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    Any Munnies Staying At TAMPINES??

    Hi quek, *sigh* That was wat I was afraid of infant getting sick. That's why another option will be nanny. But still feel safer if it's recommended. So, if u happen to knw any good nanny around tampines, do let me knw. Thanks.
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    Any Munnies Staying At TAMPINES??

    Hi quek, So, who r helping u looking after ur boys? Anyway I need some advice on infant care and nanny. How do one decide which is better? I'm in a dilemma on where to send my boy when I go back to work next year. Anyone tried or have any comments on NTUC infant care at Tampines St 45...
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    Any Munnies Staying At TAMPINES??

    Hi quek, Wah...I would say it's really not easy being a mother. So far coping ok...pretty occupied with him. I always tell my frens: When u r all alone, it's like being thrown into the's either u learn to swim or drown! Ha ha...I guess I chose to survive! I'm staying near my in-laws...
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    Any Munnies Staying At TAMPINES??

    Hi Quek, Nice to know you! I think I saw ur post in the other thread at I'm checking on both thread...heheheh Hmmm...2 it tough looking after 2 boys? R they very active?
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    Any Munnies Staying At TAMPINES??

    hi to all tampines mummies, Can I join? I'm staying at st 34. Currently a SAHM to a 3 1/2 month baby boy. Any mummies here with babies around the same age? Maybe we can organize a playgroup for our babies and at the same time the mummies can socialize and share tips. It would be fun!
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    Mykono, That's why it's a dilemma...cos I also think he has a point...sigh...I think I'll just take whatever that comes along...and try not to be too stressed out lor...Thanks.
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    ice queen & knottsy, Thanks. I think I'll go ahead with the NT scan first then decide what to do later...
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    yy, thanks...i'll think abt it....I will be 32 when i deliver next year...
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    knottsy, yes he explained to me but he also said something which really made me very sad...he said for the 1st 3 months i tried my best to protect the baby and why now I only keep thinking of doing test to kill the baby...I felt so cruel...He said sometimes not good to be too kan cheong and...
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    Karen, I've talked to him abt it....That's why he asked me what is my plan if the results is high or low risk cos he said low risk doesn't mean no risk. So will I still continue with amnio and put my baby through risk....
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    yoyo, i'm seeing Dr Douglas Ong. In 10th weeks now...He said if I really want, I can do the NT scan first. Scheduled in 2 weeks time.
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    Hi gals, I'm in a dilemma...seriously need some advice here. I actually seen my gyne last sat, everything is ok, baby is growing fine. I asked my gyne for genetic counselling and requested for 1st trimester test (which is the NT scan and blood test) However my gynae asked me why I want to do it...
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    hi lizardess, congrats! that time i had my scan at 7 weeks...can see blinking dot (bb heart beat) liao...can also hear
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    hi belle, Just a glass will do....Initially I can't stand the smell and taste...but now maybe used to it liao so it's ok.
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    lovedogs, Have u tried prune juice? It works for me leh. I poo everyday but recently the stools are harder. So hoping the prune juice can help to soften...Lotsa water, fruits and bowel training...i mean try to poo ard the same time everyday. I use to have constipation even before pregnant. So...
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    Hi gals, Few days not here... lost liao.... Anyway, I notice some of u were discussing abt papaya...good or not good? Well, all red/orange fruits/vegetable (eg: papaya, carrots, tomatoes, chillies etc)are high in Vitamin A. During pregnancy too high Vit A is no good for baby therefore just...
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    blueblue, did u inform your gynae abt the spotting? rest and dun carry heavy stuffs... cheezel, My mum did advised me not to take cold drinks..she said not good...But I forgot to ask her why no good...Anyway, sometimes I still drink lor...BTW can drink green tea or not huh?
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    Hi ezann, I also have craving for instant noodles....hee hee. But everytime I eat, my husband will scold me.So, will try to control myself. Dunno why last time I always like to eat sweet stuffs and snacks but now I can't stand them. These few days got craving for durian but unfortunately...
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    (2007/05) May 2007 MTB

    Hi Taro, Can help edit my profile? My EDD will be 29 May 2007. Seeing Dr Douglas Ong. Most likely will choose Mt Alvernia. Thanks so much.
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    Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

    Hi Joan, I agree with u...maybe God is really testing on our patience and must continue to jia you, ok. I dun think there's right or wrong way of praying... I guess as long as u pray with sincerity, one day God will hear and answer your prayers...So dun give up, ya! Jia...
