(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

Congrats to Irene!

<table border=1><tr><td>Mommy</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby's Gender</TD><TD>Baby's Name</TD><TD>Date of Birth</TD><TD>Birth Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>Syl</TD><TD>22 May 2007</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Angela</TD><TD>18 May 2007</TD><TD>3.97kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jackie&Jillie</TD><TD>25 May 2007</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hir0sH|-m@</TD><TD>15 June 2007</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>Sophia</TD><TD>05 June 2007</TD><TD>2.745kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Celtricia</TD><TD>17 June 2007</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Manuka</TD><TD>05 July 2007</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babestaurus </TD><TD>15 July 2007</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>littleabby</TD><TD>01 August 2007</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Misch</TD><TD>11 August 2007</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elaine</TD><TD>28 August 2007</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="0000ff">Irene!! CONGRATS!! ur girl looks so cute</font>

manuku.. urm... if i have not included ur nick/name below, let me know.. cos not too sure which one is u.. heez =)

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm

Attendence: (please correct me if am wrong)
1. momo - 2 adult 1 kid
2. dili - 2 adult 1 kid
3. sarahbb - 2Adult, 1Kid
4. AP - 2adult 1 kid
5. shuyan - 2Adult, 1 kid
6. Elaine - 3 adult, 1 kid
7. venus
8. youpi - 2 adult, 1 kid
9. lazyger - 2Adult 1 Kid
10. IF
11. Karen -
12. Cynthia - 2 Adult 1 kid

please try confirm headcount asap, cos momo reserved for 20Adults, 10Kids.
and if all above goes, it will be about 25Adults, 12kids(min), so need to change reservations...

thank u!!!
date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm

Attendence: (please correct me if am wrong)
1. momo - 2 adult 1 kid
2. dili - 2 adult 1 kid
3. sarahbb - 2Adult, 1Kid
4. AP - 2adult 1 kid
5. shuyan - 2Adult, 1 kid
6. Elaine - 3 adult, 1 kid
7. venus
8. youpi - 2 adult, 1 kid
9. lazyger - 2Adult 1 Kid
10. IF
11. Karen -
12. Cynthia - 2 Adult 1 kid
13. Manuku - 2 Adult 1 kid
Good Morning All,

Thanks, Ju - for the photos of Irene and Sophia..indeed both (and you!) are looking good.
Oh yes, you are a night owl...(saw your posting time)
Ooo Sophia looks so much like Hiro...and Irene's jing shen very good hor! Ju, you also look good leh...you lost weight right?

Thanks for the update!
and yes, now I see newborn I wonder if R was ever that tiny sa well LOl. Funny how we forget.
Ju... wow! U bring cam ah?!?
I only managed to take a pic of Sophia & myself with my HP.
Must be jealous of the pic I managed to capture right?

While carrying Sophia I was trying very hard to remember how Val look like when she was a newborn. * almost forgot liao *
Sophia so adorable...she really look like hiroshi....now im thinking shld i give Dawn a 'di di' or 'mei mei'...haha....
Thanks mummies for the advice on constipation.

I hv changed Dawn FM again..this time to the new Nan 3. Hope this one is suitable for her & solve her poo problem...

Karen, appreciate if you could advise me the contact of the chinese doctor?
date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm

Attendence: (please correct me if am wrong)
1. momo - 2 adult 1 kid
2. dili - 2 adult 1 kid
3. sarahbb - 2Adult, 1Kid
4. AP - 2adult 1 kid
5. shuyan - 2Adult, 1 kid
6. Elaine - 3 adult, 1 kid
7. venus
8. youpi - 2 adult, 1 kid
9. lazyger - 2Adult 1 Kid
10. IF - 2 Adult 1 Kid
11. Karen -
12. Cynthia - 2 Adult 1 kid

