Year 2016 IVF Mummy To-Be

yar, likely go with this already.
Initially got two from mil (private). Malaysian. not doing le, due to age

@Phantom Some of my friends have used PEM with good review. But it also depends on the CL given to u. Good thing is, i think they allow change if u feel CL not up to ur liking.

also hor. when is a good time to travel out sg? 2 month above? cos we intend to make use of ML period to return god at Bangkok.

also june, jb got babyfair at danga bay. Is it safe for preg to go in? after we bfp. i refrain her from going in, which before we always go shopping etc.

Am paranoid, pardon me all Q&A
For avoidance of doubt, only AXA and AIA provides maternity insurance that covers IVF babies. And I was told by my agent that they cannot cross sell the products especially if it's ILP. Meaning, your uncle from Prudential might not be able to sell you the policy under AXA or AIA. Good in a way so you don't have to tell your uncle about it. So you can call both companies and meet up with the respective agents & see which one you're more comfortable with before you commit.

If bb born premature, don't have to wait till few years old. After 1 year old the insurance co. will access and of coz, during that 1 year period the bb has got no major issues, they will take the bb in. That's what happened to my nephew. He was born at 35 weeks but healthy. No need NICU but obviously, insurance co. don't want to risk & take him. Luckily throughout that 1 year he go no health issues though he got admitted to kkh for breathing issues when he's few months old. Turns out was he got nasal block!! Thereafter no other issues so the insurance co. took him in after he turned 1. So that was a valuable lesson learnt for us and explains why we bought the insurance for our babies & I'm glad we bought it especially now that we know our bb girl's heart condition is still unknown.

Hi Milogal, which insurance did you buy? I learnt about AIA where it covers mum during pregnancy and then can transfer to child upon birth. For twins, it'll be double the premium. But it only covers up to $100/day of NICU. U have info on AXA?
okay. mil says she cannot cope with chores, other than cooking only. age 65 catching up. Hence, need to CL. We are looking at infant care, 2 months above. Rate after subsidy at 600-650. 7am - 7pm lor. Weekend on own. Wife intend to take 3 months only. the remaining 1 hold. also heard registration is long.. wait list (depends). My parents both of them health nt good

I choose thomson confinement angels and they will assign cl on my delivery day. If no good I can have one replacement.

Cl only cook confinement food n look after your bb. They won't do household chores for U except washing bb clothes n bottles.
also hor. when is a good time to travel out sg? 2 month above? cos we intend to make use of ML period to return god at Bangkok.

also june, jb got babyfair at danga bay. Is it safe for preg to go in? after we bfp. i refrain her from going in, which before we always go shopping etc.

Am paranoid, pardon me all Q&A
Actually a better time to travel out would be after 1 year, after your baby completed most of his vaccinations. Besides, if he's too young, he may not adapt to the climate, water, hygiene conditions. The last thing you want is to bring back a sick baby and it means alot of hard work cos his immune system is also very weak.

During pregnancy, you can go in lo if your wife can walk around much. I went into JB when I was in my Trim 2-3 for my firstborn, but only at KSL and Citysquare cos cleaner in terms of toilets & environment.
Hi Milogal, which insurance did you buy? I learnt about AIA where it covers mum during pregnancy and then can transfer to child upon birth. For twins, it'll be double the premium. But it only covers up to $100/day of NICU. U have info on AXA?

I bought AXA for my twins. Premium depends on your age rather than singleton or twins. AXA can choose ilp or life policy tag to baby. Yes the nicu cover cost is crap but if bb born Premature all insurance co will not cover baby. So if U buy maternity ins even premature your ins can still be transferred to bb. It also covers mother for pregnancy complication.
I bought AXA for my twins. Premium depends on your age rather than singleton or twins. AXA can choose ilp or life policy tag to baby. Yes the nicu cover cost is crap but if bb born Premature all insurance co will not cover baby. So if U buy maternity ins even premature your ins can still be transferred to bb. It also covers mother for pregnancy complication.
Does this insurance cover pregnancy via IVF?
Anyway just did my dating scan
There's 2 sac, so medically its twins pregnancy.

However one sac can see the yolk sac but the other one looks empty.. Prof say it could be still early, so going for second scan in 2 weeks time. Any ladies have any similar experience like this?
Today the scan says 5 week 0 day for the embryo with yolk sac
It's up to u bah... Personally i followed thru. Got pros and cons.
Pro is kkh is cheaper, their after delivery service is actually not bad, food is so-so...
Con is u don't know who u will get on the delivery date to monitor u, so qt heng suay one. Ur doctor only comes in the last half hour to deliver the baby. Also, if u have any emergency during pregnancy, can only go 24h O&G.

