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  1. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    hi ladies kindly help mi to remove my nick from this thread. bb stopped growing & hb gone when checked this morning at gynae. wish all a safe & smooth pregnancy. =)
  2. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    hi ladies! was buzi d whole day. juz finish cooking dinner & waiting for my lil masters to rch home. Vi if down syndrome results are not good, next stage will be CVS or amnio. both are considered invasive. i did CVS before as my #2 d results were quite bad & i was only 24 then...
  3. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    vickii ive seen him before previously to confirm my other pregnancies. i heard feedbk tt he dont do 4th csect thou. fabbie ooo. i yet to read more abt d fbi tingy. lol. veri forgetful. ltr i go read & ask hb how. keke. ur oscars fast sia. package sounds reasonable price. =)...
  4. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    fabbie the man dont wan change here & there. troublesome. so if change, gonna stick to the dr if everything smooth smooth. im choosing A1. lol. my boys & relatives can be very noisy at times so single room better for us. if only im still working, lol, dont have to pay so much on my own...
  5. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    bbkk mayb once a wk only. hehe. dont really drink often. iko need to scan next wk so maybe let tis current old scan 1st den i switch bk to my previous one. c wat hb says. coz this current one i need to deliver in tmc n i dono how is the service there.
  6. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    JC ooo. no sweet tooth then makes it easier to control! when ya seeing the specialist?
  7. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    bbkk i take my drinks with ice. hehe.
  8. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    nlimm csect at mt a so ex??? i tink my bill was abt 5.5k for all my csect at kkh. smmore all was emergency csect. fabbie ya. next wk still same dr. coz now dono wan go where deliver. if go bk kkh, i rather c d previous dr & im sure tis round, he will die die ask me ligate. lol. #3 tt...
  9. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    hello ladies! esther i don hav veri good experience wif previous one as well coz i had pre-eclampsia & it was not detected till 2hrs before my op & i was onli informed 30mins before my c-sect. from planned c-sect to emergency in d middle of the nite. abit upset thou he is a veri nice...
  10. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    hi ladies hope all enjoying the wkend! seen dr on thur & dr detected a low hb. told me to be prepared. haiz. fetus measures 6w2d instead of 8w. actually i also dono when will my edd be coz menses yet to resume afta i stop bf n tio. juz can onli agar agar from conception date. juz gonna...
  11. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    Bbkk Shall try tmr! Need to buy lemon. Not a fan of sour stuff. Lol. Fabbie The girls din say anyting thou. Lol. Maybe they just assume im getting fatter or giving me face at my party ba. :p Ur tummy showing yet?
  12. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    the lemon drink helps? im battling with nausea everyday. =(
  13. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    fabbie thanks! hehe. lotsa preps done for his party plus deco. now waiting for his pics from d photographer! hehe. iko thanks! i try to nap whenever my boy naps now. my dr did v-scan. smmore he scan damn long. feel so gao wei. eil just lie down n rest instead of walking around. i stay...
  14. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    eil dr juz ask mi to rest more n eat small, frequent meals. but i tink tcm may have some tt can help bu but im not a fan of such tings.
  15. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    wt81 bulk purchase. hav some sprees on maternity clothes. =) pinktulip i shud be 8wks this wk but edd cant confirm coz dr cant see anyting much from scan laz wk. my hb is property agent so income based on his sales. depends abit on savings as well n cut down on spendings.
  16. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    wt81 try bp? i usually get mine from spring maternity or mothers en vouge.
  17. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    morning ladies!! wow. lotsa post to catch up on! have been buzi the whole of laz week preparing for my boy's 1st bdae party. super tired out & glad tt i can finally rest abit if #3 allows. he getting more active whereas im so tired out. constantly on the move n 'disturbing' me. lol...
  18. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    esther i do bring my boys for my checkups previously if possible. hehe. they amazed to see their lil bro thru scans. lol.
  19. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    fabbie then u will see me missing from fb liao. hahaha. wont have any updates coz too busy. i usually nap when bb nap. tired. then watch cartoons with him lor. hehhe.
  20. M

    (2013/05) May 2013

    esther my boys are 5yo, 4yo & 11mths. ours was accident too coz didnt want #4 so fast.
