha!
i can imagine how A is crawlng. i love to see the little ones crawl. Besides pretending to catch J, i also play hide and seek with him. I hide and call out to him but purposely let him see a bit of me. Everytime he finds me, he'll have that "see, i managed to find you" look, damn cute.
ok lah, shameless mommy here.
update on M - rash 95% clear!!! yuppie... hip hip hooray! vv active today. M kept wanting me to read him books, wasn't being interested in my breast!!!

bbgrace - me also vv shameless one, but i think all mommies are just all very proud of their kids!

omg - hey, thanks for checking out my blog.

i remember one mommy has this video sharing website.. is it youtude.com or something? i want to put up some clips for my sis who's overseas.

mommies, i know many of u bring ur babies to gym etc. which ones are good? my gf recommended mygym at woodlands civic centre n kindermusik at tanglin mall. what do i look out for when i go for trial classes? do i have to pay for the trial classes? did ur babies enjoy the sessions?
Nayli sooo cute!! haha next time when your remaining pkt of drink is missing or has been finished up, you know who!!

thanks for sharing your blog, vry nicely done up indeed. Good that his rashes are clearing up fast.

ok! hmmm...any suggestions you have? you want town or somewhere west/north?

yipee!! A is crawling like expert now!! haha..can imagine ler. now that you want her to crawl and she has done it for you, you better play catching with her every night! heeheehee..
wah piangz, hair in A's poo?? wahhhh can't believe that! gives me an idea to watch E's poo closely next time!

hey E also knows how to clap liao! but he not so musically inclined lah, just anyhow clap. its such a wonderful feeling to see your little one clap to a song right?
just saw your posting after i posted.

yup most mummies here have been to trial classes, i'm sure each of them will leave their inputs here for you.

for myself, i've only been to kindermusik and gymboree so far. i'll be trying out others before i decide which to sign up. yes have to pay for trial classes except for mygym. i think it all depends on what you want your babe to be enjoying. i'm not too impressed with kindermusik as i feel that i've been doing similar things at home, sing songs, make music, hop around, over there its good cos you can mix with other babies.
mygym and gymboree similar, more involvement from your baby and i think it develops their physical being, motor skill and encourage creativity and play. wld suggest you go for a trial and see which one M enjoys
Hi hi ladies, what a lovely morning ... to snooze!

Update on N again (bbgrace, me more shameless
than u haha, sorry lah i dun hv blog so update here then later transfer to bb book
This morning I gave N her elmo mobile phone, she quickly grabbed it and guess what?? she said 'eelloo??' hahaha

Yo fries, congrats! looks like N is the last bb standing .. still bogeh.
Anyway, I brought Q to dentist when she was 2, the dentist said the best way to clean bb's teeth is using a dry towel... but for still tender gums wet towel is also good.
Toothbrush is only for practice but it won't clean the teeth well.

OMG, hmm A has been rather adventurous in her diet huh? extra fibre from your hair? hahah super cute!
oh early morning kena scolding ..
email from darling HB ..

"You should buy toys only on special occasion and limit to one toy per period.....you see u keep buying for e.g hippo and octopus within a short toime frame then the kids will not appreciate it as it's abundance....you r teaching them...materialism.....they wont treasure if a new toy comes every 2 weeks!!!

and .....think nay's is not at the age to play that yet....so accumulate dust...wait till she bigger then see wht she likes....not what you like!!!!
and really plse stop spending on toys...go for haircut and facial instead
good morning gals! I wish I can stay in bed. Today will be a super bz day for me.. no time even for lunch

Pax/Qdee, YX is also a toothless chick.

Qdee, your hubby cracks me up. But I do agree with him
It is interesting how he tells you this over email.

Pax, I went for kindermusik. I think it is quite fun but VERY tiring for the accompanying parent.
I might send YX there when she is about 1 year old.. next Mar. She likes it better than gymboree and can 'interact' with the teacher who was telling a story.

omg. hair coming out from the anus after poo? ROFL!!! too funny!

Yesterday, hubby and I went to watch a musical at the new Drama Center. Nice place. The musical is a chinese one called Lao Jiu, which was adapted from a play which I also watched about 10 years ago. The play is about Lao Jiu, the 9th child and only son of this couple who has high hopes on him. He is more interested in the ancient art of puppetry and need to balance his interest and his parents' aspirations.
That got me thinking about the recent discussions we had about childcare and pre nusery etc. Before YX arrived, my thoughts were that she should be ok attending the nursery/kindergarten at the PAP near my house. But as I observe my 4 year old niece, it got me worried how a bubbly kid like her transformed into a shy and timid girl after one year in school.. all because she could not really understand English (not spoken at all at home) and her teacher kept telling her to 'stand up' (as punishment for being talkative) and asking her to keep quiet.