Actually the cost for KKH pte is comparable with TMC and Mount A. Even in private hospital, gynae also comes in the last half hour to deliver the baby. The rest are done by the nurses. Comparing my experience in Mount A and KKH, i think KKH is better. Food and environment, Mount A is better.
@Phantom if you considering a pte CL, i can recommend you the one i used for both pregnancies. She's good, clean and can cook quite well. But her rate is on the high side, plus she is booked from Jul to Oct 16 liao.
also hor. when is a good time to travel out sg? 2 month above? cos we intend to make use of ML period to return god at Bangkok.

also june, jb got babyfair at danga bay. Is it safe for preg to go in? after we bfp. i refrain her from going in, which before we always go shopping etc.

Am paranoid, pardon me all Q&A

i think it depends on comfort level. There are many considerations when travelling with a baby e.g. whether your wife would still be breastfeeding. If yes, don't have to lugg milk powder over. If not, then your luggage will be super heavy. Also must consider how mobile baby is and if the place is stroller friendly. If not have to baby-wear and its taxing on daddy who will be doing the wearing.
Anyway just did my dating scan
There's 2 sac, so medically its twins pregnancy.

However one sac can see the yolk sac but the other one looks empty.. Prof say it could be still early, so going for second scan in 2 weeks time. Any ladies have any similar experience like this?
Today the scan says 5 week 0 day for the embryo with yolk sac
5 weeks still early. Sometimes one grow slower than the other.
Tmc. 1 bedder necessary? Cos wife want me stay over. I thought 2bedder enough le. Ha

It depends on whether your wife ok with sharing a ward. The pros are that it is cheaper and hubby around to help with baby mah. The con is that if your wife's neighbour is expecting many visitors, it can be very disturbing if she wants to rest. Have to depend on the needs of your wife and how many days she is staying in hospital.

If deliver in KKH via natural delivery, only stay 1 night. Might as well take 2-bedder.
I think pte hospital will require at least 2 nights for natural delivery.
Actually the cost for KKH pte is comparable with TMC and Mount A. Even in private hospital, gynae also comes in the last half hour to deliver the baby. The rest are done by the nurses. Comparing my experience in Mount A and KKH, i think KKH is better. Food and environment, Mount A is better.
Ooops actually shd clarify myself... Felt that I saw a no of changes of medical personnel during delivery in KKH. Some of them not experienced.
But in pte hospital, think most are likely to be more experienced.
It is true ur doctor only comes in last part, whether kkh or pte hospital.
Towkay. Won't bring along as too small, yes. Mum can go mah???
Yar, I also familiar with ksl that area only
If your missus is going to breastfeed the kid, she needs to ensure that she has to pump enough to last during the period she's away.

missus can go la, definitely, but by that time she may not want to leave the kid - she would want to be with the kid 24/7. I never see mummies leaving their kids behind during maternity leave one ley.
Think i have been eating too much rubbish like mac and coke. Just now after eat instant noodles feel like indigestion liao
I see. When you do ET, did they ask u to buy the IVF insurance for the bb? For me at Nuh they say it's compulsory. It is to cover the bb in case they need nicu class 2.. Still got difference class 1 and 2

Have but its diff. The compulsory ins is for bb nicu only. I buy extra ins for a peace of mind cos I am at higher risk.
I see. When you do ET, did they ask u to buy the IVF insurance for the bb? For me at Nuh they say it's compulsory. It is to cover the bb in case they need nicu class 2.. Still got difference class 1 and 2
The compulsory one covers only nicu for bb in case bb needs (touchwood hope no need lah). AXA and AIA one additionally covers mummy in case of preggy complications. If you already have existing supreme health policy which already covers preggy complications, then actually not necessary to buy additional. Just that with the AXA and AIA one, when you transfer, i.e. add on policy for bb post birth, they waive off the need for further underwriting and checking on bb's health report.

AXA and AIA one starts from 16 or 18 wks and need Oscar or harmony test. There are some exclusions. My Friend has minor thalassemia not accepted by either company for this policy.
The compulsory one covers only nicu for bb in case bb needs (touchwood hope no need lah). AXA and AIA one additionally covers mummy in case of preggy complications. If you already have existing supreme health policy which already covers preggy complications, then actually not necessary to buy additional. Just that with the AXA and AIA one, when you transfer, i.e. add on policy for bb post birth, they waive off the need for further underwriting and checking on bb's health report.

AXA and AIA one starts from 16 or 18 wks and need Oscar or harmony test. There are some exclusions. My Friend has minor thalassemia not accepted by either company for this policy.
I see! Thanks for the explanation!
I see! Thanks for the explanation!
When going into 2nd tri, you may consider engaging an agent to better understand these 2 policies offered in detail and seek professional opinion if you need and benefit from it. Moreover in twin pregnancy, there might be additional considerations.
normal de. First tri I also had a few times Mac. Just try to avoid instant noodles lah, saw the video that the noodles don't break down for Long Long time in tummy, scary
Is it the one the doc pulled out Long strands of stuff.. I think it's fake lei, cos we will chew and bite, how can it be so long
Think i have been eating too much rubbish like mac and coke. Just now after eat instant noodles feel like indigestion liao

