Gestational Diabetes

Today i went see my gynae.. week35 bb weight ard 2.4kg.. then they asked me to do blood test to check glucose level in the past 3 mths.. coz my daily glucose check is always not complete.. I always missed 1-2 readings out of 7 consecutive readings.. got scolded sia.. luckily my bb weight is at normal range..
My ard same weight as urs. W34 at 2.3kg. Ur doc so strict ah, missed one or two readings will scold.

hi isenggirl, the rest of the readings are still within?

My gynae 2hrs post food must be less than 6.6. my reading is around 7.0-7.4. So its considered above range. but I know my colleague's gynae told her as long as around 7.0 range is fine. What is everyone upper limit?
My ard same weight as urs. W34 at 2.3kg. Ur doc so strict ah, missed one or two readings will scold.

how frequent do you take your reading? I do almost 1-2 days once but only 1-2 meals at most. So far I have been using 100 strips since mine was discovered when I was in my 2nd trimester..
how frequent do you take your reading? I do almost 1-2 days once but only 1-2 meals at most. So far I have been using 100 strips since mine was discovered when I was in my 2nd trimester..
Twice a week. Sometimes on consecutive days when I wanna test out some abnormal scores on the previous day. So far my range guide for post meal is not more than 6.6. However my gdm doc didn't really scold if it hits 7. I have two occasions when they hit more than 7 or even 8 but I told her coz I was testing out hawker food. She was OK n told me next time be careful when eating hawker food.
My gynae 2hrs post food must be less than 6.6. my reading is around 7.0-7.4. So its considered above range. but I know my colleague's gynae told her as long as around 7.0 range is fine. What is everyone upper limit?
Mine same as your 6.6. I can keep to it if I stick to same set of food. But I have "accidents" as cannot expect I eat exact same things everyday ?!!?? N dun test how I know what is ok or what is not. Hee hee
KKH's requirement is below 7 2hrs after meal. I inject insulin 20units, but still more than 7.6 2hrs after every meal. :(
Tomorrow will see doctor again, I guess she will increase my insulin's dosage.
My bb was 2.63kg @ 34weeks.
Today i went see my gynae.. week35 bb weight ard 2.4kg.. then they asked me to do blood test to check glucose level in the past 3 mths.. coz my daily glucose check is always not complete.. I always missed 1-2 readings out of 7 consecutive readings.. got scolded sia.. luckily my bb weight is at normal range..
acty 6 is acceptable if u take dinner very late and u sleep early. e.g. u take dinner at 8 and u zzz at 1030 for example. tje 6th and 7th reading will be half an hr apart.. no diff mah
Mine same as your 6.6. I can keep to it if I stick to same set of food. But I have "accidents" as cannot expect I eat exact same things everyday ?!!?? N dun test how I know what is ok or what is not. Hee hee

Exactly lor! Now my food is only YTF and beehoon.. so boring. must tahan awhile more..

and btw I m using freestyle glucose meter, I borrow from.a friend who owns normal and lite version. Everytie i used the lite version, my reading is lower than normal version by 1 point!

So if normal one is 7.2, lite is 6.2-6.5.. which reading to trust?! Lite requires very little blood.. normal requires more blood to test..
Exactly lor! Now my food is only YTF and beehoon.. so boring. must tahan awhile more..

and btw I m using freestyle glucose meter, I borrow from.a friend who owns normal and lite version. Everytie i used the lite version, my reading is lower than normal version by 1 point!