Now, my philosophy is to try and provide a conducive environment for my gal to explore and learn and to gain confidence in life. And my observation of a few childcare/pre nursery centres and the children who attends such classes makes me more determined to send YX to one, mebbe when she is about 1.5-2years old. I think that the environment to learn through play and other activities is a good one. What is most important is that it shouldn't be a stressful thing for the kid!

hey pax, no fixed rule to which tooth will come out first... though most of them have their lower teeth first.

omg.. i have also seen hair coming out from my nephew's anus

fries, qdee... i started to use the silicon finger brush since CE was 6 mths old.. he enjoys it alot cos it massages his gums as well.... i still use hanky at times.

HAPPY 9 MTHS TO N, CE and J!!!!!

Qdee, your hubby is very cute hor... send u email early in the morning... why din he tell u this morning at home? But I think he is quite right.. the kids may not appreciate the toys if there's new addition so ever often....
Hehe folic,

He got tired of being a broken record.
I am a visual person, so he is hoping that all the exclaimation marks make an impact on me.
He said he cant put exclamation mark when hes talking.
Its either in e-mail or he screamed/shout the important pts to me .. he chose the former
congrats to all the active babies and milestones and birthdays! haha no time to go one by one so just compile...
to Ashley & Nayli & Ernest and Joshua and CE!
*clap clap*
folic, i share your comments

i look at my hb's nephew as example. he used to hate pre-nursery coz he wasn't used to it. the other kids were more confident than he was coz they went to childcare or attended enrichment classes. so he felt "lousy" abt himself and REFUSED to attend pre-nursery. hence he was taken care of solely by my MIL.
this yr is his 1st yr at nursery and it's obvious that he is lagging behind, both intellectually and physically. for example, his speech is so poor that even i can't make out what he's saying some times. and physically, he can't even hop as a 4yr old! and he only eats white porridge with egg and soy sauce. and he plays only with receipts and parking coupons. and he loves escalators coz he spends all his time going up and down them while his parents shop at shopping centres.
now that iggy is also at my MIL's with them, he snatches all of iggy's toys to play coz he never had toys, and never had any1 to play with toys with him. it's v sad.
so i'm determined to let my iggy mingle with other kids, so he interacts and can grow both EQ and IQ. nowadays most childcare focus on letting children learn through play. i love for iggy to play. that will definitely be one of my criteria. how can play be stressful rite??? hee hee
i use the Baby FirstTeeth toothpaste and silicon toothbrush. it's the only one in the market that is safe for swallowing.

gd to hear the rashes have disappeared! iggy's bottom tooth come out first.
Qdee - i also always kena fr my hubby... i rem i bought two playmats (one 0-6mth, the other for crawlers) 2nd hand fr a colleague when M was only 2+mths old. i would say that it was a steal. he said it was a waste of money. Until he saw M playing on the "Sesame Street Baby Scentsations: Crawl Along Musical Garden" playmat, enjoying himself, he was silenced. So nowadays he seldom "question" my purchases. of course, i try n limit to 1 toy every other month < $20. Warehouse sales r best! cheap cheap... M is more interested in books. Hubby has no problem with me spending $50 on board books, bcos M jus loves to look at pictures and listen to us tell stories.

folic, fries - me too want my M to interact with other kids, share toys etc etc... i understand fr my colleague who's taking early education diploma that nowadays the emphasis is on learning thru play and it's all +ve re-inforcement, no -ve words etc. better than last time when teachers always say stupid etc etc. vv demoralising for kids. in the BBC documentary "Child of our Time", it was also mentioned that we should always praise our kids at every opportunity. This would encourage them to try new things. That's why so many mommies are sending their babies, as young as 4mths, to playgroups.. me not so kiasu lah. intend to wait till he's at least 10mth or 1yr old.