I'm with you. Apparently, I craved for instant noodles all the times!
To lessen my guilt; I boiled the noodles twice and then add an egg.. (self deceiving)
My breakfast for today was macdonald (again) and my tea break is curry puff (again) (plus milk tea)... *Sinful*
Bb diet is so not like the usual me and Mr :(
I hope the diet can slowly change...
normal de. First tri I also had a few times Mac. Just try to avoid instant noodles lah, saw the video that the noodles don't break down for Long Long time in tummy, scary
I agree, instant noodles seem to be made of nothing but chemicals. First trimester is rather important as it's the developmental stage.
I've met a PD and asked him why some babies have problems in their ears, eyes etc. He mentioned that there is not much scientific background BUT, in most cases, it happened during 1st trimester. He cited an example, a pregnant woman ate some food laced with bacteria. She may appear alright (no diarrhea, nothing) but the bacteria could interfere with the development of the fetus.
We don't know if instant noodles will have any impact BUT one thing for sure, constant consumption of instant noodles increases cancer risk.
I just went for routine check and gyne suspects that I may not able to go natural as I have fibroids. They are on the lower side which may obstruct bb path during natural delivery.
Now...Pending further scan and check..
Anyone has fibroids too but able to do natural delivery ? I was under the impression that they are normal ...
I'm with you. Apparently, I craved for instant noodles all the times!
To lessen my guilt; I boiled the noodles twice and then add an egg.. (self deceiving)
My breakfast for today was macdonald (again) and my tea break is curry puff (again) (plus milk tea)... *Sinful*
Bb diet is so not like the usual me and Mr :(
I hope the diet can slowly change...
Talking about egg, make sure it's fully cooked~! One of my friends on FB posted her dinner of minced meat with basil leaves topped with a sunny side-up. I gasped! But always make sure the white and yolk is not runny.
Talking about egg, make sure it's fully cooked~! One of my friends on FB posted her dinner of minced meat with basil leaves topped with a sunny side-up. I gasped! But always make sure the white and yolk is not runny.

Yes, they are full cooked.
I'm looking for pasteurized eggs so that I can satisfy my egg Benedict craving.
I'm with you. Apparently, I craved for instant noodles all the times!
To lessen my guilt; I boiled the noodles twice and then add an egg.. (self deceiving)
My breakfast for today was macdonald (again) and my tea break is curry puff (again) (plus milk tea)... *Sinful*
Bb diet is so not like the usual me and Mr :(
I hope the diet can slowly change...
Haha high five... Ok but we must both try to healthy a bit la...

Erm and actually i have been eating half boiled eggs every morn... But make sure eggs are washed properly...
I just went for routine check and gyne suspects that I may not able to go natural as I have fibroids. They are on the lower side which may obstruct bb path during natural delivery.
Now...Pending further scan and check..
Anyone has fibroids too but able to do natural delivery ? I was under the impression that they are normal ...
Hey girl sorry to hear that... But i wld follow gyne advice. Most impt is bb safety during delivery. Mb let him investigate further then see how.
Hi pacpl, I'm sorry that you are going through this. Be kind to yourself and take time. Condition your health and hope you heal well to go for FET when you feel ready.
Thanks DawnBB my next appointment is mid April to start the FET cycle in June another round of medications

Thanks for the encouragement
So these eggs can eat soft boil?

It is really up to individual if one would still eat soft boil w pasteurized egg...for myself I will NOT do that cos I am those super kiasu type...I always ensure my eggs r still fully cooked .....

I used to eat non pasteurized egg but I always over cooked the eggs (over cooked egg tasted plastic-ky n not nice) cos I very paranoid.....therefore I switched to eat pasteurized egg for a peace of mind....

It is really up to individual if one would still eat soft boil w pasteurized egg...for myself I will NOT do that cos I am those super kiasu type...I always ensure my eggs r still fully cooked .....

I used to eat non pasteurized egg but I always over cooked the eggs (over cooked egg tasted plastic-ky n not nice) cos I very paranoid.....therefore I switched to eat pasteurized egg for a peace of mind....
True, always better to be safe than sorry.
I bought AXA for my twins. Premium depends on your age rather than singleton or twins. AXA can choose ilp or life policy tag to baby. Yes the nicu cover cost is crap but if bb born Premature all insurance co will not cover baby. So if U buy maternity ins even premature your ins can still be transferred to bb. It also covers mother for pregnancy complication.


I am interested to know abt the benefits of buying this insurance as i am still unsure.

With Medishield Life being introduced, all Singaporeans can be covered even if they have prexisting conditions or conginetal illnesses. I asked my agent and she said i can buy integrated shield plan for my baby when my baby is born, and baby will be covered.

If so, why is there still a need to buy insurance? To cover non hospitalisation expenses?? What kind, n why the need?

Hello all mtb,

Just for sharing, my fren sent it to me I don't have that in English unfotunately hope it helps.


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Insurance is qt impt. My #1 hospitalised for fever at 4 mth, luckily we got insurance for her a mth earlier. Best to be insured fr birth cos v young bb easily admitted to hospital when they are sick.
