(2014/05) May 2014

Hi mummies, I'm new here. Expecting my #2 baby boy in mid june and i need some help with bf tips as #1 did not successfully bf him. If I intend to bf bb fully, is it necessary for me to get a breast pump? I'm afraid my milk supply is little for bb..
I would say depends on your baby too. Some must have both breasts to feel satisfied. Some feed on one breast then happy liao. So you can use the pump to express out milk from the other breast...

I got a bit of constipation so aft going toilet (manage to squeeze poo poo out) i kena cramps! :(

I started my round of anti bs due to strep b and aft 3 pills i lao sai like mad... :/ i know its cos of the anti b la- augmentin gives me the loo run!!!
Wah u tak care sia

Haha n i feel tt our babies likely end apr babies
Hi mummies, I'm new here. Expecting my #2 baby boy in mid june and i need some help with bf tips as #1 did not successfully bf him. If I intend to bf bb fully, is it necessary for me to get a breast pump? I'm afraid my milk supply is little for bb..

I think a pump is handy as some of the moms here shared it's to help keep supply up. Especially first few weeks when baby tends to be sleepy and doesn't clear breasts of milk, expressing it helps to keep supply going and up.
Keke jus for fun.my results.


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Jiayou, rainbowzstarz! 6 days very fast de, I got 3 weeks before can be considered full terms!

Tummy skin getting more itchy by the day, and when I woke up midnight go toilet my lower half body numb numb too.. My feet can't walk. Guessing it's blood circulation not so good now cos of the extra weigh pressing on some blood vessels when we sleep?
Jiayou, rainbowzstarz! 6 days very fast de, I got 3 weeks before can be considered full terms!

Tummy skin getting more itchy by the day, and when I woke up midnight go toilet my lower half body numb numb too.. My feet can't walk. Guessing it's blood circulation not so good now cos of the extra weigh pressing on some blood vessels when we sleep?
With all these temper also get worst..haiz..
Ya lor the toilet at wee hrs is shiong .urgent want pee but here pain there numb.
Agree w u i also think its blood circulation thingy

Lets jiayou tgth:confused:
Alamak... so much blood?? Nosebleeds are common in 3rd tri but if a lot of blood maybe worth mentioning to doc?
Yup i alwys bck flow alot.tmr gynae appt wil ask.bt smtims aft c baby i forgt evrythg.

Since ystd i also hav ...dunno vagina or cervic sudden pull pain.way below near we pee?
Anyone start hav too?

Really hope i wun giv birth next wk.
No, so far I didn't feel that. Think mine still high up. Tomorrow also my last checkup which dr will give jab to help mature baby lungs. Tomorrow 1 week count down till delivery starts.

Do mention to gynae about the bleeding.... Get as much rest while you can too!!!
No, so far I didn't feel that. Think mine still high up. Tomorrow also my last checkup which dr will give jab to help mature baby lungs. Tomorrow 1 week count down till delivery starts.

Do mention to gynae about the bleeding.... Get as much rest while you can too!!!
Tmr is my last 2nd checkup.
Hope he tell me evrythg alright n baby wun b cmg out soon..
Hp evrythg gd for u tmr too .lets kp each other posted here:)
Good luck ladies with your checkups tomorrow!

But how u all know whether it is last or 2nd last check? How many weeks u all at now?

My appts need to pre book all the way aft 32nd wk check up.
I hav 2 more 37+ wks check up tmr n 38+ wks checkup on 28th.
Both to do ctg

My appts need to pre book all the way aft 32nd wk check up.
I hav 2 more 37+ wks check up tmr n 38+ wks checkup on 28th.
Both to do ctg

I also need to do ctg during my next visit.. If bb still not growing then will need to be induced. Hopefully everything turns out well
Yup i alwys bck flow alot.tmr gynae appt wil ask.bt smtims aft c baby i forgt evrythg.

Since ystd i also hav ...dunno vagina or cervic sudden pull pain.way below near we pee?
Anyone start hav too?

Really hope i wun giv birth next wk.
Me.. Sore feeling down there :S

My bb still quite high up, Gynae said I won't be delivering anytime soon. Last checkup yesterday at 35 weeks. Bleah.. Here pain there pain, and I can't walk for more than 10 minutes. Feel so lethargic after walking little bit, like bad stamina.
Me.. Sore feeling down there :S

My bb still quite high up, Gynae said I won't be delivering anytime soon. Last checkup yesterday at 35 weeks. Bleah.. Here pain there pain, and I can't walk for more than 10 minutes. Feel so lethargic after walking little bit, like bad stamina.
U also feel pain ah..
I also nd to kp find place seat
Lilacz, me same as you for #1, also had problems direct latching and I think I had 3-4 times of engorgement lead to mastitis! This time I going to prepare myself. Bought the Purelan nipple cream plus the lansinoh soothies (like fever patch kind of thingies) to sooth the nipples... hope this time I will be successful bf!

Persevere! Let's encourage each other! Jia you mummy!
How does the Lansinoh works??
Even thg nt wrkg i also no get to sleep till late!! Cos my naughty baby is hungry rit nw...and kick me non stop liao:eek::p
Haha faint de.he wants food
Envious! My ML seems to be so far away.. Teammates all kept taking leaves here and there while I just had to hang in there and wait till the little one allows me to rest. Bosses panicking as time is running out
Envious! My ML seems to be so far away.. Teammates all kept taking leaves here and there while I just had to hang in there and wait till the little one allows me to rest. Bosses panicking as time is running out
U shld tak 1-2 day leave to rest if u vry tired liao
How does the Lansinoh works??
It's a gel like paste and you apply around your nipples when it's cracking. Gotta do it early before it gets worse. It's a lanolin so it's edible don't worry. If you're concerned about baby eating it, then use your breastmilk to apply instead.
