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  1. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Jadefeet, U change new jobs I thought u workg in tat previous company not bad. Wan Cannot post cos my monitor the screen widen n some of the wording cannot read at all,it time 2 change,now waitg 4 hb 2 buy.heehee.... Hey u asking abt Nat,y never asked abt me.heehee.....just joking.......
  2. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan Yestday is my last day.Of course will feel sad lah not becos I love tis job is becos during CNY been sacked vy bad luck lah 4 1 whole yr,u know?
  3. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Nat, Congrate to u really hope yr pregnancy will as smoothly as yr 1st pg. Wow finally yr hb decided 2 let his mum out of t house,at least got some peace. Y tat time yr hb shouted at yr mum,u mus be vy sad,did u voice up 4 yr mum? Nat/Wan I got sad news 2 renounce,my company meet me...
  4. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan U wrong wrong wrong,confirm Nat's hb will going 2 clean shit 4 his mum if tis days happen,they will still willingly unlike if 1day r we who needs them 2 take care,they might run far far away.hahahaha........All guys r like tat,my hb also tis type of ppl. No I cannot without this assistance...
  5. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan Wow u so bad teachs Nat 2 send her MIL to old folks,sure nat & her hb will have a big quarrel maybe end out divorce becos of tis words.hahaha......I personally feel tat tis days will never never arrive!!!!!!!! Like my case once we talks abt my MIL,sure we will have a big quarrel cos I...
  6. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan So sori to hear abt it,so now how's abt it,yr health is it better now,pls pls mus do small confinemt tis time round. Nat Dont get use of calling u nat.heehee.......Y t sudden change of yr name??????? N I know y u called Nat cos some1 now is more more precious than yr hb,right...
  7. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Halo my dear friend Wan & koala, Really miss those days chatting days n nite with u all. Koala, Now u so open called her old witch,heehee.....buay tahan u,tat time ren until so hard n now after got yr boy simply bo chap her,admire u.Me also buay tahan my tat MIL,go 1 trip needs his son...
  8. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan So sori to heard abt it,so now how already u still wan 2 let t bleeding come naturally,my advise to u is better do a D&C so tat next pg will be fine.As wat Koala said pls lah do some confinemt OK? Even thought now hardly log in & chat but we can always chat on sms rite. Koala We...
  9. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan My friend,congrate.U mus take care OK.^_^ Hope 2 heard more fm u soon.
  10. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Koala Wow tat fast yr boy going 2 turn 1yr old already.I c Tan Seow Bouy halfway n quit already.heehee.....cos now time cannot make it.When I c her tat time I were told 2 c her every wk.How u can make it 2 c her every wk???????? Wan How yr SH trip tis round?fun??????? Me planng 2 go over...
  11. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan Did not know u so dirty n enjoy it so much.hahaha....Me opposite than u I like extremely clean,clean until cannot see any dust. U know my boss askd me in 2day n askd me when do I plan 2 conceive cos 1 of t gal workg in tat company for 4yrs after give birth dont intend 2 work anymore,wan 2...
  12. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Halo all friend,I back! Wan I thought u already shiftd 2 yr new house already? Me vy vy buz since startd work not long ago,think will stop my ivf program 4 a period of time.
  13. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan No thank. But in yr last FET u also taken progynova rite n no problems during last cycle so I think is not due 2 tat progynova lah,guan yin liang liang already hint u in yr lot,not mah?heehee..... So yr next cycle let t menses come naturally but take indue pills,all t long I feel tat...
  14. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan Shanghai is a nice place 2 go not 2 worried 2 much abt t food poisong.U go mus buy bk t green tea biscults,is really vy nice. U really vy lucky women among us,no need 2 work n yet can most of t time travelling.
  15. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan Wow so shiok travel again. U better more careful when u in China becos of all t poison foods. Some of the thing u mus follow 4 new house regulation on yr tat actual day. 1. mus boil water w kettle(those kettle when ready got sound 1 lah)2 show wang yr house. 2. mus buy full rice in yr...
  16. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan I thought u did say dont askd tis time round n let t nature take it course.heehee... Cos u yrslf nver ask properly mah so u get confused lor,it all depends on which u askd 1st,if u askg abt yr lining 1st then is hope 2 continue,if u askd is delay yr cycle then is better do on yr next...
  17. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Eskimobaby, Maybe tis time round u really strike,dont give out hope as long as yr menses still not here yet. Wan Pls lah whole family take vit C,is good 4 u all,if u need I can help u 2 get fm GNC tis coming nov cos is my bro birthday month got vu good discount. So when u will shift 2 yr...
  18. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan Dont worried by t time u c Dr.yr lining will be just nice,anyway not 2 worried by t time u do yr ET they will askd u 2 take pills 2 control yr ovulatn. Me having flu so nver askd u 2 go out recently. n having vy bad mood recently 2.
  19. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan I watch fm TV,FI race really got alot of ppl going there n watch.So u buy t seat is stand or sitted seat,can watch vy clearing is it? Pls lah yr gal tat photo naked 1 taken in Osaka.heehee....remember? vy boy boy lah dont put on blog lah,later yr gal will blame u 4 showing all of...
  20. J

    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    Wan Tat y I feel vy fun now tat no win-win situation.VY VY FUN.........cannot control my emotion.U know I even have depression thinkg when shifted in always lock myslf in tat small 4 sided wall,n t worst is mus c her colour 2 survice in her flat.hahaha.....