please try confirm headcount asap, cos momo reserved for 20Adults, 10Kids.
and if all above goes, it will be about 25Adults, 12kids(min), so need to change reservations...
Hi Chin... *hoot*hoot* you are right! I am a night owl. Was chatting with Sarah last night too. LOL... She is one too.
Da mei (karen)
wei wei wei, not becoz I saw your mms then I bring camera one hor. The previous night, I already charging my camera so that I can snap pics of my new niece. Heh!
Yah, I lost weight since the last time you saw me. But still very heavy. Think got about 15kg more to shed. HOW??
Ju, my friend hor she tried the "honey diet" then lost 2kg in 1 week.She drink honey water without eating for 1 day,then the rest of the week she eat fruits for breakfast, lunch eat veg with rice (3/4 full), and dinner eat veg with meat (no rice),and the dinner have to be taken before 5pm.
Thx for sharing. But... to have dinner b4 5pm is a bit tough. Coz I aws dine with ah lao one. And our dinner aws quite late. Haiz..
Ju, me too, cos I off work at 6pm, so cant possible eat dinner at office. So I ll juz eat fruits for breakfast and dinner,and I tried for 1 week liao, I lost 1.5kg.But then hor, last nite I ate alot of sinful food, so I think gain weight again,ha ha.The best time for dinner is 6hours before sleeping time.
shuyan, so effective har?

Ju, can't remember liao but I dreamt that we meeting at somebody's house and you lost weight leh hehe...
baby2005, yeah lor, I was only trying but then it really works lor.Then everynight my hubby ll tempt me by eating infront of me.So have to control and must have the will power.Very "xin ku" de leh.
Think you read too much of my blog liao, is it?? LOL!!! So cute, your dream. In your dream, I got supermodel body shape boh? Kekekekek.... =p
Malc is sick again leh!! Giving him the remaining medicines from last time. Hopefully he will get well soon. Luckily the gathering is next week. He should be fine by then. But hor, he ah, sick liao still darn active. I was telling some of the mommies yday that Malc played with the water in the toilet bowl TWICE! And the second time, he threw his smelly pillow into it!
Ju, hee.... supermodel body shape??? nearly there hehe...

Poor Malc, hope he recover soon. Jaime havn't recover from her diarrhea yet, still poo arnd 4-5 times a day. Going to bring her to see doc later.

Jaime also like to play with the toilet bowl water but luckily I managed to stop her most of the time *phew*
mahaha..malc and justin can be brothers liao..both like to play w water in toliet bowl...lol

dawn...count 2 adults and 1 kid for me
Venus and Ju, douglas oso like to play with water in toilet bowl. Tat day I ask douglas to bring his clothes to kitchen to wash, then he went inside toilet n throw his clothes inside the toilet bowl.Nowadays he like to hide inside the toilet n play with the toilet bowl,cant stand him.
<font color="0000ff">karen, u bringing 3 kids??</font>

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm

Attendence: (please correct me if am wrong)
1. momo - 2 adult 1 kid
2. dili - 2 adult 1 kid
3. sarahbb - 2Adult, 1Kid
4. AP - 2adult 1 kid
5. shuyan - 2Adult, 1 kid
6. Elaine - 3 adult, 1 kid
7. venus - 2 Adults, 1 Kid
8. youpi - 2 adult, 1 kid
9. lazyger - 2Adult 1 Kid
10. IF - 2 Adult 1 Kid
11. Karen -
12. Cynthia - 2 Adult 1 kid
13. Manuku - 2 Adult 1 kid
Sarah, was busy din read all the posts.
All only bring 1 kid.
Maybe I will deposit 2 elder boys at MIL's place.

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm

Attendence: (please correct me if am wrong)
1. momo - 2 adult 1 kid
2. dili - 2 adult 1 kid
3. sarahbb - 2Adult, 1Kid
4. AP - 2adult 1 kid
5. shuyan - 2Adult, 1 kid
6. Elaine - 3 adult, 1 kid
7. venus - 2 Adults, 1 Kid
8. youpi - 2 adult, 1 kid
9. lazyger - 2Adult 1 Kid
10. IF - 2 Adult 1 Kid
11. Karen - 2 Adult & 1 kid
12. Cynthia - 2 Adult 1 kid
13. Manuku - 2 Adult 1 kid

IF, here is the address.
MUST call before go.

Tan Thoo Chee
Blk 106 Yishun Ring Rd #01-199 Singapore 760106
Telephone: 6756 0557
Hi ladies,

Hope not too late to put my name down for the gathering.

