Search results

  1. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    stephz - there is one at United Square outside Mac. Those push cart store. There is another one at Civic Centre (Wlands) but not sure if you come to this area often.
  2. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    mummies - Anyone with good CL to recommend? Aft much consideration, I have decided to let my current CL go. Pls PM if you have good recommendation.
  3. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    cake-making class This school can conduct a private class for us. I cited the example of baking a cheese cake or tiramisu and the quoted at S$60 per person incl ingredients. If all of you are ok with it, then i ask for more details like when, where and...
  4. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Cake-making class - Yup, BIY only have cake deco class. Since we are not in a hurry, let's try to find a school that can accomodate all mums....then will be fun mah.
  5. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    cake making class, do you all prefer learning cake making technique or decoration skills? as some of us may already be proficient in cake making and would like to learn to do decoration to make our cake look nicer. Maybe we should list out the preference below. I will call BIY later as so...
  6. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hey daphne - when is the birthday of your #2? My #2 is on 28/3. Same name as your #1. list for cake-making class. 1. mom_yam 2. twws 3. Draik 4. babe 5. motherhen (can only make it after mid may but pls go ahead w/o me if the class is b4 that) 6. Stephz (Sat only) Ladies, do you...
  7. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    twws, looks really good leh. at the meantime, maybe we can ask around if there are other classes who can accomodate more ppl. let me start the list for cake-making class. (sorry if i missed out anyone) 1. mom_yam 2. twws 3. Draik 4. babe 5. motherhen (can only make it after mid may...
  8. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    mom_yam & tww - tks for yr advice on the CL...will monitor and see how coz hard to find replacement too. i guess open communication is the best option. cake-making - I am also interested leh but i can join only if it is aft my confinement. It is nice to see that finally we are putting...
  9. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Mom_yam & Jasminetea The party looks fun! Sorry J can't join. Hope we can keep this tradition for the 3rd year. mommies, anyone "sack" your CL b4 the 1 mth is up? Pls share your experience and how you bring across the termination. my current CL is not very good and I intend to have...
  10. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Draik - how long did KJ took to get used to going to CC? J has just recovered from flu and I am starting to send him back today after 3 wks of absence. Now he has to start all over again. From what you describe, KJ seems to be going for full day CC? Good to hear that he is enjoying it but all...
  11. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    stephz - go ahead and have a good laugh....i was laughing so hard at the PD when I found out it is not a nose drop. yup, i am due end of march but #2 is already 3.6kg so gynae suggesting inducing. momyam - i know what you mean. everything is "mummy mummy". Last time when they dunno how to...
  12. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Draik I recently sent J to CC too. I think I dropped more tears than my boy. When I see him crying for me, I cry. When I see his classmate who is also new, crying, I also cry. And I cry in front of the teacher too. So embarassing. TWW - J also having yellow/greenish mucus. PD says that is a...
  13. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Flu virus J caught it too. Got sick after going to CC for 2 days. Thus did not go for the past 4 days. Wasted 4 days of money arr.....if I knew, I would have sent him aft he recovered as as to save a few days of $. (Doc say not possible to catch a virus just aft 2 days, normally they need 3-4...
  14. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Stephz - Tks for the creative ideas on fruits. Su - Ya, the good ones; you have to book 9 months in advance. Almost like wedding banquet. I also want to go Tokyo! But guess have to wait till a few months down the road. HK - Do note that HK is not one of the most baby/children friendly...
  15. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    mom_yam - tks a bunch! now i am giving him fruit milk shake eg banana, papaya but soon he will be bored. Su - I would recommend you mine if not for the fact that she is on contract in Australia. Working for rich folks that pay her $3K every month! So for #2, I am using her fren. When you...
  16. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Hi ladies, Anyone know where can I get popsicle maker? J is not eating his fruits well so I am thinking of making him fruits popsicle. Here's a sample of what I am looking for:
  17. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hi draik, this is what i got off another thread but not sure if still valid or not.
  18. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Daphne and Su - Congrats and welcome to the 2x club! Su - J was attending GUG while I was early in my pregnancy and I find that it is very very tiring for me coz we have to move along with them and have to help them with the craft work. And having to clean them up later. And with the tummy...
  19. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    Babe - You willing to try Fenugreek to increase you SS? It worked for me. Stephz - You mean Apple Tree accept 2 yrs old? When I called them reagrding playgroup, they say only accept 3 yrs old leh.
  20. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    fussiecat, I am a hive sufferer myself. Apart from taking precaution like using the right products etc, there is really nothing much you can do. When it hits me, I can only take antihistemin and bear with it. regarding exposing to wind, seems like that is some truth to it esp air con cause...