Update on M - RASH ALL GONE! so happy... i took a video clip of him this morning. will post it for viewing after i set up account at youtude.com

bbgrace - thanks for the link! ;o)

To all mommies - M says thank you aunties for concern.
Hi Jannie - just curious, any "pre-sign" indicating that tooth is coming thru their gums? my colleague said poo poo would "kai hua" (flower)??? he said quite accurate leh..
hi pax, yeah all abt +ve reinforcement.

also, different kids grow at different rates. some "kai1 qiao4" really young, some only when they hit their early teens. i believe that enrichment should follow their devtmt.
bright kids get bored easily as they grasp things fast, and then look for the next thing to interest them. if you think ur kids is bright, shld expose them to more things. after all, bored kids come up with lotsa mischief. i'm sure we know of teens who are in gd schools but commit petty crime/hang out with gangs etc. they are so bright, they are constantly bored need to expend their time and energy.
and human beings need a LITTLE bit of stress to grow. pple that are completely stress free don't grow coz they aren't challenged to think and cope. you need to keep pushing the boundaries to move onto new levels of functioning. having said that, it also must be recognized different children thrive on different levels of stress. it's a fine balance.

and i'm also taking a degree which incorporates early childhood psychology. v interesting. and i try to apply to ignatius. so far seems to work!

and wat is poo poo "kai hua"? i know if they are teething, their poo is more watery. and might have slight fever.
pax, for CE he usually have watery and frequent stools for a few days b4 u can see the teeth sprouting... and also, he is not very interested in milk cos i think it hurts when they apply pressure on their gums when sucking. good to hear the M's rashes are all gone. so u din manage to bring M to see another PD? then u must monitor what u are feeding M to see the cause of the rashes leh. and how do u cultivate interest in reading to M? I tried reading to CE so many times.. but he is just more interested in trying to tear the books apart...
oh fries, folic.. just been to the market this morning to buy cod fish.. gonna give it another chance.. hopefully it will not be fishy......if not, it will be back to the cheaper fish liao....
fries - now that we have babies, early childhood topics suddenly become vv interesting, right? u must give us tips once in a while, if u come across anything interesting... poo poo "kai hua", i also dunno, it's a term my colleague used..

jannie - nope, i din bring M to see PD. it was almost cleared when i wanted to bring him y'day morning. we narrowed down to 3 possibilities: cheese, yogurt or ginseng. hubby n i suspected ginseng which my mom used to cook chicken porridge for M, maybe too "potent" / heaty for M. i also suspect the peanuts which i have been snacking on recently, bcos i'm still bf M, so i'm also cutting back on that...

reading - my mom believes in starting early in reading. even before M was borned, she was already buying books for M when she went to London and Shanghai. i started reading and showing pictures to M when he was abt 2 mths old, i think. i also pasted ABC and 1-10 charts on my door and read them to him when i feed him. my mom said that i tell story in a vv animated manner that captures his attention. M is not interested when my sis reads to him. so that may be one point to note. u can try peekaboo books and get him interested. M likes books that show different pictures on each page. Even sometimes when M get distracted, i would continue reading. So dun be disheartened when CE looks away or tries to tear the book apart, do continue with the story. btw shld get board books, they dun get tore that easily, more suited for babies. National library carries quite a good range. just make sure CE doesn't mouth the book! Just my 2 cents... i buy online fr http://whoopeekiddies.com

is Cod fish considered an oily fish?
hey pax, i like watching the child of our time too.

I like reading to my bbies too - my Q grows up loving books and she treasures them. Every nite, she will carry 2 books to bed for her bed time reading. Now she can tell stories based on the pictures... and making up some stories along the way

I might be guilty of buying toys .. but daddy definitely is guilty of buying many many books!
Yesterday he just bought 2 more!

hey fries, just saw that u bought the bb toothpaste the only one in the market without flouride.
But the problem now is, how to wean my Q off it? THe only reason she likes to brush teeth is coz of this toothpaste. She'll always eat it... terrible.
yeah the toothbrush is us trying to inculcate gd dental habits for iggy (I'm sure Ribena would approve! haha). not really to actually clean the tooth. and the toothpaste contains MILK ENZYMES. never knew BM keeps teeth decay free. maybe we shld all gargle with BM. hahaha

Q likes the toothpaste coz of the flavour, or coz it can be eaten? hmmm if flavour, v simple. buy another flavoured kids toothpaste. if coz can eat...can terrify her with this story that used to terrify me!
it contains flouride which helps build strong teeth rite? so to kids, they can liken it to calcium...which builds strong bones... so if they keep eating the toothpaste, their bones will get bigger and bigger and deformed and finally become Quasimodo! LoL. that made me SPIT and GARGLE like crazy! hahaha (i'm just warped i'm sure)

Q looks like such a happy bookworm! iggy loves to "read" his books too. coz we always point at the words as we read the book, now he also try and "point" as we read. but he hasn't learnt finger dexterity yet. so instead of 1 finger, he has 4 fingers pointing at the words. haha then he gives up and bangs on the bk instead.

nope N is not alone. E also joins the bo gey gang! heehee

reading at the posts recently, hmm all our babes have really grown up to little boys n girls. amazing!

