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  1. W

    (2017/04/26) BP5!ORIGINAL Mummycents spacesaverbags storage solution!Unclutter!

    Hi, will the puffy winter jackets that I've stored in the vacuum storage bag puff up again after I've taken them out of the vacuum bag after a few months? Thanks.
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    1727, last time my hubby bought all the herbs himself from eu yan sang so confinement lady just cooks with the herbs he bought. I find it hard to stomach all the supplements so I only take folic acid. Figured baby will grow well from the food I take. nylek, I think I'll try to see how...
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi, does anyone here have bad ms, ie vomit so often that have to go to hospital for drip? I was ok in the 1st month and was participating in this thread for awhile then suddenly the ms got so bad, I ended up going for drip several times and feel so ill and lethargic all the time. Feel so...
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi Chloe, don't worry too much. I think being pregnant makes us all paranoid that's why we're all worried about this and that! And I can't help worrying about not seeing my baby's heartbeat at 5 weeks even though I did read that it's too early...I think we all need reassurance! Don't worry...
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Don't worry too much. The 5 pills you've taken have already been digested and probably out of your system already. Embryos are very resilient [IMG=]
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    blueyrose, I think medication should be consumed in moderate amounts. If you're very worried about anarex then maybe you should stop?
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi stileto, I had a v scan because my bladder wasn't full enough. Try to go to Dr Sim with a full bladder then you'll be able to do a normal scan. Does anyone know if it is normal not to see fetal heartbeat and embryo at 5 weeks? blueyrose, if you're concerned maybe you should seek a...
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi Cactus, Please add me. Nickname: weemo EDD: TBC Baby #: 2 Gynae: Dr LN Sim Hospital: Raffles Location: Yio Chu Kang I went for a scan yesterday and was told that I'm probably only 5 weeks pregnant so Dr could only see the yolk sac but no fetal pole or heartbeat. This...
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    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Hi mummies, I just found out today that I'm 5 weeks pregnant, can I join?
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    Hi mummies Nicole is well again. She finished her course of antibiotics yesterday I'm so happy that she's eating and sleeping well again. My life is dictated by her these days so when she sleeps well at night, I also get to sleep kimi Nicole also loves to tear tissue! Dora Nicole's...
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    afcai I just read your post. I'm also a bf mummy and I hold my breast pump with one hand while I use the computer with the other hand. I can't handle using dual pump so I use a one side pump. Do you pump at work too? I'm trying to sell my Ameda breastpump, does anyone want to buy? I rarely...
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    hi mummies What brands are on sale at the toy sale? My baby has been sick this week, started with flu last Friday so couldn't meet with roo and nana then developed into mild bronchitis so I had to stay home from work for 2 days. She had to go to clinic thrice for nebuliser treatment. Sigh, I'm...
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    gan are the leggings hot? i think they look very good on your daughter. Also thinking whether to get for my girl. How much do the clips cost? How to purchase them?
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    roo i just PM you again. If you still don't receive, email me at [email protected] bobianah do you know where ergo is sold?
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    roo & nana I PM you already. Just activated my PM function this morning. bobianah where did you buy your ergo from? I'm also thinking of getting it. Is it easy to use and comfy? No backache? I'm currently using Baby Bjorn Air but it's giving me a backache cuz my baby is getting heavier. But...
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    roo 10.30am is ok. It'll be just me and baby
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    nana, roo & lil Hi there, been very busy at work these few days. Let's meet on Sat at TB Plaza. Late morning?
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    roo, lil, nana let's meet up with our babies this weekend?
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    hwee the infant care has flexible times, like twice a week or half days, etc. Maybe you can try that. My baby did half days before I returned to work. They have baby gym, they read to the babies and there's baby massage on Fridays. afcai Nicole just blinks when water runs down her face. I...
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    (2006/12) December 2006 MTBs

    fizz I use the baby bjorn air and the sarong carrier. Both are ok for short periods because baby is heavier now so going for longer periods give me backache. Baby Bjorn has the front facing feature and my baby loves that. I heard ergo is good, I have frens who use that for their toddlers...
