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  1. J

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi babymaking, This is my 2nd baby. I had secondary infertility issue. Actually this baby was conceived naturally and was a surprise to us. It was not via IVF. I failed my IVF in late 2007.
  2. J

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi babymaking, Congrats on your pregnancy! Not sure if you remember me but we did chat briefly when I was on the IVF program. I found out from the August Mommies-To-Be thread that you will be giving birth in August. Congratulations again and please take care. One coincidental thing, I...
  3. J


    hi dosb, I am pregnant through natural conception. Was not through IVF. I had a failed IVF more than 1 year back.
  4. J


    hi toy collector, I am about 15 weeks pregnant. My last scan was 2 weeks ago and I don't know the gender yet. keeping my fingers crossed. :-) Actually after so many years, as long as baby is healthy, anything is fine. You tried IVF? I still have about 5 frozen embryos being stored at KKH.
  5. J


    hi toy collector, Yes i remember you! Was looking around for you but didn't see you. Thanks! How have you been? Everything going well for you?
  6. J


    hi monster, Sorry for my late response. So sorry to hear about your case. In any case do not give up. With regards to your hubby's response, maybe he wanted you to have a rest before trying for a next child. Because ideally you should wait for 6 months for your womb to recuperate before you...
  7. J


    hi crafty, Yes, if it is self administered jabs, it will be done with those injection pens. My previous gynae was quite kiasu and requires me to report to his clinic for jabs. So it was done with the normal syringe. The 2ww is indeed agonising cos you are kept in suspense throughout and...
  8. J


    hi crafty, You can either jab yourself or in some instances, the gynae might ask you to go down to the clinic to do the jab. My gynae requested me to go down to his clinic to do the jab. I had 4 jabs in total I think. Done that a few years ago. Cannot remember exactly.
  9. J


    hi crafty, It was the same story as me. I had unexplained infertility and my hubby's sperm count was in fact ok. And similar to yours, I struck first time with my first child so I was puzzled with my subsequent inability to conceive. I am 35 too :-) IUI is just insemination of your...
  10. J


    Dear all, I wanted to come in to share my personal story with all of you. I am a mother of 1 and had secondary infertility issues. Was TTCing for 4 years with no luck. Had 7 failed IUIs incl 1 SO-IUI. Then I went on to IVF with Dr Loh. Failed my IVF. It was a great set back for me given...
  11. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi ladies, Congrats to all who have succeeded. :-) Happy for all of you. It had been quite a miserable Dec. I was very sick for half of the month and with the sad news, it was not exactly the best birthday for me. Anyway, the good thing was I went away for a while and that is why I have...
  12. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi ladies, THanks for the consoling words. I am getting better. Just in a dilemma. HOw do you know if it is God's will that I am not to have another child? Many factors pointed to me not being able to succeed. My mom just told me abt the divine lot that she asked from the temple a few...
  13. J


    hi Toy, I have failed my IVF. I received a BFN today. Trying to accept the fact. I think it will take me a while. SIgh, everyone who journeys with me got a BFP and I am the only one with the BFN. Out of the 4 ladies who were posting, I am the only one with the BFN. Sigh....really duno what...
  14. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ladies, First of all, I will like to congratulate all those on the forum who have succeeded. Well a little update on myself, I asked for an early test today because I have a strong nagging feeling that I did not succeed this time and I am usually quite spot on with my gut feel. I had...
  15. J


    hi Toy, Sigh this has been a real emotional roller coaster for me. I have been feeling quite depressed on and off for the past few days. I guess the problem is the missing line from the HPT. All the other 3 ladies before me have tested positive. I think I will be the first one to fail in...
  16. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi Pupi, congrats you made it!!! happy for u! It's been a while since I last posted. Have not been feeling great. Mood swings for me. Well I self tested and so far didn't see any double lines. I think I am going to fail this time. So sad... The missing line on the HPT is so familiar...
  17. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi I am feeling worse as it goes today. Overstretched myself when I tried to lift some containers. Felt some pain around my tummy area. I dun feel any soreness in my breasts but cramps are back. Sigh... felt so miserable...cried to my hb just now. Going back to work on Monday. Sorry...
  18. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks ML. All the best for ur ET on Sat. 2 more days to go. :-) U flying off to Taiwan on Monday? Remember to take extra care.
  19. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi Btw, may I know which day we can do the HPT? I read somewhere that someone got a line when she tested D8PET. Could this be true? Hopes, you are right. 2ww is damn difficult to pass. My mood will swing from positive one day to negative the other. I still have so many days I duno how to...
  20. J

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Tigg3r, Congrats!!! So happy for you. You graduated as well!!! :-) Now it will be Pupi's turn. I hope she graduates as well. Pls pass some babydust to Pupi and the rest of us!!! We need it badly!!!