So if normal one is 7.2, lite is 6.2-6.5.. which reading to trust?! Lite requires very little blood.. normal requires more blood to test..
All glucose meter have an error margin depending on which model. This error typically can go up to > 10% for glucose level > 6.8.
I'm using accucheck which was loaned from Nuh. Quite painless. Today just went for gdm follow up. So far if I stick to same food sets will be within range. Kinda boring. But I quit drinking soup from hawker food coz they are really hidden threats! Tried drinking ytf soup, fish beehoon soup, lean meat soup, all readinGS went up n I merely took few sips. Some other hawker food I tested OK was Masala thosai coz I was craving prata, didn't dip much gravy just a little bit. Also tried lontong n drained all gravy before eating n no added chili coz their chili paste can be sweet. So far within range. So they kinda become my comfort food LOL.
@Skivewalker My mom commented that soup based hawker food should be avoided and now with your confirmation... Woah... they are really hidden threats.
I was advised thosai too, if I crave for prata.. and as for noodles... all yellow noodles are out.. and I go for kuayteow dry, mee hoon dry....
so far, I dare not try Lotong, mee siam etc... and now I go for western food often... grill chicken, fish, salmon, with a small amount of fries
@Skivewalker My mom commented that soup based hawker food should be avoided and now with your confirmation... Woah... they are really hidden threats.
I was advised thosai too, if I crave for prata.. and as for noodles... all yellow noodles are out.. and I go for kuayteow dry, mee hoon dry....
so far, I dare not try Lotong, mee siam etc... and now I go for western food often... grill chicken, fish, salmon, with a small amount of fries
Ya avoid drinking the soup. I never eaten yellow noodles ever since I was diagnosed GDM. I think for mee siam, the gravy a bit sweet. Be careful of western food too coz of the meat marinate and msg. Wah I also havent eaten fries for a long time :( maybe u can try baked potato minus the butter.
Hi all, I know this sounds weird but has anyone questioned if their OGTT results were wrong? I just found out that I've GDM at 31weeks but the thing is I did not change my diet & continued with usual diet (in fact purposely ate more sugar stuff/carbo stuff) and my self test on glucose sticks are all below 6.5. I don't know if I'm in denial or if my results are wrong because I did not listen to the nurse's instructions on day of blood testing.
Hi all, I know this sounds weird but has anyone questioned if their OGTT results were wrong? I just found out that I've GDM at 31weeks but the thing is I did not change my diet & continued with usual diet (in fact purposely ate more sugar stuff/carbo stuff) and my self test on glucose sticks are all below 6.5. I don't know if I'm in denial or if my results are wrong because I did not listen to the nurse's instructions on day of blood testing.
what did u not follow ?
Hi all, I know this sounds weird but has anyone questioned if their OGTT results were wrong? I just found out that I've GDM at 31weeks but the thing is I did not change my diet & continued with usual diet (in fact purposely ate more sugar stuff/carbo stuff) and my self test on glucose sticks are all below 6.5. I don't know if I'm in denial or if my results are wrong because I did not listen to the nurse's instructions on day of blood testing.
If u r in doubt, u can actually request to do another round of OGTT. I did twice too coz my first test could be interfered by my medication and steroid jabs. But in the end they confirm I have GDM.
If u r in doubt, u can actually request to do another round of OGTT. I did twice too coz my first test could be interfered by my medication and steroid jabs. But in the end they confirm I have GDM.

I was not on medication or jabs but I had diarrheoa. My results are 8.8 after the drink which doc said was borderline. So doc didn't encourage doing another round.
The nurse told me to walk around for 2 hours after taking the glucose drink. I did not walk for around 45mins & was sitting.

Hmm walk 2hrs??
Thought it's supposed to be less active during the test in order to see how effective your body to use glucose.... If don't move much and can pass the test after 2hrs means your body is working very well.
Ya, i aso was told to sit n relax cannot walk or shop ard for 2hrs.... Sigh.
But i ate choco cakes, coffee and candy the night b4 the test. :(
Anw i did not do further test after i 'passed' the 3 consecutive days test....doc hinted me to opt for the test again b4 i deliver..
Hmm walk 2hrs??
Thought it's supposed to be less active during the test in order to see how effective your body to use glucose.... If don't move much and can pass the test after 2hrs means your body is working very well.

Not sure also. That what the nurse said. I thought walking 2hours is ridiculous so didn't walk much.
Ya, i aso was told to sit n relax cannot walk or shop ard for 2hrs.... Sigh.
But i ate choco cakes, coffee and candy the night b4 the test. :(
Anw i did not do further test after i 'passed' the 3 consecutive days test....doc hinted me to opt for the test again b4 i deliver..

What's the 3 consecutive test?
What's the 3 consecutive test?

The 3 days home test to be done, 7x a day for 3 days.. My result luckily was normal other den occasional over the limit, but doc still passed me. Now bb weigh is within normal range, so i think gdm bb really not neccessarily larger..hehe
My gdm doc cautioned me we still have to self monitor even we are managing well coz towards the last few weeks of pregnancy, our glucose level tend to go up further. So mummies do take care n eat well.
The 3 days home test to be done, 7x a day for 3 days.. My result luckily was normal other den occasional over the limit, but doc still passed me. Now bb weigh is within normal range, so i think gdm bb really not neccessarily larger..hehe

Ok. I was told to do self-testing for 2 days 6x a day. Currently all normal & haven't exceed any limits yet. So hopefully doc will give me a pass too. Hehe

May I check for those who failed the glucose test first round, are you required to do the glucose test again for the next appointment?

Nope, for my case, NUH straight away arrange me to meet the dietician and from then on, self monitor using glucose meter.

I only did the test again 2mth after I give birth.
For my case, no test for the next appointment
After I failed, gynae passed me a booklet on those information on GDM diet.. Asked to do the 2 days x 7 times test. The readings are ok, he say continue to follow the diet in the booklet.. no need to test again

May I check for those who failed the glucose test first round, are you required to do the glucose test again for the next appointment?

No once failed OGTT means GDM Liao,
unless they have doubts in your test result due to factors may interfere the accuracy of the test result. Normally after that is see dietician and self-monitor blood sugar level and report to gynae in the coming up appointments.

