Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

what is the option you all chose in case the frozen emryos not used? My hubby chose to destroy- less complications of korean drama screnarios of brother meeting sister! But it's a life leh.
We chose to give to research. But hubby & I already agreed we will transfer all, even if we end up having a soccer team.
Dr Anu is my doctor. I find her very stern. Do you? Haha!! But who cares! As long as bfp! :D
I didn't bfp under her ET.
I find her impatient actually. She got frustrated when the computer works too slowly (she kept lamenting & hitting the keyboard), also got frustrated when she forgot to press her floor in the lift!!
She didn't really answer my questions also, she always said I should wait for prof to ans cos I'm not her patient.
I didn't bfp under her ET.
I find her impatient actually. She got frustrated when the computer works too slowly (she kept lamenting & hitting the keyboard), also got frustrated when she forgot to press her floor in the lift!!
She didn't really answer my questions also, she always said I should wait for prof to ans cos I'm not her patient.
I'm under Prof, requested for him, but always get Dr Anu cos prof on leave. haiz. Think she is a good doctor too but I prefer Prof.

Transfer all! haha! how many frozen ones you hv now? I'm thinking to transfer as many as I can too. I don't trust the research thingy, don't know what they do to my potential child.
I'm under Prof, requested for him, but always get Dr Anu cos prof on leave. haiz. Think she is a good doctor too but I prefer Prof.

Transfer all! haha! how many frozen ones you hv now? I'm thinking to transfer as many as I can too. I don't trust the research thingy, don't know what they do to my potential child.
I have 3 snowbabies left.. So max 4 kids if lucky *phew*
Initially we had 7 fertilized so we were prepared to have 7!
Pinkfuschia - Agree with remembeRainbow. The fact that you successfully implanted is a cause for rejoice. That means your womb is ok. Many normal pregnancies also ended up with spontaneous abortion cos the embryo not viable. Dun give up!
We have selected research, thinking of small contribution for IVF. But i only have 4 snowies, i think not enough to contribute for research. Hubby want to destroy next if not go to research
Dr Anu is my doctor. I find her very stern. Do you? Haha!! But who cares! As long as bfp! :D
My friend last FET done by Dr Anu while prof is on leave, it was not successful. This time she has check Prof's schedule and arranged FET by Prof. I also ask Prof if he will be around during my schedule FET. He said yes and smile at me said he will do for me....happie for the answer.
Pinkfuchsia, if you still have 2 snowies, will NUH allow you to do fresh next? Or they will want to use the snowies first?
Wait for your investigation to be completed and find out root cause first. Meanwhile take a break and recover :)
Erm... Gd ques! Have to ask.. But if investigations show its embryo problem, no point to use the same batch right? I am contemplating to switch to pte for next try (if I am really doing IVF again... No confidence now haiz)... Anyhow I'm really interested to know the cause!
Erm... Gd ques! Have to ask.. But if investigations show its embryo problem, no point to use the same batch right? I am contemplating to switch to pte for next try (if I am really doing IVF again... No confidence now haiz)... Anyhow I'm really interested to know the cause!
even if embryo problem, the problem likely won't affect all the embryos in the batch. so give give up on them!

