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  1. J

    SAHM wish to go to work

    It seems rather credible to me print screen of her accounts and she even dare to show her face! Surely she wouldn't dare to be lying right?
  2. J

    SAHM wish to go to work

    Hi Ladies I wonder if anyone of you had chanced upon a success story of a Singaporean SAHM who manage to earn some very impressive income (even better than her hubby who is working) while working from home and taking care of her children! It's really incredible and I am totally impressed! You...
  3. J

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Hi ladies Anyone know how much a 3D scan will cost and when is the best month to do the scan?
  4. J

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Hi Tongtong I got my bra extension from the undergarment dept in Metro. If I'm not wrong, I think it cost abt 2.90/3.40 for a pair.
  5. J

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Thanks ladies. I have been coping by drinking lots of water and taking hacks blackcurrant sweet... but u know lah nothing beats having pi pa gao down the throat. :-P But to be on the safe side, I will consult my gyne when I see her next week. Btw my gyne told me that we can drink honey but it...
  6. J

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Hi ladies I'm having a bad throat at the moment. Does anyone know if I can take the thick dark sweet herbal syrup (Chuang Pei pi pa gao) that most of us will tend to take whenever we had a sore throat? :-(
  7. J

    1st trimester:Hungry all the time

    I also has this problem! I constantly feel hungry even after I have eaten!!! Worse still, every meal that I have must be carbo (Rice, yellow noodle, bread with fillings etc) If I don't have all the carbo meals, I will feel nausea and the feeling is very unbearable. Am so worried that I'm going...
  8. J

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Btw ladies Can anyone tell me whether we can claim medisave for the antenatal package? If yes, where can we read more about it? Thanks
  9. J

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Hi ladies Can we drink Yakult? :-P
  10. J

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Hi Snoopy Thanks for the compilation. I will be seeing Dr. Lisa Chin at Gleneagles. :-)
  11. J

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Hi Snoopy, my EDD is just a day earlier than you! However, as this is my first bb, I am quite nervous and all. In fact, just a day earlier, I encounter a little bit of light brown discharge. I immediately called up the gynae whom I have not even seem to ask if it is normal. I was told to monitor...
  12. J

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Hi Wynston Thanks for the advice. I am relieved to hear that. :-) Now my only job with the dog is to play with it and feed it. When it comes to bathing and clearing up after her, it's my hubby's job. :-P
  13. J

    (2008/02) Feb 2008 MTBs

    Hi ladies, I'm currently into my 6th week. Tested positive on the 27th n have yet to visit my gynae yet. For those who have dogs, can you advise me if it is ok for them to still sleep with us? I do not sleep in airconditioned room and my dog usually sleep near the foot of my bed.
