(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

oh by the way happy mother's day!!!

MIL says josh has made some mother's day pressie at the school. cant wait to see!!!

hmm.. its already 1am now....... missing josh

good nite!!


one thing about houses as compared to apartments - not too sure if its e same for amsterdam... I stayed in houses & apartments b4 in melb,aust... and houses have A LOT OF insects exp ants & SPIDERS during summertime.. the spiders are not like sg one black small dot.. but got very thin legs & body but big big ones.. heard they are harmless though.. & in e garage always have plenty.. (sorry gimme creeps lar)... but during my apt stay, i encounter NO insects except for occasional flies during summers...

so u might wanna check out & talk to e local pple there.. cos if got Josh around & spiders around... not a very good combi.. hehe =)

BTW, went to d'story club on sat @ lim ah pin pat sch hse.. felt great! love it. hehe =)
It was fun chatting with you. Hope to do that often...but hor..you must sleep leh ;)

Send you an email liao. Yes yes, it will be great fun to have you here in France, moreover we are all so near each other
We are planning a trip to Brittany and Paris this Aug maybe you can join us?) I keep you posted

Btw, ask your hb to get a GPS once you guys are in Europe..its easier to travel around.
Heppy Mother's Day to all! Had a buffet lunch at M hotel to mark the occasion.

Welcome to our thread, straycats!

Momo, the houses sound very nice. Hope you will settle down soon and enjoy life there. I bet you will and maybe will stay for long time. Different seasons can see many different things!

Sarah, I did change Alden's milk bottles before as got quite a few from gifts so change lor!Glad you had enjoyed D'story. Arrr...I miss the diaper bag BP!!

i tink u still can join e diaper bag BP @ the sprees section instead of BUlk purchase section!! =)

i bought 2... 1 i used twice and e interior ripped already.. now tinking should i get some more.. haa..
Momo, looks like u LOVE that place & make my heart drift there liao...

If I got a choice, I will move out of singapore too. Not for me but for my kids. Life here getting more & more hectic. Sad to see people here are becoming more self centered.

Sarab- Me looking forward for the trial this sat.

Straycats- u are there to work too? My MSN acct : [email protected]
Changing of Milk Bottle:
So far have not change any yet. Bought six bottles for Jaime when she was born and now I only use 1 since noneed to sterilize liao. But I'm thinking of changing to a new one cos' mommy is getting sick of the old bottle look
but yet to find any that is visually pleasing.
Thanks for the welcome.

My hb posted here for work ;) Added u liao

RE: Nov mums, I hope you don't mind I ka-jio in the Nov thread once in awhile hor..paiseh if I am intruding.
Once the kids go to school, esp childcare centre, it is inevitable. My son also learnt lots of stupid thing back from school *sigh* The best senario is they don't pick it up at all. Initially I was very angry with my boy but the more I'm angry, the more he don't want to confess who taught him. So now what I did was, in an indirect way, ask him who taught him (and usually it is that few boys). Then I'll tell the teacher secretly (cos' I hv promised my boy not to let the teacher know who taught him), which in turn the teacher will investigate and prob let the other kid's parent know. Most of the bad habit I noticed is those kids pickup at home which I guess the teacher could not control.
Karen, same here. I too feel that life is getting more hectic and stress here. That's why, I told my brother to stay in UK and don't come back cos' mayb we'll join him one of these day.
sarah, as long as you stay in houses, no matter where, there are bound to be insects. even in sg where we stay now, sometimes we see centipedes, cockroaches (of cos), lizards, and one time, a SNAKE!!!! i think as long as the place is not INFESTED with a certain species, its ok. hahaha but anyway some frens stay nearby so will be good to lookout for each other.

yes karen i have always like holland compared to other european countries. the dutch are more receptive to foreigners, and speak good english. and yes, mainly for josh. over here, when the weather is good, kids get a lot of outdoor activities, sometimes into the bush to play with squirrels!

it is very sad that one by one, my frens are also leaving singapore. many have gone to china or australia. life is too hectic in singapore, not very healthy for kids, who have all become TOO competitive. i know of many children whom wan to have piano, computer, abacus, etc lessons themselves becos their frens have it and they wan to do it better. frankly i find myself getting more stressed when i hear abt all these flashcards thingy and shichida, etc. i wan josh to live in a friendly environment, where also the teachers are nice, friendly and emphasise on developing child's social and survival skills, general knowledge, rather than everything is so academic.

baby2005, join him in UK!! hahaha then i can hop to france to see straycats and UK to see you! hahahhaha

ok going to look at more houses and daycare this morning then FINALLY flying back to singapore tonight. let's all catch up soon!!!!
I agree totally... I get stressed out when people mention flashcards and the shichida stuff. Maybe I don't know enuf of it to understand, I don't know!
Good that Josh is going there with you! We should really have a farewell for you and josh!

