(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

oh u gals start to sign up liao huh. then i also go and do so. hahaha
shall we fix a day to go explore?? thinking of either 9/10/16/17 june???
hei hei, I signed up liao as well. Saturdays shd be better
Aprilpinky, u tagged me hor, I nobody to tag leh,how huh,ha ha.

Momo,I oso perfer sat,but hopefully not tat early lor,cos me gotta go back work on 9/6.
Momo trial queen...
I wanna go GGB too! the website so wordy I'm too lazy to read! let's go take a look... I prefer 16 June.

SIGHHHHH.... brought Ally to LearningKidz for playgroup trial
FIRST experience: she was the only child there!!! then the teacher wasn't very experienced. I left for 10 mins, when I came back, thedoor was closed and Ally was crying like mad! So we left.
I was wrong to leave her there.
SECOND experience: Mum brought her there. Different teachers, slightly more experienced. But Ally was already scared of the place!! So she just kept crying and wanting mum to carry.

I'll look around for another place to bring her cos I think she recognises the place (probably phobic of the place now)

Separation anxiety... what to do?
GOGOBAMBINI "Reads" great... SAT for me too!!! hehehe

any1 been there b4? know what they offer for the "free play" thing? is it a playground or wat??

their website no picture to look see look see one.....
Shuyan, ya, that's the problem I faced too..hahahahhahahahahah...

bb2005, sure. Will add urs to mine too

Sarahbb, there's a picture right? But see already also cant really visualise what is it..hehehe
so we do it on a saturday? 9 or 16 june??

start to vote!!!
9 june - momo
16 june - momo, dili

i also dunno whether the place is nice or not. so dun scold me if not nice huh. only mentioned by a fren and thought maybe we could go check it out together.

what time is good for all? maybe we could go around 4 or 5 pm and have our dinner there??
actually not in a good mood...
sigh, josh went for his 18 mth jab last sat and was ok. but on sun he vomited his porridge and started to have diahorrea. might have gotten some virus, maybe from other children at the clinic. until this morning he was still vomitting out his milk., so brought him to KKH. luckilyy no need to admit, probably gastric flu or something...... worried .....
aiyooo.. momo hope Josh recover soon.....

milk vomitting & porridge vommiting...Bryan did that when he was having his major flu/cough/phlegm saga.... anything carbo that we feed him, he vomited.. in e end, have to use the strying (used to feed him medicine) to force feed him very diluted milo...

my grandma/mum & aunt saying vomiting is good than cos his phlegm will come out with it.. but no input of any food/milk only water...

know how u feeling now.. HOPE JOSH RECOVER REALLY SOON!!!!!!!

9 june - momo
16 june - momo, dili, sarahbb
9 june - momo, AP
16 june - momo, dili, sarahbb, AP

Momo, for Ziyu, he vomited his food a week after the 18th mth jab. First time encounter that...it was horrible for mum as she has to deal w it alone. But luckily he's well now. Hope Josh wld get well soon.
hi hi..
oh dear - poor josh..(good thing Ziyu is well now)..hope he gets well soon. i have not brought darion for his 18th mth jab yet - soon.

anyway, if gogo thingy is 9 or 16 june - we will give it a miss as we will be in europe until 17th. enjoy..and post some photos!
9 june - momo, AP
16 june - momo, dili, sarahbb, AP, shuyan

Momo, hope tat Josh ll be ok soon, as for the 18mth jab, me till now still haven bring Douglas go yet, lazy to go, ha ha.

Ap, then maybe I ll juz write the reason on my blog, n I dun think I ll tag anybody liao, cos nobody to tag, ha ha.
ladies, last nite josh woke up at 12am, had diahorrea again. cry until 4am then sleep cos i think his stomach not very well. dr tan says it shldnt be related to 18mth jab, but very heartpain to see him vomit and diahorrea. reminded me of the last time when he was 5mths old and needed to be admitted to kkh.

this morning he seems to be better, ate breakfast and lunch (very plain porridge), now having a nap.

ok, so our gathering..let's fix it 16 june (sat)

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm? 5pm?
ok: momo, dili, sarahbb, AP, shuyan

the rest of the mummies????
Momo, is he teething? R has a similar experience whenever she teeths as she will tend to put things into her mouth and introduce bacteria that way.
(wah piang oui.... it's a mouthful to read man!!)
9 June: Confinement leh
19 June: STILL coinfinement leh!!

Kekekekekee.... too bad... think i got to miss out on this gathering!! Have fun!!
furryfurry, i dunno leh. i hope its due to teething but vomitting is quite bad. luckily no more vomitting but still LAO SAI. he has slimmed down liao

aprilpinky, waas thinking we could have dinner there just to check out is it good. hehe wan?

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm
ok: momo, dili, sarahbb, AP, shuyan, Elaine, venus

oh irene, when r u due?? should be soon hor!!!
hopefuly can go pay your little sophia a visit before we leave!!!
AP, hee... I add you to my blog liao.

