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  1. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Picnic @ East Coast Park Date: To Be Confirmed (Sat) Time: 4.30pm 1) Elaine - Sandwiches (14/21July) 2) Irene - ?!? (21 July) 3) Shuyan - Fried Beehoon (14 July) 4) AP - Drinks (21 July) 5) Ju - Muffins (21 July) 6) Karen - Agar Agar (21 July)
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    IF, virus is everywhere... take care! eRnmum, child sick... everybody also xin ku hor? Valery fever came back again last night after start dropping on Tue. I brought her to doctor again last night. Was told that her airway is tight & given stronger medicine. Always want carry also... this...
  3. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Momo, I went trial for D Story Club at Pat's. Valery enjoyed it surprisingly. I enjoyed it too. Anybody interested to join trial as I heard they will have another one this Sat? Maomao, the Baby Bonus thingy... Since 1st of May, can apply giro with those approved healthcare...
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Manuka, all the best! #02 should be faster liao... (U very good leh... still posting when in the ward.)
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    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hihi mummies, sat's gathering was a great one!!! Shuyan, I guess we will have another one cos everybody enjoyed it I guess. Not enough time to interact with all mummies. he he he... I will email those mummies who requested for it these 2 days. IF, Momoko & mummies who managed to take...
  6. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    So excited about tomorrow gathering. Quite a big group this time. Should I bring sticker with our names for easy identification? I will be the only one coming alone with child. Hubby very shy... Ha ha ha! He decided to bring 2 elder boys to movie. I hope to get some nice pic so dun be...
  7. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Elaine, your question about milk. Something to share with you all... Drinking too much milk can lead to iron deficiency. It irritates the intestines, and leads to iron loss. It can also make it more difficult for the body to use iron. Most cases of severe iron deficiency in young children...
  8. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Sarah, was busy din read all the posts. All only bring 1 kid. Maybe I will deposit 2 elder boys at MIL's place. GOGOBAMBINI date: 16 june (sat) time: 4pm Attendence: (please correct me if am wrong) 1. momo - 2 adult 1 kid 2. dili - 2 adult 1 kid 3. sarahbb - 2Adult, 1Kid 4...
  9. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Ju... wow! U bring cam ah?!? I only managed to take a pic of Sophia & myself with my HP. Must be jealous of the pic I managed to capture right? While carrying Sophia I was trying very hard to remember how Val look like when she was a newborn. * almost forgot liao *
  10. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    IF, my 2nd boy used to have bad constipation since baby & we seen so many doctors but never cure till he turned... Give fruits & tons of water also always "jammed". We ever asked doctor if FM was the cause but they claimed that FM will not cause constipation. Till we went to a Chinese doctor who...
  11. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    GOOD MORNING Ladies!!! PC at home down therefore din log in till today. momoko, Gathering? Count in be or else I can't afford to fly there with my 3 leh... Will miss u for sure! GOGOBAMBINI date: 16 june (sat) time: 4pm ok: momo, dili, sarahbb, AP, shuyan, Elaine, venus, youpi...
  12. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    sarahbb- I heard the waiting at JG very very long. Heard very good feedback too. U not on MSN?
  13. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Momo, looks like u LOVE that place & make my heart drift there liao... If I got a choice, I will move out of singapore too. Not for me but for my kids. Life here getting more & more hectic. Sad to see people here are becoming more self centered. Sarab- Me looking forward for the trial this...
  14. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs exam fever for my children as well as ME! Valery's sleeping is usually from 10.30pm to 7.30am-9am & nap from 1pm to 3pm. I am actually at fault for her late sleep hour. She will usually show her sleepiness around 9pm BUT I delay it. I can only have time with her to read her, her...
  15. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Dili/Elaine, thks for highlighting on the time wise. I forgot to ask the time also. Hee... Already checked, time will be <u>11am</u>. Anyone interested for trial at Pats at Arena C'try Club? They are trying to open up a class there. The class at other center always full de...
  16. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Nobody respond to my post. Momo, for those who stay west ok right? Turf City & Woodland also go liao. Hee... Or anybody want to just join for fun? As gathering also can. I have another thread to ask but I prefer mummies from this thread lah. Actually I want to try to see how Val...
  17. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    maomao, ask my maid read to her? I scare Val speak malay to me later. Wahahaha!
  18. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    * pick up this trick from Momoko * Anyone interested for trial at Pats at Arena C'try Club? They are trying to open up a class there. The class at other center always full de. Programme : Pat's d'Story Club's Price : $31.50 for 1hr 30min...
  19. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Maomao, I mean for those who know then will not be worry lor. But when u see everybody start sending & those who are not so sure will KRKB leh. hee hee! I feel so guilty cos few days never read to Val liao as it's exam period now. Berry stress ah! *pulling hair*
  20. T

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Relax...everybody, dun make one another panick! Actually is not a MUST to enrol our toddlers to school yet. I called some pre-schools, they can only accept our toddlers after they officially turned 36mths old if they are holding a MOE licence i/o CC licence.Meaning can join only when term 3...
