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  1. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    Dr tham gave me the bad news yest. my bb isnt developing. heh 2 time in a row.. i guess i'll take a break and see how. =) its been nice knowing u all for a short time. all the best in ur journey!
  2. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    lol merlion scale.! thats damn cute. wenz im thinking of infant care coz same as u family is quite pte. but cost is rather prohibitive plus the waiting list near town. so thinking still. are u taking ur full ML? im oso joining a new co.. so i think they will get irritated.. thinking of...
  3. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    yunzz! all the best tml. yup its so fast. hmm seems like its difficult to get quality childcare for the bb. i was thinking of placing in infantcare but not sure if its possible. We cant hire a full time domestic help...... seems like the only solution is to leave with my mum for now, but...
  4. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    heya! mia over the weekend.! now in btw jobs. haha. the preg symptoms seems to have subsided as with the bloating. tml seeing dr.. *nervous* le. dunno gd or bad.. heard taking more vit c helps to curb MS.. maybe that works?
  5. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    thx elya for the info. Yunzz no leh i didnt want to change . but the nurse just said that for i dunno wat reason. ya count down together =) heh really same boat.. did u get the jab too? and YESS can i say BIG YES!!!! im vv bloated since ive been on the pills. + more nausea when i do take...
  6. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    morning! . or afternoon! lately v sleepy zz haha Yunzz ya ! i think we got the same set of instructions! all the best for ur appt! Ya lor Elya.. v nice dr! I used to see dr tseng. very different but both are very "steady" types. The nurse called me up today to tell me stick to my appt...
  7. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    yunzz next tue too! going around noon ! you? hrm maybe its a practice they have.. can always request that they draw for privacy. Dr tham is quite chill and friendly hor! i hope to detect a heartbeat too ! Flower: yup like yunzz explained its just to test the hcg level. It should double every...
  8. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    thx happy mum! Winkle..will know next tue! yup hoping its miscalculated date.. by right shld be able to detect le. so far no issue with folate tho. maybe take smaller meals ? will that help? Yunzz: Oops ! Haha so u were just behind? ahh see if we can meet next time! when are u next due...
  9. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    heya back after mia for a while! the duphaston not doing me much gd. just went for another blood test hiaz .. nervous! How's everyone! so cool got twins and ple are all progressin well =) can help me add ? child 1 . EDD end Nov (dpds on tue's visit) Dr Ben Tham , TMC, TBC, Tanah...
  10. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    Hmm just came back from dr tham's clinic.. Seems the baby is small for 7 weeks .. More like 5.5 and no heart beat. have to go back for a blood test and another visit a week later Sigh doesn't look too gd
  11. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    heh tml going to see the gynae shun pian go kaypoh see the wards !
  12. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    agree! but now rather no symptoms! just wanna see the heartbeat tml! going tmc for the hospital tour. hur hur
  13. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    winkie .. i thot i had no symptoms too.. but week 7 le. all coming on at once. =X diff ple diff symptoms tho
  14. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    kayliz all the best for the check up *cross fingers* i was thinking of .. but hubs says abit too early. =( but was thinking we shld get our finances in order soon. actually i dun quite noe where to start with all the prep ! maternity stuff/newborn stuff. arrh anyone has used a...
  15. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    heya reiko.. im not an expert. but dpds on ur own/ couples patang-ness. I have seen and invited pregnant ladies to weddings before and they all turn out ok =) But if ur afraid of chong xi then dun go.
  16. C

    (2013/10) October 2013

    heya all! new here ! just tested positive a few weeks back, waiting for my first gynae visit tml =) hope all goes well. =X Hope to make some friends here! so far alot of weird symptoms..... one day good one day bad.. feeling quite messed up and sleepy haha abit nervous coz its the first...