Gogobambini I want to go but 16 June I can't
got a family gathering leh. Btw, the place is at Dempsy Rd, got mosi or not huh?
momoko: I'll be delivering in GlenE on 05 June....
Should be a 3 days 2 night "chalet" stay bah!!
kekekeke... can can come and visit me.....
Then we can have tandoori in the hospital ward!! (",)
And maybe play some indian celebration music....
momo, aiyoh so heartpain! Then you didn't get much sleep I'm sure. Plain porridge is best for now. Make sure he gets loads of fluid.

hiroshima (haha need to change your nick after sophia comes out?), weekday 'chalet' maybe difficult for me to visit... but sms me your room number still, will try my best.

Chin, when are you leaving for Europe? For leisure? so darion is going?
Dili - We are leaving on June 7, back June 17. Yeap, bringing Darion, otherwise no one will take care of him...leisure.
Looking forward to it!
date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm
ok: momo, dili, sarahbb, AP, shuyan, Elaine, venus, youpi

Hiroshima, excited?
Hey Hey Ladies, I'm back from Vivo City Great Singapore Sale. Managed to buy 4 pieces of bottom for my girl in Fox hiak hiak Kiasu leh, less 50% somemore with DBS/POSB credit card additonal 15% off. Also managed to get one polo tee for my girl at 70% off with membership card additional 10% off. Great bargain leh. Look forward to more good deal.
Chin - how nice, I'm sure going to be lotsa fun for you and Darion.

Irene - Wahaha, ya gonna change nick liao. Hey, my appt at GlenE on the 8th June, thinking to change it earlier so tat can hop by to visit you and Sophia. Sms me your ward no too. So excited for you.

Momo - Hope Josh recovery soon. Must be very tiring for you. Take care.
chien - keke, today first day of GSS so the crowd still ok lar. I aim for Mon to Fri afternoon to shop, if not my tummy will get in the way haha. Gonna take this opportunity to buy all the baby stuff before my girl come out but I'm super Kiasu lor, buy way before girl is ready to wear hiak hiak.
chien - ya lor haha, help mummy to save money. I also went to Toy R Us to buy the leapfog magnetic aplabet. But so sad, tey dun have sale for tat.
Dili: Maybe i should call my self FATTYBOMBOMBOM now...... Can qualify for tht nick liao!! I'll sms you my ward no......

Youpi: SUPER EXCITED!! can't wait for that day to COME!!

Elaine: OnZ lah... I'll sms you!! kekekekeke.....
estimated will leave mid-end july. hoping to drag a bit. hehehe yes, let's try to meet up before we leave!!

sms me your ward. i'll drop by!!

GSS starts already!?! ok good timing cos i need to buy lots of stuff before leaving. furniture and electronics!

dili / elaine
yes very heartpain. some clothes that he couldnt fit in, now he could!!! sob.. but he's gaining back his appetite today. good sign!

which part of europe are u going?

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm
ok: momo, dili, sarahbb, AP, shuyan, Elaine, venus, youpi
sure!! we wait for messenger to post. hello messenger joining us at gogobambini?? otherwise u got to fly to europe to see me liao. haha
Just checked with ah lao. We can make it since he will be having his reservist on 20 Jun onwards. If I missed you this time round, I will wait for your free tix to fly me there lor. LOL!

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm
ok: momo, dili, sarahbb, AP, shuyan, Elaine, venus, youpi, lazyger,
hi hi..hope you all having a nice weekend.

momoko - we are heading to london&paris - trip is for my parents. a pity that we will miss the gathering.. never mind - we can still meet u online.
pls count me in too....

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm
ok: momo, dili, sarahbb, AP, shuyan, Elaine, venus, youpi, lazyger, IF,
Hey Ladies,

just to let all know...

Parkway Parade got a WINNIE E POOH (with tigger & e donkey) Photo Taking session @ 4pm & 7pm weekdays and 1pm,4pm & 7pm weekends... just buy something (dunno got a min amt not) & got redeem.. only 70 tickets per time... but muz bring own camera...

& i dunno if u guys know about it, but TODAY than i knew... there is a free suttle bus service frm SengKang MRT to Parkway on a hourly basis...(and frm other place, but i never take notice, since am near to SK)

& marina sq centre stage got powerpuff girls!! (its a dance show - but i dunno end already, cos i got no timing details about it, saw it yest when i was in a real rush!!) & just in front got John Little sales!!! bought a pair of garfield shoes there -really cute! for $12 bucks.. but i need go change size... heez =)

but am still watching out for Barney....
PC at home down therefore din log in till today.

Gathering? Count in be or else I can't afford to fly there with my 3 leh...

Will miss u for sure!

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm
ok: momo, dili, sarahbb, AP, shuyan, Elaine, venus, youpi, lazyger, IF, Karen
Sarahbb, thanks for the lobangs! I'm waiting for Barney too! We missed the United Sq one last time

GGB Mummies,
I just found out I need to work on Sat 16 June... until 3pm. Will be late lor.
mommies... pardon me for asking cos i lazy to scroll up... where is this gogomambini?! so good leh... i want to go leh... but sigh... dun think i can go liao.. cos by then i already 38 weeks! if not pop means popping anytime....

Hi gals, brought Jaime for her 18mth jab yesterday morning. She was ok during the day but developed fever at night. Today, she started to have diarrhea. *sigh* this is the 1st time she develop fever after jab.