Congrats on iggy's new embark on brushing teeth!! today then realised why your msn says tooth fairy came. hey i didn't knew BM keeps tooth decay free. is that for real? haha..

just spent the afternoon doing up my Christmas tree. so fast another yr going to be gone..
Hi. I'd like to share how I get rid of the fishy smell. I steam the cod fish/ threadfin with slice ginger first. Once cooked, I mix with my porridge (veg included). It helps to lessen the fishy smell. Do give it a try.
hey ribena.. just saw your posting on the tea next week.... next week i cannot make it leh..... will be super busy... pls let me know when's the next coffee/tea gathering, ok? haha.... i already gave up setting up xmas tree 3 years ago... cos i loathe keeping them after that :D

pax.. i try to be animated in my reading as well... but CE will be sitting in front of me so that he can see the book as well.... then he cannot see my animation.. he can only hear my "animated voice". guess not "drama" enuff cos he dun hew me also leh ..
wow so many bb bookworms around! Think m is one kid that doesnt like books!! He'll just put them all into his mouth sigh! So nowadays i also bring him to library to sniff sniff the smell of books haha!!

fries, i'm using that toothpaste on m too. He doesnt quite like the taste so whenever i said brush brush, he'll shut tight his lips! Well i find it quite difficult to remember to brush his teeth every morning so will just do so if i remember.

ribena, hmm town is alittle troublesome isnt it? Well i dont mind to go causeway pt unless u find it sianz cos u've been there so often keke! Then u pick a plc and i'll just be there with m.

jannie, actually i find cod more fishy than threadfin leh. Ha maybe my hubby has been buying non fresh cod all the time or cod just have that particular kind of fishy smell?! Like wat silk mention, i'll steam the fish with 1 slice of ginger lor.
happybuns, my experience with cod fish is the same as yours.. but seeing fries and folic's posts.. i decided to give that fish 1 more chance

girls.. anyone knows where is having good sales now? i need to get a samsonite lugguage bag....
TGIF tomorrow! This has been a hectic week!

<font color="0000ff">Hi Qdee,</font>
U r one lucky wife! Ur HB really sayang u!!! He's not even asking u to save the $$$...he wants u to pamper urself!!!!!

<font color="0000ff">Re: Hair in poo</font>
The hair didn't actually come out lah. half a strand was dangling from her anus...so HB gotta pull it out. very funny indeed

Fries..u mean eating hair is a milestone??

Anyway i've heard worse stories of coins/stickers/etc coming out in the poo

<font color="0000ff">Re: Bookworm BBs</font>
Happybuns..A can join the book-eating gang! &amp; A can't sit/stay/lie still AT ALL. It's a nightmare changing her diapers...how to read to her?

<font color="0000ff">Re: CRawling</font>
BBGrace..yeah i tried hide-&amp;-seek...but A will scamper away towards her target (normally the TV) &amp; boh hew me leh!
Ribena..catching everyday sounds good..put a rug at her knees &amp; can help me clean the floor! Her pants &amp; her legs (cos decided to remove her pants after a while) were BLACK after the crawling session yday..my place very dusty!

<font color="0000ff">Re: X'mas tree</font>
Ribena..Wah! Peifu! I dunno wat A will do if i have a Xmas tree at home..maybe she'll pluck the leaves to eat
I can imagine Josh climbing the Xmas tree--BBGrace, no offence!

<font color="0000ff">Re: Teeth</font>
Fries..yipee! Now Iggy no more boh gey!
Pax..A's bottom teeth came out 1st. Actually now she only has the 2 bottom teeth

When to start with the toothpaste? Once they have teeth? So far i only use the pigeon 3-stages toothbrushes (1st stage) with water. A uses it more like a teether..chew chew on it.
it has been a long day n i got nothing done in the office... stupid IT people spent 5hrs installing windows XP on my PC n still can't get it fixed! but at the end of the day, the best thing is to go home n see M!!!