Juliet and LittleAbby,
PM you both
Hello Ladies,
Wow, so much talk about living overseas etc
Hmmm...I don't know, on one hand its really comfortable to be in Singapore where security is not an issue, things are in place and familiarity with healthcare etc, on the other hand, its nice to be away from the family as well - away from some of the more little-itsy-bitsy problems. You know la , family committments and all that.

Its my 10th year away from home this year. I'm not sure how I can personally mentally adjust if we were to return to SG one day. Right now we just tell ourselves that since our parents are still able to, we will go where the work opportunities are.

Actually, I find that if we want to be sucessful, life will be stressful whereever we are. I've lived in quite a few countries before for work and study, and I wouldn't say its less stressful than in SG. Put it this way, SG's "tough" education system prepares us for the real world. All those subjects and skills we were told to pick up in school helps us learn to multi-task!! Else how to surf and work at the same time leh? MUAHAHAHAHAAH. Honestly, if it weren't for the "family being apart" thing, I wouldn't mind putting R through the SG education system.

I've looked briefly at the PRC education system. I think its kinda worse in some sense than ours. Even the taxi driver tell me he's kid is not doing well in school, when I ask how much he is scoring, he says 95/100. I was like HUH?! Apparently for here, one must get near perfect mark to be deemed to be doing well!! I guess trying to shine out of 1.3 billion people does that to the education system here. NO wonder these chinese kids do so well in our "Stressful" education system!!But of course there is more to life long learning then books la..but sometimes it does make one wonder.

Hey Momo/Dili, don't get stressed hearing what other people do la. Sometimes people like to only tell one side of the story as well, as my husband always reminds me. Let them lor, we just do what we can within our means for our child :p I flipped through some kid's books at Carrefour in Shanghai and goodness, they start even younger than us leh. I was kinda freaking out a little till I remind myself not to....:p Quite tough lor.

Took R to the doc today for a check as she's been coughing over 1 month. Mostly nights. Thankfully her lungs are clear so the doc just gave us some nose drops. Poor kid would cough at night till she vomits her milk, then cry. See liao also heart pain man.

Straycats, your husband is in SAF? So when is your 2 yrs up? just had a gf complete her stint with her husband's posting and they are now back in SG. She took up many cool hobbies during those 2 years - from being a rather unartistic person to doing porcelian painting and basket weaving! Super impressive leh! :p

Karen, talking about self-centeredness...can you imagine this mom of a 2.5 year old, instead of scolding her son for snatching toy from R was telling R to "give the toy to her son as R has been playing with it a long time?". My nanny told me and I was so disgusted. Come on lor, 2.5 year old boy in the first place want something can ask nicely and mother also quite steady lor I thought. Too bad I wasn't there. :p :p :p

Chin, sounds like a tough decision.
Momo, not only house, HDB flat also got centipede, eee..... Talking abt pressure, I hv friends that insist I shd send my kids to montesorri school and shicida, damn stress man! I was thinking he was alrdy stress enough to go for full-day childcare liao (he also attend additional chinese & english speech and drama classes organised within the centre), so I don't want to stress him further but I don't know if this will make him less competent compare to his peer next time.

furry, cough until vomit milk!? Then becky cough is quite bad lor. Must really take care, hope becky's cough go away really soon.
straycats: my msn is [email protected] in case can chat when i am still awake in late nights.

maomao: sorry to hear about becky's cough. for me, i am the one who has been coughing for 2 weeks. hiaks! and recently an x-ray showed left knee's cartilage is wearing out. Hope Becky will recover soon, drink lots of water!
momo, I also wish to join him in UK now but like wat furry said, I want my kids to get the basic education in SG first plus some asian value before going over.
Talking about stress, yah, peer pressure can be very stressful. Am constantly reminding myself not to be engaged in this rat race, else Malc and I will suffer.