wow! Didnt know so mant pple opt to give bk to research!
Your investigations supposed to point out your root cause.
If issue is not embbies, then your next FET should have v high chance. Rmb your embbies CAN implant so that's 1st half of the battle won.
But if investigations point to embbies issue, u may wanna get prof's opinion whether to do fresh or FET next.
But again, each embbie is different & it's hard to predict. By now we should already realise IVF is a game of chance.
Hmm by 37, I think they will allow to transfer 3 to increase chance also.
Personally, I happy enough to have one bb, dun dare to think of 2nd one. If I get another, it will just be God's blessing. But that's my personal view la. I've 3 more snowbabies.
U dun think too far & stress yourself ba..
Ya I can proceed with FET if results show its got nthg to do with embryos... Haiz can implant but can't hold pregnancy, so sad right? Yup hv to lay all the cards on the table after investigations are out. This game really is a killer, not for the faint hearted! Oh Isit? 37 can transfer 3???
Agreed with remembeRainbow.
Wait for the result then move on to the next. Dont think too much now.
@pinkfuchsia, i fully understand you, i am 39 this years, once ET in this cycle, i have 2 more snowies only. If this cycle fail, i did considering doing fresh next. However, i want to think about it later cause my first FET yet to complete. Better move with current step and dont think too far to conplicate matter. It was complicated enough for me. Haha
I always tink far.. Very far actually haha coz now is the time to make a decision tat may affect my life in future.. Ya I agree U tink abt your FET first, U still hv 2 frozen left so it's enough for u right :p
Pinkfuschia - Agree with remembeRainbow. The fact that you successfully implanted is a cause for rejoice. That means your womb is ok. Many normal pregnancies also ended up with spontaneous abortion cos the embryo not viable. Dun give up!
even if embryo problem, the problem likely won't affect all the embryos in the batch. so give give up on them!

wow! Didnt know so mant pple opt to give bk to research!
No. each cell is different. so each egg is different.

Yes implanted is Gd news but mc twice is bad news, tat spells more problems. But at least can rule out womb problem. Feel so sad tat we hv to encounter mc before knowing wat cld be the cause.. If all these testings done together with pre screening, I might save 2 of my poor babies by now!

Oh really Ah? Even same batch not necessarily meant same problem? Learnt smthg new again!
I'm afraid if it's chromosome issues with the embryos, same batch will have same results :(
If really chromosome problem (Choy Choy!) then even do fresh also will have same issue again right?
Ya same batch also will have different quality. If not, they will throw everything away after fresh fails lor, why bother to freeze the rest leh?
If it's lining or NK cells issues, at least got cure
Ya I can proceed with FET if results show its got nthg to do with embryos... Haiz can implant but can't hold pregnancy, so sad right? Yup hv to lay all the cards on the table after investigations are out. This game really is a killer, not for the faint hearted! Oh Isit? 37 can transfer 3???
Can transfer more than 2 if:
37 years old & above
Had at least 1 failed ivf
& must choose to give birth in hospitals with dunno what level of neonatal care (cos higher chance of multiples)
If really chromosome problem (Choy Choy!) then even do fresh also will have same issue again right?
Ya same batch also will have different quality. If not, they will throw everything away after fresh fails lor, why bother to freeze the rest leh?
If it's lining or NK cells issues, at least got cure
Actually there's treatment for most of the causes... Chromosomes issues are not visible, grading is only upon seeing the embryo with our eyes.. Beautiful looking embryos can hv chromosome issues, can only detect with PGD testing which is prohibited in sg.

