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    Mayuki Spree 33 - No handling fee - jj

    Hi My order: Item 1 Item Name: 純色寬領麻花排列毛衣 URL: colour: white Size: F Qty: 1 Price: 300 Alternative colour/size: black Item 2 Item Name: 鋸齒配色針織上衣 URL:
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    cin bunny Paiseh, din come online till today. Have emailed you. Hope you have received it... Pinkbunny Popiah... no problem! Congrats on Poppy flipping... she has real long legs from that photo you posted of her in a bath tub. Ikea Hi Chair Me too! I have it... din know now it comes in...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Smiggle So sad to hear abt the baby... so much suffering too. My condolences to the family. JSP Sorry to hear abt your dad. What an insensitive colleague! Comparisons Just ignore your MIL... each baby development is different and cannot be compared... I've told my ILs before not to...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Updating list on what I will be bringing... Pre Christmas gathering Date : Dec 8 Time : 4-6pm (tea time pot luck) Venue : B. Timah 1) Cin bunny and sophie bunny and maybe daddy bunny - cake 2) bbp, hb & declan - Ham Chim Peng and You Tiao from Holland Village Food Center 3)...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Hahaha, how come July babies so many pattern one! For Ian, I've been experiencing some problems with his 1st feed... can vary from 90ml to 160ml... you would think he would be hungry since his last feed is at 11.30pm! His other feeds have been ok so far but he gets distracted easily, esp when...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    JSP No prob. Prob miss out 'cos I posted same time as Qing Not drinking Help! My boy is not drinking his milk... called back home and my MIL told me that he only took in around 30 - 40ml for his 11am feed. When she split up his feed and try to feed again, he still refused. Then for his 3pm...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    JSP You missed me out... I voted for BT. Prettygal Your twins are sooo cute! Very chubby!
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    AWWWW... all the babies are so cute!! Can't wait to see them in person! PB *sayang* don't give up... think you are doing such a good job! hope your pain and blebs will go away asaP! Semi solid yes, suppose to feed using spoon... don't worry if most ended up on their bibs 'cos bbs don't...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Pre Christmas gathering Date : Dec 8 Time : 4-6pm? (tea time pot luck?) Venue : B. Timah OR MacPherson (MP) 1) Cin bunny and sophie bunny and maybe daddy bunny BT/MP - cake 2) bbp, hb & declan - BT 3) wai wai, hb & xuan peiMP - 4) doggiebb and Mr D and talia and feizai T...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Fingers vs Pacifier Sigh... I really don't like my boy to take either! what to do, now he needs to suck on his thumb to go to sleep... maybe will try to re-intro paci again. Like what some of you said it is easier to wean off. Smiggle Oh dear fake measles! Since the measles came out, it...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Phyphy my #1 was on Healthy Times. He liked it very much and was on it till more than 1yo. It's organic. Delphine & Cellow Your bbs are so cute! Love their smiles. PB Dun feel guilty abt leaving Poppy alone in her cot... bbs need some quiet time and learn to occupy themselves. As...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    PB You can still get preggie even thou BF and no menses... so do take precaution if you don't want a 2nd one so soon...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Pre Christmas gathering Date : Dec 8 Time : 4-6pm? (tea time pot luck?) Venue : TBC 1) Cin bunny and sophie bunny 2) bbp, hb & declan 3) wai wai? 4) doggiebb and Mr D and talia and feizai T and helper 5) tess_mummy 6)i_ling83, bb theoler n helper 7) SNL, Mr SNL, #1 &amp...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    2nd child I agree with Xiaoyang that you have totally no life with 2 kids. And it's really cute to see the no.1 helping out with no.2. like the other day, I asked my boy to get some tissue to wipe his brother drool and he went "you wait ah, I'll take some tissue to clean you up." Hahaha...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    hello everyone! Have not been around for sometime... this thread is buzzing!!! Here's a pic of my boy, Ian at 3 mths to share.
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Anyone following Gina Ford's contented baby routine? Like to know if your baby has learned to fall asleep on his/her own? I've not been able to do so and my boy needs me to pat pat him first especially for his bedtime at nite.
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Youpi Sometimes, when I poke my head into the Maclaren, it seems quite warm. However, so far Ian never complain when we walk under the hot sun with him in it. The same goes for my #1 in the past. In any case, most of the time, we use the stroller in aircon places so not that a big issue. In...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Hi everyone Not been posting for loooong time. This thread really moves so fast and I'm lost liao! But will try to catch up! Back to work Was back to work on Mon but boss quite kind, didn't pile me with work. So transition was rather easy. But tired thou and miss both my boys. do1nk...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    Star Xin Wow, your supply is impressive! What did you eat or do? Cellow I'm facing the same problem as you when it comes to latching my boy. Somehow, his mouth doesn't open very big and many times, he ends up sucking my nipple only... very painful. Have to keep latching and unlatching him...
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    (2008/07) July 2008

    bbp No problem. If you're unsure, just test out the gel on a small part of his rash to see if got any adverse reaction. Hope it works for him too.