But hor, I am interested in flashing cards to Malc leh. Prolly because so that I have something to do? LOL!! Thinking of doing up a playcorner in our study for Malc. So that we can read and learn in that corner. Hehe...

Recently stumbled across a kid blog which showed a clip about how this 17 mo girl can identify A-Z. Her mom just showed her the alphabets from the rubber ABC mat and the girl will say out the correct letter. I was amazed!!!
Hi hi, your gf came back from France? Maybe her hb knows my hb
2 years stint ends 2008 end Feb ;)
I am dying to come home. This is my hb's 2nd tour..and last ;)

Was in US with him than I myself was in Aust for studies before that..I do wish to stay put in SG.

I totally agree with you. Its not easy living overseas..without support and all but its also a good opportunity for us to experience living away from our comfort zone
Humans adapt very fast to changes, through changes we learn, through changes we grow...ahh...I becoming so lor-so..haha...

Staying in China is not easy I heard. My gf lives in Beijing..this is will be her 12yr..for her 1st yr, she did not dare to walk out of her home..she told me the mainland PRC are much "fiercier" than us!!!

Ooh..I better stop..i like going into story telling

Added you liao
see you all soon! I so happy got so many midnight yak-a-di-yak kakis!!!
Ju good idea! I did something similar for my boy's room but for mine is more of a play corner. I put his bed near the entrance and the other half, further into the room, I put in all his toys and books (including Jaime's toy now). Both Jaime & him like to stay there to play and read (err... more of mess up for Jaime though).

Talking abt flashing cards & reading.... I did lots of them for my boy and if I remember correctly he know A-Z when he was arnd 18mths (even though he only started talking at 20mths) but for Jaime, I did nothing, so ashamed of myself
I must really find time to teach Jaime liao!
yes furryfurry, i know what you mean. sg education does do us good in some ways. but really, i'm getting stressed out!!! all these shichida and flashcards thingy are not what we had in the past, and now they are everywhere. its like if we don teach our kids, we are losing out, we are not 'hardworking' enough. just like what baby2005 said above, i do feel ashamed of myself at times for not doing more.

i'm not thinking or saying its going to bed of roses elsewhere. but i think the pace is a bit slower in europe and allows me to spend more quality time with josh. planning nicer activities like reading and venturing outdoors. now? i just work till so late every nite that i only have maybe 30 min at night with him before he sleeps.

in any case we are not really planning to be away for good. let's just see how it goes... hehehe but the thought of working only 36hrs - 40hrs per week is nice. hahaha
furryfurry btw in china, there is also a lot of emphasis on education!! the mummies do 'tai-jiao' even when baby is still in their tummy!
baby2005, as for asian values i think it really depends on the parents and the upbringing.... no matter where we are! hehe

furryfurry, hope rebecca will get well soon. it is really heartpain when hear kids cough!!!
momoko: I am stressed by the fact that Alden still wakes up for milk around 3am or so till now. So can't be really too bothered by Shicida cos I know I have no energy to keep up with the homework needed to do if attends the program. I just wish Alden can stop waking up for unearthly hours feeds on his own. When I was staying overseas, I got mixed feelings. Sometimes I enjoy very much, sometimes I want to be in SG...now in SG sometimes wish to be back in Tokyo..can't have best of both worlds!

Any toddler still wakes up once for past midnight feed like Alden?

This is one of the nights I cannot get back to sleep after his 3am milk feed...arrrr.....
earnestmum - take care of yourself..dun sleep too late!

momoko - welcome home..think u must miss Josh badly.

i think i am going to have to change darion's milk powder..he is having fever again..and the PD think that it is too heaty for him. any recommendations? we are on enfagrow.

furry - hope becky gets well soon. tough on mummy.
momo, I second wat you said regarding the slower pace in other countries esp angmoh country, even when they are in asia, the mentality is diff. I used to hv an angmoh boss and when I first join the first thing he told me was don't stay back late for work unnecessarily, go home and spend times with family or friend. But after he left a local boss join and he expect us to work late until midnight like him *faintz*
thanks chin! since Enfagrow not suitable for Darion then better change. Try Gain IQ? Alden has no problem so far with Enfa series. But he is a fussy solids eater. Very hard to feed!
Wrote a very "cheong hei" post yesterday but guess it wasn't posted haha. Anyway, how is everyone today?