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm

Attendence: (please correct me if am wrong)
1. momo - 2 adult 1 kid
2. dili - 2 adult 1 kid
3. sarahbb - 2Adult, 1Kid
4. AP - 2adult 1 kid
5. shuyan - 2Adult, 1 kid
6. Elaine - 3 adult, 1 kid
7. venus - 2 Adults, 1 Kid
8. youpi - 2 adult, 1 kid
9. lazyger - 2Adult 1 Kid
10. IF - 2 Adult 1 Kid
11. Karen - 2 Adult & 1 kid
12. Cynthia - 2 Adult 1 kid
13. Manuku - 2 Adult 1 kid
14. Misch - 2 Adult 1 kid
hi mummies i m keen too, hope i make it in time :p
Attendence: (please correct me if am wrong)
1. momo - 2 adult 1 kid
2. dili - 2 adult 1 kid
3. sarahbb - 2Adult, 1Kid
4. AP - 2adult 1 kid
5. shuyan - 2Adult, 1 kid
6. Elaine - 3 adult, 1 kid
7. venus - 2 Adults, 1 Kid
8. youpi - 2 adult, 1 kid
9. lazyger - 2Adult 1 Kid
10. IF - 2 Adult 1 Kid
11. Karen - 2 Adult & 1 kid
12. Cynthia - 2 Adult 1 kid
13. Manuku - 2 Adult 1 kid
14. Misch - 2 Adult 1 kid
15. Juliet - 2 adult ,1kid
Hi mummies,

I'm new to this group, and would like to join in this gathering too. Hopefully I'm still in time. Thanks.

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm
Attendence: (please correct me if am wrong)
1. momo - 2 adult 1 kid
2. dili - 2 adult 1 kid
3. sarahbb - 2Adult, 1Kid
4. AP - 2adult 1 kid
5. shuyan - 2Adult, 1 kid
6. Elaine - 3 adult, 1 kid
7. venus - 2 Adults, 1 Kid
8. youpi - 2 adult, 1 kid
9. lazyger - 2Adult 1 Kid
10. IF - 2 Adult 1 Kid
11. Karen - 2 Adult & 1 kid
12. Cynthia - 2 Adult 1 kid
13. Manuku - 2 Adult 1 kid
14. Misch - 2 Adult 1 kid
15. Juliet - 2 adult ,1kid
16. Snow74 - 3 Adult 1 kid
sorry ladies.i have to pull out from gathering cos of father's day celebration

date: 16 june (sat)
time: 4pm
Attendence: (please correct me if am wrong)
1. momo - 2 adult 1 kid
2. dili - 2 adult 1 kid
3. sarahbb - 2Adult, 1Kid
4. AP - 2adult 1 kid
5. shuyan - 2Adult, 1 kid
6. Elaine - 3 adult, 1 kid
8. youpi - 2 adult, 1 kid
9. lazyger - 2Adult 1 Kid
10. IF - 2 Adult 1 Kid
11. Karen - 2 Adult & 1 kid
12. Cynthia - 2 Adult 1 kid
13. Manuku - 2 Adult 1 kid
14. Misch - 2 Adult 1 kid
15. Juliet - 2 adult ,1kid
16. Snow74 - 3 Adult 1 kid
hi all, was on course last week and couldnt log on.
hey karen u can bring the 2 boys, there are playground for bigger children too.

congrats IRENE!! and hor, how come madam ju din sms me huh??? alamak. haha

see you all this saturday. going to be busy catching up with work. will try to sneak in now and then,

hey sarah thanks for coordinating!
Morning all,
How's everyone doing? Its father's day this Sunday 17th. Anyone has plans?

Karen, I email you the p;ix in a bit...
Shuyan, I think still 110pm leh..unless all of us boycott them all come at 130 pm..hohohohh...They said they need to chk with their mgt. Maybe they will call us these few days if they hv news.
mahaha...aprilpinky..great idea :p
let wait for their call..hope not like last time,they say every1 ok with 1.10pm den i bo bian say ok...

thank you for all your well wishes...
I am back at home after an extra stay at the hospital.... as sophia's juandice level was a little high.... Currently, both mother and baby are doing fine....

and you won't belive how lucky i got....
i have got a change of 2 room mates during my stay... and both of them are CHINA PEOPLE!! They are a real inconsiderate bunch!! Arrgh!!