You can call your gynae to see what you should do in between your next appointment.
Can I ask mommies who have done the 7 times a day x 2 day test.. How many times you can fail without being asked to inject insulin?
Thanks a lot!
Can I ask mommies who have done the 7 times a day x 2 day test.. How many times you can fail without being asked to inject insulin?
Thanks a lot!
I failed three times at 8.7, 7.0 and 6.8 due to hawker food. My gynae just asked me to be careful without being asked to inject insulin. If u keep to the Dietician's recommendation, I don't think u need to worry much. Just be careful when choosing hawker food.
Can I ask mommies who have done the 7 times a day x 2 day test.. How many times you can fail without being asked to inject insulin?
Thanks a lot!

Don't think the criteria for insulin injection is simply based on the 7times self-test, there are other readings from blood test result in OGTT to determine your risk as well. Anyway if u pass fasting reading and your blood sugar reading is not super high for OGTT, quite unlikely insulin is needed. Just be more discipline on the diet plan to keep blood sugar level in control is ok.
Thanks.. Just to share that my OGTT is 10.6 and I failed both days after dinner (7.2-7.5 ) but other readings r ok...

Just heard from doc that I dont need to take insulin though. Phew!

My sugar craving comes on n off.. Do u think we can still indulge once a week??
Thanks.. Just to share that my OGTT is 10.6 and I failed both days after dinner (7.2-7.5 ) but other readings r ok...

Just heard from doc that I dont need to take insulin though. Phew!

My sugar craving comes on n off.. Do u think we can still indulge once a week??
Try to cut down.....
Gammahedging.. your profile photo indeed makes me drool.. hahaha. Anyway I just indulge myself with a bit of chocolate, surprisingly I didnt feel very good and the chocolate tastes not as nice as before.. sigh..

Its quite torturing for me to see colleagues drinking bubble tea or iced lemon tea after lunch..

How do you gals exercise? I follow the youtube video for pilates and find it quite good. But one time I exercised after dinner, and my blood sugar level still quite high at 7.5!
@Happybump Better keep your diet away from sweet stuff for the time being. It's not very long as you think. Walking is the best and easiest exercise. Jiayou!
Ytd my dinner was basil chicken with plain rice and post-2hrs was 8.5.. 1hr later was still 7.9! Gosh super worried.. :( from then on, eat YTF..
Dinner is the hardest time to manage! I failed after tuna sandwich at subway alone.. Hope we will all pull through the challenges :)
Gammahedging.. your profile photo indeed makes me drool.. hahaha. Anyway I just indulge myself with a bit of chocolate, surprisingly I didnt feel very good and the chocolate tastes not as nice as before.. sigh..

Its quite torturing for me to see colleagues drinking bubble tea or iced lemon tea after lunch..

How do you gals exercise? I follow the youtube video for pilates and find it quite good. But one time I exercised after dinner, and my blood sugar level still quite high at 7.5!
iced lemon tea without sugar is ok !
Dinner is the hardest time to manage! I failed after tuna sandwich at subway alone.. Hope we will all pull through the challenges :)

I eat Subway today too.
Multi-Grain bread with roasted chicken breast with extra cheese without any sauce + 1/2 cup of regular coke with lot of ice.
2 hour post meal is 6.4 which is within my limit of 6.8 leh.
If you crave for ice-cream, can eat Mr Bean plain soya ice cream in a cup.
It won't spike your blood sugar level.
Ytd my dinner was basil chicken with plain rice and post-2hrs was 8.5.. 1hr later was still 7.9! Gosh super worried.. :( from then on, eat YTF..

Do you have veggie other than basil chicken with plain rice?
Usually meal with plain rice, I will go with more veggie and meat.
I will just eat 7-8 spoonful of the rice and my post 2 hours reading will be within limits.
Since I can't eat a lot of carbo, so I need to load up on veggie and meat so I won't feel too hungry.
Do you have veggie other than basil chicken with plain rice?
Usually meal with plain rice, I will go with more veggie and meat.
I will just eat 7-8 spoonful of the rice and my post 2 hours reading will be within limits.
Since I can't eat a lot of carbo, so I need to load up on veggie and meat so I won't feel too hungry.

It was just with spinach.. i didnt finish the rice too but for some reason its damn high.. Sigh. What glucose meter are u gals using?

@Happybump Subway must be no dressing.. Can eat 1/2 portion of 6 inch two hours later eat the other 1/2 portion, or choose wrap.
@isenggirl Maybe basil chicken got "marinated" or oily??....sometimes outside when they cook, they may fried the meat for a short while to keep the meat in shape n make it more tasty. Eat outside is very troublesome to think what to eat and frustrated when u see the meter. Either don't take sugar reading when eat or don't eat outside food when take reading... :)
