Search results

  1. N

    St. James Church Kindergarten Parents' Club

    @Celine: I know some mums on the west coast who put their kids on the school bus to SJCK. The journey is REALLY short (like 15-20 min or something), and they get to school really early too so they get an extra 20 minutes of singing songs with the teachers before they go to classes proper...
  2. N

    St. James Church Kindergarten Parents' Club

    Hi, any SJCK mummies with kids in nursery this year? My son is starting nursery at SJCK next year (2012) and I would like to buy his books and music materials secondhand to try and save on costs. Please do PM me and I can send over the book list.
  3. N

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Hi February mummies, Hello hello and happy birthday to all the other February 08 babies! Am new to this forum - my son was born 7th Feb 08.
  4. N

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Liyun- Am delivering at NUH too! Have heard nice things about the care there.
  5. N

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Dorothy: my details ah? I am a first time mummy, 27 years old, baby is due on valentine's day 2008! Just moved here with my hubby - both were working in the UK last 3 years.
  6. N

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    tongtong: my tummy does that too - the skin feels tight after eating and I feel bloated. So now I eat smaller meals but more often. I have a feeling that my skin elasticity is reaching a limit!
  7. N

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Wow, looks like most people have already been for the detailed scan. I have also just found out the gender of my baby. THis is all so exciting. (waves back at Cheryl)
  8. N

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Hello there, am new to this forum...everyone here is due in Feb 08 too? My little one (baby #1) is due on Valentine's Day. Am planning to deliver at anyone else going there too?
