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    Would like to donate breastmilk

    U can use it to make pudding, is good for mummy.
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    I using mothercare stretch cream 17.90, other brands seems expensive. So far so good, smell nice too.
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    The name card thing damn funny! Ur boss got Sibeh crazy character lol
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    Mom stated if employer terminates u within 6 month from ur edd then employer need to pay u maternity benefits. So dun tell ur boss 1st until ur 4th month pregnant. But if ur hr clever when u submit it gynae 1st mc, she/he know u preggie liao.
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    Issit because hungry plus epi will shiver? 14hrs cannot eat, where got energy to push bb@@ actually just now I went for app and I heard the nurse told 1 of the pregnant lady tat, cannot eat, I tot I heard wrongly. I dun eat will gastric de after delivery can straight away eat food?
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    Hi raihana, can share how much u spent last time for ur 1st in parkway east with dr heng?
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    I think bird nest ok, just collagen protein but dun drink too much la coz nowdays a lot fake de. Those lingzhi things better dun. Herb de dun luan luan take ooo
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    Confinement lady vs confinement catering?

    I have same problem like u wishy. Parents in Msia, mil dun cook. My mom offer to come over Singapore take care me but i no place for her as my house still bto. Thinking to get a day confinement lady. My edd is April 2013 , but duno where to get good confinement lady
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Now my face like volcano!!! Full with pimples T-T
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Angela: same here. 1 am wake up coz stomache tot gonna Lou Sai, end up farting in toilet. Then went back to sleep
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    Duno who eat petai at pantry. After smelly it i vomit zzz, ruin my day sia. Now feel dizzy @@ not worth take mc already half day...
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    Fool4love: same here. My shorts need to unbutton now, but not sure when to buy maternity clothes.
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    I got very yellow urine but I dun like to drink water so I try drink milo, milk,100 plus. After drink tummy very bloated@@
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    I read your 2010 post, glad ur wife is ok now. Omg tats very exp and bad service!! Maybe I should change to other hospital@@
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    Kikapo: 16 oct my birthday too!!! Hehe. Btw Oscar Tat u guys saying juz need draw some blood?
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    (2013/04) April 2013

    Hi victory, I choose dr heng tun lan from parkway east hospital coz heard a lot good comment, may I know Wat complication ur wife previously had? Issit very expensive? And u mention the nurse, issit not good? If u not comfortable to share is ok, this my 1st so I kinda kan cheong
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    Guys I would like to seek some advice. I'm a sg pr but I only 2nd year in sg. Currently I working in a small company which is unstable. My boss told me he duno when the company will go bankrupt not sure he lie or Wat. Earlier I wanted to change job but now I'm pregnant. Company here will hire...
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    I diarrhoea this 2 day. I always feel hungry but no appetite so I juz drink milo and eat biscuits, duno bb got Enuf food mo... Starburst: sorry to hear tat, stay strong ya. Most important now take care ur health. Sure got chance again de.
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    My back acne getting worst, I will be going back Malaysia for wedding dinner this coming December... I duno how to wear my wedding dress with all this acne haiz...
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    (2013/05) May 2013

    Bbk, yeSterday till now I also got the pulling cramp feeling on my lower right abdomen but not very tight. Juz on and off. Thinking issit my bb movement but is too early right... Hmm...