Abt Hair - aiyo omg, so cute... i'm sure M has also eaten my hair b4. he always pull my hair. going bald in no time.

Abt Books
jannie - maybe can try like fries, point each word as u read to CE... M n i have a bedtime routine, bf, read book, close the door, off the lights, bf, mess ard in his cot, sleep.... when i ask M whether he wants his book, he would automatically look for his book n want me to read, bcos he knows it's bedtime. maybe u can try that too? Can try books with baby faces. Babies just love to look at babies!!! cutez hor???

Qdee, fries - what books do u buy for ur babies? any interesting titles to recommend? M loves Little Bunny's Bedtime, Peekapop Jungle, any type of picture book, story books with bus, fire engine etc...

Abt Teeth - M has been drooling n chewing everything since 4mths. everybody said that he was teething.. until now still bo geh. hahaha.. toothless rooster.

jannie - if u can wait another month, it's going to be post x'mas sales.

Abt keeping still - omg, we also got nightmare changing M's diapers. usually hubby will carry him standing, then i quick tape up the sides. i've also tried pull-up pants. vv easy but vv expv!

Abt Child of our Time - today's last episode abt first term at school. vv interesting program with insights into the development of children fr birth n how they are affected by environment, parents etc.. good show.
u and your hb is just like me and my hb. he nags at me when i bought the jumperoo but on the same day, he bought more board books for J. And it seems like J is getting more mileage from the books than the jumperoo

Jannie, i agree with Pax on using peek-a-boo books. J likes these type best and i will usually use a higher pitched animated voice and J will respond by squealing each time the peek-a-boo picture is revealed. Another type that he likes are the different textured books. He knows what to touch on each page. We started reading to J since he was 2 mths old and my mum used to be skeptical on whether he understood or not. Now she's convinced that it had some effect cos despite being the extremely active kid, he actually sits still to listen to me read.
omg, there's still hope for Ashley
haha! u know J well. Yup, that's part of the reason why i'm not haviing a xmas tree.

Teeth Brushing
All these talk reminds me i better start cleaning J's teeth. He hates having me stick anything in his mouth cos he thinks it's medication.

i received the 1st complaint about J from the teachers today. They said that he fought with the other kids over toys today and pulled their hair.
Quite a smart move cos he doesn't have much hair for them to retaliate. haha! just joking.
Seriously speaking, i agree with folic and fries about exposing the lil ones to pre-nursery and other kids. Even if J ends up fighting with the rest, it's still a learning process so long as teachers are around to break up the fight and he be taught that it is unaccepted behaviour.

Just now during dinner, he was screaming in his high chair for attention. Very shrill and piercing type of scream. I sternly told him off and he looked at me for a while and burst out crying. I think he's begining to understand. Babies know more than we think they do. So puttiing them in a pre-nursery class is just helping them achieve their potential, not stressing them out.
hi babygrace...

haha..yesterday, i also told Cayden off very sternly when he was going to pull my glasses. He looked at me...and start to cry. I patted him and said " no, you cannot pull mama's glasses..." that rascal actually stop crying and tried to pull my glasses again. I told him off sternly again....and he started crying again. This time, he act act as if he wanted to pull my glasses ...but pause for a while.....then move his hand away.....This rascal is beginning to test his boundaries !!!!

I agree with giving exposure to the kids from young. Cayden loves to be with people, especially other kids. Can see his eyes sparkle when he sees kids around. That is why, i am considering infant care when I am back in Singapore. If the infant care is alright, we will start next year.....

pax :
you like Child of our Time too ? hahhaa..i love that show !!! Fries will testify to that !!! hahhaa
I sure hope my recorder machine is recording the show while i am away now......:p

Qdee :
was that Q reading a book ? so cute... !!!! she just got a shave or wat ?

I just pulled out hair from C's anus three days back...hahaha......Hb saw the hair and immediately said " that length is defly yours !!!!" :p
haha....i hope i dun have to pull weird stuff from his anus again ....

Shopping :
yesterday was shopping day....and i was so happy...i bought soooooo many pieces of baby surf tee for Cayden...and they are cheap....about 6 AUD per piece......
hi Ribena, Qdee, Pax &amp; Folic
Cherylin joining in the bo gey team also. Hee hee

hi Qdee,
Your hubby very cute, email you to 'scold' you. Like wat omg said, he really dotes on you. Rather you spent money on yourself. Me opposite, I'm the one who will email my hubby when i'm not happy about something. Ha ha. Oh yes, does Nayli like the Octo?

