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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    shazz, Im interested on the recipe, can provide some here or send to my email? my email add is [email protected] Thanks in advanced.
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    hi all mummies, I just have a checkup this morning. my doctor says my bb's size abit bigger than the expected size. like 7 Days bigger. issit because I eat too much protein? i eat alot beef last two days.. i oredi control my food intake. Coz I got a bit high in my blood sugar.
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    hi moms, im 7 week pregnant, I just found out i have a bit brown discharge.. sticky one.. why? issit because i eat something cold? anyone having same situation as mine?
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    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    Hi MTBs, Im from sarawak, malaysia. my EDD is mid of september. Hope to hear bb's heartbeat next checkup. I'm worrying everyday. I have one 4 yr old daughter, and one 1 yr old son. Hope to enjoy pregnancy with u all too.
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    conniemummy, according to my doc, he say i can continue breastfeed my son if taking the medicine. I wont take those medicine that stop me breastfeed. I usually pump 16ozs daily.
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    conniemummy, according to my doc, he say i can continue breastfeed my son if taking the medicine. I wont take those medicine that stop me breastfeed. I usually pump 16ozs daily.
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    conniemummy, so no worries for that? but he fart quite smelly.. like adult one.. hopefully he poo poo tonite.. i didnt keep track for how many days he didnt poo poo oredi. normally how many days ar? since u mention about the flu med.. i oso feel my ss drops... about 2-3 ozs .. i pump...
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    hi mummy, anyone can tell me? I breastfeed my baby. But my baby not poo poo for few days oredi. But he farts smelly.. why this happened? is this normal? not sure for how many days he no poo poo oredi. I was sick last few days.. took flu and cough medicine. didnt take antibiotic. will the...
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    hi mummies, i found out I have one small lump under my armpit. Actually I have few lumps under my armpit during my confinement and now left one. Is there anyway to get rid of it? it's almost 3 months oredi. anyone experience this? worry mum, monica
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    hi mummies, can recommend me how long should I breastfeed my bb? any working mother who is a TBF mother?
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    shihui, how much breastmilk u pump per session (6 hourly)? how old is ur bb now? how much he take at the moment? how often? my bb is 2 months and 3 weeks now.. he seems take little milk at a time. he take less than 125ml at a time, 3 hourly. sometimes can stretch till 4-5 hours for next feed.. :|
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    hi, thanks kimi, afcai and karen for advices. Hm.. hopefully wat u say is true. karen, the milk come out from his milk when drinking. I think he refuses to drink and I force it. Hopefully Im wrong. Okay. I will try to burp him and continue next time if I get same situation. Sigh.. if he...
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    hi mummies, i have problem here. Im TBM mother. I find that my bb have difficulties drinking milk from bottles.. but sometimes not.. Im not sure why. if from bottle, sometimes he drink 2 ozs.. sometimes drink 4 ozs.. yesterday afternoon, i feed him from bottle, i dun think he drink all the...
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    Jen, thanks for ur reply. Yes I'm taking anmum breastfeeding milk and drink 2 times aday since I start breastfeeding. fenu.. i never try it yet.. I feel not to take pil to boost my milk.. how efficent is fenu? u try it before?
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    hi, im a working mummy. Anyone can share tips on boosting up breastmilk quantity? I need something easy to prepare everyday. Im busy with housework and 2 children. Any other that i can prepare in few minutes other than taking fenugreek? thanks. monica.
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    doggie, so cute! i tot she was a doll with a toy doggie under small christmas tree!!! lol!
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    afcai, thanks for ur reply... how about others? my bb consume 3 ozs of milk at the moment. not sure is enuff for a 2 month old bb or not. Now I start to prepare 4 ozs milk for freezing..
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    vanessa, thank u for the advice. for bm mothers, how much ozs ur 2 month old baby consume now?
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    halo.. im back to work now. can anyone advice me? i have expressed a bottle of milk here.. and putting it in my ice box. Can freeze it later after 3 hours when i back home? thanks
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    vanessa, thanks for ur valuable comments on both pumps. kam siah kamsiah..