Hmm ya, this is the answer I need to find out on same batch same problem? So exciting, will update when I get a reply!
Can transfer more than 2 if:
37 years old & above
Had at least 1 failed ivf
& must choose to give birth in hospitals with dunno what level of neonatal care (cos higher chance of multiples)
Oh I fulfill the requirements in 1yrs time on the age, but hey yes I've more than 1 failed IVF..
Erm... Gd ques! Have to ask.. But if investigations show its embryo problem, no point to use the same batch right? I am contemplating to switch to pte for next try (if I am really doing IVF again... No confidence now haiz)... Anyhow I'm really interested to know the cause!
If really enbryo problem, agreed not to use the same batch.
Still the same advice, wait for the investigation result then decide for the next step
PGD testing in sg only for special cases. Must write in, case by case basis.
Eg: my friend has a bb gal born with brain damage, died at 3 yrs old. If she wanna do ivf, she's allowed to test. But she decided to try natural.
PGD testing in sg only for special cases. Must write in, case by case basis.
Eg: my friend has a bb gal born with brain damage, died at 3 yrs old. If she wanna do ivf, she's allowed to test. But she decided to try natural.
Yalor so it's as Gd as not allowed for me.. Unless I've special reasons but I dun.. Recurrent loss counted or not as a valid reason?
Yalor so it's as Gd as not allowed for me.. Unless I've special reasons but I dun.. Recurrent loss counted or not as a valid reason?
When all your investigations come back, maybe u can try writing in after getting prof's advice. I think it's more of how u & your dr phrase the appeal letter ba.. I'm not sure abt this
When all your investigations come back, maybe u can try writing in after getting prof's advice. I think it's more of how u & your dr phrase the appeal letter ba.. I'm not sure abt this
actually, dun think too much. leave it to the doctors. the more u think the more stress u will be. not qualifying for the test is also good news, means they dun think there's anything wrong. qualify then go and test and see how lor. :p
I am so happy to see the thread full of active buddies....
Ya lor.. I should've discovered this thread earlier..
IVF mommies thread v quiet, then the Nov mommies thread I rather not join..
Non-ivf mommies thread I can't fit in. They talking abt how fast they succeed ttc, hire confinement lady & infant care registration etc when we're all only 5-7weeks!! Omg different frequency sia!
Ya lor.. I should've discovered this thread earlier..
IVF mommies thread v quiet, then the Nov mommies thread I rather not join..
Non-ivf mommies thread I can't fit in. They talking abt how fast they succeed ttc, hire confinement lady & infant care registration etc when we're all only 5-7weeks!! Omg different frequency sia!
oh you preggy!! congrats!!!
you are full time at home right? haha! which stage are you at? I got confused when u read the past posts! All mixed up so dun dare to comment much!
I have done with ER. On FET cycle, waiting for mercilon to be completed then wait for menses to come for next....still long way to go for me
Ya lor.. I should've discovered this thread earlier..
IVF mommies thread v quiet, then the Nov mommies thread I rather not join..
Non-ivf mommies thread I can't fit in. They talking abt how fast they succeed ttc, hire confinement lady & infant care registration etc when we're all only 5-7weeks!! Omg different frequency sia!
I am totally lost in other threads. Only very active in the thread as we are more or less the same protocol, more common topic to talk about and share :)
I'm v bad at following all these threads. first time joining a forum chat group actually.
You are not alone. I have created the account few years back but not actively log in. I get confused and cannot remember all the members progress when i am reading few threads in a i decided to stay focus in this thread, better for me
You are not alone. I have created the account few years back but not actively log in. I get confused and cannot remember all the members progress when i am reading few threads in a i decided to stay focus in this thread, better for me
so glad that its not just me! Actually I'm ONLY on this thread! Not my habit to read too much!! Lol! Why are you on high risk for ohss? I was worried abt it before ER too, but I was passed around between diff doctors for the follI scans cos prof not around and no one mentioned anything. Esp the last scan, dr told me 22 follicles, I got scared cos Prof said more than 20 is a danger sign.
what is mercilon? I remember u talking abt it but I didn't understand.
Mercilon is a type of contraceptive pill to prevent pregnancy. It was medicated FET cycle where i need to take 21 days of mercilon pill and i will expect menses to come 3-5 days after mercilon stopped
so glad that its not just me! Actually I'm ONLY on this thread! Not my habit to read too much!! Lol! Why are you on high risk for ohss? I was worried abt it before ER too, but I was passed around between diff doctors for the follI scans cos prof not around and no one mentioned anything. Esp the last scan, dr told me 22 follicles, I got scared cos Prof said more than 20 is a danger sign.
I am high risk of OHSS cause i have 27 follicles on 3rd scan before ER. During 2nd scan, which i only have 19 follicles, Prof still discuss fresh cycle with me, but the follicles increased to 27, prof has suggested FET cycle which is better for me
I am high risk of OHSS cause i have 27 follicles on 3rd scan before ER. During 2nd scan, which i only have 19 follicles, Prof still discuss fresh cycle with me, but the follicles increased to 27, prof has suggested FET cycle which is better for me
No one said anytime to me when I had 22!!! Aiyo! I did almost the entire ivf under other doctors. Prof did the ET thou.

I was only introduced to OHSS when i have 27 follicles during review with Prof. I think since Prof did the ET for you, you should be fine. That time my E2 level is 22k+, very high and i am bloated, so better to rest instead of fresh cycle