Got into work to try to catch up but getting sleepy. Duh!! :p

Talk more later people. happy mid-week! (finally!!!)
hello mommies... long time no 'see'

talk abt change bottles... am still using the same brand
but i tried to change his water bottle... from the pigeon mag mag to those 'real water bottle' which those Pri school kids bring to school... cos i find the mag mag too small and i always have to refill it.... BUT..... now the new water bottle is a white elephant in my cabinet... he just refused to drink from the new bottle
R was in JG playnest 3 days a week and even though it was at a very early 9am, meaning that we had to leave the house by 8am! She didn't mind and loved every minute of it. Worth a trial

Manuka, think a bit too fast to graduate to those? I face a similar issue, so we bring a bottle of water to refill her cup when she's done LOL :p
i bring 2 bottles of his water bottles out everytime.. plus an extra bottle left in car (i can drink too!) =)

yea, was looking at the timing.. 9am so early.. did u go to e evans rd / the forum??
how is e class structure like? can advise?
are e classes held in a classroom so there is a movement frm place to place or e classroom is super huge like those gymboree kind??
THANK U - cos until now, i cant get a trail class..
Morning ladies.

Sarah BB, For Playgroup, here is what R did yesterday, her first Playgroup English lesson. Playgroup sessions are 2 hour long and are parent/guardian accompanied, which is great for families who subscribe to attachment parenting, IMHO.

-Free Play while waiting for everyone to arrive and settle down

- Attendence taking (each child is given a piece of paper with their name on it as they come in, they are then guided to go to their a "mailbox" to post it in). During class, teacher will take out each slip and call out the name, so the child is encouraged to raise hands and acknowldge his/her presence

- Intoduction to syllabus for the day - yesterday they were taught the letter "h". Some activities and conversation about it

- Art & Craft - making photoframe with paints and feathers etc.

- Story time

- Outdoor play (love this time as the kids get to run in the sun...and make a lot of noise haha)

- Wash hands & Toilet time (Child encouraged to wear rubber slippers, walk to bathroom and wash hands and dry)

- Snack time (Saw each kid being trained to walk to a desk where teacher is sitting behind. Ask nicely for plate and food and carry their own plate with food to their seats to eat independently. Teacher goes around offering sliced bananas and the kids are encouraged to say yes/no/please/thankyou. Same for juice/water that is offered. Each kid is then encouraged to bring the plate and cup back to teacher behind the desk after they are done)Yesterday's snack was raisins, cornflakes and bananas.

- Quiet reading (While waiting for others to finish, each child is encouraged by the teacher to pick a book for reading)

- Singalong time (Siong for me...a lot of jump up and down type songs...piang eh...like workout for me but the kids enjoyed a lot. R giggled so much)Also revision of the day's letter - "h"

- Goodbye

I didn't manage to pop by the Chinese Playgroup but I was told that the aims and goals are pretty similar. It also depends on the classroom dynamics. Right now R is the 2nd youngest in class and not even 18 months, so her teachers are paying close attention esp. in the Chinese PG where the other kids are all 2.5 year old. Her Chinese teacher also gave me a ring on my cell to tell me how R fared in her class as I wasn't there and told me that she would continue to do so when necc. I thought that was very kind of her as honestly, its just a 2 hour playgroup thing, not even real "school school".

I was quite "moved" when I saw R walking to get her food and sitting down to eat etc cos at home, she sure ain't like that. Suddenly felt that she's all "grown" up and not the little bundle who used to rest in my arms LOL.

Each child has a library card and the JG library is TDF. Honestly! I am an avid reader and I love stepping into their library. The books are very well-maintained and the selection is drool-worthy. Teachers encourage each child to take home books every day and encourage parents to take an active role in reading to the child. R loves to bug us with her books and I personally feel that her love for stories etc is further cultivated in such an environment.

R also had some issues in interacting with paints, sand, glue etc when she was in Playnest in SG(Forum). That was the feedback I got during midterm meeting with her teacher then. So when we came to Playnest in Shanghai last term, I had told her teachers what her "challenges" were and they managed to slowly coax her to accept such "dirt". To her, she sees sand,paint,glue etc as diry or being dirty. Now she loves messing around in it. At least that's one of her challenges overcomed.