I've not really started reading to Cherylin. Feel so paiseh when I see so many mummies already do so long ago. Think this lazy mummy better buck up and start doing so.. Hee.

hi Phantom
Cayden must be very happy dat mummy bought him so many new clothings. Sometimes when Cherylin pulls my hair or my mum's I'll tell her sternly "Cannot pull mummy's/wai po's hair". Then she'll look at me a while, let go of the hair and smile to me. When she smiles, I'll break away from my stern look and smile back too. Hmm.. wonder if she really understands...
hmmm i bought Richard Scarry, some peek-a-boo bk, some board story bks, and those picture with 1 descriptive word kinda bks. i find that iggy no real interest in the peek-a-boo bks. he likes Richard Scarry and the board story bks. as long as there are BIG colourful cartoon pictures.
they're mainly from Times the Bookshop...but i know Popular got a lot as well.

babygrace, phantom
yeah ignatius also exhibiting the same behaviour as J and C. i will sternly tell him "no-no" and he'll cry and i'll distract and he'll try again and i'll go "no-no" and the cycle goes on and on. i also feel it's v impt to define their boundaries now.
actually, the reason why babies seem to keep testing their boundaries is coz they have short memory retention span at this age. so they forget after a while, and "try" again. so no worries! just keep "reminding" them of their boundaries gently but firmly and then distract them. dat's wat i was taught.

was telling babygrace that most of us who put in infantcare are starting to pull them out coz baby keeps falling sick. it's a real headache. u mite wanna hold off till childcare? it's only a few more mths...

at least ur hb tell u to go facial or spa. mine tells me to buy him more clothes! hahaha
for shopaholic mommies, how u manage ur $$? our agreement at home is i spend, he save. so i do ALL the shopping (YIPPEE!!! including his) and he just save.
About Books
fries - i agree Richard Scarry books are good, with big colourful pictures. i borrowed his "The Rooster Struts" from National Library and M jus loves it! i buy my books online from whoopeekiddies.com, but have to wait at least 3wks, bcos they dun keep stock. they only order direct fr overseas when they get an order. that's how they keep the cost down i supposed. maybe u wan to compare prices.

jannie - maybe u wan to try Richard Scarry or maybe bring CE to library and show him different types of books and see which ones he likes...

Stephie - it's never too late to start. ;o)

Abt Child of Our Time
phantom - i missed a lot of the earlier episodes. now wait for vcd to be released. i hope they are going to put that on vcd... *cross my fingers*

Abt Shopping
fries - u lucky lucky mommy!!! it shld be this way anyway. "your money is my money, my money is my money!!!" Hahaha...

Abt Testing Boundaries
my M won't cry. he would try his luck. if unsuccessful, he would try again, max 2x. then he would give up. a while later, he would have a go at it again!!!
Child of our time : i heard somewhere they are not going to release to the public. Not sure i heard it right....hahaha....
i got copy of earlier espiodes...but i miss some too.....if you want....i can lend to you .

The child of our Time really shows that early exposure (as early as pregancy) to reading, learning, music, physical play has showed results in the kids. On top of it, positive encouragment also play a very important role in cultivating confidence.

I remember this espiode very well. This girl, she is two or three month premature. According to studies, premature babies will not excel in life as much as full-term babies. But, her parents din give up on her, expose her to lots of mozart music, educational VCD like baby einstein.....after the review session at one year old, she was at the top 10% of all the kids tested....

this goes to show that, whatever we are doing now like reading to them, exposing them to various stuff, enrichment stuff does have a certain bearing in their growing up. But however, if all these things are done in a compulsory and UN-fun environment, it will stress the kid out, especailly if the kid is not enjoying. But if the kid is enjoying the interaction, the new challenges, the new environment...who is then to say that the kid is stress ? And i believe firmly that a littel bit of stress is good now...so that the kid will know how to handle them when they are older. If the kid is not exposed to stress at all, he might break down and go crazy if faced with stress later in his life.

Just my two cents worth......
phantom - thanks for ur offer.. wait for u to come back first. is Cayden enjoying himself in Oz? i'm also keen to bring M for holiday, maybe next Apr to Perth. would ask u for advice then.. agree with u on the stress part. like wat fries mentioned in her earlier post, a little stress will "force" the child to grow, develop and improve.

jannie - today's straits times has a $10 cut-out coupon for JL. min purchase of $60, but not sure if JL carry samsonite.