Have you given them a ring? I do hear that even for trial lessons, esp. weekends, there is a long wait list. Worth a shot. Can ring Maureen who's the admin at Forum side. She was the one who helped us with R's classes.

Hope my cheong hei sharing didn't put anyone to sleep :p

thanks so much for the information.. very informative... i manage to get a slot for today 2pm @ evans rd... hehehe..

are u going for 2x english class and 1 x chinese class?
In SG we only managed to get 3 days English. Here in Shanghai, we are currently doing 2 days Eng, 1 Days Chinese.

R just finished her 2nd Chinese class today. Apparently starting to respond liao. Quite paiseh cos this is a girl who's parents speak Chinese, born in Shanghai yet speaks the few Chinese words she knows with ANG MOH accent. *Faint*

First lesson when teacher called her chinese name, she looked left and right. 2nd time call then raise hands. We went home train her, today she apparently managed to respond by saying "DAO" and raising hands. And she enjoyed the chinese storytime. *cross fingers* :p

Evans is nice as they have outdoor garden for the kids to roam and run about.
furry, at least R speaks chinese. Jaime only speak 1 or 2 english words there after if you ask her anything, she can't even be bothered to open her mouth liao *sigh*. When I ask her to call mommy, what she did was shake her hand (indicating "no" or "don't know") then point to me, faintz...
baby2005, at least Jaime is talking 1 or 2 english...

bryan now only says "MUM MUM = food"...sighz..

anyway, an update on today's JG programme...

IT"S REALLY GOOD.. to my liking @ least.. i enjoyed e programme.. Bryan enjoyed too!!!...

& its better than Pat's in a way.. got more songs, more programme... more things to do...

Just signed up 2 x eng playgroup with them.. *OUCH in e pocket*... am having a trail on monday for e chinese.. =)

furryfurry, dun worry lar.. u r not e only one.. i realise i havent spoken in CHINESE for like so long only after i sent Bryan for a GUG trial.. i could even pronounce "shi ci (lion), or any other animals that day"... had so much difficulty.. URGH... but Bryan liked e chinese there though.. wonder how's he's reaction to e one in JG... keke =)
BE thankful ok...its very noisy when they start. Honestly! People think its cute but I sometimes feel so drained from work, come home she still rattle non stop then I lie down try to sleep she stand next to my bed and rattle non-stop. She can phrase short sentences now and then and sometimes its hilarious but sometimes when I am disciplining her she talks her funny language or says 'har' or 'see?'...makes me want to laugh ...lagi hard to discipline. Anyway, got good got bad.

Sarah the JG chinese program is fun too. and its SHI ZI hor...not SHI CI. LOL :p
ernestmum. why is alden waking up? what time is his last feed? did he have enough?
josh has his last feed at 9pm long ago and could sleep till 7pm. recently after attending half day at pat's, he sleeps even earlier at 8pm to 8.30pm and all the way till 7pm to 730pm. he will have a last bottle of 270ml milk plus i add in a tablespoon of nestle cereal.
chin, yes both hubby and i miss josh terribly, initially we were thinking of extending our stay till end of this week, in the end still come back as planned. cos miss josh too much!! ehehehe

as for milk powder, josh is having GAIN but i will slowly switch to friso since avail in holland.
manuka i bought an elmo water bottle for josh since he started school. he loves it and refuses to stop drinking!! i think i got it at kiddy palace hehe
sarah yes JG is good, if i'm not moving out, i will wan to sign up too .we had trial at forum previously for the english playgroup. since u sign up, its great and surely you and bryan will enjoy!
momo...welcome back! 270 ml ? Wow..a lot leh..my boy can only take 210 ml max max...what's more urs is with cereal. But then boy wld also sleep fr 9 pm to 7 am. It's just tat we wld feed him milk after midnite before we go to bed.

Mummies, currently my girl drink 300ml of milk but she has been refusing solid food for quite a while. usually feeding is like war time and she can actually tell me 'teeth pain pain'. Apparently all her teeth are out but not fully grown out. wonder when she can start proper meals again .sigh : |
